[ROLEPLAY] Bloodpurge

"Angel you are overreacting," Karen said as softly as she could. She did not want the daywalker mad at her but she felt that Angel was overreacting. "I know you do not like to drink blood but you have to. If you do not eat you will perish. Though if you are unhappy with human blood I can go and find you animal blood or you yourself can do so. I'm sure it will not be as good as human but...I want you alive."
Dimitri approached a door. On the other side was the warehouse proper; the offices were above ground level,so the admin staff could watch over the labour staff...If they bothered to look out an observation window. Dimitri opened the door,passed through the threshold,then closed the door behind him. The platform he stood upon was made of grid steel. The warehouse was full of lifting machinery and shelves,stacked loor to ceiling with steel of all sizes,from I-Beams to ingots and everything in between.

The lighting in the warehouse was poor,to say the least. Dimitri smirked. It's as if they wanteda vampire to come and feed... He spread his wings,and flew silently to a nearby shelf,and awaited his quarry. It didn't take long for a human to wander into an isle adjacent to his shelf. Another man. He held a datapad and stylus,apparently checking stock. Dimitri stepped down from his perch,and spread his wings,to silently glide down. He alighted behind his prey silently,and grabbed him from behind,covering his mouth and clenching his nostrils shut with one hand,and restraining the arms with the other,making sure his clawed hand reached the throat. "Be at peace,mortal. Your finite existance has reached it's end." With that,he tore out the front of the man's throat.

As Dimitri set the dying man down as gently as he could,he pontificated on the steel surrounding him. If he brought some back to the library...He may be able to make an actual weapon. However,that would take the rest of the night,if he was lucky. After a few more moments,he decided to make the weapon. He telekinetically drew all the blood in the man's body into dis mouth,feeding quickly and efficiently. He'd have to wait until next time to make his statement once more. He looked at the shelves around him,and saw that the steel was rigged to an alarm system,to deter thieves.

"Well,things just keep getting better." Dimitri pulled a six foot I-Beam from the shelf,tripping the alarm. Immediately,the klaxon blared,and the sound of rushing footsteps were headed his way. All from one direction. Dimitri turned to face the incoming steel workers,holding the I-Beam in both hands. As they flooded into the isle,Dimitri laughed. It was a bone-chilling sound. He pulled back,then hurled the enormous piece of metal as if it were a javelin. It plowed through almost all of the steel workers;the ones that were initially hit were dragged along with the girder siolently,having their sternums collapsed,and those unfortunate to be caught underneath were turned into smears on the floor. The few that survived were frozen in mute horror. Dimitri quickly descended upon them,ending their lives with a punch to the throat.

With the alarms blaring like this,the authorities would be on the scene soon. Dimitri quickly flitted through the shelves,looking for an ideal piece of steel. He found it;a steel rod,about six feet long,and wide enough to hold as a sword or spear. He flew back up to the offices,and made his way out through the roof access,then spread his wings. He flew back to the library,dissatisfied,but blooded,and with a potential new weapon in his grasp. As he touched down in front of the library,Dimitri heard cannon fire. He whipped around to see condensation trails arcing from about three kilometers away,towards the steel warehouse. The VRC's Noah Deployment System at work,firing VRC troopers in crash pods from a howitzer.

Dimitri shrugged,and slipped into the library. Of course the VRC would be called in;an alarm was raised in a warehouse at night. Dimitri looked through the encyclopedia section of the shelves,and plucked out the volume he was searching for;a forging almanac. He checked the table of contents,and found a section on cold forging. He closed the book,and hastened to the basement.
"And...And I didn't like it I lost control. I don't even remember it. I'm appalled by it."

Iiokl snapped his middle finger against thumb with a laughing smile, hand flipping palm up as an index unfolded to stretch in the Haratchi's direction.
Witness to her bloodust. All the while his eyes fixated on the doll's, intent on deciphering the contradicting language; both in body and words.

She's shaken.

"That's not what he saw" He stated simply without even glancing at the daywalker in question. Why would he? It wasn't a question.

It was
impossible for the doll to be truly 'appalled' by human blood surely. Her tongue's buds orientated toward that taste, so seductive even on a full stomach. Rather it was the act of obtaining it, of piercing the flesh and drawing out the life of another, hurting them and possibly killing them that threw her as it did others of their kind.

He turned sudden attention to the thrall as
it piped up, shock registering in Iiokl's eyes as features froze at the unwelcome intrusion as it gave voice to something entirely irrelevant:

"I know you do not like to drink blood but you have to. If you do not eat you will perish..."

His fingers flexed, toying with the notion of teaching the manners it so obviously lacked. That fundamental basic of being seen and not heard.

