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  1. Z

    [ROLEPLAY] Bloodpurge

    John Threw his arm up to block the incoming chunk of metal as it sliced his arm. He saw the others scatter from the resulting crash. Immediately leaping forward John took a dive to keep the female from cracking her head open. The piercing scream was at least partially ignored.
  2. Z

    [ROLEPLAY] Bloodpurge

    ((Sorry about the recent delays with my posts. Let's leave it at shit hit the fan rather violently.)) "Something else is coming from that window!" John shouted has he ran from across the street. His sharp eyes had picked the figure falling from the dark shade of the building.
  3. Z

    [ROLEPLAY] Bloodpurge

    "I'll be back, Try not to kill all of my ferals mate." John shouted downstairs. He needed to hunt again. Within moments he was back outside looking for a new prey. He was near the alley way where he had met the bruha. I am always back here at some point. He thought to himself. John continued on...
  4. Z


    Well this seems intriguing. I will join.
  5. Z

    [ROLEPLAY] Bloodpurge

    John leaned away from his work. Careful breathing. He remembers back, one of the older memories. john was trying to feed a daywalker like himself, only it was a she. She never fed. In some way her force of will allowed her to die before becoming feral. John looked at the ceiling, He couldn't say...
  6. Z

    [ROLEPLAY] Bloodpurge

    "If you take those steps there, you'll see what I'm talking about. Oh and don't damage them too much." He took a few steps towards his microscope and peered through it. Pulling a notepad out he begins to write different notes. While looking down at his notes a grin spreads across his face. The...
  7. Z

    The Outer Rim [IC]

    ------------------------------------- Begin video feed? N-Y _ Y Loading... buffering... Play It’s a grainy feed from a security camera focused on a large blast door, There are two marines posted on either side of it. They seem to be talking, Obviously it’s almost shift...
  8. Z

    [ROLEPLAY] Bloodpurge

    "Good eye there mate, I assume then you can fire one?" He stepped over to a counter and tossed a rifle at him "I've been modifying them to react better to heightened vampiric reflexes. Oh and don't touch that switch, It triggers the UV lights in my gym downstairs. By the way if you want to...
  9. Z

    [ROLEPLAY] Bloodpurge

    "EEyaah! Whoa buddy I thought you just fed." Then the he picked up on the smell of the drug "sonuva, I guess he got his kicks. Peh anyway- OI! watch the blood mate you're making a mess, ah bugger too late..." John sidesteps the blood spray and taps the button to go down. The doors close and...
  10. Z

    [ROLEPLAY] Bloodpurge

    Shit if he goes out there he'll be killed, "I would avoid going outside mate, Cmon let's get you some more food" The bruha seemed to ignore him. John reached down and flipped a small knife off a small clip on his leg. He then slices the unconscious man's arm, The man's slowed heart-rate seeps...
  11. Z

    [ROLEPLAY] Bloodpurge

    John looked at the bruha with mock shock on his face. "A basement? are you kidding me? How stupid do I look?" He steps past the bruha to a door. He Immediately stomps about a foot before the door. A small data pad appears. John leans down and he enters eye and fingerprints. behind him a small...
  12. Z

    [ROLEPLAY] Bloodpurge

    The man Shifted the meal to go and proffered his hand. "My current name is John Nightingale. A bruha you say? Haven't seen one of you around for a long time" He pauses to think back, then reshifts the weight. "Bah, come on mate let's get you some more 'food'." He continued walking down the...
  13. Z

    [ROLEPLAY] Bloodpurge

    The dark clothed man looked up unsurprised. He shifted the weight slightly as if to refer to the unconscious man. " But sir, He's my cousin. He is dead drunk So I have to carry him home." then a wide grin spread across his face. "That's what I would have said had you not been a vampire. About...
  14. Z

    [ROLEPLAY] Bloodpurge

    A dark cloaked man walks along the middle of the street. He seems scared holding the hood down and the cloak up to cover his face. The beggars and general human refuse that squatted here seemed to ignore the hooded man. He ran quickly to the end of an alley way, the cloaked man stopped and...
  15. Z

    [SIGNUPS] Bloodpurge

    Name: John Nightingale Age: 438 Clan: Daywalker Generation: Tenth Personality: John is his current name, he's gone through so many by now. A natural born Con-man he lives among humans almost perfectly, other than the fact He's outlived most of the people he has met. He tends to be among...
  16. Z

    [IDEA] Bloodpurge

    This sounds Like an awesome idea, I would like to join this if it comes to existence. I would like to be one that wanders among the silly humans, essentially a Bravado Rogue or as close to it. not exactly seeking the vampire nation but still helping any vampire that requires it. when you get the...
  17. Z

    Greetings and Salutations!

    I am Zixevak, I have heard many good things about this site and after doing some RP's on a brony minecraft server. Prof Tatori threw this site at me and said join or take an anthrax needle to the eye socket. Figuring I needed my eye intact, here I am.