Flaws Of Our Nature

The roar of turbine engines grew from the distance in the sky above before coming to a crescendo over GenCorp headquarters. Broken glass vibrated on the floor as an aircraft made a close pass just above the building. Rashinko had insisted on such a low approach to maintain the secrecy of the operation.

Mr. Windermere stepped up to the broken window and took in the night time breeze as he peered out and watched the Corsair fly low over the tree tops on it’s approach to Hyberdine. The UH-22 Corsair was originally slated for military production before one of congresses budget cutting initiative shut the program down. Lockheed believed in the craft enough to shop it around and PMC’s quickly jumped at it as a fast and stealthy option to quickly insert teams into hot situations. The PMC’s bought the Corsairs in such high numbers, that the aircraft had become synonymous with private security outfits around the world.

“Sir, Rashinko is on the line from the command bunker in Seattle,” Cassandra spoke softly as her fingers danced rapidly on the digital pad in her arms. She had been managing the media nightmare from the explosion, pre-empting any such news stories that would come out. For the moment, she had the story buttoned up tight. But Mr. Windermere knew that the “accident” couldn’t be kept from the public for long. They would require a clever cover story to keep the military out.

Right now, there were far more pressing concerns. Mr. Windermere accessed his neural link and was virtually transported two thousand miles to the Seattle Command Room for Universal Security. They were the private contractors that was responsible for the security of all of GenCorp assets around the world.

Mr. Windermere’s holographic projection stood in the center of a large spherical room that was covered in screens showing dozens of images from around the world. The one of most import to him, was the one that lay directly in front of him that took up several of the large screens; an image from the nose cam of the hovercraft rapidly approaching the Hyberdine Facility.

A tall, brute of a man walked up to Mr. Windermere and looked up at him. This man required no introduction ;only one man reminded Windermere of a walking semi truck. “What have you to report, Rashinko?”

“Nothing yet sir. My advance team is already en route as I’m sure your already aware. They’ll assess the situation, and then I will get back to you.” Rashinko loathed Windermere, thinking the man was a pompous ass that the world would be better without. He had listened to the man’s ranting over and over of the “evils of humanity” and the need to “cure the aggression innate within him.”

As a veteran of the Middle Eastern Wars of the 2020’s, he knew that his “aggression” was all that kept him and his men alive. Although he was required by contract to keep clients informed during a crisis, he would of much preferred to cut the link, as well as other things. And what Windermere said next, only infuriated him more…

“Remember, I do not want any of those subjects harmed! They are the best hope for the future of humankind! So remind those simmed up barbarians of yours to only use non-lethal force.” Windermere said firmly.

“Yes… sir. We will comply as is stated in our contract.” Rashinko turned to hide his fury from the old man. He had heard rumors of some of the strange happenings at the Hyberdine Facility. Conspiracy theories flooded the interweb after all. Reports that Mr. Windermere was growing Vampires and Werewolves within the facility to “cure humanity”. Until tonight, he simply laughed off such rumors as fairy tales. But he had caught some disturbing images before the security feeds were cut from outside the facility. He needed more information about the situation on the ground before he could proceed.

Rashinko leaned over and pressed the glowing button on one of the consoles. “Alpha Team, this is Home Base. You are authorized for Recon Only.” He paused for a moment and turned to look back at Windermere before continuing, “You are authorized to use ONLY non-lethal force.”

“Roger that…” The pilot responded in exasperation. She looked back at the four man fire team crowed in the compartment with their rifles in hand.

One of the younger men mouthed off, “Just flipping perfect! Going into a unknown situation and don’t even have the damn ability to defend ourselves! This is going to be jolly good fun!”

“Can it runt! We’re going paid to get the job done, and that’s what were going to do!” An older man reached back and smacked on the back of the head of the rookie. He was the one chosen to lead the Recon.

From up front, the Pilot was surveying the landscape of the forest below. She could see the thermal images from her nose cam of multiple tangos below. Strictly speaking, there job was only recon. However, bagging a few of these freaks would net them a nice pay day when they got back to base. “Can’t find a good spot to land with all this foliage so you’re going to have to rope down boys!”

The side doors of the small craft slid open and the four men scooted forward and allowed their feet to hang out. They took out their ropes and flung them out of the aircraft as it came to a steady hover over a small opening in the cover. After taking their safety latches and fastening them tight, they all gave the ready sign. The grizzly man called out loud enough to overcome the sound of the engines, “Alright boys… Go! Go! Go!

