Flaws Of Our Nature

As the two tumbled, Sedina had a feeling that the male had been in pain on impact, and probably wouldn't be too grateful at first. She felt her body twist as something grabbed onto her ankle. She realized that she had been pulled to his front, feeling his arms now wrapped around her midsection. With a dull crash, Sedina now knew that they were both currently safe from getting mortally wounded, at least. If only it had been Oli...

The duo had continued to roll and tumble along until she felt the impact of the male hit something, most likely a tree. She had accumulated some dirt onto her greenish scales, some managing to reach her partially covered wounds, sending a irritable sting to the sites. Her worries had in fact came true about saving him, for he yelled at her after they had stopped.

"Sssorry," she managed to slip out, her now golden eyes expressing fear and embarrassment. She looked over at the fallen tree and gestured towards it. "...I-it wassthe... tree..." her voice faded, figuring she had humiliated herself enough.
Rhys let himself be taken again. He was excited to not only be free but to be able to have the chance to do what he wanted. Sure it would be hard but Rhys was known for getting what he wanted out of people. He could use it to help him and Mara get jobs or food or things they needed until they could manage on his own. He had no qualms with using people this way. It was what had to be done. They were imprisoned since their birth, the humans they would meet had not. It was only fair.

"How far do you think?"
Mara has no idea whatsoever how far the sewers might be, or how to navigate them, or where they might lead out to, but she's not about to convey this to Rhys. Anything less than certainty would make her seem weak, and one thing Mara hates is to show weakness in any way, even in front of Rhys. All the times she's been poked and prodded and made to scream in pain, forced into showing pain or emotion, made her hate with ferocity letting anyone see her as less than fully strong and confident, and now is no exception. If she doesn't know the plan, she'll make one up as she goes. What other choice is there?

"Not too far, I'm sure," she says as she strides along, weaving in and out of the trees with her usual cat-like grace.

She estimates they have traveled about a half mile or so before she comes to the entranceway of what she imagines must be the sewers; it is an open space leading down into the ground, with a rather rank smell emanating from it. Mara wrinkles her nose, her extended sense of smell very sensitive to the odor, and glances back at Rhys as well.

"Guess this is it...ready?"
Rhys nodded but he was on the outlook for anyone who might get in their path or try and stop them. He didn't voice his concern of being recaptured. It wasn't that he wanted to seem strong but more he didn't want to waste the energy on voicing the concern unless he had to. Besides no one had stopped them or attacked them. Which was both odd but lucky for the couple.

But looking at where they would be heading into Rhys knew they would need luck. They had lived their lives in a facility. But now they were going to have to live in the world. It was a scary thought but Rhys was not going to waste time or energy being afraid just yet.

"Yeah. Let's go."
Sigfried twiched. He looked between the newcomer,and the vans. Freedom either way...I know Troy,and he's offering freedom... He collapsed to his knees,cradling his head,apparently in a great deal of pain. This woman...She can lead. She's offering freedom...A purpose...But Troy just has freedom... Sigfried roared in equal parts pain,fury,and confusion. A trusted friend offered freedom,but little else. A stranger offered freedom and a purpose. He simply collapsed into a fetal position,muttering repeatedly, "Friendly freedom,strange purpose..." His mind seems to have locked up,to protect him from some sort of overload.
Shelby moved, hoping the other two behind her could keep up. She wondered what she would find at the end, who else might head there and not to the sewers. Shelby was tempted for the sewers. If Kaiden was alive, that is where he would go of course. But she wanted to lead the two with her to where these underground people were. It would be better to go there first.

So she made her way through the woods, trying to keep out of the way of anyone else in there. She stumbled once, but kept on going, not allowing herself to stop. Suddenly she saw people and once she made it, she fell to her knees, exhausted.
There was a man, Nidria cussed under her breath when she saw him with his hands up in the air; she couldn’t exactly hurt him without looking bad. The fact that the man was visibly elderly didn’t help the case either; she wasn’t quite willing to go to extreme measures. At the thought of John, she had to bite the inside of her cheek, listening as ‘Hank’ tried to talk to Sigfried, the hybrid. It was him trying to pitch the idea of what Troy could give the man, and she frowned to herself as she recognized the name.

