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  1. TheOutsideBox

    Battle AD: Nark Expelis

    Nark quickly read the note handed to him while he mouthed words. His eyes shifted furiously left and right as he read and re-read the note, gritting his teeth harder with each re-read. While his eyes glowed slightly greener, he yelled out, "PREPOSTEROUS!" The words rang and echoed throughout the...
  2. TheOutsideBox

    So hyped for my character's battle! Wish me luck!

    So hyped for my character's battle! Wish me luck!
  3. TheOutsideBox

    Storyspace Adventures [Inactive]

    "Preposterous! These men may be stronger than most, but nothing withstands my-" Nark was cut off by a Templar hitting him with a full blow on Nark's chest. Nark clenched his teeth while he retaliated with an overhead swing of his sword, splitting the Templar's head while he yelled, "Don't...
  4. TheOutsideBox

    Storyspace Adventures [Inactive]

    "These pests, they will probably keep coming," Nark said with a grunt, "My ship can take care of the aerial vehicles, but we will have to deal the infantry ourselves. Of course, that will be no problem for my Blade of End." Nark unsheathed his beloved blade and charged into battle, teleporting...
  5. TheOutsideBox

    Storyspace Adventures [Inactive]

    "No one stands a chance against my mighty Dark Citadel," Nark boasted, "But anyway, if I am correct, the Gresh are your race's enemy? I can relate, as most of my race was wiped out by the filthy humans by shear number. I see you are a also a nanomancer....interesting." Nark holds out his hand...
  6. TheOutsideBox

    Storyspace Adventures [Inactive]

    Nark slipped between the planes of view for a second instinctively to avoid the gunshot. He then moved towards the stranger's position and responded to him. "Yes, well, I do have an open invintation to anyone who wishes to challenge me in combat. If they win, they get whatever is in my vault...
  7. TheOutsideBox

    Storyspace Adventures [Inactive]

    When Nark was done admiring the painting, he called to mother-ship to bring him back up using atom recall. Nark's body was melting into a beam of light into tiny particles and was transported and rebuilt at the dock over at the mother-ship. While at the dock, he voiced the command "Open vault...
  8. TheOutsideBox

    Storyspace Adventures [Inactive]

    It was night time on planet Earth while Nark was pulling a heist. He was at the Louvre, attempting to steal the humans' prized painting, the Mona Lisa. He had to atom displace himself to the ground due to a lack of parking spots and also had to sneak pass the guards to get inside the museum, but...
  9. TheOutsideBox

    Storyspace Adventures

    So can we just jump in, or do we have to wait?
  10. TheOutsideBox

    Current Tournament Entries

    I hope Nark can pull this off!
  11. TheOutsideBox

    The duelist needs a duel (Looking for sparring buddy)

    It was just recently Nark arrived back on earth in search of this tournament. He disliked humans in every way possible, but his love of duels outweighed that. He was in a room full of champions, people who know how to fight. With that, he wanted to take a taste of the their fighting styles. He...
  12. TheOutsideBox

    Storyspace Adventures

    UPDATE-Click here for prettied up version-UPDATE Name: Nark Expelos Title: The Dread Blade/The Collector Race: Daemeth (Commonly known as to other races as demons) Occupation: Looter/Sword-for-hire Birthplace: The dimension of Drainereq, accessed by writing the word "OPEN" on the...
  13. TheOutsideBox

    Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

    "Yes, do you see those footprints? They should be ahead there. They are mass killers, so be alert." Smith went ahead while holding his claymore and signaled for Carter to follow.
  14. TheOutsideBox

    Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

    Smith picked up the box, and was going to open it when his rational side urged his hand away from the top of the box. He noticed bad things could be contained in the box, and was going to put it back down until the voice in his head interrupted. You may need it later on, keep it. Besides, if...
  15. TheOutsideBox

    When Darkness Comes.

    So, Jerico, what is in this box?
  16. TheOutsideBox

    Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

    "The men here must have killed my son.....may his soul rest in peace..." Smith trailed off and then continued to search the area. He was going to leave until he saw a black box on the ground. He began to have an argument in his head. It may be trapped But it may have a nice surprise A...
  17. TheOutsideBox

    Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

    While they were walking, Smith introduced himself. "Our name is Smith. We are both two minds stuck in one body, and we struggle to gain control over the body. One of us takes things seriously, while the other one keeps messing around. We both seek to destroy any vile evil in this land, as well...
  18. TheOutsideBox

    Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

    Smith looked at the man and said, "You must be an escaped prisoner......first of all, who imprisoned you, and second of all, If I got your bounds undone, would you help Smith. Smith will explain all on the way." Without an answer, he swung his sword and cut through the hand cuffs and said...
  19. TheOutsideBox

    Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

    Smith heard a rustle in the grass and moved towards it slowly with his claymore. He was ready to slay whoever was following him, but of course he would use reason first. He approached the area of which he heard the sound and yelled firmly, "Smith knows you are here, so come out and face me and...
  20. TheOutsideBox

    Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

    Smith heard a car motor, but thought nothing of it, and continued his search, this time looking back more often. Smith wasn't completely frightened by the car, but just a little spooked, mostly because he never knew so many people could still be alive, but it didn't matter, because he had more...