The Outer Rim [IC]

Adsila followed ready to get off the asteriod and back into space. She might not be strong enough to get some of the cargo back into the ship but fly. She knew how to do that well.

The dark-skinned woman plotted out where she would be needing to go once they got up into the air. She slid into her seat and started it back up. She did as she was instructed and then turned on the com system.

"Gerad we are good to go. Whenever you are ready."
Kiri opened her eyes to blinding lights and eventually, red sands. The searing heat of sunlight, sounds and smells of a fresh kill; she was home, back on Tundellag. That couldn't be right, she thought to herself, she'd just been launched into space moments ago. Maybe this was one of those 'afterlifes' the other humans prattled on about so much. The sound of a snarl behind her made the girl run, just realizing now how short her limbs were; she was a child again, running from a thresh, just as she had so many years ago.

Coming over a rise, straight to the camp like she'd been told not to; Kiri ran for her life before one of her elders rammed a spear through the thing's eye, straight into it's brain and beyond; leaving the mass of meat, teeth, and claws to writhe about in it's death throes, spitting venom everywhere. The venom struck the man with the spear full in the face, and a woman running for cover in the small of her back. Where the milky green slime contacted, flesh bubbled from beneath, eventually bursting, freeing the fat, muscle, and puss from their confines.

A flash of white and the scene changed, Kiri was beneath the shade of some salvaged scrap, tied to a solid beam of metal by her wrists, tied tight with chewed sinews formed into a rope.

"You've been found guilty, the blood of two rests on your hands," the chief proclaimed grandly, pulling the poker from the flames.

"One mark, for bringing danger upon your people!" he bellowed, jamming the cherry-red metal into young flesh, the meat in back of Kiri's shoulder.

"One, for the death of Thendor, the hunter!" once more, granting the child her second mark of shame; the pain was intense, like it had been the first time; and again she screamed, louder than the first brand.

"And another, for the death of Lanna, my wife!" the third brand was worst; it was personal. Pressing the steel hard enough to break the now charred skin, he twisted, eliciting another shriek from the child before she slumped down, defeated, allowing her bindings to support her weight.

Barely conscious after the ordeal, Kiri tried to look for family, for friends, but she'd lost them all this day; half her honour was gone already, one shoulder covered in it's entirety with sickly, blackened burns, the shape of their character of shame. The roof taken away, the girl was left in the sun to think about her wrong-doing, or for the pain to remind her...

No doubt the Tundellar thrashed about, even while unconscious, wracked by the agony of her memory, she probably screamed at some point as well; and neither activity would do well by her already tendered soft tissues.
Strapping himself into the captain's console, Jim quickly glanced at the system's diagnostic report. as usual it had a 'new' report on damaged hosing in the starboard thruster. He'd promised Janus that they'd fix the elevators, but hopefully he'd have enough left over to replace that faulty sensor, before the hose actually did get damaged and they didn't check it.

Next thing he does is switch over to ship wide comm. "Alright, jump engines are spinning up, I want everyone strapped down for the jump in the next 20 minutes." After they jumped out of this system he'd relax. and then he'd check in on Kiri.
(I started typing this up and before I could post it, I noticed that someone had already posted. I hope I don't end up having to erase all of this and start over.)

Syndric finished his project and placed it on the table of the workbench. He eased himself away before rising from his seat. He was wondering how Kiri was doing and he still wanted to talk with Adsila about the topic of flying. He was really hoping that Kiri would recover fully from her ordeal but with Lillian aboard, those chances seemed quite good. He made his way to the elevator near the left thruster fuel storage, utilizing it to get to deck 4. He wanted change out of the heavy suit he used in space and back into his usual suit before he did either. Once on deck 4, he stepped out of the elevator and turned to the left before going down the hall. His quarters was adjacent to the weapons locker on the left side of the ship.

He pulled out a key card from a compartment of his suit and swiped it to open the door, passing it through a scanner of sorts. While he did not expect any of the crew members to try and kill him in his sleep or anything like that, being cautious never hurt. He had stood to the side of the door before swiping the card and waited a full 10 seconds after the door was opened before he heard a beep and saw a flash of green light. He hurried inside, closing the door behind him. Inside the room was a gun loaded with tranquillizer darts mounted up so as to face the door. He had built it himself out of spare parts and it served him well despite never seeing any real use other than giving him peace of mind in knowing nobody could sneak up on him while he was asleep.

