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LOL. I happen to find your mining posts boringly intriguing. You guys are good! Do you all know each other? And if you're sticking to it. I'll go to the end as well. I just feel sad for the two people stuck in that duel e.e
I'm still in for this too! I like people's lengths and stuff...I don't get much of that in rps anymore ;u;

If you all stick with it I will too! promise!
I feel sorry for you and Ravita just waiting for everyone to finish this mining.

Anyway this could easily be fixed whenever Gabe pops in and actually lays down something more substantial and thought out with regards to this attempt in emulating game mechanics, cuz this current set up is half baked and not fun.

Anyway we're gonna try and wrap up the mining scene with our comrades crtl+c and crtl+v for the sake of sanity
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I'm just still laughing that it seems Kin's character just catches Shiro at the wrong times and thinks he's some lazy idiot now.
Ixacise, I'm sorry but I think you were kinda rude. I don't really know what you were going for so I might be interrupting things wrong, but Gabriel has a life outside of this, and I asked him a question and he said he wasn't going to be on for a day or so.
By the way, I drew Shiro, and I figured I'd shwo you guys :3

Lol GitGud, your posts have me dying of laughter. All of Yous. I saw the achievement earned thing "Waste of Mine" =p
Hey I want some peeps to join my guild? Or is there a guild I can join? I want to get more involved with other people in the role-play.
thank you~~! 8D *just started to get into the show*

where's your character at? might I ask?
I apologize for my recent absence everyone, but I certainly am glad to see that everyone seems to be having a grand time with the plot thus far! I only hope that it remains the case for some time to come, because I am certainly enjoying everyone's involvement in this plot!~
Oooh La la. I'm already ready for this time skip thing! Is there anyone here, that'd like to have KingStrum enter their story, to help complete it? :wink:
Ah, gotcha. Well then that gives us plenty of time to do things. I might make another story then. 
Although it would have been a very interesting twist for other players to get the wrong idea about Atris and Endrance; Mister Parsnip, they did say beforehand not to involve them. We have to respect each other's wishes here
Thank you.

Honestly, that's all we wanted. I'm sorry if I harassed you or anything Parsnip, I wasn't trying to, but we asked you to leaves alone, and we were ignored, and that's really annoying.

And I'm ending my contribution now. I do not want to start anything, and it would be greatly appreciated if all things concerning this would just be dropped and left alone for good.

My notifications...I didn't get em for this rp...I'm kinda behind now...I'm sorry Q~Q Working on my reply right away!
Welcome Flubs. If ya have any questions on relationships here feel free to ask :wink:

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