Simultaneously, the four man fire team fast roped down in mere seconds before landing on the ground below in a diamond formation, each watching the other’s backs. Each man surveyed their surroundings with the only weapon they were allowed to carry; a standard-issue stun pistol.
Almost passing in his haste, Oliver gripped the door frame with both hands, catching it, feet sliding at the sudden brake in movement before backing up to look inside, taking in the barely furnished room in a single glance. Empty. His fist slammed against he door frame, pain spiking at the contact though it barely registered as he leant back, looking along the continued length of corridor toward the rapidly dispersing swarm, no sooner pushing away and following it's direction at a sprint.

It occurred to him with a cold, clear detachment that Sedina may have been back the way he had come. You could never be in such a place as this, the routines barely routine at all, ever changing as they adopted new ways to experiment and push the boundaries of limit and as he pushed his way through the crowd, surrounded yet verily alone he lost he suddenly slowed caught by uncertainty...

It was then that he caught sight of her, like a flash in the dark with her back facing toward him as she moved further away. Easily slipping between the bodies about her in the same way water flows through fingers as she called out for him, barely audible above the din, in tones he had long grown accustomed and his body responded of its own accorded, picking up pace one more.

He all but charged through the gathered crowd, a hand rising as he neared to brush rough fingers against long slender digits and secure themselves firmly about a soft, warm palm in an unyielding grip as he overtook. Pulling and beckoning her forward with him.

The crowd about them quickly dispersed as hybrids took flight in different direction in bid for escape, and he caught sight of more than one trampled, lifeless corpse kicked to the edges to make way before being forced to halt in their advance altogether on the home stretch at the sound of heavy feet. Everything moving in slow motion.

Turning suddenly his free arm moved across Sedina's front, curling about her middle blocking, cushioning and steadying before swinging her about out of sight about a nearby corner, pinning her against the wall, his own larger frame shielding hers protective as for the first time his eyes found hers unwavering. Wordlessly communicating the need for silence as he pressed a finger against his lips as the footfalls grew louder and he held his breath as the large security team passed them by. All it would take was a glance and it would be over... however the steps soon faded and he shed in relief.

Finally he broke away from those eyes, peering about the corner before finding Madina's for a second time, hand moving to her cheek, concern swirling in his own.

"you okay, still with me?"
Kaiden scowled, picking his way around fire and rubble, scorching his jumpsuit, though patting out the embers that landed upon his pants before the flames grew. The snake glared through the goggles, eyes darting about as they read heat signatures, continuously unfamiliar to him. Subject upon subject, stumbling over and past each other, screaming and kicking around midst the chaos. Though all headed in the same direction.

The exit...

He'd already picked his way around to the first floor, pushing past panicked subjects and lab workers, both groups of which were suffocating with the increased amount of smoke in second floor. Moronic, they were. And here, they were supposed to be smarter than he was, supposed mad geniuses. It takes two seconds to ball up their coats, which is still stupidly thrown around their shoulders as if they were fire proof, and put it over their noses. Though it seemed as if he was the only one who had the brains to do it. But he'd ignored them, bursting into level 1 with eyes darting around wildly for an exit.

The hybrid wasted no time, exploding with the speed he was known for towards the general direction in which the other subjects were headed. Kaiden crashed through the crumbling walls, shattering glass and breaking apart what was left of the rooms, further alerting the others of his presence, though their surprise was short lived for another loud boom from bellow shook the building, new fissures growing to large cracks upon the ceiling, weighed down by the yards of dirt shoveled over it in attempt to keep the thing hidden. But Kaiden was in no obligation to wait for it to collapse, he was out.

Kaiden had fallen upon his knees upon exit, though it seemed as death wanted all but to take him, for the exit from which he'd come from shook from further explosions, collapsing upon those who were attempting to escape after him in his mad dash. But of course, he did not care. Right now, his main focus was the blobs of red against the cool blue of the forest, weaving their way around trees and foliage in what, from he could see, was a slight formation, and catching his breath. He could see their charged weapons, creeping slowly towards his direction.

And suddenly he could feel that familiar rage. Starting as small embers, like the ones that had burned holes through the lower part of his jumpsuit, then raging into flames that pulsed white hot in his blood. The snake, with movements meant to be silent and unnoticed, slowly rose to his feet, taking deep breaths to fill his oxygen deprived lungs with clean air. He watched as the aircraft lifted into the air, piloted by a woman, slowly raising into the deep blue of the sky. And as she swiveled towards his direction, Kaiden swung his body behind the large trunk of a tree, effectively shielding himself from the woman's thermal imaging camera, disappearing from view.

