Bleach: The Empty King's Ascension


New Member
  • Soul Reaper Application-



Age: {Actual and Appearance}


Rank: {Captain/Lieutenant = Highest, then Second seat, Third seat, etc. . .}


Appearance: {Description and/or image}

Shikai: {Appearance and Ability(s)}

Bankai (If achieved): {You must be the rank of Lieutenant or Captain in order to have a Bankai. If you are either rank, show/describe appearance and ability(s)}

  • Noble Family Application-

Family Name:
Description of the Family: {What are their goals, what is average population of the family (No more than 300)}

Family Symbol: {Doesn't have to be original, but if you want to make your own that would be great}

Family Head: {Head/Chief of the Family}

Description of the Head: {Personality, gender, looks, power(s), that sort of thing. All the basics}

Members of the Family: {These members can be other role players, or can be roleplayed by all one individual, either way works}
  • "Mask" of the Soul King [Limited to 1]


Age: {Appearance and Actual}



Clan: {Custom or Cannon works}
Soul Reaper

Name: Ace (real name unknown)

Gender: Male

Age: appearance about 20 - 25 actual Unknown but thought to be over 300.

Division: 1st Division

Rank: Lieutenant

Personality:He seems to thoroughly enjoy violence but despite his wild and battle-hungry attitude he does have a sense of honor and respects strength and determination. He is also a very mysterious man but despite this he has shown unending loyalty towards the Soul Society and would die for it if the need arises.




B?s?k? (???, Berserker): a physical state that Ace initiates when he enters a battle. With it he becomes a berserker with no sense of self-control. He becomes a pain-ignoring, rage-filled, battle-hardened monster who seeks one thing and one thing only: the death of his enemy. While in this state Ace ignores all injuries and all pain to himself, and can function with injuries that would kill or severely handicap others of his level. Even dizziness doesn't effect him. The injuries don't even slow him down; If anything they make him angrier, and thus even more dangerous the downside to this is that he cannot tell friend from foe so may end up doing more than just taking out his emery but a few of his friends too. The only person fit to calm him when he enters this state is Entei Tsukahara

High Spiritual Power: As a Lieutenant of the first division Ace boasts high spiritual power. Surprisingly he possesses much higher raw physical power than he does spiritual. When in a state of berserk Ace becomes immune to the effects of superior spiritual power.

Had? : Whether it be binding, healing or other facets of Kid? usage, Ace is utterly pathetic. The only skill he does demonstrate is with destructive spells, and then he can only manage upwards of #60. For spells above #30 he requires both the name and at least some of the incantation.

Zanjutsu & Hakuda Specialist: Ace has absolutely no style whatsoever when it comes to wielding his zanpakut?, nor does he have any aptitude for the Wan'nesu. The same holds true to his Hakuda skills. He practices no style but street fighting, throws, grapples, and bashing his target off the nearby surroundings. His only saving grace is his sheer strength -- when he does hit you, you will feel it.

Omnislash (??????, Ch?ky? Bushin Hazan): a technique which compliments the Shikai and Bankai powers of Tenchi. Ace performs a full three-hundred-and-sixty degree twist multiple times whilst completing a full rotation with Tenchi extended out each time, making him appear like a spinning wheel. All the while Ace applies spiritual power to Tenchi's edge which grows stronger and larger with more successful twists. Once sufficiently charged he releases it all as a potent omni-directional wave attack. While in Bankai Omnislash is complimented with Kobamuri allowing it to cut through any technique regardless of its level of charge.

Zanpakut? sealed form: Tenchi (??, Gods of Heaven and Earth). Whilst sealed Ace's zanpakut? takes the form of a kodachi which ends in a dual split resulting in two spiked tips, instead of being tapered to a point. The guard is shaped in the form of the number 8 laid across so it appears like four circles. Hilt wrapping is yellow and he wears it on his back, secured by a fur-lined strap.

Shikai: Ace releases his zanpakut? called Tenchi with the command "Heaven is Black and Earth is Yellow" The kodachi alters into a flat-edged red sword of epic proportions that is half again the height of Ace, with exceptional reach. The handle is two slim pieces of metal spaced slightly apart, with no guard whatsoever. While it usually remains straight and rigid, Tenchi's hilt is able to stretch and bend to an incredible extent, allowing the weapon to be used like a flail for mid-range combat.

