Storyspace Adventures [Inactive]


JGamer502 submitted a new role play:

Storyspace Adventures - In a universe of alien and distant worlds, anything can happen, All we need is a powerful being, YOU

Storyspace Adventures

The universe is a big place, with many mysterious new worlds and things beyond our imaginations await in the stars above. Ranging from a planet occupied by a race of savage birds, to wormholes that transport you to corners of space that no intelligent being would ever dream of going. Nothing is ever limited in such a big universe, as there are many space-faring civilizations, each of them very...

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It was night time on planet Earth while Nark was pulling a heist. He was at the Louvre, attempting to steal the humans' prized painting, the Mona Lisa. He had to atom displace himself to the ground due to a lack of parking spots and also had to sneak pass the guards to get inside the museum, but he is in! While inside the Louvre, Nark quickly teleported from cover to cover to avoid being spotted by the sentries and cameras. After he got past the guards he had to slither his way into the well-kept air vent to gain access to the place where Mona Lisa is. Nark crawled lightly in the air ducts to avoid being spotted and quickly got to the place he wanted to be, only to find 5 guards guarding it. But of course, Nark knew a way to kill them all silently with a little help from drugs. Nark savagely thought about how wonderful there skin would be for a pelt, and how there heads would make a fine trophy. He went down in and breathed a sedating drug into them all while chuckling a bit. After he killed and piled the corpses he started to just admire the painting for a while.........
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Silnar emerged from the landing vessel, unused to shuttle travel rather than the network of "wormhole trains" that his people typically used. He had landed in the only spaceport in the system, a moderately populated city that the settlers of the moon seldom left the safety of, the only other traces of civilization being long, suburban outcroppings and ancient ruins. Of course, it was within the ancient ruins that he would find his former squad mate, and hopefully put some of his past behind him. Tethering his carbon-fiber coat more tightly to his torso, Silnar embarked into the gray, mist-filled streets. A gaunt, human man stood before a looming metal gate, dressed in dull grays in browns in such a way that he seemed like a part of the cityscape.

"You must be the nanomancer," said the man, slowly approaching Silnar with a hesitantly outstretched hand as he reached to take off his frayed hat with his other hand.

"I would greatly appreciate it if you didn't address me that way," he said, rapidly scrambling the words out of his mouth, as if trying to avoid some kind of pain that came from talking to anyone, "Please, call me Professor Silnar or Professor Vettung."

"Your lot are a strange folk," the man said with a toothy grin emerging from his seldom-shaven face, "You gonna shake my hand or what?" Silnar took a moment to consider it, before deciding it would be best to embrace the other culture's mannerisms and reciprocating his handshake. The man, who Silnar had hired to help him find his former squad mate before arriving on world, retracted his hand after a few short moments that, to Silnar, stretched on for hours. "Right this way then," instructed the guide, leading Silnar across the docking yard to a small jet that could, at most, fit up to four people.

"Let's get started then," muttered Silnar, marking the beginning of his real journey.
Aliri's ship docked in the spaceport, the Veluden eagerly jumping out. She was recieving payment for some psychic technologies, which she had acquired through legal processes. They were the boring ones, and her buyer wasn't the usual. No, he was a collector, and he wanted the 'antique' techonologies. Really they were only about a decade old, but being the first of that specific line they were considered antiquities.

The spaceport, one of the few in that specific arm of the galaxy that was totally independent other than some trade (it even had its own artificial gravity), orbited a planet similar to her own origins. The smuggler made her way towards a knot of aliens, carrying the box holding the psychic technologies. Aliri checked and double-checked both the contents and the picture of her buyer, eyes scanning the crowd. Her grip tightened on the box, one arm almost releasing its hold to reach towards her secondary weapon: the Jeindel. It was holstered at her hip, and if she dropped her hand casually she would easily reach it.

Aliri spied her buyer, nodding. The spines protruding from her scalp rustled gently, almost chiming with the motion. The man nodded back, motioning for her to follow. Her price wasn't extraordinarily high, but it was enough to refuel and pay for a bit of maintenance. He paid, she gave him the cargo, he checked it, and they parted ways. Nothing out of the ordinary, it was just another delivery. But there was something different...
The jet swooped through the city, the streets engulfed on all sides by silver, reflective buildings that melded into the gray rock that conquered the world. Silnar and his guide were halted upon reaching a small gate composed of spiked, steel pillars that protruded from the ground. Flanking the vehicle on either side were two guards, readily armed with rifles in their hands. One of the guards motioned for the pair to exit their vehicle, waving her arm in the opposite direction of the jet. The other guard aimed his rifle, wavering between Silnar and the guide as he inched his way towards them.

