Storyspace Adventures



(Replace with a picture, or use the Description section)


Title: Optional

Race: Go all out with this one. There are lots of different races in the universe.

Occupation: Your character's job, or what he/she/it is mostly known for. Optional.

Birthplace: The universe is pretty big, so feel free to make your birthplace a colony on a planet, asteroid base, space station, wacky world, or even a dimension that can be accessed through wormholes!

Personality: Include things like what they like/hate, fears, habits, behavior, charisma, etc.

Description: Only use if you don't have a picture for your appearance.

Equipment/Skills/Powers: Does your chacracter have any special powers, useful skills, or special tools/weapons?

Bio: Here, you will include deeper details of your character, such as their place of birth/origin of powers, details on their race, back story, anything.

Extra: Any special details you wanna give us?


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here for prettied up version-UPDATE

Name: Nark Expelos

Title: The Dread Blade/The Collector

Race: Daemeth (Commonly known as to other races as demons)

Occupation: Looter/Sword-for-hire

Birthplace: The dimension of Drainereq, accessed by writing the word "OPEN" on the first page of the black book

Personality: Very solitaire and cold-blooded. He will be willing to sacrifice anyone for the good of his people. He doesn't take orders from anyone, and usually would kill anyone who even doubts him. He does have a fetish for rare and exotic items and would kill anyone for an item of that type. He dislikes talking, and usually ends a conversation quite quickly. He has no love for Humans, and will attempt to kill them on sight.

Description: He has a blue, semi-transparent body with swirling, symmetrical, glowing, opaque lines going up and down his body, coiling on his limbs and straightening on to his back like power lines and goes in front of the cranium and seeps into the eyes, which are white and glowing with power. The red lines shimmer, as if it was electricity. He wears a black, skin-tight suit under his black coat that reaches to his feet. He also wears steel-toe boots on his feet that are quite big. The boots have razor spikes on the underside to clench the ground. His gloves are completely void-black due to the void stone it is made out of, with some tiny claws coming out of the finger-tips. His head is usually covered in a cowl,with his face masked with a rather sinister mask. Under all the headgear, he has long, silver hair with one red streak. His face has one scar mark going across his right eye. (7 feet tall, 100 lbs)

Equipment/Skills/Power: Nark carries the fabled Blade of End, which has a black blade and a midnight-purple hilt. This blade, when in contact with blood, gives the wielders arms the speed of the wind. His gloves cancel any electric current when in contact with it, and instead channels it into Nark's blade. Nark is skilled with his blade, being trained by a master. He also has light feet, allowing him to sneak past even the most aware of sentries. His Daemeth blood allows him to slip between the plains of existence for a short amount of time for quick teleports or dodges, at most being 5 feet. As well, his skeletal structure allows for more flexible movement, say bending his back back to allow his head to touch the floor. Also, when he touches flesh with his bare hands, the reaction is bubbling skin, which causes the area of skin to boil into the air and disappear. Once per day, Nark is also able to use all his power to rearrange the atoms of space and time to go back 2 seconds of time. During the two seconds of time that occur, Nark has power, but after those two seconds, his power is drained, and he will fall down unconscious, with his red swirls dimming into blue.

Bio: Nark was the last 6 of his kind when he was spawned (In Daemeth culture, in order to reproduce, they must got through a spawn ritual, in which a person is sacrificed to make 5 spawns, which spawn as adults). The war between the Humans and Daemeth ended with the endangerment of Nark's kind, leaving only him, his 4 brothers, and the master elder, who mysteriously survived. The frightened Nark was trained by the elder to protect and kill in cold blood, for the betterment of the Daemeth race. Two Eons of time passed (The Daemeth live forever), and Nark was done with his training, and knew everything the elder knew. The elder gave Nark his castle and wealth, and passed down the Blade of End and the Void-stone gloves. After that, the elder left, never to be heard from again. The other brothers also left the society in search of a better life. All that was left was Nark, sitting in his castle. He grew weary and bored, lacking excitement and thrill, so he invited many to challenge him to honorable combat, but all that challenged fell on the floor. Nark started to collect the belongings of the skilled warriors, and forgot honor. He saw the value in the treasures he found, and now wanted more. He started mercenary work, and liked it. The pay was unimaginable, and the treasures he found are now in his vault. He was powerful now, and even got his own space-ship to travel along to find more artifacts. His invitation to fight still holds to those who dare.....