Shikai Special Ability: Tenchi is a melee-type zanpakut? with one known special ability called Kenmotsu (Offering). With every successful injury to himself or his enemy, Ace grows stronger spiritually, gains greater strength, and ultimately becomes faster. Pain and suffering become his power, meaning the longer a battle draws out, the stronger Ace becomes. With sufficient injuries to himself or his foe he eventually becomes fit to combat a Bankai. Mikado states that there isn't a limit to the height Tenchi can reach. As long as Ace and his foe can survive their injuries, Ace continues to grow in strength until he falls unconscious, dead, or his opponent suffers the same fate; at which point his Shikai forcibly seals itself as a defense mechanism, which also cancels Kenmotsu's effect.

Shkai's Appearance


Bankai :He doesn't like to release it and he doesn't know its appearance having only released it once but he knows what its special ability is.

Bankai Special Ability: Tenchi Jigoku Akuryoto Ketsugo (Gods of Heaven and Earth Joined with Hell's Demons) is a Bankai of great reiatsu but limited range that is capable of increasing Ace's physical and spiritual strength without limit. In addition to the Shikai technique Kenmotsu Ace can use Kobamuri ( Spurning), which allows him to reign over his opponents techniques by slashing through them always without incident and adding that power to himself one downside to using his Bankei is his body doesn't know when to stop this can course the injuries he endured during the fight to affect him more after the fight this can cause him to pass out randomly or if they where very serious even die. when he is using his bankai they is a limit to how much foreign energy he can store without having to release all of it which takes a few seconds of him being stood still during this time a nasty attack could happen by his opponent. After he has release his storied energy he can continue using his bankai But if the storied energy doesn't get release and continues to get large and large his bankai will begin to become extremely heavy and if it still does not get released then all the damage Ace has taken get magnified by 10 to 100 times for every second it has not been released this happens and he keeps the pain until all the energy has been released.
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"I shall not kill you. Killing you would suggest that you are worth such effort."


Name: Entei Tsukahara [ 炎帝塚原 ]

Age: 1000+

Gender: Male

DOB: December 22nd

Alignment: Shinigami - Squad 1 and 0 [Royal Task Force]

Rank: Captain of Squad 1 [Captain-Commander]

Looks: Entei takes the appearance of an elderly man with golden eyes and long, crimson hair, tied in a ponytail, the bands having bells attached to them. He has a matching moustache and beard nearly reaches his chest. Many people equate his appearance with that of a feral beast that appears in the lore of lands far away. Entei possesses a muscular physique strange for someone of his advanced age, quite similar to Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto, and his most notable physical trait is the long scar on the left side of his face, over his left eye that extends from above his eyebrow to his cheek. As a Shinigami, Shihakushō and a traditional Captain's haori over it that bears not a Division insignia, but the symbol of the Special Royal Task Force.

Personality: Entei is a man loyal to Soul Society—and because of his fierce loyalty, he does say that he would kill anyone in a position of power if they betrayed the Soul Society. He is also quite perceptive, as he can understand the mechanics of many a special ability from all races. In regards to dealing with the affairs of Soul Society, Entei is usually tightly-strung and incredibly serious; rarely does he ever crack a smile if the fate of Soul Society is at stake, and when forced into a tight position, he can be rather pragmatic.

Outside of battle, Entei can be rather laid-back and light-hearted; and has a habit of playfully teasing those he knows for a cheap laugh; the responses given usually range from accepting and downright irritation. Although he is generally light-hearted and gregarious, Entei can be very serious in a demanding situation, and he is a strong believer in peace; his hope being to one day bring eternal peace to Soul Society, and because of that, he holds a great hope in that of the younger generation.


Master Swordsmanship Specialist: Befitting his status, Entei is overwhelmingly powerful in bladed combat. In battle, he uses swift, fluid movements; combined with his incredible skill in Shunpo, he can defeat almost any foe in front of him with relative ease. Entei is able to strike so fast that the opponent does not realize they have been cut until he sheathes his weapon. His fighting style is decidedly offensive, as he has always won his battles with sheer brute force.

Iaidō (居合道): Iaidō is a sword style where Entei quick draws the blade extremely fast to strike, then re-sheathing it after every attack. Entei's speed is so fast that he prevents opponents from reciting Kidō incantations and releasing their Zanpakutō if they have long-winded release commands, making it highly effective against Shinigami and Kidō specialists.