(I apologize for the shitty quality of this post. x x" Again, my writer's block is taking effect.)

Juliet, the pilot of the aircraft above, noticed some movement approaching the team from below on her thermal sights, and quickly got on the radio. "Alpha 1, this is Overwatch, you have unknown tango to your 10 o'clock, 10 meters off. Do you have visual?"

Alpha 1, the grizzly old vet named James, oriented himself to the direction she was referring to. All he could see however was just more damn trees. James decided he needed to get a better angle and linked up though the squad network to the cameras onboard the Corsair.

Now he could make out the target hiding behind the tree. Me motioned silently for the squad to take cover, on his mark, behind opposite trees from the target, while one of the squadmembers, a slanky ukranian named Ivan, to flank around the target.

James pulled out a flashbang and released the pin, then with a nod the squad went into action. He lobbed the grenade with precision, landing on the opposite side of the tree that hid the enemy hostile, rolling right up next to his foot. At the same moment, the other two members of the squad broke off and took cover behind the nearest pair of trees and began to fire their stun guns, consisting of charged electrical blasts that were meant to stun a human. This was only to provide additional cover as Ivan rushed off to the left and saught to flank the target to get a clean line of sight on the unknown tango.

Kaiden growled under his breath, leaves and dirt thrown upwards at the landing of the grenade's first bounce, alarmed that they'd found his position so fast, senses alert. And so alert was he that he could practically feel the electricity sparking within the air as their blast whizzed towards him. Though, without the first move upwards, he knew the attempt was of no use. The plan to ambush them from atop the trees had crumbled even before in formulated. He'd absolutely forgotten that the aircraft was able to see what the recon team was not.


The snake almost hissed as the grenade make contact with his foot, though didn't waste a beat, hooking the toe of his boot under the small thing and kicking it upwards and further than intended. Whilst hugging the thickness of the tree, he swung into the other side, fingers, as if pretending they were claws, digging into the bark, though not quite strong enough to break through the hard surface. He had mere split seconds to move before the electricity would make contact, stunning him enough to have those bastards take him in. And in no ******* way was he going to end up imprisoned again. He'd kill them all first.

Kaiden pushed off the ground with a great spring, keeping his grip upon the thick trunk of the tree and swinging his body upwards, the two's stun guns hitting nothing but tree. The motion sent pain running up his arms as his shoulders and wrists twisted much too fast for comfort, though he did not mind this, as long as he was fast about it. And in a great arch, he "landed" upon the trunk, letting go in mid-swing. And with boots planted upon the tree, he pushed forward, his strength combined with the explosion following propelled him up and forward, flame and debris flying along with him towards the team.

He grunted upon contact with the nearest soldier, crashing head on into the man, arms wrapped tightly about his torso. The two slammed heavily upon the forest floor, throwing upwards dirt and dead leaves upon collision.

(Omfg, I just know something is wrong. > <" Again, I apologize in advance, I was being rushed by my brother so not all of what I wanted to add is here.)

"We should try to find some sort of a town, try to blend in there" Aliele said, looking around to see if anyone was hiding in the shadows or some thing "We don't want to get caught, now do we?"
Adriana stopped in her tracks. She heard the sound of gunfire not to fair behind her.They're on our tails already?! she thought. Adriana knew that she needed to get somewhere she could blend in fast. What about those 3 others I saw not to far back. Should I go back and help them. No it would only slow me down. But what if they got caught. She kept having this internal battle. Finally Adriana turned around and ran towards the 3 others she saw not too long ago. She whipped from tree to tree faster then ever, not knowing why she wanted these 3 to live so much. It did not effect her if they where captured. Finally she reach the woods near the clearing she slept in and of course the 3 of them were still there. Adriana slyly came out of the woods and looked at the three others like her. "You all need to get out of here fast. I think they're already looking for us and closing in fast"
At Aliele's words, Mara nodded, looking to Rhys and taking his hand again with the intention of heading further into the forest. When the first sounds of gunfire rumble overhead, Mara tenses, her senses overloaded, and her eyes dart from Rhys to Aliele as she attempts to figure out which direction is best to go. She is not sure where the gunfire came from, as it sounds like it was all around them and possibly overhead.

