The Pen Pal Project


New Member
“Hollyfield-Riverview Pen Pal Project”

Seb stared hard at the chalkboard, as if by sheer force of will he could make the cheerful, chalked words disappear without a trace. Disappear they did not, however, and Seb resigned himself to the fact that his English teacher was an idiot. He eyed the short, balding man at the front of the class with something akin to distrust.

“Settle down, settle down! YOUNG MAN, IS THAT A POCKET-KNIFE? Okay. Now that we’re all settled, it’s time to pick your partners for the Hollyfield-Riverview pen pal project. Who wants to go first?”

The silence was deafening, and not a single hand went up.

“If nobody volunteers, I will have to assign you your pen pals,” the man threatened, knowing deep in his heart that it would have no effect whatsoever on this particular group of unwilling teenagers.

This is stupid, thought Seb to himself for the fifth time that morning. Clearly his classmates felt much the same way. Those that had not yet fallen asleep on their desks were clearly wrestling with the concept of actually handwriting a letter and sending it to one of those Hollyfield snobs.

“And why exactly are we doing this stupid project?” The class reacted with mild interest to Seb’s question, and he went on, “I mean, why do we have to write letters to a bunch of private school prats?”

That open act of defiance finally pushed the paunchy professor over the edge. “BECAUSE I SAID SO!” he roared, brandishing a hat full of tiny strips of paper. “Thank you for volunteering, Sebastian! Just reach in there and pick a slip of paper, or so help me I’ll…” His shouting trailed off into a low growl.

With a flourish, Sebastian obliged, reaching deep into the hat to pull out a slip of paper. Amused titters rippled through the class as he stood up, pushing his dark hair out of his blue eyes and insolently taking a bow before reading the name out loud: “Abigail Bretherains.”

The class erupted in wild applause, as if Sebastian had just delivered a moving theatrical performance, and the angry professor swelled like a bullfrog.

The Pen Pal Project had begun.
Abigail sat in the front row of her English class as the teacher explained the pen pal project to the class and the students complained that writing to public school kids may lower their GPAs and IQs, the teacher facepalmed at that one
(([MENTION=2166]katastrophe[/MENTION] can you write on my profile when someone else from Riverview joins? It's kind of silly for me to make a post if I don't have a partner yet))
James smirked as Sebastian claimed the seat next to him.

"I'm so incredibly jealous." he muttered in a mocking voice, "I wanted to talk to some snobby jerk!" and after he had laughed the short teacher uttered something that was probably supposed to be a laugh.

"I can make that happen James. Here, come draw a name!" the teacher beamed excitedly. He was probably just happy that he had some sort of power for once against everyone now except for James and Seb. If they told him off and misbehaved that student would be included in the pen-pal program. The threat of having to talk to people from Hollyfield was almost enough to have order in the classroom. The balding idiot just needed leverage.

"I thought he wasn't going to hear me." James explained to Seb as he trodded slowly to the front of the room. He withdrew a name slip and laughed out loud.

"I think mine's fake. There can't actually be someone named Bella Snow. It sounds like a name from a bad teen romance novel."

When he reclaimed his seat next to James he muttered, "It sounds like I got the name of the preppiest girl at Hollyfield, does it not?" James glanced down at his books, for all the show he had put on it... it really couldn't be that bad? The worst that would happen was that he could try and if she turned out to be a prat then he could really show her the fun side of Riverview.
(( I don't think I have a name to pick. Please correct me if I'm wrong. ))
Bella sat in her class at Hollyfield Prep, her long blonde haid draped delicately over her shoulders, reaching the middle of her back. Her blue eyes watched as their professor entered the room, reading off the list of Hollyfield students required to participate in his pen pal project. Bella's heart dropped as her name was called. She walked to the front of the room in her regular shy demeanor, taking a paper which held contact information for her new pen pal, James. She sighed and returned to her desk, looking at the paper with a mixture of anxiety and curiosity. This wasn't so bad, right?
As the bell rang to go to the next class, Jonathan heard people mumuring something about pen pals. 'What the hell?' He though to hisself while going to his locker, getting his notebook and English book. He sees Sebastian and James, offering they a head nod as he walks straight into class, going to the back of the class. As he sits down in his seat, waiting for the bald headed teacher to come in.

