The Pen Pal Project

((I forget who the owner is lol. You have to post a character skeleton in the sign up form and be approved, then the owner will find a person who is not matched yet and pair you up :3 [MENTION=2482]Lily[/MENTION] ))
((Hey [MENTION=1807]KaitWink[/MENTION] - Sorry for my brief hiatus. I was thinking about rebooting this except with myself as the owner. That way we're not so lonely.))

"Come on, sit down. I feel as if I've been waiting for years. It's really not that bad. Uh... I think right is gas and left is brake?" he commented and then he slid into the passenger side and leaned over to glance at the pedals and he nodded violently with confirmation. Driving had been something he was doing for so long that it was second nature to him.

Upon seeing her hesitation James decided to speak once again, "I've already gotten this car into a crash already. Hopefully you can't tell because I'm such a good repairman. Now hurry up I'm starving."
Bella nodded and quickly sat down. It felt very awkward to be in the drivers seat for the first time. She figured out how to move the seat up and fixed everything that needed adjusted before putting on her seatbelt and starting the car. Letting out a sigh, she shifted into drive and pulled forward out of the parking lot.

No one would be able to tell it was her first time driving. She became accustomed to the car rather quickly and drove smoothly through the slightly crowded streets. "I guess it's easier than I thought," she said, giving a small smile. The place they were going to eat was a couple streets over, and after only five minutes Bella pulled into the lot. She gave James a huge grin, clearly proud of her work. "Well?" she asked, obviously used to be critiqued after every move she made.

"What?" James asked seemingly flabbergasted with what had just happened, "As if you drive better than I do?" he groaned and pulled himself out of the passenger seat. It was too weird for him to sit in the passenger seat of his own car. He shook his head and grinned wildly still trying to get past the fact that Bella had actually been a reasonable good driver.

Once inside he ordered himself a double cheese burger and super-sized the fries while turning the drink into a milkshake, a large chocolate one at that. The burger joint was quaint and he appreciated that it looked like something that would come out of Riverview... this place was probably quite unpopular with the Hollyfield students simply because it looked like an ordinary burger place. He quickly debated whether or not he should make his burger a triple but he decided he could always get more if he was still hungry.

"My mum hates feeding me because she thinks that I'm an endless pit." He offered and waited for her to order. He was used to paying for dinner when he went out with girls so it was a force of habit that made him tell the waiter that the bills would be together after he had ordered.
Bella couldn't help but laugh a little at his order. "You wonder why that is???" she asked when he said his mom called him an endless pit. He'd just ordered enough to feed a whole family! She ordered her food, also getting a milkshake in place of the drink, but getting strawberry. She expected James to make a terrible comment when her 'burger' turned out to be a veggie burger, and she'd mentally prepared herself for him to make fun of her being a vegetarian, which of course she'd failed to mention. Hey, he said he wanted 'burgers', he didn't specify that they had to be actual meat!

When the waiter walked away, she said, "You didn't have to put it on the same bill if you didn't want to." She made a cute 'I-feel-bad-about-it' face and played with her thumbs under the table.

"I don't kid when I say I'm hungry!" he protested jokingly at her tease and offhandedly he couldn't help but to wonder what her mother would think of Bella. But that was a creepy thought so he banished it to the recesses of his mind.

James raised a questioning eyebrow when Bella's burger arrived and he seemed to scrutinize it for several minutes before he seemed to be able to identify what was so different about it.

"So you're a vegetarian, a health nut, or one of those girls who aches over every calorie? The last two are similar but don't confuse them." he said and then paused for only a few moments and before she could answer he responded to her other statement, "Eh.. I don't really care if it's on the same bill. I'm so used to buying suppers for girls I guess." and then he shrugged.
Bella saw James scrutinizing her food. "I'm not a health nut, and I'm not watching my weight." she said, eating a few fries as if to emphasize her point. "I just think eating animals feels... weird. I don't know, I just can't make myself feel good about doing it." she shrugged a little, hoping that what she said made some sort of sense. It just felt weird knowing that you were eating something that was once... alive, and quite possibly enjoying it's life. She nodded a bit when he said he didn't mind paying. It made her feel a little better, but she wondered if that meant he didn't mind paying, or if that meant he had tons of girls lined up back home that he was used to paying for. She shook the thoughts from her head and took a drink of her milkshake.
I have a signup for the reboot under character sheets. The owner in this thread isn't very active so I started a new one. Create a character there and I'll pair you up.

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