When a fourth person appears before them, a female, and addresses them, Mara realizes quickly that she is another hybrid, though she does not recognize her. Still holding Rhys's hand, tugging him towards the girl, she says quickly, "Have you seen them? Do you know what direction they're coming from?"
Adriana shook her head no. "I'm not positive but from the sounds of it they are coming from that way" She pointed at the way leading back to the lab. "But I think they will close in on us fast if we don't get a move on. I don't know about you guys but I for one do not want to go back their. I herd that there is a town not to far away from here. If we could just reach the town before they spot us I think we could lose them." Adriana still didn't know why she was helping them. Every bone in her body told her to go it alone, she knew that more people meant that they would cause more of a scene. Well if things got bad she could also hightail it out of there. Either way they needed to move out of there and fast.
Rhys was ready to just drop and let them retake them for a second. It all seemed like so much work. But he would not leave Mara and she wouldn't leave him without reason. He squeezed her hand. They were all going to get out of here and be free. They had to.

"Then lead on," he told the girl.


Shelby moaned as she heard a muffled noise somewhere. Gunfire? Oh great so they were being hunted down. After all that had happened Shelby did not want to deal with anyone at the moment. Struggling to stand she checked out her arm. Yup it was broken indeed. Still it could of been worse. One of her legs could be broken. She shifted getting ready to run. She wasn't sure where she was going but one thing was clear. If Shelby didn't move she would be taken back.


She shook her head as she moved. No. He was either here in the woods, trapped in the facility or dead. She could not think about him. She had to get out of here first.
Nodding, Mara turned towards the other girl, whose name she has not yet caught, and squares her shoulders, lifting her chin slightly as she repositions her fingers slightly in Rhys's hand. There was always the chance that this girl was working for the experimenters, that she was setting a trap to lead them back into their grasps...but if that was the case, Mara's claws and fangs would come out, literally, and none would escape unscathed. For now...much as she might dislike it, maybe it was best to try to trust her. After all, Mara had not better ideas.

"Okay, let's go."
The squad aimed up and fired with their sidearms to no avail. Stun guns were great at putting a person down when they hit. However, because their was no projectile that was fired, the range of the weapon was quite limited and hitting a target flying down on top of you was even more problematic. Frantically, they fired the three rounds in their clips into the air, missing with every shot. They were then forced to take cover themselves from the incoming shrapnel.

Of the three man team, only the leader was smart enough to tumble back away from the impact site. The man which was singled out by this mad beast quickly collapsed onto the ground. His ribs were fractured the moment of impact, a bone breaking off and puncturing his heart. As he lay daying on the ground, the other two men were just now recovering from the debris that had landed on and around them.

The leader leveled his sidearm and took quick aim at the attacker, and then quickly dropped it away. He knew that if they three of them couldn't get a shot on this guy, he wasn't going to have much better luck on his own. Going instead with the combat knife, he stared the hostile down, and readied himself for the fight of his life.

(OOC: I'm going to be moving along the plot soon from the Breakout into the main part of the story, so be wrapping up things and introduce what characters that need to be introduced)

Edit: Meanwhile, Juliet was monitoring the activity down beneath her and saw her squad in trouble. Some distance away she saw another group of subjects forming. There was four of them, but couldn't tell much from this distance. Believing that they were about to join the first that was attacking her squad, she decided to make her move.

"Screw the Regs," she said in frustration and loosed a rocket towards the assembled group. Due to the tree cover however, it denoated just above their heads, raining fiery debris all over the small party.

Still sliding past the alarmed subject, Sedina continued to sift through the faces for Oliver, and grew worried the longer she looked. She hoped she didn't find him too late.... or not at all.

Suddenly, she felt an all too familiar hand grab hers and pull her in a new direction. Somehow, the chaos seemed to diminish when they quickly stopped Oliver grabbed her and hid her from a stampede of security crew. All she could focus on was his eyes, their current physical closeness, and the possibility that this could be the last time they'll ever come in contact with each other.

"Y-yeah..." Sedina replied, now cupping the hand that caressed her cheek now in her hands. Hearing another beam snap, she quickly added, "But we need to get out of here, now!"