"...Though if you are unhappy with human blood I can go and find you animal blood or you yourself can do so. I'm sure it will not be as good as human but...I want you alive."

Turning toward her as she spoke he squatted he contemplated the thrall silently, barely hearing the bile she spewed, before calmly reaching out toward her as she finished. Fingers securing an uncomfortable grip about her shoulder, squeezing, almost massaging experimentally in warning as he sighed; what if the doll heard her and decided to partake in such an unsatisfying regime? She would be ruined, Vincent clearly hadn't taught his pet well at all, particularly to keep her whimiscal opinions to herself.

"Do not interrupt what does not concern you." He intoned lowly, eyes dark; locked on hers, though only for a momment as his gaze shifted, albeit reluctantly toward the basement entrance before releasing her, rising to stand.

Dimitri entered the room,holding the steel pole and the book,just as Karen spoke. "You should know by now,Thrall,that animal blood doesn't work. That is why there are no..." Dimitri visibly shuddered. "Vegan vampires." He walked to one of the many table in the room,and set down the metal and book,flipping to the cold forging section. "Now,I need a sturdy metal mallet. I can assume someone saw one somewhere,then?"
Karen flinched under Iiokl's touch but she did not move away. She just stood there and absorbed all the words that was said to her. She decided not to speak again unless Vincent came back and said something to her.

"I just wanted to help." Then she fell silent.


Mirabel smashed the box against the wall. She was almost feral right now, her rage taking over. The woman crouching in front of her cried and cried, her dead child on the ground. The vampire covered her ears and let out a hiss-like sound.


Mirabel reached out and struck the woman across the face. "Stop you're stupid whining!" She could not handle it when they whine especially woman who could get so high-pitched. Just a couple seconds of it and she would fly off the handle. She began to choke the woman to get it to stop and smashed her against the wall.

"Do you know how annoying you sound?" But there was no answer. The woman was dead. Mirabel's grip tightened for a moment and then she released as she calmed down. She looked at the body all messed up and sighed. She should probably head home.
Angel darted over to Iiokl and grabbed his arm, pulling his hand off Karen and glaring at him.

"I think you've done enough," she said icily. "Leave Karen alone. Vincent will be angry if you hurt her. She isn't YOURS." Angel would have moved on to say something else, but Dimitri entered the basement before she could. Slowly, she released Iiokl's arm and backed up, retreating to her corner. She still hated him...both of them, but it was best not to get on Dimitri's bad side.

Vincent finished his meal and heard the sound of a canon and gun fire in the distance. He lifted his head and groaned in annoyance, wiping the blood off his lips. "Looks like the night is over," he muttered to himself, stealing one last look at the night sky before slipping off, sticking to the shadows and going back into the library, heading down to the basement immediately. The VRC were no fun and no one to be messed with. Best return to the others before he was noticed. He made sure to shut the basement door tightly behind him and descended the steps, smiling a little.

"Who called the police?" he joked.

Angel looked over at him when he spoke and ran over to his side. "What's wrong?" he asked, looking at her, then scanning the rest of the faces. "Dimitri, what's going on?" He was surprised to see the Nosferatu back so soon. Maybe he heard the VRC too.
Haratchi pulled out a little bit of paper deep in his pocket and started shaping it with two fingers, whilst watching everyone else from the view of sitting down. Eventually he quietly made his way back over to the Harry Potter series and finished the last book in about a minute.
Dimitri looked at Vincent as he entered. When Vincent asked his question,he replied, "I decided to return early." He held up his piece of steel. "Once I procure a mallet,prefferably made of metal,I'll shape this into a weapon." The Noah Cannon went silent. "I robbed a steel warehouse. It tripped an alarm,sadly. You know how twichy the VRC can get. I fed,don't worry." He set the steel down,and jerked his head towards the others. "They,however,have not." Dimitri pulled his crystal chalice from his cloak,and approached Karen. He held it out to her. "Fill this with your own blood,so your masters may feed." As a Thrall,she was compelled to obey.
"well I'll be damned, nice set up you got there." As he strode toward the elevator, Devin smirked. "You've lived here for quite a while." Suddenly, the booming began. That was the Noah system. "Someone got the VRC's attention. I have pressing business with them, so I'll meet you back at that alley when I'm done. Those bastards need to learn to stay off our people's back" with that, he began to head for the front door.
Angel bit her lip, looking at Karen with a very guilty expression. Vincent just crossed his arms, slightly annoyed that Dimitri had the tenacity to boss around HIS thrall.

"Wait, don't make her," Angel finally said quickly. "She doesn't have much..." Vincent raised an eyebrow and looked at Angel, almost smiling a little.

"Did you finally feed on your own?" he asked curiously. The way he spoke made it sound as if he were talking to a small child and Angel was flustered by it.