Special details: Nark's red lines glow more vibrantly the angrier he gets, and does have some heat to it.

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Name: Silnar Vettung

Title: Professor (This is the equivalent of saying "mister" or "miss" in Völsung society)

Race: Völsung

Occupation: Nanomancer

Birthplace: Revarmalm (City), Avstjarn (Planet)

Personality: Logical and obsessive, reserved but arrogant. While bearing burdening guilt about his actions against them, he still harbors some resentment toward the Gresh from the war. Furthermore, he is extremely reluctant to talk to anyone about the war, albeit he will gladly tell anyone of his youth. While outsiders assume becoming a nanomancer or scientist places one in the highest echelons of Völsung society, and albeit they do enjoy slightly more luxury, it is actively discouraged in their culture to show off title or status, a mentality that Silnar takes to heart. He likes actions that are logical, calculated, or selfless, and dislikes actions that are greedy, emotion-based, short-sighted, or put him at center-stage, so to speak. Like many of his kind, he prefers to talk quickly after taking time to carefully deliberate a precisely worded answer, filling conversations with pauses followed by short bursts of conversation, as though they are trying to get through speaking as quickly as possible.

Description: Silnar has pale, gray skin and slit pupils encompassed completely by light blue irises (like those of a blue-eyed cat, if you will), as well bone-like plates that protrude from the sides of his head, protecting openings that would be analogous to ears. His species also has six-digit appendages and stand slightly shorter than an average human.

Equipment/Skills/Powers: Nanomancy, an ability developed by the Völsung in order to guard research expeditions which uses a combination of nanotechnology and quantum mechanics to warp manipulate the forces of nature at will. He also equips himself with a white, patterned scarf and lab coat. He also is in possession of a standard issue combat suit from the Völsung government: a black, carbon-fiber coat, gloves and scarf, similar to his experimentation attire, but far more suitable for combat. Additionally, he sometimes equips himself with a blade in case of melee combat, as well as a small pistol. However, Völsung typically do not carry a weapon unless they are anticipating an entirely inevitable fight.

Bio: Silnar is somewhat of an exemplar of Völsung society: intelligent, reserved, and logical. This wasn't hindered by the fact that he was born to the sister of the noted Lord-Regent Vettung (a mostly ceremonial title used to denote an ambassador charged with interpreting the general trends of the Völsung democratic process, which operates more as a direct democracy, despite the government's strict control and regulation over the economy, which, on a side note, makes other civilizations reluctant to trade with them). When he reached the age of seventeen (his species has a lifespan of approximately 75 years), he began training as a nanomancer, a technology expert that manipulates the natural world, usually for research purposes or expeditionary protection. Five years later, at the age of twenty-two, he completed his training, just months before the outbreak of the Völsung-Gresh War. The war, which Silnar personally fought in, left his people and his homeworld devastated by the Gresh, a traditionalist species of holy warriors who opposed the Völsung's very way of life. Nearing the close of the war, Silnar and a group of nanomancer specialists were sent on a classified mission to the Gresh manufacturing worlds, which ultimately brought the Gresh war machine to a grinding halt, saving the Völsung Domain from utter annihilation. However, this victory came at a dire cost, as the explosives that were employed in the mission inadvertently killed tens of thousands of people. While bringing an end the war, the deed had a heavy psychological toll on the elite squad. After the war, most of them, despite being decorated as heroes, traveled well beyond the edges of Völsung space in search of solace from the atrocity they had committed. Silnar personally took refuge on one of the sparsely-populated worlds, bordering the edges of the Völsung Domain, where he did his best trying to blend along the local populace. After several years of self-imposed quasi-exile, he decided to embark into the farther reaches of space and try to find a place in the galaxy away from his memories in the Völsung-Gresh War. Recently, he has heard rumors that one of his former squad mates, Faemund Ingmir, was in the same system in search of a nanomancer artifact known as the Erudition, one of the old machines created by the first nanomancers who had unparalleled mastery of these devices. And so his story begins, on a largely uncivilized, nearly lifeless moon, in search for a former squad mate.

Extra: A random detail, but, his species breathes nitrogen gas instead of oxygen gas.

