The Outer Rim [IC]

Lillian was somewhat relieved at the dissipation of the males, rolling her eyes at Hartwin's final remark. She checked Kiri's levels and found them all stable, which was a relief. All she needs now is some rest, which Lillian was content in giving her. Meanwhile, Lillian continued some research on the computer, hearing out for any signs of abnormality.

After a while, Lillian thought she heard something, but walked back over to check. "Kiri?" She spoke, nudging the girl's side.
Suddenly, Kiri felt something real, a faint jabbing in her side. Focusing on the sensation, the girl heard her voice called and cracked her eyes open groggily with a low groan.

That was right, she'd been hurled into the void. Now Kiri suffered of relatively minor symptoms, swelling of soft tissues, and sunburns from the unshielded nature of her little space walk.

The bright examination room lights glared directly into Kiri's eyes, making her reach to shield her eyes, finding her arm immobile. The thought was unnerving to say the least, and the tundellar's eyes snapped open at that.

"Was I broken!?" she asked, only slurring slightly as immediately she struggled with her bonds, finding her limbs very much intact.

"Never mind that, where is the airbag hiding!?" she exclaimed, question accented by the flex of conscious muscle, pulling at the bindings before a wet sound emanated from her arms, the sound of fat and muscle tearing, and joints dislocating. The softened tissues could no longer handle the strain placed on them at this moment, though Kiri paid logic little mind in her outrage.
As the third and final jump to the Colitar system finished, Jim woke up from his nap. The captain got out of his bunk and immediately started getting dressed.

Colitar station, the huge spinning metal behemoth of a space station, orbiting a red Dwarf was widely considered the largest Smuggler’s hub in the sector. With seven agricultural bio-domes, twelve city bio-domes, and the main central column, the Space station was practically a planet in and of itself, and with such a huge station, the feds never seemed to be able to keep tabs on every ship.

All that made the station the ideal location for anyone working in the Outer Rim’s criminal underground. Jim had been coming and going to and from this station for years, it was one of the few ports where the captain knew most every contact personally, and in the old smuggler’s opinion, the best place for a good ole Vesuvian Ale.

‘Alright’ Jim thought to himself ‘let’s get some creds and get outta here.’ Slipping on his wrist communicator, he routed it to the bridge “Adsila, you contacted Gerard yet? We got his guns and I’d like to get this job finished before the Feds start poking around.”

This had all the feeling of being a good day.
"Hey, hey! Kiri calm down!" Lillian exclaimed. She was tempted to free the girl from the bindings, but her fear seemed to put her in danger. Still it did have the possibility of calming her down. She knelt toward the girl to a reasonable distance, and spoke to her again.

"Kiri listen, I am going to let you loose, okay? And after that just give you a quick physical, get your measurements, then let you rest. But I need you to calm down first, I don't want to have to sedate you, is that clear?" She asked in a calm, yet direct voice.
Kiri gave moment's pause at the doctor's words, the pain now becoming evident.

"Tell me where he is so that I might tear the ears out his eye sockets!" she growled through clenched teeth, arms straining with the bonds of the medical table.

It was evident that the Tundellar wouldn't be settling down any time soon.
Adsila nodded, even if she could not be seen by the Captain. She pacted the radio through, contacting Gerard.

"Ey you, we got your things. Get ready to come pick them up quick." She waited for a bit to get a confirmed replied. She felt good about it all. Sure someone did get hurt earlier, but so far things had been going okay. And Gerard was a good client. He would be quick about picking up his guns. They should get in and get out with barely any problems. Hopefully none at all.

After getting a reply, she contacted the Captain. "He's all ready for us Jim."

"Kiri, I don't want you to get hurt!" Lillian exclaimed, now going into her anesthetic drawer. She kept a contained section that held a lowly concentrated sedating drug. She really didn't want to do it, but Kiri would certainly be in danger if she continued to thrash around. She located a spot in her thigh, grabbed a cotton ball to clean the site, then quickly, yet gingery, injected the drug into Kiri's leg.

"Okay Kiri, this drug will have you fully unconscious within seven minutes, and will leave you in that state for about an hour. That shoud be enough for me to figure out what troubes you, as well as get my job done. So just relax, and I will be here throughout." She told Kiri calmy.

Poor thing, Lillian thought, looking at the Tundellar. She placed the syringe into a biohazard container, then stepped out of the room and down a few doors. One of the ending doors held an REM machine she planned to place Kiri on. Surely her dreams must be the cause of her distress, and she wanted her to become as comfortable as she possibly can here. After fixing it up for a new patient, Lillian quickly stepped out of the room and toward the contact radio, buzzing in.

"If anyone's availabe in the next twenty minutes, I need assistance placing Kiri into the REM examination room. Will there be anyone available by then?"
Syndric responded to Lillian's request over the communication system "Syndric here. I'll be right there. Not like I have anything important to do right now and no, that was not sarcasm." He turned and walked to the elevator on the left side of the ship. Apparently, Adsila was too busy to have heard him when he knocked on the door so he would try to talk to her later. He was still curious about all the things that went into flying the ship but at least he could make himself useful now instead of waiting for who knows how long for something to happen.

Syndric rode the elevator down to the appropriate deck to gain entrance to life support where Lillian was. Along the way, he started to think about his various incomplete contraptions. He wondered how many of them would actually be useful as opposed to shorting out or exploding when he tested them. No, that would never happen. He may have made them out of scrap and spare parts from places such as junkyards but his capacity as an engineer could not be doubted. Sure, there may be malfuctions but that is what the testing phase is meant to find so they can be corrected.

Syndric made his way to life support and entered the room. He walked to the side of the table which Kiri was strapped to and looked down at her before looking to Lillian. "What exactly happened in here? It looks like a joint or two is dislocated among other things. Did she wake up and try to tear her way out of the bindings?"
After leaving his quarters, Jim decided he'd head to the bridge. He was there most of the time anyways, and that way the crew would know where to seek him out if anything happened. Then his communicator beeped "Hes' all ready for us jim" Adsila said.

"Alright, contact the port authorities and get us docking." He over the communicator. Then he switched over to the security chief's channel. "Hartwin, do you mind taking over delivery of the shipment? I'm gonna go see if lenny's got a job for us. and before you ask, I will be taking one of your men. Hopefully he won't try to shoot me this time."
Lillian was satisfied with the quick reply for help; it was nice to know that the crew would be in need whenever she needed it. She walked back to Kiri's room to straighten more things out when Syndric came into the room.

"Oh! Syndric, I hadn't expected for you to come up here so soon, I was going to get Kiri's measurements before you came," She said, walking back to the bed. "Yes, I think she believed she was still dreaming and got a little shaken up. I'm going to put her in the REM examination room to see if I can help her."

With that, Lillian unlocked the wheels to Kiri's bed, and began to push her into the REM room. She then proceeded to remove her bindings an her IV in preparation to lift her. "Alright, are you ready?" Lillian asked, starting at her legs.
Syndric nodded. "I'm usually available when someone needs help. I was going to chat with Adsila about her duties as the pilot but it seems she either didn't hear me knock on the cockpit entrance door or was too busy to notice it. At least this way, I'm being of some use. And I'm sure that with a doctor like you to tend to her, Kiri will be just fine."

Syndric followed Lillian as she pushed the Kiri and the bed she was lying on into the REM room. After the bindings and the IV were removed, he nodded and slipped his arms underneath Kiri's body before lifting her up. He was strong enough to lift her by himself partly because of the mechanism which he had built into his suit to allow him to move around in it without it weighing him down. The mechanism increased his strength but just slightly more than enough to compensate for the weight of his equipment.

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