Dirk Gray's Academy for the Abnormal

Ashlyn looked around, hearing the rustle of excitement through her... classmates? Is that what these people were? She shrugged to herself realizing it didn't really matter to her what they were. After the man had stopped talking about rules and what not she returned to her book. It was a black covered book, it was textbook about psychological analysis. Though it didn't make much sense to her. The material and concepts were logical, but they didn't reside well with her. She guessed it was probably because they stated all humans were based in good, a theory that humans had proven wrong. Again and again. Closing the book quietly she took a step forward looking around at the people. Some were obviously different, some were not at noticeable. Slowly a feeling in her stomach released the knot of nerves she had, and she realized it was the feeling of acceptance. Though the looks she was getting were not necessarily happy, they weren't foreign and disgusted like most were.

'Perhaps this won't be to terrible. I mean at least were all not accepted by society. A common enemy for lack of better terms. I guess.'

She noticed that some students had already begun making conversation, she shook her head slowly. And if the opportunity arose, she decided that she would take it. Or maybe she wouldn't. Her fear of everything was annoying to her, yet it seemed to be something that she just couldn't get over. Sighing heavily, she returned to her book.

As she shifted to readjust herself on the wall behind her, she dropped her bag. In continued onward to fall open and dump out her belongings, she was tempted to walk away and leave them there but she knew that it was to late for such things and continued on to lean down and pick them up slowly. Trying her best to avoid eye contact with anyone.




Tsion cursed to himself, now further disgusted about having to spend the next year or more at Dirk's School. "Another human!" though his anger rose he had become much more stable again. Tsion stood up now preparing to leave towards the dorms. He had no question for the Major, and doubted many would for a human. He didn't expect people to care for his presence either, at least not beyond the demons and the 'blind to the world around him' Statue.

Upon his first few steps his eyes switched to resembled an emptiness, though his walk did not change.
Yasahiro shook his head then stood up from the spot where he had sat for a bit of time then began to walk away whilst still trying to convince himself to go to the people he had seen earlier. Whilst walking he noticed a girl who was picking up her stuff, she also seemed to be purposely avoiding eye contact with people. He thought it'd be easier to get to know one person instead of two so he stopped knelt down next to her,

"would you like a hand?" he asked creating a smile from his lips which were normally in an emotionless line. His eyes switched from her to her stuff as he was worried he would embarrass himself if he kept looking at her.


"Natural talent is useless if you do not apply it. Nonetheless, thank you for the compliment," Mary responded. She stood as he did and floated over to where the students were standing to hear the address. She had no money, no way of paying for a room. Hopefully they would take pity on a lonely ghost. With that in mind, Mary allowed her violin to dissipate into a purple cloud before stepping forward. Once more she was acting alive, and Human, in order to stave off suspicions. Then Maria glanced around at those who surrounded her. She did not want to yell out her question with all of them around. Perhaps she could get closer to the headmaster and somehow ask him one on one.

Mary floated through the group, being sure to avoid those she passed. She really did hate having to go through someone. The feeling was creepy even to her, and she couldn't imagine how the other must feel. After all, ghosts were not natural beings and as such would not leave a comfortable feeling behind. With that in mind, Mary navigated the people slowly and cautiously until she was near the steps and the man standing on them. Mary climbed up them, mimicking the actions she would've had to take had she been alive before stopping in front of the headmaster.

"Sir, I was wondering if I could speak with you," Mary started, rather nervous.

(sorry for the late start I had a dance recital the past 3 days)

Taylor made her way through the crowd of humans, trying not to look at or touch any of them. These humans seemed to hate anyone who was trying to make it into the doors. They were screaming things which Taylor tried to pay no attention to. 'I hope this place is worth it. I don't know how much longer I can handle dealing with humans' Taylor thought. As she entered the doors, she noticed most of the students where already there. Well Taylor wasn't known much for her punctuality. In her defense she did have to travel quite a lot. 'Oh well at least I'm here now' Taylor began looking for a lake or some other body of water because she need a place to relax before she ran into any of the other.. well students here. Unable to find one right away she sat down under the shade of a tree so the sun wouldn't be able to soak up what little what she still had on her body. Taylor needed to stay wet at all time or else she would dry up and be unable to breathe. She sat down and closed her eyes for a few minutes. Still unsure of what she was supposed to do or who she was supposed to find.
When the ghost suddenly appeared before him, Dirk merely smiled.

