The Hybrid (Woo first RP in a long time)

Layla crossed her arms. "My name is Layla. I can use a bow or whip," she said. "I'm also pretty good at climbing. And if you were in that bar fight, then you can tell that I can also hold myself in hand to hand combat."
Scythe nodded "Well. Are you interested in helping me?" Scythe spun around and blocked a Sword that had come down at him.
Sai stared at the bag of gold. Then she looked at Layla "I think we should do it. What do you think?"
Layla eyed the bag and then looked back at Scythe. "You have yourself a deal, Mr. Scythe."

(Curious . . . is solarwing still in this?)
((yeah sorry I've been grounded.))

Dusk watched as the meeting took place. He smirked a bit then spoke up."I'm Dusk Solar." he said bowing his head. Scythe do you mind if I join you?" he asked.
"I can't promise most of you will live"

"Fine by me. At least I'll get to have some fun before I die" She said smirking
(Ember, just so you know, we are not the oldest of the group. We are just the oldest girls. There are 2 guys older than us, if that's okay. I shall name them, Nobu (21) and Adamska (19).)

Layla nodded. "Sai, let's go." She walked to a house in the slums of the city. It could hardly be called a house. The walls were cracked. One corner of the roof had a hole. And there was a broken window. But it was home.

When she walked in, a small boy ran up to her. "Welcome home!" he said and gave her leg a hug. He went to hug Sai too.

"You're back." Layla looked up to see Nobu, the eldest of the group and also the leader.

"Sai and I have found a new job and it pays well." She dumped the bag of gold coins on a beat up table.

Nobu eyed it in suspicion. "What is this job?"

"You know, just an escort job."

The leader narrowed his eyes and looked to Sai. Hopefully the one eyed girl would be a bit more honest than Layla. Hell, most criminals were more honest than the dark haired girl.

Sai followed closely behind Layla thinking over all that had happened today. In the middle of being deep in thought she felt someone hugging her. She looked down and smiled at the young boy and hugged him back.

Sai just smirked out Nobu. "Oh whats the difference a paying job is a paying job. If you really want to know Layla and I will be going on an adventure.This man said he would pay us a great deal of money if we helped him out with a little quest. It seems like a good way of making sure the younger kids get something to eat"

I'll just leave out the part about maybe not living
Sai thought. She felt a little guilty for not telling Nobu everything but she didn't want him to try and discourage her and Layla.
Scythe opened the door to his house. He decided it was time. The other groups were tracking him quickly. He took a large bag of money, some clothes, and his sword. After he made sure he had everything, he set the house on fire. By burning his scent in the house, he could throw the clans off for a few days
Nobu's eyes softened and he placed a hand on Sai's head. "Just come home safe. Adamska and I can't run this place without you two."

Layla smirked, "So very true."
Sai looked up at Nobu "Don't worry we'll be fine. We wouldn't leave you guys to deal with all these kids by yourselves." Sai smiled at this and hugged Noku reassuringly.
Scythe waited at the spot all morning, thinking of how to avoid danger as much as they could
Layla walked up to the meeting place to see Scythe already there. "So where is this core anyway?"
Scythe frowned. "At the south pole." He looked at the old village. "I'm sorry. But you wont be able to return here.."
Sai looked at Scythe questioningly "What do you mean we wont be able to return here. Why not?"
"Because once the other clans find out I have more people, they will track your scent, and most likely burn this village"
Layla's eyes widened and her hands formed tight fists. She'd never be able to come back? She'd never again see the children, or Nobu, or Adamska? A lump formed in her throat, but she swallowed it and put on her usual defiant smile. "Eh. This place wasn't much anyway."
Sai's face glassed over though on the inside she was furious. The fact that she wouldn't be able to see them again didn't really bother her. The fact that they might hurt when whoever was after Scythe might kill them when they burned the village. But she just stood their saying nothing. As long as she had Layla with her she could manage to keep her cool.
"However. The only way to save your loved ones is to send them to a different village." Scythe straightened up

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