"I...Didn't try to..." she muttered, then looked at the floor in shame. Vincent rolled his eyes and ran his fingers through his hair. When would she understand that feeding wasn't a BAD thing? Having a conscience was no longer important. Survival was.
Shit if he goes out there he'll be killed, "I would avoid going outside mate, Cmon let's get you some more food" The bruha seemed to ignore him. John reached down and flipped a small knife off a small clip on his leg. He then slices the unconscious man's arm, The man's slowed heart-rate seeps out a bit of blood. The Scintillating smell of blood immediately blooms across the room. Please let this work. John then shifts back and lays the man down with the arm positioned on top displaying the wound and blood.
With one hand on the door, Devin was about to walk out when the scent of John's 'snack' hit him. He fed regularly enough to not lose himself at the simple smell of blood. but this was more than that. The man had been shooting up Purple Crank, and recently. That drug was so expensive Devin barely ever got it, and it was sooo delicious.

In moments the Bruha had turned around and practically flew at the offered snack, ripping open the arm more as he drank in the drug laced meal. It was an amazing buzz.
"EEyaah! Whoa buddy I thought you just fed." Then the he picked up on the smell of the drug

"sonuva, I guess he got his kicks. Peh anyway- OI! watch the blood mate you're making a mess, ah bugger too late..." John sidesteps the blood spray and taps the button to go down. The doors close and the elevator goes down for a few seconds then they open back up

"Don't walk out to fast". Suddenly four auto-turrets aimed at the elevator recede into the floor and ceiling.

"If you had walked out you would of been filled with quite a bit of lead". What you see is essentially a decent sized lab with VRC weaponry in different stages of disassembly and what appears to be modified medical equipment.
Mirabel swore and spat on the ground as she made her way back. Things had been not as good as she had thought. She knew she should attempt to clean up the body of the woman but she just wanted to get back.

Mirabel entered the place and felt the tension in the air. She wanted to go, tense situations not good for her, but she stayed.

That was the stuff, and ooh was it fresh. The man had obviously been shooting up the Purple Crank within the last two hours. But he had gone just a little crazy over it. Having drained a good portion of the man's blood, Devin felt completely refreshed, and with the purple crank now flowing through his system, he was on high alert. When John pointed out the turrets, Devin was slowing down his frenzy, then as they vanished, he remarked. "Nice lab. I see that's a weaponized UV flashlight right there, and some guass rifles too! you got some nice VRC toys my friend."
"Now, I need a sturdy metal mallet. I can assume someone saw one somewhere,then?"

Kneading the skin of his arm with idle fingers as though irritated by the unfamiliar touch, Iiokl resisted the urge to roll his eyes or voice the comment on the tip of his tongue... Careful. Annoyance flashed across his features. He knew.

Glancing to the several small piles of books beside the chairs he had previously occupied during the day Iiokl moved toward it listening to vincent's arrival and the vollowing conversation as he did so, and using his toe to knock them over and shuffe through he finally reached out to select one. The sound of wind rapidly beating paper could be faintly heard as he flicked through the heavy tomb scanning the pages, ceasing suddenly before tossing it atop the book of forging Dimitri had brought down with him.

On the left hand page was an example image of the item in question.


I know!

Dimitri hadn't asked for it, only implied, rather asking if they'd 'seen' one. He was merely taking advatage of the loophole, besides; it's a library. What did Dimitri expect?

"Fill this with your own blood," Iiokl's attention suddenly snapped to the scene nearby as the nosferatu's words filtered through his ears, eyes locking on the scene. "so your masters may feed."

He moved on impulse, faster than the lazy gait he usually proffered, and easily plucked the chalice from the nosferatu's unassuming grip, shifting it out of the thrall's reach. The other hand landing upon Karen's shoulder once more, this time to still, iron grip unyielding lest she still attempt to try and take it from him as per instruction. . . Thralls are so tedious like that afterall and while it usually amused him to no end watching them run circles chasing carrots, now was not the time lest the dolls anger re-ignite and the attention and/or wrath of his bruha elder be drawn to him.

He was saved from giving explanation to his action at the Doll's outburst, as Vincent directed a question at her, and he could feel the faint tuggings of a smile at her attempted stuttering response, all the while eyes on Dimitri's. Safe. Safe?

"This one's spent." He stated simply, then head gesturing in Harachi's direction he attempted to draw the attention further away from the cause, conveniently bypassing his own hunger. "Sunshine there is the only one who hasn't eaten."
"Iiokl leave the poor thrall alone," Mirabel said stepping in front of the vampire. She extended a hand for him to give her the chalice and motioned that he move away from her. "If you want someone to torture you can get your own thrall. Karen belongs to Vincent. You have no right to interfere."

