[ROLEPLAY] Bloodpurge

Opening his eyes, James' vision was blurred with a tint of red. Blood had seeped into his left eye and he started to make out where he was. It was a pure bricked room with no windows and it seemed fairly large. He was stationed in the middle of the room and his hands were handcuffed behind him onto the chair he was sitting. Looking around the room, James counted 15 armed soldiers and 1 man that seemed out of place among even them.

"What am i doing here?" James asked out towards any one of the men.

One of the guards shot out of his stance and walked over to James and without hesitation or mercy, he placed his gun to his side and punched James as hard as he could across his face. Blood sprayed out of his mouth as his head was cocked to the other side from the force. Laughing could be heard from James as he turned his head back at the soldier and with a mouth full of blood, he simply spoke.

"You need to let me go. If she gets here and i am like this, She is going to kill you guys." James said as he merely looked upon the large man.

The one man that seemed out of place turned around and started to walk towards James. He held a shiny silver object in his hands and spun it around a little before stopping in front of James. Bending down to eye level with James, the man placed the knife upon James forearm and pressed slightly.

"You will tell me everything about this lady or i will start slicing flesh off you, little by little, until you wished you were dead." The man said as he started to make a cut towards James' elbow.

"OK OK! You want to know everything. I will tell you." James replied.
With the clear, dark sky as her only guide, Fatale weaved through a small crowd of men at a bar entry, giving her cat calls despite the long hooded cloack she wore, covering her very entity except her piercing violet eyes. The scent of liquid ethyl up close sent a fire up her nose. Though it was midnight, the time when all humans should be dormant, it somehow felt like the most active time of day to her.

This was the absolute perfect time for her specific brand of diet to emerge, but there were too many witnesses, not to mention she had exceeded her feeding fast for almost three days. Oh, how she wanted so badly to just pounce on a hapless male and express to him, as well as passers-by, who the real dominant species were. But she knew better; Rita taught her better than that. Throughout her centuries, she had hardly ever broke her own rules, but James had been nowhere to be found throughout this time.

Her head had instantly shot up at a building she almost passed; she could smell James near the upper floors of the building. The fact that James has been in close proximity for so long had somewhat relieved her, as well as irritated her. Allowing her cloak to drag behind, Fatale quickly stalked into the alleyway. She decided to use the various fire escapes to ascend, reaching one of the hundred floors. With a swift blow, she shattered the window, and stepped inside. She could smell James' blood now, a scent all too gruesome and familiar to her. After taking one last flight of stairs, Fatale sniffed James out on the other side of one door, as well as dozens of others.

Acting on impulse, Fatale broke the doorknob of the entryway, opened the door, and slinked inside. None of the thugs had a legitimate claim to the room as far as she knew, so she managed to get by unscathed. She stood there by the threshold, still concealed, waiting for the first unlucky impulse to occur.
Looking past the man, James took in a deep breath and thought deeply for a minute. As he looked past the man and seen the door open slightly, he smiled and exhaled his breath.

"Come in. I will tell you everything about her if you truly want to know. If you see her, then you are most likely dead. But I will tell you something about myself as well. You think that i was truly caught by you? But in all seriousness, You were the ones caught by me." James replied to the man as he closed his fists.

Smiling as his comment left his mouth, One of the guards walked over and raised his hand high into the air and was about to hit James. Flexing very strongly, James broke out of his restraints and caught the man's hand and with a rotation of his body, James flipped the man over his shoulder and grabbed his gun. Continuing the rotation of his body, he got out of the chair and aimed the gun at the guards.

Pulling the trigger, James let off one round out of the gun and pierced the first guard in between the eyes. Still spinning around, James continued to shoot one round per guard and continued to drop each guard.
Fatale shuddered and groaned in exasperation at the blood spill. Obviously a certain thrall forgot about her condition, which, of course, would result in some consequences. Before James could kill the last thug, Fatale quickly leaped over to him and snatched the gun from his hands. Glaring at James, she pointed the gun at the thug.