Sigfried Bloch, a solider ant’s DNA resided in this man’s body, it was another social creature, but with a thought, she released her cheek. A decision was placed in front of the ant-man, and she could almost hear him mulling about it in his head before he even spoke the words. The blonde cringed when he went into a fetal position, but did nothing more for the fellow.

There was no time for such trivialities as convincing a bug who had no mind of its own, she knew her offer would linger even as she stepped over him. Nidria turned back to Hank before completely leaving the scene, “Ah…but do you really know Troy’s purpose?” she wonders, with a slight smirk. Then she shakes her head, thinking of all the things John had to say about this one particular hybrid, Troy Alvaro.

Armadillo-infused and a man that Nidria had grown to detest from the tales that John had told her about him. Although his DNA was spliced, the man was usually not cooped up in a cage, yet still stayed with the scientists for a time. It was as if he approved in what they were doing to him, and Nidria’s poor eye-sight was only so at the hands of these people. John was the only person to help her, and it was disgusting that when given the doorway out of his cage, Troy had simply stayed.

It wasn’t like it was for good either; the man had chosen a day to randomly escape from the prison, maybe because the scientists would not let him throw another party. Parties in captivity? How ridiculous…all it made the girl think of was a prison fight, and she shook her head. At least if the boy had stayed, you’d think that he was waiting to bail the rest of the subjects, but he had left at the drop of a hat. Declared dead, as if he would never have to come back; John said he was the one that convinced him to try.

Then here he was, turning his back on John again; Troy hadn’t showed up to their meeting spot this morning, and it was surprising that he showed up at all. Nidria wondered idly what the façade of a home was protecting them against, probably another facility where they would be tested again. Nidria scoffed, about to walk into the forest until she saw three others come out, and a smile spreads across her face. Green eyes turn back to Hank, as if she was challenging him to the battle of words they were going to have talking to these people.

Once again, Nidria looked at the three people and took a step forward, her database that was literally at the back of her head brought up their names. “Oliver, Shelby and Niya” she noted them off, one-by-one and began the same speech she gave Sigfried “My name is Nidria and I have come to offer you a third option.” The girl had learned from Hank to introduce herself, as he had noted that Sigfried “didn’t know who she was.”

“I, myself, am a hybrid” the girl notes, changing after she says so, “and I would like to ask if you really support Troy’s ideals…He has suggested you live in a home outside of the real world and learn to blend in to the world around. We are not simple humans, though…I believe that we should not have to hide ourselves, we have spent our whole lives in a facility doing that. Our spliced DNA makes us stronger, makes us superior…can’t we rule?” the offer was in front of the three, on a metaphorical silver platter.

They simply had to decide…


In the nearby city, a similar encounter was about to take place, but the guy who was assigned the task was currently…well, he had found some garbage. Oscar dug through the bag and sniffed, crinkling his nose as he pulled away from the bag, wondering why it smelled so bad. There was some interesting stuff in here after all… some fish bones, a few banana peels, scrunched up tissue, something that smelled like blood. Oscar frowned, digging around until he saw the offending object, rolled up in toilet paper and making him visibly shrink back.

To think that the humans cut themselves and soaked it up with such things! The sticky side was on the outside, how were they supposed to work that!?

Oscar shook his head, kicking the bag further into the water until it started floating off with it and then he eagerly chased it. Grinning as he followed the slow object before he realized there were other voices, THERE WERE PEOPLE! Almost grinning from ear to ear, the sandy blonde took off towards the noises and almost barrelled them straight over.

“HEY!” he noted, there were two of them! So much for not a lot of people would probably come this way, two whole people! Oscar grinned again, showing off his sharp teeth before he remembered he had something to say to them. Nidria was instructing him a lot, but all he had to do was say yes to get some meat, and who doesn’t love meat!? The man almost even drooled at the thought. But there were people…he could swear there was something he had to say to these people.

“You twoooo…” he trailed, narrowing his eyes slightly, examining the girl and the boy. WAIT. A girl and a boy? What are the odds of getting two different kinds!? Oscar didn’t know, but he felt happy all the same, the two in front of him probably only felt confused. Then it hit him!

“You want to come with me?” it seemed he was on the right track, “I found a really neat bag, and it contained all this great stuff, and I bet you would like it too! BUT it fell in this smelly river…!” alas, the poor fellow had gotten it wrong. Almost immediately after the tall man had said something about it, a small jolt of electricity passed through him and he frowned deeply.