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Name: Aliri T'kankanen

Title: The Runner

Race: Veluden

Occupation: Intergalactic smuggler/courier

Birthplace: Fideon

Personality: Outgoing and somewhat cocky, although when it comes down to business she can be very cold and unforgiving. Should danger arise she has a zero-tolerance policy for nonsense. If someone begins causing trouble that interferes with her plans and does not stop, they will find themselves drugged.

Description: Aliri is part of a plant-based race. Their flesh changes in color to communicate with others of their kind, although it is usually a shade of brown with green hints. In place of blood they have a liquid much like sap, which is extremely thick and dries quickly (under five minutes) after being exposed to air. If wounded the sap acts like a scab. Veludens have spines instead of hair, similar to porcupine's quills. They can live up to one-hundred and fifty years.

Veludens have the ability to morph their features to mimic others for a short amount of time (one hour), and while this is not an exact copy it is still useful for espionage if the person is not very well known in the area. Their spines can change length and flexibility, their skin can change color, but the eyes remain the same. All Veludens have brown eyes with a green ring around the pupil. They have noses and lips, preventing them from looking uncomfortably alien.

Veludens are physically unable to smile, it looks more like a baring of teeth. The only difference between a 'smile' and a baring of teeth are the position of the 'eyebrows' (markings that appear to be eyebrows, but aren't made of keratin) and the crinkling of the skin around the eyes. Veludens, in appearance, are androgynous. The females have brighter markings and longer spines, whereas the males are much duller.

Aliri herself has light brown complexion with faint emerald patches on her elbows, kneecaps, chin, and various other places. Her spines are a dark blue and are about eight inches long. She's about four feet tall and weighs roughly fifty pounds. Aliri's eyes are almond-shaped and her markings appear around her right eye in the form of a circle, under the left eye as two horizontal stripes, a solid torc curving around the center of her neck and elaborate designs lacing through her fingers and toes, spiraling up her arms and legs. The markings are a vivid blue with silver edges.

Equipment/Skills/Powers: She wears a sleeveless grey turtleneck shirt that bares her midriff and the swirling markings around her navel, black harem pants and black boots. Her main firearm is a Sörenstam SG-66A2, and she uses a Jeindel s350 Stürmer as a secondary. Aliri's melee weapon is a sleek scimitar that she keeps strapped to her back.

Bio: Aliri T'kankanen was born into a middle-class family, her father on one of the assembly lines that made the psychic technology her planet was known for. Her mother stayed home, teaching her and her three siblings how to survive in the universe. The woman caught a deadly disease and perished quickly, leaving four children with a father who fell into a deep depression. Aliri, now a teenager at twenty years old, was forced to support her family. She got involved with the darker side of her planet, the drug running kind of scum. It got her enough money to keep them in a house and fed, so they never questioned it.

After Aliri had managed to get her father back on track and brought more money into the household she still couldn't get rid of her ties. Instead, she got clean and bought her own ship, becoming a courier and a smuggler. Her job was to take things from her planet to other planets, possibly even other galaxies, even if it was something... illegal.

Two warnings and seven arrests later, the T'kankanen girl finally figured out the secret to not getting caught smuggling. She learned to defend herself and her cargo from thieves and law-enforcing authority, with a gun and with words. Her criminal life hardened her skin, and she is now unfazed by violence. However, she refuses to go as far as killing. Crippling is never out of the question, though.

Recently, at the age of fifty-two -- the equivalent of being in your early thirties -- Aliri has gained possession of a particularly potent drug and intends to disperse it throughout various galaxies along with various psychic technologies acquired through not-so-legal processes.

Extra: Aliri is proficient enough with her rifle to fend off those who would do her wrong from a long way away. Her weapon can punch through light to medium armor.

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JGamer502 said:
What do you mean?

I mean, can I use a character from the Character Creator as my character in this Role Play? Don't worry, I'm the one who made it.

Name: Neifara "Neif" Aizhan

Title: Captain Neif, Neif the Thief, Kitty the Kidd, Nine-Lives Neif, Scourge of the Talen

Race: Belonging to a proud feline-humanoid race on a vibrant planet with other "furry"-esque races inhabiting it, Neif is a Blonde Catharsian. Her body takes the form of a human's but covered in golden fur, topped with a feline nose, eyes, and ears as well as paws for feet. Her hands are like a humans with five digits and no pads but they retain their claws. Along with this, she has a feline tail and, rather than a set of breasts on her chest like an average human, she has a set of six small nipples resting on her lower abdomen, concealed by her fur.