She tugged on the hand she was holding, and ran in the direction the previous subjects once went. They were led up to a staircase that was nearly barricaded by a broken beam. She climbed over some of the rubble to reach the top of the stairs. "Hurry up Kid, before the whole ssstaircase crumbles!" She called.
((Oh my god, I fell asleep xD That's what happens when I only get one hour of it during the night, I have lots to catch up on so would someone to be kind enough to explain to me what has happened since my last post?))
Adriana nodded at the three people before her and turned toward the direction opposite from where the gun fire was. Without looking back at the people she said "My name's Adriana by the way. We should get going" She shot out her webbing and began swinging from tree to tree going at a pace where the others could easily follow. Not knowing what the others powers were she kept this in mind as she left a little distance between them. Not wanting them to try and hurt her.
At Sedina's urging, Oliver began his own steady ascent, albeit slower. His frame larger and heavier than the slender girl who had barely disturbed the precarious flight moments ago, and it groaned in protest, rubble dislodgeing underfoot as he shifted over the unsteady beam to follow her, making his careful way up to level one.

A sudden tremor passed through the facility, the result of an explosion on the surface and he pushed forward into a leap at the first sign of stirring beneath his feet, the combined force causing the stairs to give way beneath him. There was no time to reflect on the near fatal experience however, as there came the sound of scraping, of metal shifting above their heads, and he pushed Sedina into motion once more, grabbing hold of her wrist in his haste.

He didn't bother to look up at the crack that had begun to form, the ceiling starting to crumble and give way to the duress of battle on the nearing surface above, focused only on getting her out, and as something fell slightly ahead of them, a portion of plaster and concrete debris- he felt the first tremors of change coarse through his own body that had nothing to do with the collapsing facility.

With a shout of frustration he gripped Sedina's hand tighter, painfully so, and used the momentum of their movement coupled with his own fluctuating strength to propel her forward with considerate force, at the same as falling back as the painful shifting of bone, joint and muscle caused his legs to give way, and he barely managed to back up in time as the ceiling above gave way completely partially caught in the shower of debris.

The hybrid lifted its head then, stirring in the settling cloud of dust with the gentle shifting of rubble, and coughing slightly he looked at the pile of concrete, wood, plaster and even earth that separated him from both Sedina and the exit reaching out experimentally in probe. It didn't budge, some of the rubble merely disclosing replaced by more dirt falling through the now gaping hole.

He was grateful that at least Sedina would be free, though judging from the sounds above he wondered if he hadnt just pushed her closer to danger, and it was this thought thatt had him stumbling upright, a hand moving his aching shoulder as he began to find a new way around.

No sooner had he turned into a new area however did he trip over something soft and as it shifted during quietly he reached out to the small girl, grimacing at the realisation that he couldn't lift his arm before lifting the other hand instead shaking her gently.

"Come on, wake up... Shit..." he bent low scooping up the small girl from the floor, lifling her body and propping and cradling her against him, her chest resting against his, her cheek falling forward upon his shoulder before pushing himself upright into standing and carrying her as one might carry a sleeping child before standing once more and making his steady way to the exit.

If she was upset about his handling her she would be able to let it out when she woke, however for now they needed to get out of here and upon breaking through to he surface one thought filled his mind.

. So this is what it looked like.
Shelby was pretty sure that she had just run in a circle. She heard noises in the woods and cries. She assumed that meant that they were indeed being captured. She began to run away from the noise, making herself get farther lost. She stumbled a few times as she was distracted and in a hurry.

As she hit the ground she let out a sharp cry and then covered her mouth. No need to reveal where she was. Shelby was not going to make this easy for them. But then she calmed herself down. She had to think logically about this. Then she remembered. Once, just so quickly, she had seen a map of the surrounding area. Even though it was for a short time Shelby remembered it clearly. She could find a route out of here. But it would be tricky now. She had no idea where her current location was. This meant she had to return to the facility and go from there.

Carefully Shelby headed in the direction she thought would be it. From the smoke and the wind direction she was assured it was the right direction. Shelby almost got caught. A flash of what she assumed what the uniforms of whoever was here with them. She moved softly. Then once it passed she ran. Shelby almost ran right into someone.


Shelby stopped herself. She paused looking at who it was ready to run or not. It was a boy holding a younger girl. They were hybrids like herself.

"I can get us out of here," she said.
Sigfried heard a commotion. Loud engines. They came to a stop nearby,overhead. Then,he heard a loud pop,followed by the buzzing of energy weapons. They come to take us back into the cages...I need a purpose... He moved quickly through the bush,going back through his metamorphosis. Now a four-armed,black-shelled monster,he surged forward with incredible speed,throwing stealth and caution to the winds. He was fortuitous;his vector of approach brought him to a seperated person. He was armoured,and wielded a handgun. He lunged at the soldier,and slammed him into a tree,pinning his extremities to his sides. Sigfried's face was milimeters away from the grunt's faceplate. "We must be free. We must have a PURPOSE!" With that,Bloch grabbed the soldier by the throat,making sure to repeatedly jab his thumb's stinger into the flesh,delivering dose after dose of pain-inducing venom.