"I'll deal with you in five seconds." Fatale growled. Her eyes moved back to the unarmed victim, using her free hand to pull off the hood of the cloak, exposing her beauty to the man, allowing her charm mechanism to take immediate effect. Her next meal seemed to be coping well simply out of fear, but she knew she could never be too careful. After backing the male into a corner, Fatale gripped the mouth of the pistol and whacked James in the back of the head, hard. Before he could hit the ground, her fist met with his abdomen, his sternum making a loud crack on impact.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" She exploded, now taking her anger out on the isolated chair. It was obliterated in seconds. Turning back at the mess James made, she knelt down at the stranger, fear reading in his eyes. Slowly, her lips met with his neck, her fangs finding his jugular vein. She gave James time to heal as she drank the man, taking her time to make sure not to spill any blood.

After ten minutes the man was completely drained, and Fatale began to stand up. She walked over to the door and leaned on the threshold. "Hurry up," she said quietly, looking up and outside of the room.
As he was struck by Fatale, his sternum cracked and he closed his eyes in pain and collapsed over. As he hit the ground, his eyes were closed and he could hear the chair next to him literally just explode.

"I.....am.....sorry." James struggled to say as his bones started to reform.

Rolling to his side, James opened his left eye slightly and looked upon Fatale feeding upon the last thug. A slight bit of fear resided in the back of his mind as he seen the life of the man disappear from his face. Struggling to his knees, James took short and shallow breaths as he forced himself to his feet. As he stood up, he placed his hands upon his chest and as the bones completely healed, he stared upon Fatale.

"I will be ready to go in just a minute. I will be right back. Don't go crazy in my leave." James said as he had a hint of laughter behind his words.
John leaned away from his work. Careful breathing. He remembers back, one of the older memories. john was trying to feed a daywalker like himself, only it was a she. She never fed. In some way her force of will allowed her to die before becoming feral. John looked at the ceiling, He couldn't say he never had feelings for her. I hate daywalkers.
As James passed her, Fatale sighed and nodded. "Hey," she said, turning back to him. "Be back in five minutes, or I'll come looking for you. And I better not find you make a mess like the one in this room." With that, she dismissed him.

Her head moved back in the room, and she groaned in disgust as she slammed the door shut. She was nearly prepared to punch the wall in. Seeing that she constricted the metal doorknob into a mangled figure, she crushed it further into powder and watched as it slowly sifted out of her hands and onto the ground. Placing her hood back on, she sat down on the floor, and waited for him to come back.
James got a little shifty eyed when she told him not to make a mess like in this room. Although he knew it was not a direct order, it had that underline message. He had to obey her.

"Yes mam. I will be back before the 5 minute mark. After all, im just going to get my weapons." James said as he left the room and turned down the hallway.

As he walked down the hallway for about 25 feet, he found a lock box with a fire hose. Breaking the glass on it, he started to unravel the hose. Laying the hose upon the ground, he looked behind him at the glass window. It peered out over the city and was the perfect location. Taking in a few breaths, he stepped back a little and kicked the glass as hard as he could. As the glass cracked and a few pieces broke away, a small cold breeze creeped in and James just smiled. Stepping back to the fire hose, he grabbed it and ran at the window.
Foot steps echoed through a dark hall way as a figure walked with its hands within its pockets. A red suit was worn by the man with shinned black leather shoes. Upon his hands white gloves , in his mouth was a lit cigarette burning between his lips. Yellow sunglasses were on the mans face along with a red hat matching the mans suit. On his body was a red drench coat that matched his suit. Walking down the hall the day walker was looking for a paticular vampire, a vampire he was hunting.
Fingers dragging over book spines, steps echoing loudly in the silent aisles, Iiokl, glanced at the words on each cover, uniterested by the literature. Removing a worn encyclopedic volume, he held it up in the dim night light by it's back cover. The opposite side and it's pages hanging limply as his head tilted... He released it without warning, eyes trailing it's sudden descent blankly, features distorting with ire as he kicked it.