“…I can’t play today!” he whines, “Instead he wants me to ask you if you want to play at my house!” his fingers seemed to twitch. Although the two in front of Oscar don’t know it, the electricity dissipating forced him to go hybrid. The man’s knees were flipped inside out as he was made hind legs that ended in huge claws, his arms slightly shortening into claws as well. Scales took over his skin and the whites of his eyes as well as blue irises turned black, a huge spiked tail grew out from the tail bone.

As if he was a different person, his voice came out in a low timbre rather than the high annoying one that had spoken. His jaw was also slightly more square and big.

“I shall give you a choice, to come with me…and live over the humans that have held us captive for all of our lives” he noted.
As they approached the end of the sewer's winding path, Mara is more than a little ready to make her way back out into the open, into the city's fresh air. Fresh air is one thing that is definitely missing from the confines of the sewer, and with her sensitive nose, Mara has had difficulty breathing throughout the course of their trek with her efforts to hold her breath through the sewer's odious scent. She is hot and filthy, tired and irritable, and even Rhys's presence has become less of a comfort and more of a further irritation, because the heat of his body near hers is adding to her physical misery. She cannot wait to find somewhere to wash up, even if just an outdoor hose or a lake of some kind, and she is on the verge of an outburst if she can't find somewhere soon.

All of this irritation immediately shifted to alarm, however, as they reached the end of the sewers, only to find that odd...creature...jump into their path. It was huge...its expression was near manic...and most alarmingly...it pretty much appeared to be a T Rex.

Immediately Mara grabbed Rhys's hand and squeezed hard, shifting her body protectively in front of his, even as she tensed, her heartbeat quickening considerably. What was THAT...one of the hybrids? She had never seen him before...how had he gotten ahead of her? This was a trick. This was...was he THREATENING them?

What's more, did he mean it? Because she sort of doubted she could harm him, considering the size difference...but if she had to she would try.

Despite her apprehension, Mara refused to show fear, lifting her chin and addressing him defiantly.

"Who ARE you?" she asked harshly, but her mouth is dry. "Why would you offer us anything, we've never seen you in our lives!"
As Emma approached the sewer, the rancid smell was burning her eyes and nose. Thank God she didn't get enhanced smell. This would've been Hell for them. Staring down the hole, she realized her wings wouldn't fit. After reverting to her human form, she took one look at the sky and smiled. "Yahoooo!" she shouted as she jumped down the hole.

At the first sign of light, although as dim as it was, Emma looked up to see 3 figures blocking the entrance. Trying her best to block the smell with her hand, and failing miserably, she was getting a bit ticked off. "You going to be long? I'd rather not suffocate to death."
Rhys was also ready to get out of the sewers. They smelled really bad and he was beginning to feel dirty. He didn't like that sensation and the longer he was done here, the dirtier he felt. He was hot and sweaty and probably smelled as worse as the sewers by now. But he didn't stop moving, didn't stop following Mara, even if he did want to back off a bit. They close this path and Rhys was going to make it through it. Then he could take a nap. For a week. The idea of sleeping in a bed, or even somewhere outside, made Rhys keep going. It would be worth it in the end, surely.

He was startled though by a new voice talking. He had gotten so use to the familiar trek through the sewers, he was half-fazed out by time they reached the man. He went tense but Mara was alert. He looked at the man from behind his girlfriend, not sure what was going on.

"What...what are you talking about?" He didn't like the disjointing way this man talk. Rhys could only assume that he was not right in the head. But he would wait to see what would happen.


Shelby looked at the woman in front of her, now that she had made it to the location. It was disquieting that she knew her name when Shelby herself did not know her's. She wondered what she wanted, but soon enough the woman made it quite clear. Her choice made Shelby even more confused.

Superior? Even though Shelby had thought herself intelligently above most everyone back in the place, she had never thought herself better. Not better than her fellow hybrids and not better than her human captors. Sure the humans she was around, she hated. But that was because they kept them locked up and treated them poor. But did that make them better than the humans? No. That was clear in Shelby's mind.

She looked back at her fellow hybrids, then to the woman. She would not give into her words, her offer for power. Shelby did not want that life.