He changed out of his current suit and into the one he usually wore around the ship, keeping his helmet on as usual. When he was about to leave his quarters, he heard the announcement that Jim had made. He sighed before he sat down in a chair which was bolted down and strapped himself to it to ensure he would be fine when the jump was made.
It wasn’t surprising that Jim agreed to Hartwin’s plan, as the man knew how much his friend cared about his crew. Hartwin was worried as well though; to be blown from an elevator wasn’t exactly the nicest thing to happen to people. At least Lillian new what she was doing, Kiri would probably be fine by the time he got there…or at least, he tried to tell himself. Shifting out of the space gear at a speed he didn’t know capable, he set the junk aside and hurried jumped into his cargos and t-shirt.

Then he was out into the bay again, having to use the long way to get to the medical wing now that the lifting shoot was out. Jim’s announcement came on, but Hartwin was in a hallway anyways, so he would have to make it to the medical wing for a seat too. It made him pick up his speed though, the last time he had been caught standing in a jump he was surprised his brain didn’t leak from his ears. The man heard a weird…muffled noise just as he barrelled himself around the corner of the medical room.

“Yo!” was his simple greeting before seating himself and strapping in, “Best make sure shortie’s strapped, ‘fore Jim has your head” He noted. The man thought back to the muffled noise on his way in, he could of sworn it was Kiri, but the girl looked almost dead lying there.
Lillian had heard Jim's announcement and quickly began to strap Kiri on the bed. Kiri did begin to thrash, which had probably made Janus worry a little.

"You should get going. She'll be fine, she's just having a bad dream," Lillian said reassuredly. Hartwin had come into the medical bay to strap himself down in one of the chairs, calling out a task that had already been done before he came.

"Hey, don't come here telling me how to do my job. Thank you." She replied. Lillian quickly checked to make sure all of her equipment, including the bed Kiri lied on, was stationary, and went to strap herself on a seat before takeoff.
As Janus and Lillian brought Kiri up to the infirmary via the stairs,nothing much happened. He was in a bit of a haze;the potent combonation of adrenaline and Cardamine dulled his perception of the world around him. When they got to the med bay,and set Kiri down on a bed,she began to thrash,which broke Janus from his stupor. Amidst a string of spanish expletives,Lillian strapped her down and explained it was just a hallucination. "Right. Well,if that's all..." At that moment,Hartwin stuck his head into the room,and informed them of the imminent jump. Janus looked at him and nodded. "I'll be needed in Engineering..." Janus clomped out of the room,and headed for Engineering.

He taken the long way,and swung by his quarters along the way. His room was tiny,compared to the others. He had a plantation of Cardamine consuming one half of the room,and the rest of the room was clutered with his belongings,even though they were packed away neatly. He checked the Cardamine,and saw it was nearly ready to harvest. "A couple more days..." With that,he continued on his way to Engineering.

When he arrived at Engineering,his gaze was immediately drawn to the panel displaying the jump drive's status. He slid into the steat in front of the panel,and buckled up the five-point harness,then the shoulder brace. He activated his comms, "Jump Drive's green across the board;we're good to jump at the Captain's orders."

(OOC: I'm so sorry for not posting for so long! I was at a loss of what to post. I'll do better from now on.)
“Woah there, don’ mean it personally or anythin’!” Hartwin defended himself, now clearly seeing that Kiri was indeed strapped down. Janus had left a short beat after he had entered and he managed a wave beforehand. Lillian strapped himself to one of the other seats and he found his eyes looking at the girl on the stretcher, “She okay, doc?” he wondered. Hopefully Hartwin hadn’t stepped on her toes enough that she would bite his head off this time too.

The man did say he would check up on her for Jim’s sake, but he was worried about her too, “Was she makin’ any weird noises?” he also asked, thinking about it again.

Begin video feed? N-Y _





It’s a grainy feed from a security camera focused on a large blast door, There are two marines posted on either side of it. They seem to be talking, Obviously it’s almost shift change. Jumping in surprise and readying weapons, the two scan the hallway. Seeing nothing, one turns to the other with a questioning look. After a few hurried words, unexpectedly the door detonates behind them, sending shrapnel towards the camera, killing the marines and blacking out the feed.

End of feed...

Open Feed2


Begin Video feed? N-Y _





The video seems partially corrupted with the picture being distorted occasionally. You see the outside of the facility under what appears to be a giant dome. Several different structures spread over the area, each brimming with weapon turrets. The turrets seem to be erratically targeting something, when they suddenly spin and unload their entire ordinance into the surrounding buildings. Several guards and civilians are hit, and you are sure many more have also been hit. One of the turrets aims at the camera and the feed goes dead.