It 'exploded' in a shower of pages, the majority torn from the bind fluttering in the air like oversized confetti, a low sound akin a growl emitting from the Bruha's throat as some of his pent up irritation was released into destroying tomb. He smiled, a smirk as he squatted picking a page between index and middle finger, holding it up, barely distinguishable in the dim night light though his keen eyes making up for it.

They will ask questions in the morning.

He released it. Good.

He wanted the nosferatu to fret, to experience some of the irritation he felt if only slight, and this was one way to ensure it, the older vampire so obsessed with their not being discovered, found or tracked. Childish. True. Though it made him feel better none the less in it's spite.

The sound of passing laughter and heals, followed by a man's baritone passing by just beyond the entrance caught his attention then and he turned toward it, Iiokl rising, pausing for a momment before moving toward it. There were other ways to release the frustration. More creative ways, and to leave the bodies before their hide... Perhaps he could feed in the process...? Though he found it more exciting holding back. It had always been this way. The allure of blood making the torture all the sweeter.

He had already slipped out of the stifling Library, mind made, even before reasoning and logic caught up. His eyes tracking his drunken prey. A smile forming in anticipation as his tongue tip curled out to taste the night air. Fingers reaching ... hesitating? No!


His hand froze, expression slowly overtaken by calm, emptying, and casting a final glance over shoulder at the escaped meal as the vampire turned away, fingers retreating to push hair back instead, he moved away in another direction in search of a more discreet and silent meal.

Enough trouble, for one night.
As James continued to do... whatever the hell he was doing, Fatale still sat down to watch. She found it amusing to see him attempt to execute his convoluted schemes, only to have them ruined by someone else. With that, Fatale decided to have a little fun as James began to run to the window with... a fire hose in his hands?

"I can run faster than you," her lilting voice rang.

In a human heartbeat, she ran in James' direction and flew nearhim, holding her leg out to trip him. Her exposed eyes wore a cruel playfulness about them, her lips twisting upward in the same emotion.
Hearing her speak, James cringed knowing she was going to screw with him once again. Out of the corner of his eyes, he could not quite make it out, but he knew it was her coming straight at him. Throwing the fire hose at the glass, the metal nozzle hit and cracked the glass. As she appeared right in front of him and stuck her foot in front of his trip him. There was nothing that he could do at this point but to go through the motions. Tripping over her foot, James tumbled through the air until colliding with the pre-cracked window. Going through tje window, James grabbed a hold of the fire hose and took a breath.

"meet you at the bottom in 5 minites." james said as he slid down the fire hose.

As he slid down the fore hose, he counted the floors till he arrived at the floor he needed to be at.

It was a nice night, if you could call the hours of the morning such, the air cooling with a crisp breeze and Orin's eyes closed gently, breathing deep, allowing it slip over his tongue, only to cringe at the sudden at the sudden burning of his throat and he coughed violently stumbling, a palm slamming into the wall slowing before he did, leaning heavy weight against his shoulder.

It had been a long time, and he could already feel the startings of a more feral state stroking over his spine, clouding his mind as he blinked, the edges blurring, darkening as he lifted eyes to focus on his surrounding. It was only his magic that had prevented him from entering that state already, and he could feel the pressure of it warring in his mind. Pushing up he made his unsteady way across the street, following the scent that threatened to drive him mad, his speed picking up when he caught sight of the young man still in his security guard uniform, no doubt on his route home or way to work.