"Well, ask away," he said simply, slowing his stride and motioning that she 'walk' with him.

"I didn't know we were getting a ghost..." Andromeda stated, allowing the words to hang in the air almost like a question.

Walking down the easterly hall, the trio got a breathtaking view of the ocean, extending out from the edge of the estate. At sunrise, the sight was certain to have artistic beauty almost beyond imagining, like of course, any seaside sunrise..


Mary smiled at the two as they walked. She wondered vaguely how they'd known she was a ghost, then shrugged it off. Probably the same way every Human she passed knew to scream at her appearance despite the fact that she looked normal. Well, she thought she looked normal. Maria didn't even know what she looked like but as far as she could tell the only strange thing was her Victorian-era style of dress, and that was one thing she couldn't change.

Mary glanced out the window to see the beautiful view. It calmed her, allowing her to turn back to the duo next to her with something like a smile. She wasn't usually a very happy person, being a ghost tended to make you rather morose, but the ocean view was nothing short of spectacular. Maria was still worried about how they would react to her request for a favor. After all, they'd just started out and they certainly didn't want any moochers... Mary shoved these thoughts away and decided she might as well just jump in.

"The thing is, sir and ma'am, I have no money, and no way to obtain any. Therefore I would not be able to pay for a room or tuition. But neither do I reacquire food, or anything of you to care for myself. I was wondering if, perhaps, I could simply just float around here. I would be sure not to bother anyone, but I have been on my own for far too long..." Mary trailed off nervously and shifted where she was floating.

When the ghost asked to stay for free, Dirk laughed, in fact, his wife giggled a little as well.

"This is a charity school, at least for the moment. I don't expect money from any of you; the press pays me to look at the estate!" he explained with a grin, pretending to pat the girl on the shoulder. She was likely far older than he was, but so was Andromeda. In fact, he wouldn't be surprised to be the youngest person on the property at only twenty four.

"Being; as you are," Gray went on, trying not to offend, "You can choose to do as you please, we've no way to force you into anything even should we want to."
Ashlyn felt him before she heard the person. She was hoping he would just walk by and leave her to her things, but he didn't.

He had asked her if she wanted help, and deciding that she might as well accept it nodded her head slightly.

"Thank you, I'm terribly clumsy." Her voice was quiet, barely over a whisper. Acknowledging his quick look from her to her stuff she realized that he had already started helping before her answer. A small laugh escaped under her breath. Help wasn't something she was used to, it was a nice feeling though. However it was foreign.

"My name's Ashlyn," she said it meekly soon realizing that he might not care what her name was. She stared intently at the ground grabbing for her camera.
Yasahiro smirked at the fact she had told him her name, he felt all the shyness drain from his body and disappear into nothing, "Pleasure to meet you Ashlyn, I'm Yasahiro." he said then glanced at the camera,

"That's a nice camera," he pointed to it with a slight nod in it's direction, "I like the colour." he added as he continued to help her with her stuff.

He thought for a moment about this person and if he could call her his friend or not, people seemed to be running up to other people and placing the title friend on them although he thought he might seem a little weird if he decided the notion so he thought he'd leave it up to Adhlyn to decide with out uttering a word of thoughts.
"I like it." She realized she was half way mumbling to herself, lost in her own thoughts. She shook her head and tried again. "I meant, your name. I like your name."

She now remembered in a wave of embarrassment why she stuck to books rather than people. Thankful for his next comment she smiled.