End of Feed...

Open Feed3


Begin Video feed? N-Y _





There are several marines in a small outcropping coming off a long hallway. They seem disorganized and on high alert. One keeps trying his comms but appears to not get an answer. The Comms marine looks up with a grim face and gives a hand signal to another; No contact. The camera pans slightly and you see the end of the hallway. What appears to be a group of heavily armored soldiers come into view. The newcomers are badly painted to represent each other. The marines see them and ready weapons. Ammunition is traded rather quickly with the marines receiving the worst of it. The newcomers sweep the hallway and continue down and vanish into another hallway. The Feed fizzles out and goes dead.

End of Feed...

Open Feed4


Begin Video feed? N-Y _





Several men run underneath past the camera. They are decked out in black suits, and firing at something behind them. One is cut down. The others look wounded, but are still managing to fire on whatever is spraying the hallway with rounds. They duck into small alcoves on either side of the hallway providing them with cover. It seems futile as they get up and run to another behind them. The suits are forced into this pattern of retreating, but the alcoves slam shut behind them as they run to the next. The last is cut down before a large door. As if by command, the door opens to the strangers, revealing a storage room of sorts with several items. The biggest seems to be a crate. The newcomers bee-line for it, and whisk it back down the hallway. The feed suddenly goes dead.

Open Feed5


Begin Video feed? N-Y _





The same group of people, still carrying the crate, run down a hallway into what appears to be a hangar. One ship is different from the others. It looks more worn than the shinier, better maintained ships that fill the rest of the hangar. The back opens and the people load the crate into it. Small arms fire ping against the little ship’s hull but seem to do little to no damage. The engines flare on the little ship as it forces itself away from the docking area. The cone is pointed right at the camera as the engine flares. A bright flash and the feed goes dead.

Open Feed6


Begin Video feed? N-Y _





Buildings look partially damaged as you see the little ship approach the dome. Several larger ships are already intercepting its path on the outside of the dome. The ship slows and seems to power down for a second. A flash and the ship disappears. The sudden depressurization causes an implosion that collapses the already weakened dome. Several buildings are collapsed and sucked into the vacuum of space. a blast shield is triggered and the dome is enclosed with a solid cover, ending the gas escape. A piece of debris shifts, and rolls toward the camera. Feed goes dead.

Load all camera feeds



Press enter to view


This seems to be a current feed within a day after the previous ones. The scene changes as if someone is scrolling through feeds. Most are black, very few still have a feed. Bearing witness to the destruction of the previous day. There are several crews checking the dead and doing investigations. The monitor goes dead.

The monitor clicks to a silhouette of what appears to be male with a slight reflection from eyeglasses. Another man looks upon the screen in a small spartan room. The voice coming from the comms seems irate but level. With a slow condescending tone as if it is speaking to a very young child who broke the family vase. The other man is stock still, apparently a subordinate, listening to the silhouette. “So, you were doing a sweep of the Gebnar system leaving your facility completely and utterly undefended. Then you open the doors, invite a bunch of feral disorganized apes, to just help themselves to my project! And you don't have the common ******* courtesy of killing a single one! What is your excuse?”

“Sir, they had an inside man-”

“Then your hiring regiment needs a lot of work I think. Obviously you like hiring on rebel spies to secret projects. Why don't I just purge you now for your incompetence?”

“He had cleared the background checks initially but he had apparently come into contact with rebel elements later on-”

“Again with the excuses. I have a brilliant idea: why don't you shut your inept mouth, and find that damn crate!? Before I strip you of everything you ever were or will be.”

“The ships have already been prepared and are awaiting my order to jump in all possible vectors”

“Then why are your ships still in orbit of your personal ruins?”

“I have crews running search and rescue ops and trying to clear the debris field”

“are your ships directly at threat?”

“No, but I'd ra-”

“Then get moving! You idiotic chimp, Or do you need someone to hold your hand? Perhaps one of the asphyxiated in orbit around Faxnar?”

“No, Sir. On our way now” The monitor clicks off as the man turns away from it. A set of doors open has he walks towards the wall.

“Call all crew back to the ship, but leave three detachments of marines to guard and help the crews already there”.

Getting an affirmative answer he continues down the hallway. The crew gives him a wide berth, he walks down the center of the hallway for this specific reason. Within moments he's at the bridge. The man stands at the center.

“All ships move out. I want them found yesterday.” The crew keeps silent. All ships on the view-screen begin jumping out.

“Jump in three.” States navigation.

