The Outer Rim [IC]

Syndric kept walking and soon found the cargo and the transmitter that was with it. He turned to look for the nearest member of the crew, which happened to be Hartwin. He waved to Hartwin from where he stood before gesturing for him to approach as he had found the cargo. He then pointed to the hatch which was partially buried in the asteroid but otherwise uncovered.
After he heard Kiri exhale,Janus fired. The fifteen millimeter round tore through the bottom corner of the pod,and then the tube that seperated the pod from the outside. The result was immediate. The atmosphere contained within the tube and pod rushed out into the vacuum of space,equalizing the pressure between the two. Janus was hurled into the wall of the pod,and went straight through the weakened glass,as well as the tube itself. He ensured that he was the first one through the glass;if Kiri went first,she'd be killed.

On his way down,he called into his comms, "Starboard elevator failiure! I had to shoot my way out. Kiri was with me;she didn't have a suit! I need medical at the starboard airlock with a vaccum trauma kit,NOW!" As Janus alighted to the ground in microgravity,he began to vault towards the airlock in question. He had two minutes,or Kiri would die. "I hope I don't overshoot..."
When the shot went off, Kiri just about yelped, but she had no air to inhale for it. Sucked out into space, she tried to suck in a breath, but there was nothing to inhale; and immediately she could feel soft tissues swelling, and her arteries stretching as small air pockets formed inside. Normally the abhuman would have gone to screaming and tearing at Janus, but this time she just froze up, the situation to extreme, she couldn't handle it. It was mere seconds before Kiri blacked out in shock, and would have no recollection beyond touching the asteroid.
(OOC: Janus is holding Kiri. Just an FYI)

Janus made it to the airlock in just over a minute. As he made his last leap to the airlock,he held out his arm,grabbing onto the frame and swinging around. The airlock door opened,and he stepped in. As the airlock cycled,he noticed Kiri had passed out. Damn...I hope there won't be any brain damage... The inner door opened,finally,allowing precious atmosphere to flood in. Janus clomped into the cargo bay,and placed Kiri on the awaiting stretcher. "Janus here. Kiri made it in. She was passed out."
(I deleted my post. I thought Kiri fell out of Janus' grip when I read the part about her touching the asteroid. Sorry.)
Something had caught Hartwin’s eye but it wasn’t the cargo or the hatch, it was Syndric waving him over from the corner of his eye. The man apparently had been smart enough to pull along a scanner, and Hartwin came over to meet him. It was the hatch alright…

“Good job, Syndric! Ay! We found it here, ‘bout a mile or so due south eastish of the ship?” he directions were vague at best, but they always were. Talking over the com was a little odd when just looking at Syndric but he directed his next question at the man, “ya’ don happen to have coordinates fer the thing?” he asked. Then he approached the hatch awkwardly and supposed he should wait for everyone else….but then again, he could just open it.

The man leaned over and gave the door a heave, not expecting it to be uncooperative under the first tug, “Uh…” he noted. His thought was interrupting by a blaring sound-off across the coms; the elevator had apparently broken with two people inside. Janus and Kiri, who he looked back to the ship for, finding them on the planet’s surface he cringed. The man did not move though, he would probably only hinder them as they made a dash for the airlock, and he sighed when they made it.

“What a case a’ bad luck we’re havin’…” he noted
Syndric nods in response to Hartwin's comment about the bad luck. He walks over and taps Hartwin on the shoulder to get his attention before holding up the scanner so he could see the screen. It had a map of the asteroid on it and coordinates on the precise spot the cargo was at. He returns to the hatch and sits down on a rock next to it. The cargo wasn't going anywhere with just the two of them knowing where it was so Syndric planned to wait for the others to come along. Knowing Hartwin, he would tell the others for him.
Adsila moved over to where Syndric was and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Did you find the cargo yet," she asked. She wanted to get the cargo and then get back into space. Not only because she'd rather be flying than on an asteroid but she didn't think it'd be safe to stay here too long.
Syndric gestured to the cargo which was half buried in the asteroid in response to Adsila's question, only the hatch being visible. Now the only problem was for them to either dig it out the rest of the way or see if they could simply haul it back to the ship. He rose from the rock where he was sitting and stepped over to the cargo container. He grabbed one side before turning his gaze to the other two to see if they would help him make an attempt at lifting it.
“Correction, fellows; 25.6, 77.2” Hartwin read off the little device in Syndric’s hand, not quite sure on those directions either. The truth was that the man was a little poor with his direction skills, so this was as good as it got for the first mate. Noticing that Syndric had opted to sitting on a rock, he sat on one himself, waving towards Adsila when she tapped Syndric’s shoulder.