"It is. I like photography, and it's a nicer camera too. It took me a while to save up for it." Realizing that she had dropped it, she popped the lens cover off. Looking down she saw no visible signs of damage, and sighed in relief. Placing the camera back into her bag gently, she grabbed the last of her belongings. Giving a small half smile, "Um. Well thank you, I appreciate it." For whatever reason she stared at the ground, instead of making eye contact. She felt anxious, but she wasn't sure why. Perhaps it was because of how vulnerable she felt, surrounded by people who could now make an easy opponent out of her. People without powers weren't scary, just annoying in her opinion.
Yasahiro almost frowned in worry thinking he had upset her, "Are you ok?" he asked, feeling some of the shyness slither back into his body, his voice showed it with a little tremble. He opened his mouth to speak again, but couldn't find any words to make. He sighed thinking how pathetic he must've seemed right now. Slowly he stood up and looked around the area, he wondered if everyone else was as nice as Ashlyn or if some people were as horrible as those outside.
She couldn't help but laugh when she saw his expression and heard his voice tremble. It was a quiet and sweet laugh, not one meant out of malicious feelings.

"You feel the same way I do." Smiling, she tried her best to push aside the feelings of shyness and self-consciousness.

"It's scary being in a place like this, knowing that everyone here is different like you. However that doesn't mean they're any less dangerous then the people outside of the school who would have us slaughtered if they could." Voicing her opinion made her feel better. She shifted the weight of her small bag over her shoulders and looked up at him. Trying her best to keep her voice steady and her heart light, she offered him a smile made of sympathy and understanding. Realizing that she really did know what it was like to be shy in a world where everyone expected you to be arrogant and loud was a hard place to be. Stuck between a rock and a hard place was the analogy many had used.

Mary let out a little sigh of relief. She didn't mind the laughter from the pair; it was all good natured. She instinctively flinched away from the man as he tried to pat her shoulder. She hadn't been touched in so long... As long as she could remember. Any attempt to do so was foreign to her and she was sure she'd never get used to it. Even if the people here were much more friendly then the Humans on the outside, touching a ghost was not a pleasant experience.

"I thank you for your kindness, sir and ma'am," Mary murmured in reply. A charity organization for the supernatural must've been hard to organize, judging by the reception outside. They probably put in a lot of hard work in order to get it up and running. Her small small faded into an equally small frown when the man spoke once more, Gray.

"There would be no need for force, sir. I would be happy to do as you asked, no matter the situation," Mary replied, a little affronted by that comment. She would indeed leave if they asked, and she would cause no trouble while doing so. It would be impolite.

Yasahiro shook his head in disagreement, "I think the people in here aren't going to be like the people outside." he said with a little more confidence then what he last said. He looked around again, something he seemed to be doing a lot, then smiled to himself, "Speaking of which what do you do?" he asked, wondering if he should hold out a hand to help her stand up or not, in the end he did just that.
She let the ghost of a smirk pass over her lips, "Well you sir, are much more trusting then I am." She followed his gaze this time and realized he was just looking around, something that she usually would have been doing. For being larger then her, he seemed to have the same quiet reserve about him. As he offered his hand out, she smiled at his question. After standing up and straightening out her skirt she looked around. For so many people they were fairly isolated. Slowly she inhaled, and cupped her hand together. Originally there was nothing inside of them, but when she pulled her top hand a way a small pool of water was in her hand. Lowering her other hand it floated in front of her, she moved it slowly, in no particular pattern and after a few second it returned to her hand. Cupping her hand again, she exhaled slowly, and then removed her hand. The water was gone. A small smile twitched at the corner of her mouth. "Water and Ice elemental seems to be the name given to people like me." She shrugged a little bit as if to negate the fact that what she had done only made her feel more alien from society.
((I'll be in and out over the next few weeks. On my senior trip and then on a week of vacation.))