He turned to face the others,and hurled the trooper in their direction. He roared savagely,and began a hellbent charge at them. His chitonous shell was sturdy,and shaped to deflect most blows. The joint plates overlapped,allowing maximum range of motion and maximum protection from the front and back. He was like a juggernaut,the unstoppale force. "WE WILL BE FREE! WE WILL HAVE PURPOSE!"
"Mara," Mara nodded briefly in response to Adriana's introduction, "and this is Rhys."

She began to run, easily overtaking Adriana and pulling Rhys with her by the hand; she only hopes that Adriana can move faster than she currently is, because she's the one who is supposed to be leading them out. She keeps herself alert to any movements or scents of approaching threats as she goes along the direction Adriana had been indicating. The scent of smoke still lingers in her nostrils, and she is unsure of where, exactly, would be far enough from their pursuers to be safe. Maybe nowhere...but she isn't about to not try for it.

Just then an explosion sounds overhead- a gunshot? Firecracker? No, much louder...a bomb, a grenade? Mara has no time to wonder long before the debris scatters over them, blackened and still smoking, and she lets out a startled cry, feeling the hand in Rhys's tense, her claws nearly coming out. She begins to run again, only hoping that she will overtake the attackers..hopefully that was random and not aimed. Hopefully she is beyond their range of target soon, if she just keeps going...
Despite being unable to fully appreciate the view, Oliver took a moment to gather his bearings, taking in the surrounding area and chaos all around him at the hybrids attempted flight, the sky above thick and heavy with the smell of burning, and as he turned taking in the scene he cringed. Expression distorting as his eyes sought in vain, what he already knew he would not find.

Sedina, she was somewhere out here in the middle of this, he had left her in the middle of all this, and although he knew she could handle herself, was more than capable of her own survival, he feared for the gentle girl. Certain that between the experiments, training and pitted battles nothing they had ever been through within the facility could have ever prepared them for something of this scale, for such destruction. He needed to find her, and yet even as he considered where to begin the unconscious bundle in his arms stirred, muttering mutely under her breath, and Oliver glanced down at the vulnerable girl.

It was with much effort that sparing a final glance at the battle field Oliver jumped down from the raised platformed exit. Bare footed, cloven hooves easily securing his footing on the unsteady, broken earth as he landed, and taking a moment to adjust and reaffirm his grip on the slipping girl he began to make his own break.

He slowed curling over the girl in his arms as an explosion sounded nearby, to close for comfort his body shielding, and his head flicked about in time to to watch a large broken trunk hurl through the air, splitting upon contact with the earth, spraying splinter and earth in its ware as it hurtled and rolled across the ground. He barely spared a glance in the direction it had come, noting the flickering light of tell tale flame in the dark, feet already moving in the opposite direction.

His ears twitched then, body bowing slightly as he slowed at the edges of through forest taking up a more defensive posture, the sudden realisation of muted steps. He had been so distractd by the danger behind them that he had failed to notice that which was in front until the stranger was almost upon them, to late to escape. He relaxed when she burst clear of he brush with a audible shout, a hybrid, like them.

"I can get us out of here"
she stated and it took him all of five seconds in which he considered the girl in his arms, turning slightly to look at the burning facility behind them before nodding.

"Lead the way"
Shelby looked at the facility behind them and then nodded. In her mind she mapped out their route. She began to move, hoping that the two she had found were able to keep up. She moved a little slower knowing that the male hybrid was holding another one. But she had to keep moving regardless as well. If she stopped they would too and they were at risk of being caught. Shelby did not want that.

"It will take us about fifteen minutes to be out of here. If you hear anything tell me," she called back to them. She heard a noise to the left and moved a little away from it but sighed when it was just a rabbit. Still it could of been something else. Shelby moved a little bit faster.

'Please keep up.'

Sedina was relieved that Oliver managed to bound up the stairs in time, and was filled with bliss knowing they were almost free, that she didn't notice the sound of the ceiling crumbling right above her. She winced at the sudden constricting grip Oliver gave her, and felt her feet being pulled from the ground. As this was happening, she lost his hands in mid-air. She felt paused, frozen, at the loss of his touch.