"Hope you guys are better than the last class." The teacher says while coming into the classroom, leaving his room door open. He leans up against his desk, eyeing everyone in the classroom as he blabs on about the Pen Pal Project. 'Triple P' Jonathan laughed while thinking to hisself as the teacher asks for volunteers. No one stood up to the plate. The teacher smacked his lips together walking up to the chalkboard, writting a name on the board. Jonathan sighed as he saw that it was his name.

Getting up out of his desk, walking up to the front of the class as he reached his hand into the bowl with names while saying, "I really don't see no point in this." Everyone in the class was waiting for him to the say the name on the paper. "This is a joke right? Echo Dark Caverns? Sounds like a ******* adventure." He says while balling the piece of paper up, tossing it in trash as the class ooh and aah, laughing afterwards as Jonathan gave the teacher a crotch chop. Jonathan sat back down in his desk, snickering as the bald headed teacher grabbed at his forehead, getting ready to start class after his display.

I walk through the halls, my checkered skirt swishing around my pale legs. My long, thick purple hair swished around my face as I walked beneath an air conditioner vent. I smile and hold my books against my chest as I walk towards the English class. '
A new teacher, eh? Let's show her just what Echo Dark Caverns is made of' I think to myself as I pull a pack of gum from my skirt's pocket. I unwrap several strips and drop them in my mouth, chewing loudly as I walk into class. I sit in the front row and prop my feet up on the pale wood. The young woman teacher sighs and shakes her head "Dear, could you please remove your feet from school property." she says in a voice that sounds like molasses. I roll my eyes and blow a big pink bubble.

Once the whole class is in, the woman begins speaking about a 'Pen Pal Project' with Riverview. I feel my gum get caught in my throat slightly. I cough loudly and once the gum is free from my throat the woman continues. Once the speech is finished she smiles sweetly and asks if anyone would like to volunteer. We all roll our eyes and, just to be funny, I throw my hand up in the air. A glow lights the woman's face and she calls me up. I saunter forward and slip my hand in the clear fish bowl, i swirl it around and then plunge my hand to the bottom. I find a paper and pull it out sharply. Everyone giggles as several papers flutter out and fall to the ground. I open my slip and frown at the name "Wow. What a boring ******* name," I say. "Johnathon Matthews. He sounds gay!" I laugh with everyone else and take out my purple lighter. I grin at the teacher and light the paper. I toss it in the waste basket, grinning.


I sigh as I push past the other children in the hall. I hurry into English, just in time to hear about the Pen Pal Project. To me, it sounds exciting. But I'm to shy to be the first to go up. I watch as Johnathon goes up and picks a slip. He crumples it and tosses it. I bite my lip to keep from laughing at the teacher. It's not my personality to laugh at people, but that had to be one of the funniest things I'd seen. My eyes grow wide as the teacher calls my name next. My hands shaking, I walk up to the desk. I snatched a slip and hurry back to my desk. Slumping down and pulling my hoodie close to my small body. I blow my black bangs out or the way of sight. I peel open the slip and read the name.
'Abigail Bretherains?' ​I think to myself.
Nami sat silently in the back of her English class listening to music with her feet propped up on a near by chair not paying attention. She looks up to see her class mate Jonathan going up to the board and picking out a name. After being informed of what was going on by a near by student she started paying attention. "This is a joke right? Echo Dark Caverns? Sounds like a ******* adventure." said Jonathan and Nami started silently chuckling in her seat.

"Miss Holly since you seem so entertained back there why don't you come up and pick your own pen pal." the teacher said. Everyone then turned to look at Nami as she headed to the front of the room. Nami reached in and pulled out a slip of paper then began walking back to her seat. "Well Miss Holly are you going to inform us of who you picked" the teacher said a little ticked off. "Ashlyn Lafayette." she said coldly as she sat down. '
Oh great even her name sounds snotty.' though Nami as she zoned out again.
Ashlyn noted the reluctant behavior of the class. "To be expected, for 'we are the elite'. The best of the best, which really just translates to, we have more money than you." The thought floated across her head. For being the "elite" Ashlyn was rather quiet and put together. She didn't care either way, she was here on her own bidding, simply waiting for time to pass so she could move on to her true dream the Naval Academy. Her head picked up, she thought she heard the teacher call her name, but they didn't. She sat up in her seat, straightened our her uniform skirt, and waited patiently as the teacher went through the class. She grabbed her dark brunette hair lazily and slowly but surely worked in into what she decided was a ponytail. She leaned over to her small bag and moved her hand around until she found what she was looking for. Out came a small leather bound booklet, she opened it slowly and inside was handwriting, not the usual text print one would expect to find. "This is terribly ridiculous. This would be a good idea if they had a more intelligent group of people, I wonder what the Riverview kids are thinking about this... They probably all assume that we read the dictionary and know everything," a quick chuckle escaped her pale pink lips, the irony was enough to break her composure however soon enough she returned to her thoughts; "I suppose the enitre point of this is to learn about perspective." She continued the conversation with herself, and every minute or so she would turn the page, as if to make it look like she was truly absorbing the words so delicately scratched on the paper.

