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  • Users: Ember
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  1. Ember

    The Hybrid (Woo first RP in a long time)

    Sai looked questioningly at Scythe. She had no reason to trust or to no trust him. But she did't want to risk anything when it came to her "family" "Alright." Sai said. As she ran back to their hideout and wrote a note on the door, not wanting to say goodbye for a second time.Head to Kimino...
  2. Ember

    Flaws Of Our Nature

    Adriana looked at the others wondering if she should stick with them or go it alone. They were closer to town, but then again she didn't exactly act very well when it came to humans. "I'm heading towards the sewers." Adriana said. Kind of depressed that she was going it alone again. But the...
  3. Ember

    Dirk Gray's Academy for the Abnormal

    (sorry for the late start I had a dance recital the past 3 days) Taylor made her way through the crowd of humans, trying not to look at or touch any of them. These humans seemed to hate anyone who was trying to make it into the doors. They were screaming things which Taylor tried to pay no...
  4. Ember

    The Hybrid (Woo first RP in a long time)

    *(Sorry the last three days have been filled with my dance recital) Sai looked at scythe "What we just tell them to get out of the village?"
  5. Ember

    Flaws Of Our Nature

    Adriana watched in shock as the image of Troy appeared before him. She watched the video with a little hope building in her. But she thought again. She didn't trust anyone let alone someone she had never actually met. Maybe she should trust Troy and head to the sewers. Then again what if this...
  6. Ember

    Flaws Of Our Nature

    Adriana picked up the pace after hearing more explosions, wanting to get as far away as possible from the source of those sounds. If all four of them could just hang on for a few more miles they would reach the town and be able to hid out their. It would be nearly impossible to find them if they...
  7. Ember

    .:Modern Day Ninja Idea:.

    Most defiantly
  8. Ember

    Flaws Of Our Nature

    Adriana nodded at the three people before her and turned toward the direction opposite from where the gun fire was. Without looking back at the people she said "My name's Adriana by the way. We should get going" She shot out her webbing and began swinging from tree to tree going at a pace where...
  9. Ember

    Flaws Of Our Nature

    Adriana shook her head no. "I'm not positive but from the sounds of it they are coming from that way" She pointed at the way leading back to the lab. "But I think they will close in on us fast if we don't get a move on. I don't know about you guys but I for one do not want to go back their. I...
  10. Ember

    Flaws Of Our Nature

    Adriana stopped in her tracks. She heard the sound of gunfire not to fair behind her.They're on our tails already?! she thought. Adriana knew that she needed to get somewhere she could blend in fast. What about those 3 others I saw not to far back. Should I go back and help them. No it would...
  11. Ember

    .:Modern Day Ninja Idea:.

    I really like this idea
  12. Ember

    Flaws Of Our Nature

    Adriana woke up due to a vibrating in her webbing. She looked down and saw three people, one male and two females talking in the woods. Adriana overheard one of them saying she wished all the scientist were dead for all that they had done to them. At these words it took all her strength not to...
  13. Ember

    The Hybrid (Woo first RP in a long time)

    Sai's face glassed over though on the inside she was furious. The fact that she wouldn't be able to see them again didn't really bother her. The fact that they might hurt when whoever was after Scythe might kill them when they burned the village. But she just stood their saying nothing. As long...
  14. Ember

    The Pen Pal Project

    Nami stormed into her room and flopped down on her bed. Someday's she just wanted to kill certain people. Her backpack feel off of her bed sending her things flying out of her backpack. On the top of the newly acquired mess was her letter from Ashlyn. Nami was so busy at school today she...
  15. Ember

    The Hybrid (Woo first RP in a long time)

    Sai looked at Scythe questioningly "What do you mean we wont be able to return here. Why not?"
  16. Ember

    Flaws Of Our Nature

    Adriana woke up from her slumber to a man throwing food into her room. Chow time the man said. Adriana payed no attention to the man as he stood outside her door harassing her Not so tough when your locked up are you.. Said the man. Adriana remembered him now. He was one of the men she attacked...
  17. Ember

    The Hybrid (Woo first RP in a long time)

    Sai looked up at Nobu "Don't worry we'll be fine. We wouldn't leave you guys to deal with all these kids by yourselves." Sai smiled at this and hugged Noku reassuringly.
  18. Ember

    The Pen Pal Project

    Nami climbed up the back stairway in the music store to her room located directly above the store. She opened the window and climbed out onto the roof and began to write her response to Ashlyn "Ashlyn, Well I believe no one is born bad. Like you said its the environment that the child grows...
  19. Ember

    The Hybrid (Woo first RP in a long time)

    (Okie-dokie) Sai followed closely behind Layla thinking over all that had happened today. In the middle of being deep in thought she felt someone hugging her. She looked down and smiled at the young boy and hugged him back. Sai just smirked out Nobu. "Oh whats the difference a paying job is...
  20. Ember

    The Pen Pal Project

    "Ashlyn, I guess you could say a guidance counselor and a, what did you say, a career mentor could be alike. I have no idea what a career mentor does but I'm assuming they prepare you for your future which is one of the things a guidance counselor does. Most people feel that same way as you...