The race itself is proud of its history and mired in tradition, just recently accepting females in the military to which Neif's older sister, Syf, has become an Admiral in the Catharsian Fleet. The Catharsian military makes up the bulk of the "furry" cluster of planets' defense, relying on the other races for associated tasks (such as the Fennecians, or "Fox People", for economy growth).

Job: Currently, Neif is a Smuggler and Courier of varying items, both legal and otherwise. While not dealing in slaves or death of any kind, she does often find herself shipping large loads of guns as well as other goods such as spices, sugars, chemicals, even drugs. Neif is a mid-tier Smuggler; while she makes ends meet doing jobs that pay well for her services, she hasn't quite breached into the higher levels of Smuggler work yet.

On occasion, Neif has partaken in more militaristic jobs such as sabotage and espionage, though these are few and far between and usually in very rare scenarios in which she cannot avoid them.

Birthplace: Catharsia on the planet Hasae is a country widely regarded for its open beauty and romantic scenery, with fields of green grass stretching across for miles. Small woodlands dot the landscape and even the capital itself, Karthrai, rests on a large river of bright, glimmering water reflecting the sunlight off its surface where one can almost make out the sight of the skittering Jorma fish below.

Neif herself was born in Karthrai, on a Gondola transporting her family to the city for her mother to give birth. While not technically in Karthrai at the time, she and everyone else still count it as their birthplace.

Personality: A con artist, opportunist, and generally flamboyant character who feels like she needs to be the center of attention, Neif will often enter a scene blaring music she likes out of the speakers of her ship, the Silver Talon. She prizes her ship as her greatest possession and outfits it to showcase her pride in the design. Likewise, she loves valuable things as well as firepower. Anything that can be attained and be worth something to her she holds in regard.

Neif has been described as "over-the-top" by many who know her, thanks to her fast-talking behaviour and idle acrobatics. She has a multitude of talents picked up from travels such as keen senses of sight, smell, and hearing, shooting skills, vocal mimicry, as well as offhand parlour tricks.

While not overly sexual, Neif will flirt with those of either gender or no gender at all if attraction is made. She tends to find endearing drive and passion to be attractive traits, though physical appearance can also be a factor. Despite this, she lives a free and versatile lifestyle and has no desire for a partner.

Neif hates taking life but has no qualms of it if she deems the individual deserving of it. She refuses to deal in any sort of operations or jobs involving slavery or killing innocents. To this end, she loathes Bounty Hunters for their jobs but respects some of them for their equal sense of fulfillment to a job.

The Smuggler Captain will often make every effort to see a job through to the end if she has been paid to do it already. However, at the same time she doesn't like "sticking her neck out" for others and will quickly abandon her job if it means saving her own skin.

Neif is a nefarious prankster; her title of "Scourge of the Talen" was won by unknown means though the people of the planet Talen treat her as though she were the greatest plague to ever befall them and Neif attributes this to a "prank she pulled that went sour". She has a history with others that often involve many groups of people, organizations, clans, governments, and Cartels desiring either her arrest or death.

She is quite proud of the debt she has sewn over the years, owing a calculated; 100,000 Galactic Credits to the Royal Flush Casino, 220,375 Galactic Credits to Cartel Boss Nara of Clan Fray, 67,875 Galactic Credits worth of Hamaan Gold, 47,512 Galactic Credits worth of Ruun Fabrics and Art, 700,000 Galactic Credits worth of property damages to the Talen government, 467,775 Galactic Credits to the Nurunian Central Bank, and a staggering 1,320,045 Galactic Credits worth of stolen experimental "cargo" by Human transport.

Neif has a massive bounty on her head as a result, wanted Alive for 800,000 and Dead for 600,000 Galactic Credits. None of this accounts for the unaccounted stolen items and currency she has made off with over the years. As a result, Neif has a generous wealth of 1,432,324 total Galactic Credits stashed away on various planets and in secret, shadow-bank accounts.


X-12 Tasian Blasters: A pair of lethal Tasian blaster pistols, Neif wields them to precise effect. Without a scope, Neif is able to shoot a Tyranian coin out of the air from a couple of feet away. She uses the "Stun" effect more preferably to the "Lethal" one.

