Search results for query: *

  1. Oakland

    The Survivors [Inactive]

    As the sunlight moved through the blinds of the old lighthouse keepers lodge and hit my eyes. I softly groan as I try to push my hand over my face. My head was hurting again. It hurt every morning when I woke up. Dehydration is a major and consistent issue within my life. At first it was easy to...
  2. Oakland

    Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

    I screech in pain. "¡Hijo de !". My eye sight dulls as I desperately try to hold onto the last of life. I try to keep my breathing controlled while attempting to rally my body to work. Before me flashes my family, those who I've helped and all that I worked for. All of it, gone because of these...
  3. Oakland

    Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

    I fall on my back and spit. I breath deeply desperately trying to keep my cool. "Perhaps you are both right." I say softly. "Maybe El Cruzador is wasting his time." I laugh between coughs. "El Cruzador cannot help those who insist on become immortal degenerate beasts." I slowly look up at the...
  4. Oakland

    Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

    I control my breathing, tensing up as I prepare myself for the worst. "You are both better than that, if El Cruzador did not believe that he would not have returned." My hand clenches around my bat as I exhale. I go to my feet and keep the bat behind my back concealing it. I continue to calmly...
  5. Oakland

    Heroes Guild for Misfits ~ D&D Inspired RP

    Name* Angak Pukul Appearance (I will properly upload an image when i'm at home.) Nickname The Nonsensical Healer Age 58 Race Human Class Shaman Weapon of Choice A mostly decayed wooden staff...
  6. Oakland

    Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

    "We all have our demons and beasts Z." I chuckle. "Even El Cruzado" I laugh slowly and shrug. "It is a curse we all need to bear." I say softly. I cup my hand cough slightly. I clear my throat and look over to you. "It is how you deal with demons and beasts that determines the kind of man you...
  7. Oakland

    Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

    I look at at the werewolf and my eyes narrow. I try to continue controlling my breathing and grip my bat secretly behind my pack. "El Cruzador means 'The Crusader', not 'The Quitter'. I see you have surrendered to your instincts." I say calmly, interrupted with a harsh cough. I calm myself and...
  8. Oakland

    Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

    I harshly awaken with a resounding CRUNCH.My eyes snap open as my back slams into the hood of a long discarded sedan. "Ayúdame Dios ..." I groan as I process the impact. Wheezing and coughing loudly I try to move but I feel the sharp pain of broken glass in my back. I blink rapidly trying to...
  9. Oakland

    Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

    "I didn't realize that the pride of a stranger was more important than the life of another." I release the arm and get up. "What choice do I have? The second I turn my back you're going to fire on me. " I pat myself off. "Say what you will, you know where El Cruzador stands." I snatch the bat.
  10. Oakland

    Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

    I breath heavily looking over my situation. I give a little slack to the arm. and look up at the lizard. "Donnovan you seem to forget who shot." I sigh deeply. "I will not participate in the slaughter or exploitation of innocents. If you do not wish to travel with me that is fine. "
  11. Oakland

    Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

    I quickly dodge the torrent of bullets and move my hands over the to your extended arm. Using my wrestling skills I pull and leap onto your arm and move my legs along your torso. I manage to pull off the cross armbar. I press down hard and attempt to slam you into the ground. "Do not make me...
  12. Oakland

    Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

    "Z, I am a tolerant man." I look up at the werewolf. "I do not mind you talking down to me and pretending to be who you think you need to be. I'm not naive in thinking others to share my social sentiments. " I say softly. I clear my throat and then passionately say "However my tolerance ends...
  13. Oakland

    Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

    "Donnovan you're not the brightest are you? This mask isn't for show my friend, if I wasn't such a nice guy i don't think this would have turned out the same way." I smile I look over at Z "Well so much for trust." I sigh. I retrieve my possessions and rejoin them. "I feel as though if I am to...
  14. Oakland

    Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

    "That is a good policy to have. Another one is to not get up close and personal with a wrestler." I laugh heartily as I put my hands on your shoulders. "Before we head off, what are your names? I would prefer not call you wearwolf and lizard boy." I laugh.
  15. Oakland

    Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

    I readjust myself. "If we're going to travel with each other though I'm going to need you to promise not to do that again." I say calmly. I look over at the building. "My supplies are up there."
  16. Oakland

    Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

    I grit my teeth gauging the situation. "These men are enemies of justice" I think to myself. I close my eyes and breath deeply. "But they don't need to be this way." I control my breathing and filter out my anger. "I will join you." I say calmly. I smile and look into the reptiles eyes.
  17. Oakland

    Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

    I laugh coarsely, dipping my head back. I nearly lose my balance laughing but keep up "You don't seriously believe that do you?" I continue to laugh. I calm down and lean down to grab my bat. " I remember what it was like to be lost." I say
  18. Oakland

    Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

    I filch at the poor reference. I slowly move to my right strafing around the werewolf. "Put down the gun there friend and we can all work this out." I lick my lips and regain my composure "Don't make this a bigger deal than it needs to be. I heard shouting and I came to help. That's all I wanted...
  19. Oakland

    Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

    "Here I came to save you, scaled creature." I say slightly annoyed laughing it off. I reach in slowly and hurl a packet of beef jerk at your feet. It's unopened.
  20. Oakland

    Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

    I take a deep breath. That one was close. Way too close. I can't save anyone if I'm dead. I slowly pull my right hand down to the pocket in my Hawaiian shirt "Calm down there. I've got some jerky in pocket right here" I lock my eyes to him. "What is your name?"