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As far as the HUD and everything, i'm not so sure what to put out. I understand based on other posts what to start with, but how is my HUD kept track of?

Would it be okay for me to start after the time skip? Since it's going to happen anyway, or is it really imperative that I get one or two posts in beforehand?
We do it for mojito .

Also did Raviael lose interest or just is super slow in posting?


It's been a while
One hour ago I just returned home from vacation where I didn't ever have really a chance to get online except night but by that time I had a headache and was just tired.

Yesterday I realized I had not been given notifications for this and freaked out that I was behind...but I was really tired and overwhelmed I just didn't post.

Now I'm currently staring at this rp. And just looking at it...wondering how I should jump in. xD ;

my apologies.
Eh, we're gonna raid. We assumed your guy was still with our guys, and that you got your fancy quest weapon; hope that's alright.

Since with time skip looming over our heads thought it would be good to go into crunch time and actually make progress. But then again I like showing not telling so doing the raid instead of like glossing over is ideal for me 
From what I heard zeke went to do something so he's just gonna be tagging along in the back until further update as he'll be unavailable for a good time.
Okay, I just caught up and 20 floors?? Oh my god. You're insane.

And Haha. Atria I hope you make it to Shiro in time. I get the feeling he's going to accidentally kill himself by tripping over his shoelace or something xD . I feel so bad reading his stuff.
I thought I'd go ahead and let everyone know that I won't be participating in the plot, involved as my own character of the story much like I originally intended to do with Komino Korin. Instead, I've decided that'd it be best if I allow myself the time and grace of not having too much going on for myself at once, and simply be the "Event Master". The things that follow along with this is that I'll basically play anything secondary base, or anything that entails along with certain events taking place, ecetera.

For example, on random occasions, I shall throw in certain "events" that trail along the path of random encounters, so to speak. After the time skip takes place, I shall be creating a "default character" that will be seen as a secondary character (or if you are viewing it in the form of an actual story line to a game, one of the main characters that are otherwise simply A.I.), and with be used as the catalyst to expanding upon plot development.

Now this also applies to where if anyone is in need of an "Extra" for their own plots, then they are 150% welcome to request of me to play whatever part it is they need filled, even if it is to be multiple positions. Simply notify me of the details of what it is you want and expect, and I shall gladly go about doing so for you.

Anyhow, there you have it. I wish to apologize to those that I had gotten involved with in the story before, and to those who may have been expecting me to join in sooner or later as my own character. But for now, I've decided that I'll just be the one that fills in the gaps!

Thanks for your time,

Game Master Gabriel

I am tempted to go forth and write up the final battle and epilogue since this game seems so dead
Might not happen given the others not into doing it.

The real moral of the story is to not be an absent gm and to provide some structure to keep the energy going though

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