"What makes you think I can rule anything?" She would see what this woman had to say, what else she might offer. Shelby was brillant, her intelligent higher than most others expect for a few other hybrids. So she would use it.
She could feel herself disappear into the blackness as she slipped into her slumber, the slight bobbing of whoever had his arms about her slim form almost fading along with the feel of motion as they flitted through the thick brush of the forest. Niya could feel the nothing envelope her, almost invitingly-- more invitingly than she'd witnessed since the disappearance of the only comfort she had been able to find within the wretched facility was ripped from her grasp. This was the easiest sleep she'd been able to simply slip into, having not the ability to make herself fall asleep all those nights before and after the appearance of her brother figure. Perhaps he had come back, perhaps he was already here, the one cradling her small physique at this very moment. But of course, she couldn't tell, she has been having trouble putting together coherent thoughts ever since she'd been lifted from the door frame like a baby.

But the numbness, clouding her vision and destroying every coherent thought attempting to form about the situation, she could say was strange, being that that was the only thing she'd been sure of at the time. Even the motion of the invading men seemed to go slow, even if their bodies blurred in motion, their mouths, though moving, didn't seem to make a sound. That, or their words just didn't reach her ears. Either way, she seemed to have been deafened, partically blinded and utterly paralyzed, seeing as her limbs just refused to move. And from that, she knew they must've stabbed a needle into her flesh. Her body felt as if it was made out of led...

Niya could almost feel her chest constricting, like snakes coild about her lungs and heart, refusing them the liberty to work, painfully tightening as if they wished to kill her. She no longer felt the almost deafening thud, the rushing of her blood through her body, burning through her veins. She no longer felt the sensation, the need to run within her legs. No longer felt the fear that had her thoughts spiraling, screaming at her in mind numbing volumes to escape, fight her way through the wall of men that invaded the small space of her sleeping quarters. Though, by the looks of it, there wasn't much of a chance she'll be escaping anyways. At the age of 13, compared to many subjects, she was ridiculously tiny, and she felt more so sitting up on her bed, her privacy violated by men looming over her head. Some stood easily over a foot taller than her 4"9 stature, or even taller.

The dark hallway seems to warp and twist as they dragged her through the corridors, snaking like the inside of a serpent's belly. Though how they'd made it from her room to this far into the snaking halls this, she could not fathom. Niya would mumble, softly, though her mouth didn't seem to form words, but rather a mess of a sentence that the men more or less likely ignored. She felt pin prickles at her arms in place of the callous hands of the males as they forcibly tugged her to her unsteady feet from time to time, when she'd find her legs dragging behind her. Niya was beyond comprehension, beyond reality, yet she finds that she is able to see herself from outside of her own body, like a second set of eyes.

She was dreaming...

Niya felt, in whatever form she was in, herself pull forward as a man, Henry, as she'd remember, yank harshly at her messy tangle of black hair, which had been past her waist at the time. Even in her drugged state, the wolf hybrid yelped in pain and in surprise, hands frantically grabbing at the fist in attempt to relieve the pain upon her scalp. Niya felt only disgust as she watched this, her feet lifting off the ground as the man raised his hand. She could almost taste the tobacco in his breath as he breathed into the paleness of her face, a sneer upon his mug before he allowed her back to her own feet, only to drag her towards the offending hybrid, an arm, thicker and tight, around her neck, cutting off her already oxygen deprived lungs. Niya would watch as Henry's lips moved, mouthing words she cannot process in the slow blur of her surroundings, though he seemed to have that ever present scowl as he spoke to whomever, and she was vaguely aware of cold metal pressing against her temple, to which she can only guess was the mouth of a gun.

Eyes of emerald shifted from the man who held her, having had her gaze, unbeknownst to her, upon his face the whole of the time he'd had her in a choke hold. Though, what met her eyes was a sight that almost jerked her out of her drugged state.


Niya almost started for him, her brain working full drive to force her body to move towards him, no matter how sluggish or clumsy her steps may be. Anything to distance herself from the strong stench of tobacco, but his arm merely tightened about her thin throat, the cold metal of the pistol pressing even harder against her skull, as if to drive the thing into her flesh. Niya heard herself whimper, though why, she could only guess. Perhaps it was the absence of a comforting embrace at the moment, seeing as the effects of whatever toxin was injected into her blood stream seemed to be beginning to wear off. Which, of course, left room for Niya to feel again... And she felt fear.