--- Merged Double Post ---

(( Just to be clear, my character doesn't need to draw a name since Ember's character has chosen my character, correct?))
James found himself with an extra few minutes in class and he reluctantly drew forth a piece of paper. He had to move on in five minutes, but he couldn't imagine that it would take longer than that to scrawl anything on the page. He may as well start this before their teacher started to harass him. He sighed putting his pen to a scrap of paper and he managed to scrawl out,

Dear Bella Snow,

I have no idea what to say.

He considered ending the letter there but knew that he had not said enough to have his teacher accept this draft and he didn't want to waste anymore time on this letter.

This is so weird talking to a complete stranger, don't you think? I could be a jerk, but I think I'll wait to see if you're as pretentious as they say people from Hollyfield are. I'll give you this one shot or we'll have a really awful penpal relationship.

So I guess I'll just start elementary school style and ask a bunch of questions. What's your favourite colour? Your favourite animal? What music do you listen to? Do you think that this is stupid and useless? Do you have a car? Uh... this is all I can really manage I guess so....

James Green

That was all he could manage at this moment. He passed it off to his teacher between classes and the man shoved it into an envelope without glancing at it. He smiled. He was pleased to be done with this for now. Now to wait for the answer that was sure to be pretentious and superior.
Bella sighed as her teacher handed her an envelope. It was the next day and here she sat, already holding the first letter from the pen pal project. She opened it, expecting something snarky. As she read it she found that it wasn't like he thought it would be. This person was willing to give it a chance, so it was only right that she do the same.

"Dear James Green,

I'm actually relieved that you didn't know what to say either, and I hope you don't find me pretentious. I know a lot of people from Hollyfield are viewed as stuck up snobs... But honestly, that's the worst of the bunch here.

To answer your pop quiz, my favorite color is blue, I love pandas. Sorry if this is weird, but I love rock music and certain metal. I play bass guitar, and it's just my favorite music to play. I think that this could be a nice project if people were more open to it, and no, I unfortunately have no car. I walk to school.

I guess I should ask you these same questions and just hope it doesn't seem redundant. My apologies if my reply wasn't as stuck up as you imagined...

Bella Snow"
Jonathan's English class walked to the library, dragging of course as they had to sit down at a table, individually and write to their pen pals. He leaned back in the chair, sighing as he then leaned up, pulling a pencil from behind his ear as he began to write.

"Dear Echo Dark Caverns,

First off, kill your parents for naming you that. Uhmmm I really don't know what to say but then again, who does. How is it there at the preppiest school ever, Hollyfield?

Just as he was writing he occasionally tapped his pencil on his chin, thinking about what else to write. He shrugged his shoulders while going back to writing, mumbling under his breath 'I hate doing this already.'

"You don't know me and I don't know you but maybe this program will help all of that. Never did a Pen Pal Project before. Hell, never even had a Pen Pal. How about you?"


Jonathan Matthews.

He got the envelope from his table, opened it and stucked the letter inside as he licked the seal. He raised the envelope up in the air, signaling to his teacher that he was done. The teacher took the envelope from him with a simple "Thank You." Jonathan looked around, seeing that he was the first one finish as he layed his head down.
Nami sat down in her kitchen and began writing her "letter" to her new found pen pal

"Dear Ashlyn Lafayette,

I am not a big person when it comes to talking so I'll get right to the point. I have very little fate in this lame pen pal program. I guess I should ask you a question of something huh?.... Well your last name sounds French. Is it? Or are you just a rich child with a French sounded name to sound more sophisticated?"