"Scan them!" the guard barked, lowering her hand tossing the rifle-bearing guard a minute, metal wand. The rifle-bearer caught the wand and slung his weapon over his shoulder. He swiped the wand over both of the recently-evacuated passengers, met with a distinctive ringing sound when placing it over the guide's pocket.

"Empty your pockets!" he ordered. The guide immediately complied, pulling a ring covered in keys out of his pocket. Both of the guards nodded and gave an "all clear" sign to another soldier in the tower overlooking the gate, invisible behind a sheet of tinted glass. The two soon-to-be expeditionaries boarded their vessel once more as the gate pillars slithered down with a loud clack. The transport dashed out of the city, into a barren, rocky wast that seemed completely devoid of all life -- and maybe it was, but that didn't matter so long as one life filled the void, and that life belonged to the one Silnar was searching for.

After several minutes of travel, they came upon a sprawling excavation site, standing defiantly against the chaotic and monochromatic ocean of jagged stones. The entire site stood in near-perfect symmetry around an ornate tower in the center of it all, the surrounding buildings and pathways meticulously and geometrically constructed. This was the tomb of Godra Viin, one of the first five nanomancers in existance, although Silnar had never known of its egotistical extravagance that stood in glaring defiance of Völsung culture.

"Looks like this is where we part ways," the guide said, tipping his hat, "Good luck to ya!"

"Luck?" inquired Silnar, unfamiliar with the term.

"Don't worry about it," he replied with a shake of the head, tossing him a bag with survival and communication equipment.

"Well, thank you," the nanomancer said softly as the vessel rushed back to the now-distant city. He fastened the bag over his shoulders and began his venture into the recesses of the tomb...
When Nark was done admiring the painting, he called to mother-ship to bring him back up using atom recall. Nark's body was melting into a beam of light into tiny particles and was transported and rebuilt at the dock over at the mother-ship. While at the dock, he voiced the command "Open vault chute." A hole in the wall opened and and was awaiting an item to vacuum. Nark carefully placed the painting, not wanting to let go, in the chute while the chute closed and sucked the painting into the vault. Nark chuckled saying, "Another one down."

After some time passed lounging in his court-yard, Nark's assistant approached him.

"I have gotten word of a nanomancer exploring the tomb of..........Godra Viin," he said in a complete monotone.

"Really?" Nark said while raising an eyebrow "There is bound to be treasure afoot, fire up the hyper-drive, I am gonna raid that tomb."

"Yes sir"

The fortress prepared for hyper-flight. The whole ship rotated and shaped into a needle while all the rooms rotated in the opposite direction to avoid being upside-down. The court-yard folded into the main structure as well as all the balconies. The wall around the fortress cut in half while it wrapped around each of the corner towers. The 4 towers floated and attached to the main needle and the guns positioned themselves. A force field then wrapped around the ship to avoid the destruction during hyper-flight. The ship then made a whirring sound and lept all the way to the tomb of Godra Viin. He put on the ship's cloaking device on and jumped from the ship to the ground and landed with a shock wave. He ran to the man with a bag slung over his shoulders and asked him,

"May I tag along," rather sinister.
"And just--" Silnar began, interrupted by the loud pop of a gunshot that whistled beside his feet before instinctively shouting, "Take cover!" He rolled behind a nearby outcropping of rock, trying to weave a nano-barrier to secure his position. Is this person trying to kill me? No. They would have taken the time to aim properly. It was to draw attention, maybe? Warning shot? Either way, let's trace the culprit: I've not concluded my business here, he mused as calmly as possible. "Care to help me figure out what exactly is going on here?" Silnar asked the stranger.
Nark slipped between the planes of view for a second instinctively to avoid the gunshot. He then moved towards the stranger's position and responded to him.

"Yes, well, I do have an open invintation to anyone who wishes to challenge me in combat. If they win, they get whatever is in my vault. It appears maybe I have been tracked. But anyway, I am here to raid this tomb for its treasures. That man who shot the gun is but a minor roadblock, I will order my crew to pin-point railgun him down using echolocation."

Nark voiced the command into his ear-piece and then said with a grin, "Rail-gun will be ready for fire in 3...2.....1..."