Hakuda Master: In the art of Hakuda, Entei is known to be extraordinarily proficient. He is shown to have an overwhelming offensive force that is like an impenetrable wall; almost nothing can overcome it. He prefers to bombard his opponent with a flurry of bone-shattering punches delivered at breakneck speeds, though he will occasionally throw in a kick or two for good measure. While he prefers to utilize his innate powers, it has been shown that he is able to defeat even Captains with brute strength alone. Entei's incredible skill in the art is drastically enhanced by his inherent immense strength, giving him the ability to unleash devastating blows with ease.

Enhanced Durability: For a member of the Royal Guard, Entei is supremely durable; His skin itself is unnaturally hard; as he is able to block sword strikes with a single finger without feeling anything, and occasionally he deflects Kidō up to the mid-70's caliber with a single swipe of his hand. In addition, he can keep fighting despite suffering broken bones as if he never suffered those injuries in the first place.

Immense Spiritual Power: Being one of the elder Captains of the Gotei 13, and a member of the Special Royal Task Force, Entei possesses an exceedingly powerful Reiatsu. When fully exerted, it can make even high level Captains feel fear at his very presence. Like his Zanpakutō, Entei's spiritual power is represented by a surging flow of flame, glowing with an aura of flame that burns anything standing in his way, even without the use of his Zanpakutō. He has been hailed as the God of Flame (火の神, Hi no Kami) due to this.

Shunpo Master: With his skill in the art of Shunpo, Entei can move faster than the eye can see, both on land and through the air. He leaves behind a fast-moving blur and in some cases, after-images. He can also instantaneously close long distances without being detected by others. He is capable of moving so fast that he can decapitate an entire row of foes without they even having time to react. He often only appears as a crimson shimmer of flame, with only the fastest foes even catching sight of his true figure during a battle.

Hiwamaru (火輪丸 Fire Ring) is the counterpart to Hitsugaya's Hyōrinmaru. It is said that Hiwamaru is a "sword the comes every few centuries". Hiwamaru is the flame counterpart to the Zanpakutō Hyōrinmaru. When sealed it bears the appearance of a normal katana about 1.4 meters in length. It's guard is shaped like diamond, but the inside is Hollow. It's sheath is completely red and bursts into flames when the sword is drawn.The spirit of Hiwamaru is that of a gigantic, flame orange, fire dragon with large wings, and a menacing glare. Hiwamaru's inner world is that of a dry desert.

Shikai: Activated by the command; "Cause the Sky to light up with heaven's flames" (元其の上空に取ってライト上界火の手 Moto sono joukuu nitotte raito tomoni joukai hinote), Hiwamaru extends slightly in length, and gains a round, sawed blade attached to its hilt by a long metal chain, which can extend greatly if necessary by force of will. The chain itself can be used as an attack or to entangle a target.

Shikai Special Ability: Hiwamaru's Shikai Special Ability is controlling flames. By just swinging his blade, Entei can send out an overflowing amount of spiritual pressure that converts into flames in the shape of a Chinese Dragon. The dragon flies towards opponents and instantly incinerates anything it touches. Entei can also direct hisslashes towards the ground and form a wave of flame which rushes over his opponents, overwhelming and incinerating them.

Hakai Suruten (破壊する天 Destruction Of The Heavens) One of Hiwamaru's most basic abilities, but also one of it's most powerful. It allows Entei to use thier spiritual pressure to shoot a large ball of energy high into the stratosphere, which bursts and mixes creating a large "false sun". This sun proceeds to increase the heat around the area, that itself a dangerous scenario as it can cause heatstroke to those who cannot take intense heat. This additional heat boosts the power of Hiwamaru's techniques, increasing their lethal potential. This technique is unstable however, as the increased heat can cause everything within the vicinity to catch flames and turn to ash, Entei included if the heat increases too much. This technique is usable in both Shikai and Bankai.