“Aye, its right there, girly” he noted, jerking a hand back in the same direction the guy next to him pointed. Then Syndric got up and moved towards the hatch, prepping himself at one end of it, “Oh, you wanna pick it up?” Hartwin notes, quirking a brow. Then he goes up to help his friend, securing himself at the other end of the large hatch and waiting for Syndric’s signal.

“Where in god’s name is Jim?” he wonders rhetorically to the two of them with him.
"On the count of three, we lift." He counts, starting at one and once he reaches three, he starts lifting. Hopefully between the two of them and the relatively low gravity of the asteroid, lifting would be easy. He started to wonder as well what had happened to Jim since he should have been here by now with that hover trolley. While he did his part of the lifting, he said over the comms "Jim? Where on this rock are you? We found the cargo and we're trying to lift it since you're nowhere in sight!"
As Syndric and Hartwin began to lift the crate, Jim approached, with Derrick following with the hover-trolleys. He saw them working with the crate and chuckled to himself, before activating the helmet com "OK, let's get those crates on the hover-trolleys, I expect to be off this asteroid within the hour." then he switched over to the ship based channel, barely in range. "Janus! give me a report on Kiri's condition! Lillian will have that trauma kit there in a jiffy, but I need to know if he's alive."
At the sound of the three, Hartwin gave a strong push with his legs and the cargo lifted with both their help. Jim seemed to show up just as fast as they mentioned his name, and he had a hovercraft behind him driven by Derrick. With a weird motion of his neck, Hartwin tried to lead Syndric towards the hovercraft, taking the steps necessary so that he was the backwards one of the two.

“Nice an’ easy par’ner” he noted, slightly rolling his fingers so they didn’t get too bad of a mark from carrying the thing. Derrick seemed to help them with the journey by driving one of the hover trolleys a lot closer and it made it that much easier to place it on the cart. “One down…” Hartwin noted, easing it down onto the hover trolley.
Syndric nodded in response to Hartwin's motion of his neck before the two carried the cargo to the trolley and placed it down. Once that was finished, Syndric pulled his scanner out and did a sweep in the event that the cargo had not been all in one place or worse, it was partially buried and they would end up having to dig it out.
Janus stripped off a gauntlet,and taken a pulse. "She's alive. Out cold with some frostbite,but alive." He put the gauntlet back on,and said, "So,now will you let me replace those pneumatic deathtraps with mor conventional counterweight operated ones? Or do you need to get trapped in one?" Janus began to make his way back to the airlock. Without Kiri,he wouldn't be able to move that thruster component. He might as well help with the movement of the goods. "I'll be there soon" He pulled out his datapad,and began a remote shut-down of the transmitter and scanner at the stash site.

(OOC: [MENTION=1001]Marira[/MENTION] you're the medic...Time to be awesome?)
Right before the game had been started, Lillian had been informed of the emergency and Kiri's condition. She had excused herself and ran to the supply area, where she carried an oxygen tank and a couple of blankets in her arms. She quickly dashed down to the bottom deck. She never trusted carrying her supplies while using those "vaccum" elevators. She ran to find Kiri and Janus, put an oxygen mask over Kiri, and covered her with two of the blankets. "She'll be fine," Lillian reported, "but she may have to stay in the ward for the night. Care to give me a hand with carrying her there?" She asked Janus, knowing her stature wasn't capable of carrying Kiri all the way back to the life support deck.
Janus stopped. "Scratch that. I'll be out as soon as Kiri gets to the med bay." Janus turned around,and approached the strecher. He grabbed ahold of one end of it,and said to Lillian, "Come on. Let's get her into the med bay. And maybe get her measurements for a hardsuit while she's out?"
Adsila, after making sure they had the cargo, went back to the ship. She wouldn't be much help with carrying. She didn't have muscles but if she was needed she would go and help. For now she wanted to be sure she was not in the way.