Mirabel did not usually get involved but Karen looked simply miserable. Mirabel was a nice and fair person when she wasn't enraged. She was breathing deeply trying to keep herself calm. Another attack is not what she needed. "Let Karen give some of her blood if she has any to spare."
"Good eye there mate, I assume then you can fire one?" He stepped over to a counter and tossed a rifle at him "I've been modifying them to react better to heightened vampiric reflexes. Oh and don't touch that switch, It triggers the UV lights in my gym downstairs. By the way if you want to exercise go for it. The equipment is designed for Nosferatu use. One stipulation though, Watch out for my.....little friends"
Taking in everything John said, he looked around. He caught the rifle, and smiled. Then he heard about the gym, and his last comment. "You got quite the little facility down here, but those lights seem a little excessive. Wait, what do you mean little friends..?" He looked around slightly nervous, as the purple crank began to 'crank' up his paranoia.
When Iikol snatched the chalice from his hand,Dimitri was stunned,for a brief moment,then slowly tuned his gaze at the Bruha. He chuckled as he extended his hand a wrenched the crystal cup from his brother's hand. As he handed the chalice back to Karen,he suddenly lashed out with a folded wing,striking Iikol in the temple. "Do not touch my possessions without my express permission,Bruha. They are mine for a reason." He looked at Karen,and said, "Fill the chalice with your blood. If you need help,let me know. The human body is ill designed to inflict open wounds." He stepped back from her,allowing her room. "So,about that mallet...If anyone has seen one,let me know. I need it to shape the steel."
Karen moved a little away from the Bruhas and looked around. Mirabel moved away as well, trying to keep her cool. She was glad Dimitri stepped in. She did not want to get into a fight with Iikol.

Karen opened a vein on her wrist and let the blood pour from it. She watched as the blood moved from her arm down into the chalice. She then realize that she was hungry as well. Few thought about feeding the Thrall especially when vampires themselves were either feeding or have returned. Karen did not mind. She was sure she could find food once she was finish.
Something struck him. Hard. Snapping his head to one side and sparking his vision, threatening to send him off balance as he stumbled several paces sideway at the force to finally secure solid footing once more. He made no sound or indication of the pain rather lifting the base of his palm to his temple experimentally, drawing back and observing in inquisition before lifting his head to look over at the nosferatu through breaks in veiling hair.

"Temper, temper Dimitri~, didn't your mummy ever teach you to share your toys?" He responded sweetly, tone adopting a melodic edge as he slowly straightened, pushing bangs back eyes never leaving the older vampire, careful to keep track of his movement. Not be caught off guard a second time even as the distracting scent of the thrall's blood struck him a second time.

Only his hands displayed sign of the irritation he felt inside. The itching desire to retalliate and the slight frustration of being unable for Dimitri outmatched him in every way,
suicide, and his fingertips tapped a thoughtul rythym against his thumb, shoulders flexing ever so slightly before he ficked his hand, loosening the wrist, a disbelieving laugh bubbling up and escaping as realization dawned.

The one time he had been on the verge of decency, his own actions akin to responding to the Doll's plea; albeit for selfish reason-, Dimitri wound up striking him like a disobedient child. With a shrug of his shoulders and shake of his head, back turning on the older vampire, he made his way to the basement doors pushing them open and heading up to the library all the while smiling.

Dimitri was a problem that could not be solved until much later and they would be here for another day yet, at least he could find new reading material before the sun began to rise and the library opened.

"If you take those steps there, you'll see what I'm talking about. Oh and don't damage them too much." He took a few steps towards his microscope and peered through it. Pulling a notepad out he begins to write different notes. While looking down at his notes a grin spreads across his face. The purple crank caused high paranoia which explains why the guy managed to evade him. Speaking of which. John turns and looks at the mauled man in the elevator.

" what a goddamn mess, that worked much too well." he dragged the man over to the metal slab but he seems mostly drained. Won't even bother hooking him up, John continues with the microscope.
Angel couldn't help smiling a little when Dimitri smacked Iiokl. That jerk definitely deserved it. She wasn't fond of Dimitri, but she definitely couldn't help liking him a little bit after that.

Vincent shook his head and just leaned up against the wall, pulling out a cigarette. "I don't know why you'd be able to find such an object in a library," he said as he lit up his cigarette and took a long drawl from it. "Have you tried a hardware store?" He chuckled a little. Angel looked at Vincent and frowned a little. Smoking was a disgusting habit. She really wished he wouldn't around her. It smelled so bad.
Haratchi sighed to himself at the sight of a cigarette and walked back over to the far corner, but leaving the books behind since he was done with them and continued to watch the others from a distance without being to distant to be unable to add to the conversation which he rarely ever did these days.

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