Nami looked at the letter and thought 'this is as good as it will ever be' as she put the letter into an envelope and brought it to her English teacher. 'Hopefully this girl has a good sense of humor' she though as Nami zoned out into her own world once again.
The first letter, "Oh joy." She slowly opened it up, she was expecting a little bit more than she had seen, but it would do. She laughed as she read through the quick note, and sat down on a bench outside of the main courtyard. She grabbed a pen and slowly started scribbling across a piece of paper.

"Hello Nami,

I feel the same way. I feel the project is doomed to fail, but we might as well laugh at the others as they suffer through this right? I come from a French line of family, one that (as you probably know) is fairly wealthy. I can hear the hint of prejudice you have towards me but I suppose I won't get rid of that very quickly. I do regret to inform you though I am not your typical Prep school student. Being stuck up, spending my parents money, and prancing about like an ignorant moron is not within the schedule of my daily life.

Though I am reluctant to do this project, as I know you are too, hopefully we can make the best of it, yes? If you don't reply, which I don't think you will, at least we gave it a damn good effort.


Ashlyn Lafayette

P.S. I find a certain amusement in your name, it's unique."

She looked over the note, and smiled. She was fairly impressed with her response, though she hoped it wasn't to sharp. However sugar coating was not one of Ashlyn's hobbies. She sealed the envelope, went to her teacher, gave a quick smile and handed them the letter. They asked her a question,

"Isn't this fun?"

Her back was turned and she roared with laughter on the inside, but managed to turn around with a semi-sweet smile and reply calmly;

"How could it not be?"
Nami sat there looking at the letter she had received back from Ashlyn 'Well that was quicker then I expected for a return letter. Hmm I should probably give this letter some more thought'

Dear Ashlyn,

I hope you weren't being sarcastic when were mentioning my name. I quite like my name. And as you said it is unique in fact in means wave in Japaneses. I think it fits me well. I didn't mean to imply anything but asking if you were French and, excuse me, but all the life experience I've had with people of... how should I put this.. of your stature is that they tend to be ignorant. I am glad to hear that you are not a typical prep student. In fact I would like to know what kind of student you are. Now I don't expect you to give me any information without getting any in return so here's some fun facts about me: I am unlike what most people in your school think us Riverview kids to be like. I study hard to ensure a full scholarship to a decent college. So if you chose to respond maybe you could give me a fact about yourself. If not oh well it will just mean I have to make my own assumptions of you.



She glanced over the note hoping she didn't sound to rude. "Lets see if Ashlyn really isn't a typical prep kid or if she's just lying like the rest of them" Nami thought as she handed the letter to her teacher.
James felt a slight dissappointment when he found another letter in his hand. He was hoping this Bella Snow person was going to take her sweet time returning his letter. He tore it open carelessly frowning as he tore partially into the letter itself. When he had removed it he read over it once before he pulled out a piece of looseleaf and began jotting down his response. This time he felt more of his personality came through on the paper.

Dear Bella Snow,

I'm really relieved to hear that you're not a snot. What do they tell you about us at your school anyways?

So my favourite colour is red. My favourite animal are dogs, and I listen to classic rock. Like 70s rock. My parents think that I'm ridiculous because I listen to the same music that they did. I played the piano for one year while we're bragging... let me add an lol so you know that I'm joking. I also have a car, it's a beauty. Chevrolet Cavalier 2001 and the colour of sand. I'm also a very sarcastic person.

And I think we're at the last question now. Yes, I think this is stupid. Let's face it, I'm talking to a piece of paper and I'm sure I'll only ever be talking to a piece of paper. I probably wouldn't think this was so dumb if our schools arranged a meeting or something... maybe you could describe yourself so I could put a face to my paper. Let me start, I'm tall, dark, and handsome. Very handsome.

James Green
She saw the letter in her hand, and she smirked. "Surprise, surprise," she thought to herself. She contemplated waiting to reply, not wanting to seem to eager, but she decided against it. She took a seat at cafe near her dorm room and continued to scribble across the paper like she had done a few days earlier.