She noticed that one of the crew member had passed out. She furrowed her eyebrows in concern.
After performing his check, Syndric found that they did indeed have all the cargo. He turned off the scanner before placing it back in its compartment as he said "All clear. We have everything." He turns to the ship and walks back to it. He was eager to leave the asteroid and get back on the ship. He was all too familiar with tragedy and wanted to avoid one happening when it could be avoided. The first place he headed was the workshop but along the way, he noticed the destroyed elevator and said over his comm "Something happen? I noticed a damaged elevator."
(zekeziel, Syndric should have already known about the elevator incident, everyone else did)

"I guess you've got a point on that one, Janus. Alright, but you better have it done before we have to leave Gerard." Then he mentioned carrying Kiri to the med bay and Jim helped Adsila with one more of the crates. Then Syndric swept the cavern with his scanner, and pronounced that all the crates were loaded. "good lets get back to the ship asap, before something else goes wrong." And then he turned, grabbing a loaded hover-trolley and heading straight to the ship. Derrick followed, directing several of the Hover-trolleys to follow his and went after the captain.

At least this job had a nice fat payoff, and they'd have the funds for Janus' elevator replacements. and no one was dead, boy did he hope Kiri came out okay.
"No problem, I'll be sure to get that done as well." Lillian answered with a smile. She helped Janus with Kiri on the stretcher, and grabbed the end of the stretcher with Kiri's lower half of her body. "Pardon us," she had said to Adsila, who was standing by, concerned. They would need a good amount of space to carry Kiri up the stairs, and to the med bay.

"I think the ship will be starting up again soon, so we have to hurry. We're just going to place her on a bed here." Lillian said when they arrived. She maneuvered her end around the main entry, and into the nearest patient room with a bed on it. "She'll be fine on here. I'll take her measurements after she warms up a little," she told Janus, feeling Kiri's face shortly after placing her on a stationary oxygen machine. Lillian also took a safe turn to provide a saline for her until she felt better.
(Really? I thought only those on the ship itself knew.)

--- Merged Double Post ---

Upon reaching the workshop, Syndric sat at the workbench where he usually sat to do his work. He already had two crates worth of devices to finish constructing and wanted to get those completed before he started another project. He turned his attention to the crates and looked over them, wondering what to start work on first. After a few minutes of thought and not being able to decide, he reached into the crates and pulled out one of his projects at random. The one he brought out of the crate was his attempt at creating a small robot which could be remote controlled. It was designed in the form of a spider and was supposed to have a camera for reconnaissance, a small explosive charge inside it for the purpose of self-destructing and a small, single barrelled machine gun turret on top. He was not sure how practical it would be but if it turned out to be useful then he could sell them to generate some income. That would be useful for upgrading some of the ship's facilities and for buying parts he could work with that they not taken from a scrapyard.
Adsila turned to the captain, not wanting to take off without knowing if it might harm Kiri further. She wanted to be sure she was able to take off again.

"Should I take the ship back up? And where to now?"
After they were done loading the cargo, Syndric did another scan of the area before they left anything behind. After the all clear, Hartwin nodded, looking back to the ship and wondering if Kiri and Janus had made it out okay. Jim ordered them back to the ship and Hartwin led the group of trolleys, along with his crew members, back to the ship. Although the job had certainly gone easy enough, there was still the fact that Kiri might die, which made Hartwin uncomfortable.

At least with this load they might be able to fix the shoddy elevator, and make it so it didn’t kill people at random. With a sigh, the man made it back to the airlock and noted, jokingly, “Guess we all gettin’ some exercise!” before closing the airlock off from the asteroid, making sure to do a head count. Then letting everyone continue on to the inside of the ship, shooting Jim a look.

“How ‘bout I check on little chickie for you, and you get our asses out’a here?” he noted, after taking off his helmet.
Reaching the airlock, Jim said "Okay, ship frequency people." then he replied "Good idea Hartwin, let them know I'll be there after we start plotting the next jump. Adsila, we're heading to Colitar station. As soon as we enter the system, holler over and let Gerard know we got the goods." With that said, the captain heads to the bridge, knowing Adsila would follow.

(just so you know, we're about 3 jumps from Colitar station)

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