He didn't even register the vampire's silent approach until he was right upon him, just about managing to turn and back up as Orin swung about behind him in a fluid manouvere, an arm hooking beaneath his underarm, his other hand gripping the man's wrist holding it over head, and as the man made to struggle, several curse leaving his mouth, the sole of Orin's foot slammed into the back of a leg with a sickening and unrestrained crack, bone easily piercing skin at the sheer force, his grip on the man aready shifting even before the contact, loosening his hold to secure tight unyielding fingers about his throat instead as the man fell, cutting the air that would have otherwise escaped it and choking his life.

The scent was all about him now, the blood from the man's leg staining his trousers and Orin's eyes glazed, nuzzling his wrist tenderly and licking over it, mouth parting, his fingers squeezing tighter as he himself sunk weakly to knees behind him, his arm curling more fully about his neck in a deadly embrace that crushed his wind pipe. His eyes closed serene as he drew the blood from the man's suffocated body, the taste overwhelming his senses, starting slow and then with in increasing desperation, neck threatening to break, and as he shifted his hold, lips moving to open against his neck instead teeth piercing the artery with increasing fervor, his arms curled about his waist from both sides, holding him closer against him.

It was over within minutes, with only several drops wasted, and these he licked up from the man's wrist, cleaning the wound with a dextrous tongue once there was nothing more to take, continuing the motion for several momments longer before dropping his hand, and leaning against the young man's back, his free arm loosening, hand sliding to his stomach as his chin rested against his shoulder in debate. The body. he couldn't very well leave it here.

Sighing Orin glanced about as he pushed the dead man to one side, the limp lifeless body falling heavily to the ground on it's side and reaching to grip his ankle, he pushed himself to his feet dragging it to a nearby alley between two of the towering buildings that surrounded him. He propped the body again a large bin, turning his pained expression away toward the wall, te epitome of a druken man fallen asleep unable to keep his eyes open before standing back satisfied.

They would discover the body eventually, they always did, but by then morning would have come, perhaps even midday, and he would be gone, not only that but he had already ensured he was far enough away from his daytime hideaway so as not to be easily traced, and with that thought in mind he took a step back, making his way back to the street where he paused, arms stretching high above his head on toes.

His hunger satiated for now.

With nothing better to do in the building, Fatale called down to him. "Hey! At least be down there before I do!" She was planning to take the long way down.

She stalked down the hall until she found an elevator. She pushed the down button, where the door opened to an empty elevator. She walked in, and pressed "G." Knowing that it would take quite a while for her to make it all the way down, Fatale used this as an opportunity to relax a little as she listened to the background music: http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=SbIaYZEUF1M

She had made it down to floor 125 when the elevator jolted to a halt. Fatale straightened herself and covered her face with the cloak a bit more right before three people stepped inside. They seemed to be more concerned about work, or getting home, rather than her. Fatale hadn't deemed this a good time to feed, since the elevator may stop again. All she could do now was watch the individuals slip in and out of the elevator.

The elevator had only stopped to level 110 when only one passenger was there. When they stepped in, they had noticed Fatale, and let out a squeal of horror. Instantaneously, Fatale had grabbed the two people in front of her, each by the back of the collar, and yanked them behind her. She jammed the "close door" and the "109" button, and pulled the newcomer close to her. Fits of screams were heard as the door closed, giving the Malkavian the opportunity to mortally wound every person in the elevator in one blow. When the door opened once again, there was no one waiting. Fatale pushed the "close door" button again, and ran down the hall. I should have taken the short way the first time.

Fatale ran to the stairway and climbed down each of them, successfully finishing each flight without fail. Once she reached the first floor, Fatale boldly walked from the stairway to the front door, and stepped outside.
James flew down the side of the building to his location. It was 10 stories down and he was at the end of the fire hose. Placing his feet against the glass, he pushed away from the glass and flew outwards. Letting go of one hand, he reached to his back and pulled out a .50 cal pistol. Firing off one round went through, spidering the glass and echoing through the neighborhood. Swinging back towards the glass, James kicked through it with ease, letting go of the fire hose and rolling upon the ground. As he looked upon the room, James seen 10 guards all pointing their guns at him. Looking at the men, he slowly stood up and put his hands in the air.

