The Survivors [Inactive]


The Mad Hatter Of Society
I stumble around in a dark room, grasping for anything to prove that I am not in a black sea of nothingness. I can hear the rain tapping on the corrugated ceiling it sounded like a dripping tap. There was no light anywhere, The room was cold. "Am I dead?" I thought to myself. Then I reached a wall. It was cold and crumbly to the touch and it smelt of damp earth.

I walked sideways, keeping my hand on the wall to keep me up. Suddenly I fell through a door and into the blinding light. Even though it was raining a little the sun was burning in the sky and the waves of the salty blue sea lapped up onto the soft sand. The only thing missing were the sound of gulls. Cawing in the sky.
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Leo looked around the forest, being dead silent. He had his knives in both his hands, and was looking for some sort of animal, to cook. He was starving and wasn't particularly in a good mood, considering he had just lost half his food supplies to a guy who had robbed him while he was asleep. Idiots have no decency anymore, no sense. He sighed in frustration and continued hunting.
As the sunlight moved through the blinds of the old lighthouse keepers lodge and hit my eyes. I softly groan as I try to push my hand over my face. My head was hurting again. It hurt every morning when I woke up. Dehydration is a major and consistent issue within my life. At first it was easy to find bottled water. Predictably it was the last thing anyone thought to loot. Unfortunately for me as time went on people got smarter and the water got less and less common. As I gained my senses I excitedly realized it was raining. "Finally! After 2 long weeks." I said to myself softly as I scurried to my makeshift rain catcher and inspected my takings. "Not as much as I'd like however it's better than nothing. I take a sip from my water reserves and then peer outside the blinds for a moment. about 30 meters away I see some movement by the old lighthouse. I frown and think how silly I was not to bother to look inside the lighthouse. I watch as figure bursts out of the old door. "Oh shoot" I say to myself fumbling for my empty revolver and baseball bat.
I look around at my surroundings, the waves where calm and the sea sparkled like thousands of sapphires. "Its amazing that even in times like this such beauty still exists" I thought to myself. As I took a step into the hot sand a flash passes my eyes. I look towards the direction of the sudden flash of light. An old lighthouse met my eyes and I look to the top. "Its probably just the glass.." I whispered to myself. I took my bag off and stripped down to my boxers. It had been weeks since I had the chance to have a good wash and plus the salt water will help with my wounds. As I step into the water it was warm and I smiled to myself.

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