Kaiden drew in a sharp breath, tearing eyes of olive away from her own gold ones as he felt his own chest constrict, swearing under his breath as he'd swore the snake girl had just been Shelby. The male shifted, easing himself off the poor female, as if he were trying hard to be careful not to break her, though he knew full well that he wasn't at all using force to do so. He hissed as he noticed the shortness of his breath upon standing, a slight pang of pain upon his inhales as he allowed the aching of his spine to release in a few short pops. Kaiden rolled his shoulders whilst looking about, teeth grinding as he fought to keep his gaze anywhere but this new female, in fear of seeing her face in place of-- whoever it was that's on the ground... And plus he was in no obligation to be caught staring. Kaiden is NEVER to be caught staring.

A soft rumble of his throat signaled his displeasure as his eyes scanned about, busying himself with finding the next route to his escape. The hybrid, however, was quite irritated with finding many of said routes were blocked by humans and other hybrids, which he had absolutely no desire to encounter at the moment. The latter included, of course, Troy, Sigfried, Tony, which he was quite sure will get in the way of his plans... It would simply
not happen...


Kaiden stole a glance at the female, regarding her eyes eyes of caution and suspicion. She had just saved him from the god damn tree... Not that he needed to be, he is Kaiden. He'd have been able to avoid damage so much faster and with less fuss than this... And though he was quite at a loss as to what his next move would be, he just really wants to avoid asking. He'd simply damage his ego... His pride is precious--just-- whatever. F*ck it.

"Wh-Where to?"


Niya can hear herself scream, see herself kicking, feel herself grow more fearful as they held her to the wall, her eyes darting about the darkness as they searched for her only source of comfort. The concrete wall was unforgiving as she kicked about, her bare heels, elbows and her head continuously banging against its hard surface as she struggled, and continued to do so even after the brutes who held her down slam her back against the wall. Niya was sure she'd woken up every subject that was asleep at the time, both with her screams, or should the subject be deaf, by the vibrations she almost felt herself creating in her struggling and pounding against the solid surface.

Reality didn't seem to want to reach Niya, her nails had already begun to dig into Oliver's flesh in the force of her grip, clutching either of his shoulders with both her hands. Her body was stiff in his grip, curling up further as if the slight embrace caused the pain she felt through her slumber. The hybrid whimpered, eyes shut tight, occasionally stirring as if she was trying to squirm out of Oliver's grasp.

She was waking...
At the woman's approach as they broke free of the treeline Oliver's progression slowed to a halt close to Shelby, unable to prevent himself from glancing back at the forest left behind and unconciously taking a step back, his posture becoming somewhat defensive, ready for flight at the mention of his name, unsure of her allegiance. He quickly relaxed however as she shifted into hybrid form, revealing herself, at the words rolling out between her lips, his frown deepening thoughtfully at their appeal, and he barely heard Shelby's response so focused on the proposistion at hand.

He had always respected Troy, the male had made life for him, for all of them better during the time he was in the facility, had gone out of his way to ensure it so, though he could not say he agreed with his intention. Humans were responsible for everything he had experienced in his life, they were cruel, twisted, without heart, as quick to torture as they were to maintain your comfort, and now Troy would have him interact with them, exist beside them, with them...

He drew in a sudden sharp breath, his teeth gritting at the sudden and acute pressure digging into the fragile joint of his shoulder, and he automatically looked down at the slender fingertips embedding themselves between the grooves of muscle and bone. His expression contorted further as the girl in his arms tightened her grip, sharp nails threating to split fabric and pierce flesh, and he quickly turned his head to avoid reflexively biting down on them, a pained growl filtering between gritted teeth, body tensing, his hold on the young hybrid tightening with it, unwittingly crushing her small form against his, even as his body cried out to push her away.

Almost as suddenly as the pain began he dropped to a knee, pulling the young hybrid close so as not to drop her even as every part of him cried out to break free and push her away in an instinctive response to stop the pain, and no sooner had her legs touched ground, bending and tucking beneath her, the majority of her weight resting upon solid earth, Oliver's hand flew up to cover her's at his shoulder, fingers curling about tightly, wasting no time with restraint or careful handling as he pulled it roughly away.