“Get back down on the ground or we will obliterate your soul!” One of the guards yelled out.

Tilting his head to the side for a second, James smiled.

“You think that you can do that for me?” James replied as he placed his hands to his sides.

Just as the first guard was going to pull th trigger, James leaped to his right and quickly struck the man in the neck. Blood shot out everywhere and covered the next two guards faces. As the guards were covered in blood, their accuracy was less the perfect and they delivered a couple of friendly fires. Within a short few minutes, 8 guards lay upon the ground and James was bleeding excessively. His shirt was in shreds and barely hung to his chest, his chest, covered in holes and was constantly healing. Hearing the clicking from the guards’ guns, James smiled and turned towards them.

“Is that all you have? I thought you were going to obliterate my soul?” James asked as he backed up slightly and grabbed his weaponry.

The guard on the right started to reload his rifle and just as he was about to finish, James sent one of his throwing knifes into the man’s forehead, stopping the man dead in his tracks. The last guard stopped moving as he seen the accuracy of James.

”What are you?” The guard asked in soul shattering fear.

“I am the devil.” James replied as he removed his sword and walked over the man.

Turning his head lazily taking in the tall towering scrapers about him for the first time, Orin caught sight of the image reflected in the glass window behind him and taking several lazy steps toward it he leant close blue eyes fixated on the dark reflection upon it's surface. So soon after feeding he looked frivolous, excited, hair windswept and unkempt and as he watched the opposing image stroke finger tips against it's cheek he wondered briefly if their surface was as flushed as he felt, stained a rosen hue with the blood of another, the hand moving higher, fingers combing through silver tresses in smooth.

The reflection shifted then, flashing with annoyance as it's blue eyes refocused on Orin, hand lowering to press it's palm against the glass window, expression dark seeing straight through to him and Orin was forced to stop in his attempts to straighten himself out, eyes meeting it's shaded ones unfazed. He smiled at it then, drawing an index finger over his lips in silence, before reaching out to tap against the glass level with it's face.

"I don't know why you're so upset" He intoned mutedly, and the image gritted it's teeth in frustration turning from him, walking away, moving from one glass pane to the next, and with a look of resignation Orin's hand pressed against the glass as he made to look through, before quickly straightening, moving parallel to the window along the street to follow, slowing to walk beside it. Of course, there was no one beyond the glass, only a furitured lobby, at least, not the person he had intended to see, the other only residing upon it's surface, and as he caught up he listened, even knowing it would not respond. It never did.

"Oi." Having had enough of the mouse chase after several moments, his hand slammed against the glass and the image stopped moving, still facing sideways, those humans that were awake on the other side shocked by the sudden banging against the glass. "You had your fun..."

The tinkling of broken glass above drew his attention briefly, sparkling as it reflected the light within the windows as it fell and Orin watched it's slow descent unfazed and unmoving before lifting an arm to shield his head as he faced forward once more, several smaller shards stabbing into his forearm and shoulder, cutting through the skin though the majority falling several meters away as he continued to stare at his reflection. As he blinked, his reflection stared back, a mirror image of himself, palm and fingertips pressed against his on the glass, and as Orin leant forward in scrutiny, so did it. Each movement imitated perfectly. With a sigh his eyes moved back to meet his own a moment longer before standing back just as the entrance to the building beside him swung open.

He could tell who; what-, she was before he even looked at her, her smell that of floral decay, the scent of his kin, one that no amount of fragrance could ever cover, and as Orin turned his head, his eyes took in the dark cloaked figure, long dark hair spilling over her shoulders from beneath her hood, before coming to rest on her hands. She had killed recenty, he coud smell her victims, their scent lingered on her skin, on her clothes and shifting his gaze back up to her face, he moved to stand beside her, broken glass crunching under foot as he held his arm out horizontal before him, picking out a shard of glass from it with his other hand, twisting it this way and that.