The ship is wrapped in an envelope of light has the screen whites out.
(by the way, Zix's post is planned, anyone smell the foreshadowing?)

Strapped in, and buckled up, Jim was all ready for the jump. And his diagnostic screen was counting down 4... 3... 2... 1... He squeezed his eyes shut as the whirl and flash happened. 17 years in space, and that bright light still hurt a little every time. Another little system, one habitable planet that didn't welcome their kind. Of course, they only had to stop here for the hour it would take to recharge and plot the next jump.

"Adsila, you have the bridge, notify me if anything goes wrong. I'm gonna check up on Kiri." He started to head to the starboard lift when he remembered it was out. "Guess I gotta take the stairs." A few minutes later had him outside the med bay. "So, how's she doing?"
Lillian sighed. Of course Hartwin didn't mean anything about it. She personally thought her seriousness had gotten the best of her at times. However, she never liked being disturbed as she was working, and that was something Hartwin, as well as the others, would have to understand.

She was ready to answer, but the movement of liftoff had distracted her, and it would have gerbled her speech anyway. After things went smooth again, she unstrapped herself and checked on Kiri. She began to speak as Jim entered. "She's going to be fine, but i would advise her to stay under medical care at least overnight. As for the noises she was making," Lillian looked back at Hartwin, "she was just having a bad dream. She still hadn't gained consciousness yet."
More memories blurred together, only one more painful than the first; but thankfully the sudden shift of the ship jarred Kiri's mind from it. The tundellar was barely conscious of the world around her; voices that made no sense, like they had mouths full of cotton, and nauseating motion.

Slowly the girl's mind moved back to memories, these ones more recent; joining this shop's crew.

Normally the sight would be depressing, a young girl alone aboard a dead end station, with nothing but the clothes on her back and a small bag of personal belongings, being harassed by a crowd of thugs. Of course normal wasn't much the case when the girl was hurling the criminals across the hall. Kiri didn't look like a threat, probably never would, but when time came to be threatening, she was pretty good at it. As one of the few humans that had survived on Tundellag, if barely, Kiri was virtually superhuman, capable of feats of strength and speed nearly three times that of average people. It was on this station that she'd been noticed, and offered a better life, life as a smuggler.

Technology, was still unnerving. A device that could kill from farther than the eye could see, machines that carried people amongst the stars, tools that could heal any ailment; it was all too new, too bizarre and outlandish.
Once the jump was over, Syndric sighed in relief before unstrapping himself from the chair. He was thankful he had installed it inside his quarters as he would not have been able to make it to the life support room in time had he not installed it. He rose from the chair and exited his quarters, remotely resetting the security gun he placed inside and locking the door behind him. His mind wandered to Kiri. He had not yet gotten the chance to check up on her and he was hoping she would be fine but he reassured himself that she was. After all, her kind were strong. He planned to check up on Kiri in the life support deck before heading to the bridge to check up on Adsila and hopefully finish that conversation from earlier.

He walked down the hall to the life support deck, passing quite a few doorways along the way. He sometimes wondered how he had managed to memorize the ship's interior like he had. Then again, he had good reason to. If something happened then he would be able to get to or away from the away if necessary with ease in terms of knowing where to turn. Upon reaching the door, he knocked in the event that he might somehow end up intruding on anything he wasn't meant to see.
Before the woman got the chance to answer Hartwin, the ship had jumped in space, a very distinct feeling from its regular flying abilities. Unbuckling himself with the doctor, he let the ‘ladies go first’ as he stood to dust himself off. Jim had come in a mere moments after and Hartwin flashed a smile at his captain and close friend, as he asked about Kiri.

Lilian assured them that the girl was asleep, and was going to be fine, even noting that the noises he heard was her having a bad dream. The girl would have to stay overnight, but he wondered if she would stay asleep for that long, scratching his brow he looked at the captain.

“I’ll take’r workload, not like I do much” he noted to his friend, already feeling a slight stress in his brain from what he had just agreed to.
[MENTION=10]Kagura[/MENTION] Part of your post is an exact copy of an earlier part of the same post. What happened to Hatchet? He/She hasn't posted since touch-down on the asteroid.)
([MENTION=1923]Zekeziel[/MENTION] Whoops, x3' Sorry about that. I actually copy+paste my posts from word, so sometimes I unintentionally do it twice... Also, Hatchet dropped out of the role play.)
Adsila nodded at Jim's words and turned her attention back to the sky. She looked out the window and a small smile appeared on her face. Sometimes when she looked out the window during calm period of flight she had the urge to want to go outside. It was a weird urge and the woman could not explain entirely why she got it. She knew it was foolish to go out into space exposed as she was. Still. It was beautiful out there. It was her's.