Xorm Multi-Purpose Grenade Kit: A set of Xorm company-issue Grenades she keeps in stock, these Grenades are basic "pop" grenades that simply create a loud but small explosion with little to no harm. However, they can be modified with different ingredients to produce different effects. With Tyranian mining powder, she can produce effective frag grenades. With Ruun flash powder, she can produce grenades meant to obscure vision senses, and so on.

Xorm Hacking Gauntlet: A wrist-mounted computer device used to hack into nearby security systems, Neif can override camera controls, sentry guns, and different mid-level technology to her advantage or disable them altogether.

Ace: Her knife she keeps concealed in the sleeve of her longcoat, Ace is named thusly because it is Neif's "Ace-in-the-Hole", securing her freedom when tied up or an unsuspected kill if she is disarmed. She is exceptionally proficient with it.

The Silver Talon: The Silver Talon is a Frachta-class II Load-ship designed by Frieland Ind. as part of their remodeling of the earlier Frachta-vessels, made to carry more cargo and move at higher speeds. The Silver Talon was designed to rely mostly on it's stocky armour and high-powered, Chaingun-like turrets to defend itself though Neif knew this would be insufficient. Investing in numerous tricks, traps, and firepower to ensure she wasn't an easy target for pursuers, she modified the cargo-drop attachment to be able to release bits of parts and scrap she'd collected in order to take the blow from an oncoming tracer-missile. Along with this, she stores many spare blasters in concealed wall panels in case of boarding. Her hull has been outfitted with rotating thruster jets in order to quickly maneuver herself around obstacles and avoid fire.

Her ship boasts a Lazarus Generator that can allow her to travel at Starspeeds, enabling her to jump from solar system to solar system with ease.

Bio: Born on her homeworld, Neif was raised as the younger sister to Syf. Their father was a weapons development researcher for the Catharsian government. At a young age, Neif was separated from her family during a flight near Earth and she ended up growing up many of her younger years on the streets of Brooklyn, developing an accent for it as well as the early skills of pickpocketing and running errands for money.

After a while she was "adopted" and trained in the Smuggler's ways by Pirate King, Sorus Arturian, whom she developed feelings for. Eventually, however, he parted ways with her and she, feeling abandoned, turned to working for many Galactic Cartels and underground operations for money. Currently, she does work where she can find it but is also constantly needing to evade capture for the bounty on her head.

We seem ready to start the roleplay, but we are always open! I'm going to post my character (and hopefully make the first post) tomorrow.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Sean_mcnally_arbiter_cape.jpg.59f984de276ca1af8616509a361c0ae4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20520" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Sean_mcnally_arbiter_cape.jpg.59f984de276ca1af8616509a361c0ae4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




The Shadow of Space



The Zaigen are an ancient race of aliens that have always seemed to remain a enigma of any space travelling civilization. It is often said as a legend that these aliens where the first intelligent species to go into space, and have preservered up until now. But again, they are so mysterious and documentation of encounters of them have been few and far between, but the fact that encounters with them go back practically hundreds of thousands of years, it is not hard to assume that they are concidered a very powerful and ancient race.


In Universal terms he can be considered the Head Fleet Admiral of the Zaigen. The Alien that can dictate the literal end of a species on his command.


Rail was born on the Zaigen homeplanet. And yes, the Zaigens have preservered in keeping their homeworld alive even with their technological enhancements. They believed that if they where the cause of the destruction of their home, then they have lost the right to live alongside the energies of the universe, and would be forever lost. So they did everything they could to do something that most species would fail at. Take nature into consideration with their evolution. They worked with it, instead of without it. And it helped them advance in ways that they would never think possible. The name of the planet that birthed this powerful species is unknown to many alien species, but to those who where graced with the knowledge of the planet know it as Halv'Moria Which in Zaigen tongue to universal english, is called The Center. Ironically, it is not located at the center of the universe, it is located on a string of stars that almost branch off the galaxy itself, with a giant red star. And how has their own star not died at this point? They put alot of technology into finding out ways to keep it going.


Despite being at a position many would consider a very intimidating, and very aggressive rank. Rail is a very patient, and very calm individual, but when intimidated, or pushed, he is not afraid to show a side of him that would be considered a harbinger of destruction. In many ways, a perfect representation of what the Zaigen want in their head command. Being an ancient species, they bring it upon themselves to not endanger other species, and not involve themselves in the evolution of other species. However it does not mean they are no pushovers. If you try to hunt them, the lust of their technology in your heart, you will receive your wish, for their armada will demonstrate why exactly they are considered both the most mysterious, but the most horrifying force of aliens to ever exist.