She landed back in the ground with a tumble, her body twisting and somersaulting in every odd way. She stopped tumbling, her head making a bang on the wall near the exit. Looking back from where she had been tossed, she could see nothing, except the construction of the ceiling barricading her view. She could not believe what had happened, even though it was evident what did.

Sedina had no idea what had happened on the other side, let alone what had happened to Oliver. She ran up to the barricade and screamed for him, but nothing came out. The particles of soot, smoke, and dust made her choke, as well as forced tears to stream down her cheeks. She could hardly breathe, and only wished for Oliver to be alive, and wanted to help him. The pollution of the building seemed to overwhelm her, leaving her in fits of coughs and a sense of hazy blindness. She did not know which way she was going, but it felt like something moved her, despite nothing being there. She ended up touching the threshold to the exit, and pushing her way out. She collapsed upon freedom, coughing now beginning to cease. However, the tears continued to stream, and was now paired with a low whine. She silently gasped for air, as a trembling hand held the one charm attached to her pendant.

As far as she knew, he was gone, and it would have to take quite a while for him to find another exit, if they weren't barricaded like this one. She sat there motionless, almost unwilling to go on, when a window next to her exploded from the heat. Sedina yelped as some of the shards slashed the side of her face and one of her arms, and jumped away from the building. She had not realized until too late that she had ventured into a battle zone, involving a trooper and one of the hybrids, based on his incomplete attire.

Not wanting to risk looking back, or knowing if she had called them to her attention, she ran into a section of the forest. When she felt she was at a suitable distance, Sedina climbed up a tree and hugged the main stem, allowing the coolness of the tree to mix in with the heat she accumulated inside the burning building. She turned back to the battle zone, swallowing bitter venom that now dripped down her throat in fear and preparation.
Adriana picked up the pace after hearing more explosions, wanting to get as far away as possible from the source of those sounds. If all four of them could just hang on for a few more miles they would reach the town and be able to hid out their. It would be nearly impossible to find them if they acted just like the humans.

(Sorry its so short)

The sickening crunch of bone from beneath him sent excitement crawling through his body, under his skin, though his scorn easily tore through this delight at the thought of this man dying without so much as an open wound. There was no blood following. Kaiden felt his displeasure rising, even more so when his eyes caught the glint of a blade. And though his muscles scream at him to pause, his limbs burning from the climbing, from his new burns and from the unpracticed movements he'd taken, he knew he cannot simply pause for a break. The snake slowly stood from his new victim, eyes darting about from the three that stood surrounding him, and though holding the knowledge that he was well outnumbered, his lips pulled upwards into the snake-like grin many had remarked was quite ominous.


The hybrid closed his hand upon the black hilt of the knife, protruding from the fallen man's thigh, hidden amongst other weapons and or devices Kaiden didn't care to name. But Kaiden did not wield the blade. Instead, he'd raised it to his mouth, teeth clamping down upon its black grip as he had nowhere else to keep the thing, just behind his fangs, where he knew it would not involuntarily slip out. And with the tips of his mouth still twisted up, he charged, speed and weight leaned forward as if he aimed to tackle the man down. But he'd never made it.

Kaiden threw himself to the side, the hairs of the back of his head standing on end, just barely shifting out of the way of the black blur, which had proceeded to slam the poor fellow to his left into a nearby tree. He could just hear the crack of splintering wood at the force of the
bug-man's push, and watched as the trooper struggle against his, having assumed the hybrid was male, one-hand's grip. He appeared to be screaming something at the already convulsing soldier, whilst, from what Kaiden could see and smell, injecting large amounts of venom into his blood stream. The effect was immediate, and he could only wince at the human's agonized scream, which he knew would carry outwards into the trees, possibly alerting more troops.

But this bug didn't seem to care, he kept screaming like the madman he was.

Kaiden had not the patience to interpret the rush of words that seemed to ring in his ears as bug-man screamed, nor did he care to understand. He was a bit too busy weaving away from the charging brute and his victim, which he'd only managed to duck under as his body was sent flying towards the man to his right. The two was sent back at the utter strength of the throw, bouncing/rolling a few yards back before coming to a stop, unmoving. Three down, one to go.