Adsila looked at the door as someone knocked. "You can come in."
Syndric heard the call and opened the door of the life support deck. He walked inside, trying to be as quiet as he could to avoid waking Kiri should she be asleep but his steps were still a bit heavy from the weight of the gear he had on him. He always had to lug various gadgets around with him as a precaution to ensure that in the event that something happened, which was a rarity, he was prepared. He turned his attention to the table which Kiri lay atop. As he had guessed, Kiri was in fact asleep. He looked up from Kiri and to the various crew members in the room. "How is Kiri doing?"
After passing through the door and seeing Kiri sleeping, Jim felt much better. His crew was important to the old captain, and Kiri was definitely important to him. Lillian reassured him further as Hartwin afford to take up her work for the day. "Alright Hartwin, i guess that'll work" he said, and then, with a fake snarl, added "but don't be expecting any bonus pay" That was when Syndric popped in. "Syndric, the girls fine. she don't need us all crowdin' around while she's sleepin'. Get down to engineering, I'm sure Janus could use your help."

He suddenly yawned, and with that Jim decided that, he hadn't slept well in three days. it was time for a nap. And with that he spoke to Adsila over the comms "Adsila, call me when we're at Colitar station. I'll be in my quarters."

(next post I'm planning on moving this RP to the station so we can get on with the main plot, so if you wanna establish anything, now is the time)
Adsila, now entirely focused on her flying as there were still a couple asteroids around, almost didn't hear what Jim had said. She blinked and tore her gaze away from the window and pressed the com button.

"Will do captain."

She let go and turned her focus back to the black space before her, a small smile gracing her lips.
Syndric nodded and saluted to the captain. He supposed that meant talking with Adsila about flying would have to wait until later. He was glad however, that Kiri was in good condition and now he could put that worry out of his mind. He walked out and back to the elevator he used to get to the deck in the first place. He pressed one of the buttons and waited a moment while the elevator came up. As the doors opened, he entered the elevator and pressed the button for deck three. He rode the elevator up to deck three before walking out and to main engineering to see if Janus needed any assistance with anything.
After assessing the situation himself, Jim had agreed to his plans and Hartwin nodded, laughing at the notion of more pay. Syndric had popped his head in a moment ago and it made the second in command smile from the family atmosphere between the crew. Now though, Jim told his that it was probably better if they left Kiri to rest, and he nodded, thinking of what the girl actually did on the ship.

She was last with Janus, so maybe if he checked up with him, he’d have an idea of where Hartwin could be going. With once final last look at Kiri, and a sly goodbye to the doctor, “Now don’t you f’rget what yer doin’” he was out of the life support room. Once again he took the stair flights up to Level 3 and nodded at Syndric who had already made it there.

“Yo!” he noted towards Janus, once he saw the man.
Janus was reviewing the ship's major systems from the terminals in engineering. With Kiri out of action for who knows how long,he'll need to lock down her quarters;that way the atmosphere will be used in other areas of the ship,instead of sitting there,stagnating. He pulled out his datapad,and keyed it to the ships atmosphere readings,and made his way to the door. Before he left the room,however,there was Hartwin,greeting him. Janus nodded,and said from under his helmet, "I don't suppose you could help me move a thruster part? Without lifting equipment?"
It seemed that his help really was not needed at the moment. He had wasted his time coming to main engineering on the captain's orders apparently. He sighed quietly before turning and walking back out, passing Hartwin. He moved at a brisk pace to the elevator which he had used earlier and rode it back up to deck four, stepping out once the elevator doors had fully parted. He walked along the hallways and to the bridge. It was several minutes of walking which would have been shortened if the more centralized elevator had not malfunctioned. Still, it could be worse.

Upon reaching the bridge, Syndric knocked on the door. "Adsila? May I come in? You offered to chat earlier about flying the ship." He had hoped that he did not catch her at a particularly busy time. He was after all, looking forward to speaking with her. Plus it was a good way to pass the time while they travelled to their next destination.
Hartwin watched as Syndric left as easily as he came, it looked like he was the only one helping Janus today. Not that exciting, due to the fact that the man wore a helmet and he asked too many confusing questions. Or that might’ve been just now…either way he answered in kind, “You jus’ tell me what to do, and I’ll prob’ be able!” he confirmed.

“At least, if it makes any sense…” was the warning that trailed after, giving the man a sheepish smile and looking around. They were moving something, that much was for sure…

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