Description: Only use if you don't have a picture for your appearance.


Fleet Command Armor:

+Energy Shield

This very ceremonial looking armor is not just flashy, but it has uses for everything that makes it look intimidating. The armor covering Rail's body is lined in powerful Zaigen Proto cells that make a energy shield cover the body of Rail. This energy shield can take alot of abuse before going down, they have tested the limits of their shield technology by secretly taking other alien weaponry from wrecks, or abandoned outposts, and testing it upon armor. From a powerful Plasma Rail gun, the armor can take two shots of that before going down, and a Plasma Rail Gun can punch holes in fighter ships. But even when the energy shield goes down, the armor itself proves to be durable and able to block alot of damage, but it needs time to repress the pressure of the impacts before it can recharge the shields of the armor.


In the fibers of the fancy cloak, it acts as a conduit of threads that when activated, will wrap around the armor and instantly blend to the surroundings. It is very hard to spot them in this state, considering the cloaking not only matches to the scenery, but will make the surface match the temperature on the walls. However, if sufficient damage is taken the cloak fades and is deactivated.

Innate Abilities of the Zaigen:

The Zaigen even without their equipment have proven to be very powerful creatures on their own. They where born on a planet that would only reward the strong and intelligent, for their world was covered in massive beasts, and many types of floral that would eat and digest you in minutes. So, they have developed really strong muscles, and fast reaction speeds, but most important of all is their intelligence. Almost every Zaigen has picture perfect memory, and vast intelligence.

Fleet Commanders Weapons:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/sean_m10.jpg.d0af2494368e459cfb692db397cd9897.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20522" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/sean_m10.jpg.d0af2494368e459cfb692db397cd9897.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Rail has two main weapons he uses. A close ranged energy melee weapon, that looks like a staff with two energy blades on two ends, and his projectile weapon which is a Semi-Automatic Rail Rifle that fires with beam level accuracy.

Innate Downfall:

The Zaigens even with all their strengths, have one downfall. Their inability to negotiate with other species. Although the universe still is apprehensive to the idea of this ancient species, the Zaigens are all too aware of every space flight able species. But not once have they ever attempted to contact, there have been attempts to contact them, but they either ignored them, or simply ran away, even in council hearings that mentioned the Zaigen, no one in the entire galaxy council where able to bring up close to anything about them to even continue the meeting. Zaigen are afraid, that if they where to reveal themselves. They would only appear to be a threat to the entire galaxy, when in truth, they only wish to help, and improve other species, by saving home planets, and helping others evolve. But too many times have they seen from the shadows from what comes from a powerful race contacting others...War, is one thing they wish to avoid, to protect themselves they always hide, but in the few occasions that a species had found them, and had proven to be hostile...Or even not, they where wiped out, species and homeplanet entirely. They could not afford being discovered, even if it meant wiping out a species to do so. They would even silence their own insubordinate kind who would try to contact to prevent discovery at all costs. But how long can they just sit around and watch the galaxy rip itself apart over and over again.


The Word Zaigen, is a word that many alien spaces will tilt their head and look at you funny. The Zaigen race, is hardly known, and some would debate they are simply a space tail to make pilots be on their toes more often instead of trying to flirt around with the crew. They are a race, that many would just say don't exist.

But that is far from the truth. The Zaigens are real, and you have every right to consider them to be the boogey men of space. They go so far back, that it is hard to even concider how old they are, it is to say, that the sun of their home planet should of died a very long time ago for how old they are. But we will discuss that matter later, shall we go to the beginning, and describe the drive as to what made the Zaigen into what they are?

When they began to develop, they where not much to look at, frail looking gray skinned many mandible possessing creatures that appeared to have no chance on a planet covered in giant beasts that ate other beasts so large that they ate food off the top of tree's. And floral that was almost sentient in it's way of also taking and killing prey, and making sure no remains where ever discovered. To say, their home planet was far from friendly, infact it was just downright hell for any alien that would learn about it. But this was the planet the Zaigen where born on, and they considered that this was the planets way of saying that it would only benefit the strong, and the intelligent to live upon it. They saw it as a challenge.