A thin, orange streak came along in an instant and hit in the general location of the gun fire.

Nark walked towards the impact while he said, "The rail-gun only hit the general location, so I'll check the impact area." Nark turned to face the stranger and said, "Stay back," while still walking foward.
"I don't think they were trying to kill us," Silnar responded, checking over the surface of the rocks for his assailant, now that he had the safety of his nano-barrier. There was a strange and sudden silence for a few moments before being broken by unintelligible chattering in the distance. That only meant there was more than one of them. There was another silence, longer, but this time it was broken by a frenzy of gunshots followed by a loud crack of thunder and a gentle hum of electricity. Silnar glanced to a nearby tower, where the noise seemed to come from. Charred, lifeless corpses descended from the tower, nearly skeletal figures slamming onto the hard, sand-like ground. They both had four arms. "Gresh," the nanomancer quietly muttered, realizing that he wasn't the only one seeking Faemund here. Nonetheless, it was doubtful that Faemund would need any help dispatching them, especially if he had been able to find the Erudition, as Silnar was beginning to suspect. He looked over at the stranger hesitantly, "It seems that little issue has been taken care of, at least, for the moment," he mused, "Albeit, there could be more."
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"No one stands a chance against my mighty Dark Citadel," Nark boasted, "But anyway, if I am correct, the Gresh are your race's enemy? I can relate, as most of my race was wiped out by the filthy humans by shear number. I see you are a also a nanomancer....interesting." Nark holds out his hand towards the stranger. "My name is Nark Expelis, The Dread Blade, The Collector. I am the last of my known kind, and the best bladesman you have ever seen. I am pretty sure you must know me from some bounty signs or rumors. You have my full help as long as I get half the treasure."
"Your intuition and knowledge... surprise me. If you are truly the last of your kind, then allow me to express my empathy. My people were almost wiped out," said the nanomancer quickly, little of his emotion reflected in his tone as he refrained from mentioning the cost of his species' survival. The nano-barrier around him dissipated, the tiny, mechanical particles ready to be recycled when needed. "In any case, half is surprisingly equitable coming from someone, who, on first contact with a stranger, proclaims of their exploits in terms of bounty signs and rumors. Besides, I'm not here for the treasure," he continued, "I'm looking for an old friend, I guess you could say."

A vessel suddenly darted to a position that could be no more than a few hundred feet from the ground, clearly of Gresh make as well. If the grandiose style failed to give it away, then one could easily identify its affiliation from the red and gold emblem of their people proudly emblazoned on the ship's wings, a staff with a star-like, glowing point that cast yellow beams toward the edge of the insignia. Its boarding ramp opened as it slowly crept toward the ground, jets and propellers sending dust in a monochromatic flume in every direction. Judging by their not-so-humble entrance, these were the Gresh Templar, the most elite of their warriors, as well as the most devout: They would take no aversion to cutting a few nanomancers down for the sake of revenge. As landing gears shifted into place and the engines powered down, an eerie silence settled over the complex. It would seem Silnar would have to find Faemund before the Templar killed him.
"These pests, they will probably keep coming," Nark said with a grunt, "My ship can take care of the aerial vehicles, but we will have to deal the infantry ourselves. Of course, that will be no problem for my Blade of End." Nark unsheathed his beloved blade and charged into battle, teleporting short distances to dodge attacks and impale enemies. "Join the fun!" Nark shouted to his new ally.
A Templar charged at Silnar, all four arms flailing with blades as another warrior trailed more slowly behind him. The nanomancer side-stepped the initial charge and cast out a nano-barrier as a shield over one of his arms as he withdrew a stun baton from his coat. "They're probably a little tougher than you think!" he called to his new-found ally, already somewhat irritated by how he referred to defensive combat as fun. The first Templar took another swing at Silnar, which he blocked with his nano-barrier, only for another blade to batter his shoulder. His carbon-fiber coat protected him from any cutting wounds, but he still felt part of the blow, which probably would have otherwise cut his arm off. Silnar's face remained expressionless as he grit his teeth in agony, trying to recover with a retaliating blow.
"Preposterous! These men may be stronger than most, but nothing withstands my-" Nark was cut off by a Templar hitting him with a full blow on Nark's chest. Nark clenched his teeth while he retaliated with an overhead swing of his sword, splitting the Templar's head while he yelled, "Don't distract me anymore stranger, or you will have every slash I have endured in my entire lifetime of 3,000,000,000 years! Got it!"

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