Verjouhi rolled his shoulder, eyeing the others, same as Gwenhara. The two purposely didn't pick conversation, but neither did they completely withdraw. They left it open for others to come speak with them if they wanted. He looked out and smiled for the first time in a long time. This was as close to accepted as he'd get and be was fine with that.
Yasahiro looked at her hands in awe, "That's pretty amazing." he said, laughing in a way of pure amazement. Since she hadn't asked to see what he could do he wouldn't show her, after all it was kind of the speak when spoken to rule for him only with abilities and not voices. He started looking around, but then when he realised he wa doing that he brought his head back to Ashlyn, "So you can control water and ice?" he asked, since that's what it sounded like from her description and display.
She smiled like a child who had gotten the answer right in class. "I'm glad you enjoy it, most people hate it." Though there was not bitterness in her voice, there was a spark of anger that was in her eyes for only half a second. Following his gaze she suppressed a giggle. At his next question she shrugged lazily,

"Controlling it would mean that I can fully manipulate it to my wants. Which is not true, I can control small amount and use it for domestic purposes. Though if I'm angry..." Her voice trailed off and quickly she returned to her light-hearted nature, "well obviously it would be much more intense." She noticed before that he was looking around, and she couldn't help but ask.

"You really do like taking in your surroundings don't you?" The questions left the sweet taste of amusement on her mouth.
Yasahiro smirked a little at her comment, "So you control small amounts of water." he said, glancing down. He smiled at her comment, "Oh am I, sometimes I do that without realising." he said. Slowly, without realising, he began looking around aimlessly as if he was following a fly with his eyes in slow motion. He wondered if standing still for a while would start to get weird, but maybe Ashlyn preferred to stand and talk instead of walking and talking.
kyron was flying through the air trying to get to the academy though he made the mistake of flying into millitary air space. a group of f-16's were chaseing him down. after they caught site of him, one of the pilots gave an order to the others to fire at will. as bullets were wizzing past him kyron

picked up speed and changed his flight pattern by accident he managed to make a couple of the f-16's crash into one another the pilots ejected in time to escape. "sorry! about that!" he yelled back to the pilots right before a missile was shot at him. not haveing time to dodge he managed to make a barrier around himself through it only managed to stop him from being hit directly. he was shot down to the ground as if he was a missle himself and landed in a clear spot of the campus of the academy. although in pain, he managed to get up and look to the sky, raiseing a fist and yelling "same to you pal!" he then dusted himself off and looked around to try and figure out where he landed.
Laughing softly at his wandering gaze she lost her quiet shell and tried to make conversation.

"Small amounts, but that's all I need it for. I don't advocate... our type of warfare." The emphasis on our was filled with a tinge of pain and almost regret. Sighing softly she found the small smile and plastered it on her face,

"If you don't mind me asking of course, what is that you can do?"

Other's peoples abilities amazed her. She had heard of them, other people like her, some who could shape shift, others had wings, some could move things with their mind. Her opinion on all of the powers were equal. Though she always feared that she would hit a sore spot by asking.
after a while of stumbleing around the campus he made his way to the front area and noticed the group of people yelling and screaming at the front gate. "group of angry humans in front of a large building. this must be the place." he said wondering where he should go first. a strange bird like creature landed on his sholder before he turned and noticed the group of what he thought were students around a man who looked and sounded like he belonged in the army. as he walked over to this man he noticed that he was indeed human and proceeded to ask him a question of his own. "exuse me sargent. but you wouldn't happen to know headmaster Dirk Gray would you? "he asked in a strange tone of voice. "i really need to speak to him."


Lust watched all the other Humans walk pass in disgust. She stepped closer to the doors and made sure to give the Humans some chills by touching their skin. Yes, Lust was a Vampire. Pureblood to be exact. She lives in a a Clan of Purebloods though it wouldn't be a Clan if they weren't Purebloods. Lust had left everything back home to come here, for a reason she couldn't even tell.

Walking closer and closer Lust stared at the Headmaster and crossed her pale arms over her chest. Then her eyes darted around looking at everything, taking it all in.

When another student approached, calling him sergeant, Swiss's brow twitched. It'd been a long time since he wore that title, far longer than he'd been major.

"Headmaster Gray's retired for today, students've got the day off. Any pressing concerns, you're supposed to bring to me..." he said exasperatedly, barely catching himself before he spat orders at the kid, and otherwise tore him down like it were boot camp.

(Twilight, all the other members needed to sign up, and you do to. Please post your registration form in the signup before continuing.)

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