"Well hello again Nami,

Waves, quite interesting. I've always loved Japanese culture, whether or not it suits you I can't say, but I wasn't being sarcastic in the least. Oh trust me, assumptions are easily made when you are stuck with just a group like the Hollyfield Prep society, if that's what you want to call them. I am truly glad to hear you study and would like a place at a decent college. Though it may not be believable or even realistic I hope to earn a scholarship as well. Though I guess I'm not really risking anything, for if I don't get a scholarship my parents will simply put me through college,"

She paused for a second, and realized the harsh truth in the statement she had just written, she felt a bit hurt that she really didn't have anything to risk...

"but I guess you could guess as much. I hope to attend the Naval Academy, I enjoy the military quite a bit, though everyone here finds my dream quite funny. However we're all meant to be CEO's, lawyers, brain surgeons, and other stereotypical things. I find all of those professions quite boring. What do you wish to pursue as a career? If you don't mind me asking of course. Oh and if you'd like a fun fact about me, though I come from a family with a wealthy background, I work. Ironic, yes? Well hopefully I'll hear from you soon. Let's see if you really are different from your typical Riverview peers.

Best regaurds,


She sealed the letter and started to walk to her teachers office once again, half way through her short journey she realized she was actually enjoying this. She shook her head as if to shake away the sense of happiness she gained from such a petty and ridiculous project. She composed herself and returned to her normal cold expression. Her teacher wasn't there when she arrived so she left in on the desk. She saw her handwriting scribbled across the front of the envelope and turned away, secretly hoping for a reply, but not getting her hopes up to high.

They don't really say good things, to put it bluntly. Basically they say here that you're all the worst of the worst. A hopeless lot. I'm sure there's no way that could apply to an entire school, but what do I know?

I actually laughed out loud at the last part of your letter. Not that I thought you were lying, it was just humorously put. Anyway, to answer your question... I'm short, I have long blonde hair, blue eyes... I don't know what to say I guess? I suppose I'm average size for someone my age, but others say I'm pretty. I'm not trying to brag though, really. I hate bragging...

I agree, this would probably seem less pointless if the schools allowed us to meet each other when everything is said and done.

Bella Snow

((sorry the post is short, I'm on mobile and this is such a pain))
Nami sat smirking at the letter "I'm staring to like this girl" she thought.


First off I would considered yourself lucky to be able to attend a college being worry free of how you are going to pay for it. I hope that statement didn't make me sound rude or Jealous. But not everyone is quite as luck to have that option. Its nice to see you going against the multitude in your choice of career. I must say when I read that it made me laugh. I never in a million years would have imagined a Hollyfield Prep kid wanting a military career. Maybe you really are different."

She started at that last sentence hoping she was right.

"I would like to be a school consular, high hopes right, so I could help children with.. well my background amount to something and do something with their lives. I know it may not sound as flashy as a Lawyer or doctor or military career but I think it is just as important. Hmm you ARE proving to be different then I expected. I though all Hollyfield kids where trust fund kids who never wanted to work. What kind of work are you currently doing? If you want to answer. Another fun fact about me: I love music more then life itself. If I don't have my music with me I think I might go crazy. I hope I'm helping clear the near of my fellow Riverview student



She looked down at her letter and smiled a little.'Who thought I might like this project. Maybe I was lucky and chose a sane student" Nami handed the envelope to her teacher and began listening to her music once again.
As she read the note she smirked. "What an interesting character I've met," she thought to herself.

"Well hello,

Lucky is not the word I would chose. Being entitled is filled with all sorts of temptation. It's hard for me to keep my head about myself and remember than I am not a god. However working for what you want is something that this world needs to learn, or perhaps just re-learn.

A guidance counselor, huh. To be terribly honest I never saw your personality meshing well with students, but now that I think about it I guess having a similar background would make you passionate about your job. I wish I knew exactly what a guidance counselor was, here in the wonderful world of Hollyfield all we have is career mentors. Are they similar? And you're right it may not be as flashy, but most definitely more substantial than 90% of the careers that the students here will achieve.

I thought all Riverview kids were were terribly illiterate and a bit on the moronic side of society, however you are proving to be an exception. Though clearing your entire school's name will be difficult to say the least.

I work at Starbucks. A bit stereotypical I must admit, and really the job is nice to have. It allows people to talk to me in a normal manner of conversation, rather than the over sophisticated manner I deal with here at Hollyfield. Do you work at all?