Quel dommage.

"Was it you that made it rain?" He asked mildly.

Curious about the man that had stormed out of the building, Haratchi raised himself from the spot in the corner and quietly followed after him. He glared at the pile of destruction on the floor with a slight feel of hate. He picked up everything that was left from the books and lay them around seemingly in a failed pile to be. He then carefully pulled the shelf of which the books were on down so it looked like the shelf had fallen over in the night, just to make it look even more realistic he attempted to create a flaw in the bottom, but he ended up breaking a nail (Darren Shan movie refrence WOOO).

He walked outside and began looking for the stranger. After assessing the streets he began walking in a seemingly random direction which he had assumed would be the first choice of anyone with no instant plan on where to go which usually happened when someone stormed out. For a moment he stopped and thought to himself:
I really am weird, I need to get out more. Haratchi sighed at himself and kept walking until he saw the man who appeared to be in dialog with another person. Walked closer, close enough to talk but not close enough to draw attention to himself. However, since he didn't like interrupting e would have to wait until somebody spoke to him, if they ever did.

"I'll be back, Try not to kill all of my ferals mate." John shouted downstairs. He needed to hunt again. Within moments he was back outside looking for a new prey. He was near the alley way where he had met the bruha. I am always back here at some point. He thought to himself. John continued on, The others were busy tonight, but as long as they stayed in the city his cover would not be blown. Then a sound Cracked the silence like a cannon, but it wasn't a cannon but... 50 cal?! John paused and looked up. he had wandered back into the city and saw someone blow out a window. John's sharp eyes watched the glass fall to the street. The twinkling shards showered someone has another burst from the same building. They seemed to pause. He could feel them both has vampires. John's mouth opened to shout.
She had heard the stranger approach her; she had smelled fresh blood on him. He had fed quite recently, a few minutes earlier than she, though the scent was so strong, he may not have cleaned unselfish up before walking away. Her violet eyes darted over to him, taking in his appearance. Her nose upturned at the sight of his wounds and the glass shrapnel that caused it; he held a blood-caked shard in his hand. Her quick once-over seemed to become a death glare, as her distant exam continued.

He had quite an odd appearance, at least in her opinion. His hair seemed as silver as the moonlight. His physique did not match their clan, unless she was mistaken. He even, in some aspects, looked quite feminine to her, which would have been confusing in itself. Aside from that he was still male, and she had a right to despise him.

Fatale didn't bother answering the fellow Malkavian just yet, she was still contemplating in her head whether or not he was worth her time. Leading her striking irises, her ebony pupils ticked beyond him, noticing another male at a distance, he looked weaker. Her eyes narrowed as she parted her lips, allowing the vocal honey to flow through the silver-haired one.

"It looks like you've got company," she stated, still staring at the Daywalker.
"The d...d...devil?" the guard replied as he fell backwards and landed on his butt.

"Yes. the devil. I am here to drag this entire building to hell." James replied.

Lifting his sword high into the air, he proceeded to slice downwards at the man's chest. The sound of helled shoes hit the ground behind James and with a soft spoken voice, the person spoke up.

"Stop." the male voice said as James froze in his spot just before cutting the man.

James froze in his tracks and grunted at the fact his body wouldn't move anymore. Twisting his head and, he gazed upon the figure.

"So my theory was correct. You are a servant to a vampire. Well, if that is the case, i want you to take that blade of yours and ram it through your heart." The man said as he looked upon James.

As james struggled with the order, he had no other choice but to follow what he was told as he stabbed the sword through his chest and through his heart.

"Now that you followed that, exit through the window you entered from." the man said as james walked towards the window.