His body sagged with relief at the easing of pressure and his eyes closed as the immediate pain began to dull into a nagging and unrelenting ache, his body stilling, focused only on breathing before the whimpering girl; still propped against him, her head resting against his chest, the opposite hand still tight upon his shoulder-, drew their focus once more and as the young hybrid shifted, he altered his grip on her hand. The tightening of her fingers was immediate, sharp claws unretracted piercing the back of his hand, a thin trickle of crimson blood seeping, and trailing down his wrist, spiralling slightly about his bare arm, however It barely fazed, rather numbing in comparison to that which sparked in his shoulder with every subtle movement of the joint.

Adjusting his grip, he coaxed the girl back against his opposite arm slightly, concerned eyes taking in her tightened expression, and his hand curled about, drawing over her shoulder soothingly as he whispered with a softened tone, repeating muted words of calm; unable to do anything more for her.

"It's okay, you're alright, you're okay"~
Sedina couldn't help but notice how the male looked so quickly away from her, seeming rather the opposite of enthusiastic looking at her in the first place. Was it something she said? Could it possibly be that he was upset about the ambush that could've possibly saved his life? Sedina wasn't sure, though she was somewhat relieved that he was able to get up, though the male seemed less than enthusiastic looking back at her.

"U-uhm...." Sedina murmured, raising herself up. She felt she would probably die of a heart attack right at this moment.

"I-I.. I don't... erm...." Sedina looked down for a second and back up at the male. "I-I-I'm sssossorry! A-are you.. okay?"
It would've been easier to kill her, to just sink the length of his fangs into the thin clothes provided by the facility, proving to be absolutely no protection. It would've been easy to just rip through her neck, her jugular with his talons. Or crush her until her ribs and spine turn into mush within his grip. Or to simply drive his claws deep into the flesh of her chest, right through her heart. All of which he'd already pictured himself doing to those bastards involved in this god forsaken project. Kaiden's olive green eyes flash with the anger, pure unbridled rage, he'd buried long ago with his silence, and whatever self control he'd able to build up since his lockdown, the air about him flickering with dangerously dark aura, to which he'd quickly waved away along with the snake girl's concern.

Kaiden scowled as he'd realized his question went unanswered, his pretend self control slipping as he took the smaller female by the arm, hauling her to her feet with strength that almost sent her sprawling to the ground once again. Strength he hadn't meant to use, to which he'd mutter a soft
"sorry". The hybrid raised his free hand to the back of his head, scratching in thought, gritting his teeth in annoyance at the thick air of awkwardness floating about the duo.


Kaiden's shoulders sagged visibly, having not a clue how to deal with people like her. Shelby had always been easier to be around, reading much of his silence and only a few shared glances would mean a whole conversation. But this girl didn't seem to get it, of course, what did he expect? There was no such girl a copy of Shelby. Kaiden brushed off the thought, the clawed hand still closed about her arm tugging her forward with less force than he'd used before. For now, he must stick with talking. F*cking great.

"We need to get out of here..." His voice, he noted, sounded gruff, a little too rumbly, as if he growled the statement out from his chest. His brows furrowed at this, as if his voice was foreign, though, a little side wards glance at the girl, he continued. ​"Any ideas?"

The male's response to her concern only agitated her more, his look seeming that of pure disgust, to an extent she almost felt regretful for saving him, which was odd on her part. Still, no one can be that rude, can they? The girl was nearly standing erect when suddenly the male grabbed her arm then yanked her upward, quickly putting one of her legs forward to avoid dropping. The male had said sorry to her, though to Sedina it hadn't felt like he meant it. The move had angered her and made her tense up, the air passing through her throat forming a hiss, which she immediately ceased as she looked away and down to the tree that fell. As the few seconds had passeed, she tried her best not to think about Oliver, though that was proving to be difficult, especially when this stranger proved himself to be nearly the opposite.

"I don't know," She mumbled as he began to pull her along. she wanted to pull away so bad, just to run and not have to deal with him anymore. But there was no telling how many more hybrids would be nearby, he may be her only option if she wanted to get out of these woods alive.

"We do have two beaconsss before usss, why not pick one?" She suggested, tensing the muscle of the apprehended arm, just in case she needed to defend herself.

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