Music is truly joyous. I play piano and a small amount of guitar, though nothing over impressive. Do you play any instruments? Or wish to learn how to play any in particular?

I apologize for all the questions I guess I'm just feeling a bit more conversational than usual, today is a very important date to me, but I'll inform you of that later if you prove to be as legitimate as you seem.

Have a nice day/weekend,


She walked to her teachers desk with a smile on her face. Having someone to talk to, without having to uphold the standards and grooming of a friendship was nice and relaxing. Ashlyn looked up to see a new banner that Hollyfield had put up. "You are merely a reflection of your surroundings and what you do with them." The statement only aroused a bit of cynical humor in her and she continued to her teacher's room where she held a small conversation and left to head to work.
Dear Bella,

Sounds about right, I'd say. I can't really say that I've tried too hard to be anything more than what Riverview students are supposed to be afterall. I've been destined to take over my dad's autoshop since my older brother died, so school's just a formality. There's really no point when I already have my future decided, am I right? I'm happy to see that my perception of Hollyfield isn't right though.

Well, maybe I lied just a little. I'm only average height and I'm only moderately handsome. And don't bother trying not to brag, I honestly don't care as long as you don't tell me how many houses your family owns in Paris or how many horses you have. Bragging about looks is much more subtle. I'm imagining you as a knockout anyways.

I don't I guess if we really wanted to, we could meet. There's nothing in the rules to stop us from doing that... at least that I know of. I wasn't paying attention and accidentally volunteered for this penpal thing anyways because I can't keep my mouth shut at the best of times. So far I have no reason to regret this at least, so that's a pretty good thing I would say.


I guess you could say a guidance counselor and a, what did you say, a career mentor could be alike. I have no idea what a career mentor does but I'm assuming they prepare you for your future which is one of the things a guidance counselor does. Most people feel that same way as you when they learn of my choice in careers but I only act distant to other people. Young children are so innocent, they don't know all the prejudices in the world yet. Unlike adults children will treat everyone equally unless then have been raised other wise. Thank you for not putting me in your stereotypical Riverview view of students"

Nami smirked as she wrote this.

"I pride myself in my studies. And you would be surprise in how many intelligent people we have here.

Starbucks huh. That's a nice job. Yes I have a job but lucky I actually enjoy it. I work at a music store, Ironic huh? We sell all types of instruments, cd's, sheet music, and anything else that has to do with music. This is were I learned to play a few instruments that I would other wise not be able to afford. I know how to play the violin, the flute and the trombone. Very contrasting instruments I know but they are my favorites. I'm glad to see you getting more conversational. And I'm quite surprised you got me to write so much. I normally am not like this.



Nami looked over the note once more.'This is actually fun" She handed her note to her teacher and walked outside. She turned around the corner and headed to the music store.
"Dear James,

I'm really sorry to hear about your brother. It sounds like you weren't given much of a choice of what you wanted to do with your life. I can't imagine how hard it must be to know that no matter how far you go with your schooling, you'll still probably end up in the same place. I'm an only child, so I don't even know how it feels to have brothers or sisters, much less lose someone. I don't even know what I want to with my life yet after high school.

It's flattering to hear someone who doesn't even know me say they consider me a 'knockout'. I'm still not one to brag, so I won't go into how many horses we have. It's not a huge number anyway, my parents would rather spend their money on other things. No, those other things aren't houses in Paris. It consists of them being gone all the time. I suppose there are some pros and cons to that. Pros are that I run my own life and am pretty much the only one living in my house. Cons would be that it gets pretty lonely around there.

That's true, there's no rule saying we can't meet each other. Maybe if this project turns out well between us, it might be a good idea. I guess I would want to meet the person I've been writing to all this time. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.


She folded the letter and placed it into the envelope with James' school address already written on it, sealing the envelope and handing it off to her English teacher. He took it and grumbled something at her that she couldn't understand. He seemed kind of down that some of his other students weren't as... willing, to do this project. Bella rested her head on her hand. It didn't seem that bad, to her at least. She wondered how the Riverview students were handing the Pen Pal Project. She stood up when the bell rang, throwing her bass guitar case over her shoulder and heading home for the day. Luckily for her, this was the last class of the day. She couldn't help but wonder if this James person was the same in person.


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