Now let us skip ahead many cycles of their evolution, and come to a point in time where they where finding out how to form social area', and complicated langauge. They now look far more impressive then they did early in their evolution, they where larger, muscles so large that they developed a very intimidating walking style, but not to say that all their power came from their many years of getting physically stronger, their minds have become acute, and very sentient. The planet would of killed them long ago if they had considered strength the only way to live on this planet. And as they grew into a civilization, they began to have the problems that many other alien races would have in their own cycles of time, disagreement, different views, diseases, and soon even wars. But there was something different about the Zaigens that few alien races accomplished, they all sought the same goals, and they all where willing to put aside personal goals to benefit themselves on a whole.

Now let us skip ahead to a closer time, let's say, five hundred thousand years ago. The Zaigens have become space worthy, and begin to travel the universe. They faced a perplexing problem for getting out of their own galaxy for they where surrounded by black holes that made sure that nothing was going to get out of that solar system. However, the Zaigens only viewed this as another challenge presented to them by the forces of nature. They soon made warp drive technology that allowed them to bypass the black holes, and even use them to slingshot farther into the galaxy. What they found...Frightened them. They had developed powerful cloaking tech that made it near impossible for them to be detected, so they studied alot of life that went on in the universe. And they saw life cycles that happened too many times. War, genocide, hatred, fear. These where many factors into the deciding matter that would make the Zaigen go into hiding. Many planets where engulfed by their own wars, or by outside wars. They saw too many wars and invasions started over the notion of simply inferiority, or the simple notion that power was the deciding factor. The Zaigens considered the idea of joining the Universal Council, but spies only told them what they feared. They where the deciding factors of these wars, and even the cause of many. And so, the Zaigens decided to be quiet, and hide themselves away from the universe.

We come to the present day, to the main focus of the might of the Zaigen, Rail. A prodigy among the Zaigen. At a young age h had intelligence beyond that then some field marshals in the army, he had an emotional intelligence that some Zaigen lacked, and a tactician like mind that rivalled that of some of the best in history. As he grew, he proved that he would use all these skills to benefit the Zaigen, and as he learned, and grew, he soon found himself at the helm of a ship that would dictate what the power of the Zaigen would wish to do, and how to do it. However, as he himself would learn about the universe, he too would see the concerns of the Zaigen. War, Invasion, hate, fear...But he saw something beyond that. Four Hundreds of thousands of years...They have hid, with the notion that discovery of them would lead to their demise...But a nagging idea of his is that...Another far worse demise of the Zaigen, would be to fade from existance. They needed to expand, they could not just colonize any more planets in their galaxy, for they have already done that, and their population is still growing. They have also began to slow down in advancements for the fact that they consider it too dangerous to go too far out into the galaxy even with their cloaking technology. So they are unable to research anything new that could benefit them...Rail knows that an act of having their species discovered was almost always execution...But for the sake of his species...That choice may have to be made one day.


Zaigen Command Frigate:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Covenant_Ship_by_Tallest_Schuler.jpg.2b2a28d68f593e4783441bc0be8ad6ab.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20521" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Covenant_Ship_by_Tallest_Schuler.jpg.2b2a28d68f593e4783441bc0be8ad6ab.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The second most powerful Frigate in the Zaigen Arsenal, this ship is measured to be 4,000 Meters in length, and 2,300 meters in girth. It is equiped with powerful cloaking, and massive overshields that can protect the ship in any hostile environment. Armed with Two Proto Ion Cannons that have been known to even have a dangerous orb of pressure around the projectile itself, and lined with Anti Fighter ship Hyper Plasma Turrets, it is a ship worthy of a Fleet Commander.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Halo_Elites_by_dano555666.jpg.e9dba1ac1a33c82513aade29346225bf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20523" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Halo_Elites_by_dano555666.jpg.e9dba1ac1a33c82513aade29346225bf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The Soldiers that Rail commands are some of the best, and hand picked by him. In total, there are thousands of soldiers aboard his ship, and go into platoons of twenty. With a Head Field Marshal directing them, Four medical units that also work as fire suppression, Five fire squad members, and finally, ten infantry armed with energy swords. Their tactics are very dangerous, the infantry rush, with overshields, but if you try to pay too much attention, their very accurate fire team and fire suppression will make you remember to keep your head low, but since you where not firing at the infantry, they are now on you, and are about to have your face meet with sharpened plasma.



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