He was unacknowledging of the glare she shot his way along with the look of disdain, though unprepared, was unable to ignore the voice that assailed his mind, each word a confidential pearl, lulling him as it flowed like nectar between reddened lips. It was a nice sound, soft as silk, and his expression shifted, eyes softening as it caressed and gently washed over him, the words themselves losing importance, even as he acknowledged the reasoning behind them and he glanced sideway toward the familiar daywalker, flicking the shard to one side and sending it skiterring across the ground before working on the next, this one embedded into the back of his hand.

Of course recognised him easily, the quiet boy from the library, his nose most often buried between the pages of a book, and even now he looked so uncomfortable and unsure to be pulled out of his quiet corner. Heihatchi? Heretchi? His name didn't concern him so much as the reason he was there. The boy had no reason to follow him here and he raised his hand, in gesture for him to come closer as he looked at fatale, nodding with his head toward yet another vampire nearby.

"One of yours?" He asked easily and without waiting for response he turned from her focusing on Haratchi, eyes somewhat cold taking in the daywalker's features a moment longer, silence stretching to just beyond the point of awkwardness.

"Why are you following me?"

A small gasp of air left Haratchi's quiet mouth as he took a few steps forward, "I-I was curious..." he almost whispered in his usual small weak voice. He held his arms close to his chest and his hands close to his mouth in fear. His eyes darted from the man to the woman. Something seemed different about the man; he was half expecting the man to turn around and make soup out of his bones, but instead he just spoke. The rage that was clearly far to big to just fade, like it appeared to have, should at least have shown in some way if he was trying to hold it back, but it was like it had never even been there in the first place.
Mirabel was not sure how she got into his situation. She was back outside, but this time Karen was with her. She knew Vincent wouldn't mind her "borrowing" his thrall, or maybe he would. Didn't matter to the vampire. What did matter what Karen's whimpering. It was grating on Mirabel's nerves and that was not a good or safe thing to do. She could already see it. Her grabbing Karen's weak little body, slamming her against a wall and draining her of all her sweet blood.

But no. That would be no good. She wouldn't do that. Well she would try. If she got mad, well she had no control over what happened then. She looked at the Thrall and hit her.

"Shut it," she said. Karen looked at her, afraid, but she stopped. "Geez, how did Vincent put with you? I mean I know I defended you, but still! Do you want me to get mad Karen? Hm? Do you want me to? So that I can rip you apart. Because if I get mad that is what will happen."

Karen shook her head mutely. Mirabel flashed her a smile and turned her focus back to the group of vampires nearby. She motioned for Karen to walk ahead of her. Karen moved, rather face the vampires over there then deal with Mirabel at the moment.

Mirabel moved with her, calming down already.

"Ah look who is back outside again."
Fatale grimaced a bit more as the Malkavian continued to pick the glass shards from his arm. The glass came from James, that she knew for sure, He's late. James had long passed the five minute mark given, she had known for a fact that he had gotten himself into some kind of trouble, once again. Whatever it was, she didn't want to deal with it. These two males were a nuisance enough for her.

She had no reason to turn around, the vampire in question did not belong to her, the only being in her possession was James, and she herself belonged to no one. She carefully eyed the Daywalker approaching them as he gave his explanation. Clearly he was afraid.

"Hasn't anyone told you the clichéd phrase 'curiosity killed the cat?'" Fatale asked, now approaching the weak male. He hadn't looked a day over a century. "You don't want that to come true now, do you?"
Sliding his feet across the ground, he tried fighting his order to walk out the window. After all, he is 1000 feet above the ground. As he approached the window, the man spoke up.

"Stop at the edge." The man said aloud.

James sighed as he stopped at the edge of the window. Turning his head to look at the man, he witnessed something that he wished he hadn't. As his gaze focused upon the man, he seen the shiny metal of a hand gun. Pulling the trigger, the man sent one round flying at James' head. As the round pierced James right through the temple, he fell limply through the opened window. Falling through the air, James' wound was healing and he started to regain consciousness. As he regained his consciousness, he flattened his body to increase his wind resistance.

"Well, this sucks. I am going to die." James said aloud to himself.

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