The last that stood was the one who'd wielded a blade, similar to his own, which he'd realized had been soaking in his venomous spit, having forgotten its existence upon the hybrid's arrival. Kaiden pushed his tongue forward, proceeding to wrap the black appendage about the hilt, dislodging his jaw, widening his mouth enough to slide the dagger out from under his fangs. He spat the blade onto his hand, closing his fingers about the hilt as his gaze rose. The bug-man was after his target, the man was his kill, and this one was going to take his life. That simply wont do.

The blade sang, its tuneless ring seemingly cutting through the bug-man's screaming like it cut through the air. The dagger sailed past the beast's head, just barely missing his armored body and soaring right at the last soldier. Now, with this man's attention now drawn to the monster rushing him, of course, there was no room for him to watch both. Kaiden was not surprised that the man had forgotten his existence, forgotten that he was also a threat, he had been trying to think of a way to divert the man's attention from his blade. And now he'd gotten that distraction, he did not let it pass by.

Kaiden felt his grin return as the trooper's body fell backwards, the hilt of the blade, still glistening in some spots where his spit had not dried, now sticking outwards from between the man's eyes, blade embedded into his skull.


Niya felt her head loll to the side, cheek resting upon something that felt softer than a door frame, and though she could not open her eyes, she breathed in a familiar scent. Yet she cannot place such a thing, not clearly anyways. And with her head still reeling from the amount of smoke and lack of oxygen, she'd immediately jumped on the hope that this was, in fact, the man she'd been awaiting to see. And even with the pain on her arm, throbbing as she felt her blood begin to stain who ever's shirt, arms slung around his neck in a loose as if she felt she'd fall.

"Aniki?" Her lips moved sluggishly, only managing to form the word, though slurred and barely audible, voice cracked as she attempted to swallow with her dry throat. If she'd had her wolf ears, they would've twitched, hearing her voice, so weak and foreign, so unlike her.

Tony couldn't help but stare. The stars- sure, he'd seen them in movies, and read about them in books, but the stars- the real stars, they were so impossibly far away! And so clear- a movie screen could only be so high-quality, yet his eyes could see every particle of the scene before him. The sky was unimaginably vast, and the air was something else altogether. It was an entire atmosphere of air, full of breezes and winds and currents and blazes; and he was in it, breathing it in, and then back out again. It was so fluid, with the branches swaying in his view and the wisps of clouds slowly travelling through the sky. It was something huge. His world had suddenly expanded from a series of white, sterile rooms to this.

He felt the dirt with his hand, pressed against the floor. It was moist and strangely textured. He dug a small hole with his finger, running the particles of rock and soil over his hands; it was a mixture of many things, all around and in and with each other. What was below it? More dirt! Why, the ground was as spacious as the air. He had read about it, but never truly believed, that if you flew for days upwards you'd still have places to reach, and if you flew for a year you'd hardly find the stars any brighter. And how huge was the Earth- how many places to go? He could go everywhere, with nothing but his wings! Anywhere! And there were so many things to see, just in this one place, on the ground!

Tony didn't think he'd ever been more happier than he was then, pressed against the floor.

He'd reach that tree. Yes, that's what he'd do. Moving slowly, he sat up, looking far through the forest; how could there be so many trees? There were everywhere; and what were they in comparison to all the trees in the world?

Slowly, again, he attempted to stand. The sharp pain in his left leg brought him to reality, and with a grimace, he fell back to the earth.

He managed to drag himself to a tree, leaning against the bark. He might be out, but he wasn't safe yet. With a pained expression, he draw his pants leg up and examined his leg.

For one, it was black with soot. It didn't look right either, like there was an extra joint where there shouldn't be. It all caught up to him suddenly- his head suddenly gave a thud of pain, and he suddenly felt much too weary to keep his eyes open. His arms and back felt like they were on fire, tender where they touched anything and their muscles sore beyond belief. His face must be gray as well, and his entire body shruddered with aches.

A faint explosion in the distance alerted him to his surroundings. Of course- security would be after the escaped hybrids. Could he fly? His wings weren't out, but he had a phantom pain in his back that just showed how strained they were.

So he'd walk. Staggering, he rose to one foot, hand on the tree for support. His hand was black and sore, but he couldn't help but stare at the bark for a moment.

So complex and rough.

He made his legs move, and he limped slowly across the floor. Leaves- leaves crunched beneath his feet, and branches waved above his head. He had to keep moving, so that he could have all of this; he had the world in his grasp, and he certainly wasn't letting go. Let his body ache. It could rest when he was safe. Away from the explosion, that was it.

Not thinking anything at all, Tony walked.

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