Bankai: Hoshieki Hiwamaru (星劈火輪丸 Star Burst Fire Ring) causes flames to flow from Hiwamaru onto Entei, starting at his right arm which flames forms onto in the shape of a dragon's head around his sword hand, encasing the sword up to the hilt. The fire continues forming up over his shoulders with two large wings sprouting from Entei's back in addition to a long tail. The fire forms down his left arm enveloping his hand which ends in a claw. Entei's feet are enveloped in fire in a similar manner to his left hand which as they to end in claws. These new flame limbs are movable and can be used as an extension of thierself to aid in battle. At the full release of the Bankai state of Hoshieki Hiwamaru, its fire wings wraps around Entei, making him look as if he were clothed in haori made of fire, while still retaining the dragon's tail on its back. It is said that in the full release of Hiwamaru, along the sword's edge of the blade is so concentrated with heat and fire that anything it touches is eradicated to nothingness without a trace.

Bankai Regeneration: During a scenario where the Bankai is hit with water and the flaming appendages are put out, Entei can pour spiritual energy out, regenerating the flame appendages, though the regeneration is faster in hotter areas. As long as Entei has enough spiritual energy, the Bankai can be revived indefinitely.

Flame Clone: Similarly to Hyōrinmaru's Ice Clone, once per activation of Hiwamaru's Bankai, Entei an create a tangible image of themselves out of flame. The clone appears real, as it is capable of bleeding.

Tenyōshō (天陽照, Heaven's Solar Flare) Entei pours his reaitsu onto Hiwamaru's blade and releases slash of concentrated fire and heat that incinerates whatever it touches out of existence.

Tensōretsu (天葬列 Heaven's Funeral Procession): This ability is an extension of Hiwamaru's Hakai Suruten power. The false sun that is created when using Hakia Suruten begins to dissolve and the flames rain down on the opponent. The flames are cold and when they touch the opponent, the take the form of diamonds. When all the embers fall onto the opponents, the flames flare up and the opponent is incinerated.
Name: Pbtenchi, at least that's what he tells people

Gender: male

Age: 1800 but looks 18,

Division: 10

Rank: captain

Personality: tends to be serious, but try's to be fun

Appearance: blonde hair, a green shirt, casual cloths there down, wears 3d glasses to hide his eyes that no one has seen and lived.

Shikai: appears as a rapier, its ability is instant self teleportation, can only teleport to an area sight

Bankai (If achieved): can teleport anything in contact with the sword,
Name: Kaitsu Tsukino

Gender: Male

Age: 205 though he appears at most 30.

Division: 9th

Rank: Captain

Personality: Kaitsu is extremely strict and will uphold the laws of the Seireitei at any cost. He will show no mercy to anyone under his supervision who breaks these laws and is known to strike down those who would injure the Seireitei. Although he is known to be ruthless and his constant drilling to keep those under him battle ready is on par with the 11th he is known to enjoy drinks with members of his team. Some people even say that underneath his mean shell he is one of the kindest captains and just wants the best for everyone.

Appearance: Kaitsu's looks are very unassuming for what he is. He has the appearance of a gentle man with blue eyes and short brown hair. He usually is too lazy to deal with the stubble on his chin and has a pair of rimless square glasses that always seem to be falling off. His hair is always a mess and he can't be found without a bottle strapped to his waist. The only thing about Kaitsu that would let on to his battle hardened attitude is the scars on his neck and cheek. He has a set of claw marks on the left side of his neck and a small scar on his left cheek. He has also modified his uniform slightly removing the right sleeve and partially tearing off the left one.

Shikai: 神の手(Kami no te: God hand) Kami no Te matches Kaitsu's style of fighting in every possible way. Kaitsu would rather get up and close to his enemies and Kami no te allows him that easily. The weapon takes the form of an extended blades gauntlet. The gauntlet covers his whole arm with two large blades running along it. One blade runs from his wrist to the bottom of his elbow and the other from the top of his elbow to just below the shoulder. This allows him to have a full blade across his arm but still bend his arm easily. The gauntlet also features a set of three four inch spikes at the tip of each knuckle. Kaitsu is a speed fighter the current best with Hohō to get close to an enemy and strike before they even notice.

Bankai: The bankai version of Kami no te is simple yet frightening. The weapon replicates itself on both arms and in triplicate. This means that on his left and right side there are three copies of Kami no te's shikai form. Kaitsu admits that he does not have six arms in this form but that the extras are controlled by pure Reiatsu making them slightly slower than his real arms. This is accompanied by a full suit of armor with small blades on the shoulders and a blade on top of the helmet. This suit does not slow Kaitsu down at all something that he trained for decades to master. The gauntlets then grow to about double their size in a way that makes it appear as if the muscles under them have expanded. The expansion of muscle is only true in his real arms which are pumped with Reiatsu during this transformation. He calls this form his Kami fōmu (神フォーム) or god form. In this form he is twice as strong as before while retaining his speed.


Name: Lloyd (Real name Unknown)


Age:Appearance about 14-15 actual age unknown 400+



Personality: Outside of battle Lloyd is laid back, cheeky, cheerful, and full of mischievous ideas, and has a bit of a sweet tooth. Lloyd will do everything he can to maintain the law in Soul Society and keep the peace. However, he isn't very strict with punishment like the other Captains. Of course, there are circumstances where he himself would break the law.

Appearance: (See picture. Additional details out to the side.) Lloyd rarely ever wears the haori (Often only wearing it at meetings) that is given to captains and opts to wear his brown cloak because of this only captains, a few lieutenants (and his own division) don't sometimes confused him with not being a captain.

Great Spiritual Energy: Being one of the Captains of the Gotei 13. Lloyd possesses a powerful Reiatsu. Although, he is roughly new to being a captain. He knows well the effects that spiritual power can cause. Thus, he masks most of his Spiritual Power roughly 90%.

Master Swordsmanship: Lloyd is very skilled and powerful in the use of his sword. Although, he does follow a sword style people normally use. He created a style of his own that's very quick, unpredictable, and yet overwhelmingly powerful at the same time. He refers to the style as 'Kami Katt? (? ????God Cutter)' whilst being the only one capable of this style. He has never used it before anyone.

Hakuda Combatant: Lloyd in the art of Hakuda, is very average. However, he can hold his own in close quarters he isn't very skilled. Although, he is training in this skill from time to time. He does intend to create his own style when he improves in this skill.

Kido Expert: Lloyd is very skilled in the art of Kid?. Although, he is not a master at it yet by any means he still knows most of what is needed and can use mid-level spells to great effect even without an incantation. Lloyd is training even further in this aspect.

Shunpo Master: Lloyd with his skill in shunpo, can move at incredible speeds keeping up with the fastest of foes. Because he is able to move so fast it takes the most skilled opponents to detect or see where he is going.

Zanpakut? Sealed: Ch?shinsei Doragon (??? ????,Super-Nova Dragon) In its sealed form, Ch?shinsei Doragon resembles a basic katana with an hourglass-shaped guard.

Shikai: Activated by the command; " Bring destruction to all creation, Ch?shinsei Doragon" Ch?shinsei Doragon when released doesn't appear to change appearance only a white and black reiatsu appears to be seeping from the blade
Shikai Special Ability: Ch?shinsei Doragon Shikai Special Ability is creation manipulation. By just striking the blade of the opponent, Lloyd can seal their blade back into their sealed form making them unable to go into Shikai or Bankai for two minutes. If the blade cannot revert back to sealed form it loses its abilities instead. However, the downside to this ability is it takes a while to recharge roughly thirty minutes.

S?z? Nami (?? ? Creation Wave) Ch?shinsei Doragon's most basic ability, but also one of the more powerful ones. It allows Lloyd to shoot of a wave of White Reiatsu from the tip of his sword by swinging it. This attack in unique in it's own way, when it clashes with another power it absorbs the power of that attack and seals it into Ch?shinsei Doragon (this doesn't stop the attack it only absorbs the destructive power it has at the time) allowing that power to be added on top of the next S?z? Nami or ???. (S?z? Nami power depends on how much Spirit power Lloyd puts into it. It cannot absorb power while it is firing a wave with the previous power on top of it.)This ability can be used in Shikai and Bankai.

Bankai: Satsuei Ch?shinsei Doragon (?? ??? ???? , Shooting Super-Nova Dragon) causes the White and Black Reiatsu to start from the users body as well. From his back sprout two wings one made of White Reiatsu and the other one made of Black Reiatsu.

Super-Nova Clone: Lloyd can create a solid clone that is immune to the effects of Kido and ranged attacks virtually deflecting them. The clone slowly walks towards the intended target and sometimes even uses Shunpo. When it reaches the target, or suffers a physical attack, it will cause an explosion based on the spirit energy poured into it. Only one clone can be out at once. If the clone has not detonated within five minutes it will self-destruct itself exploding on the spot. The clone will also detonate on the spot should the user make another clone.

???: ???

???: ???



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