[SIGNUPS] Bloodpurge


Four Thousand Club
This is a link to the idea/info thread. IT IS REQUIRED READING.

RP time,people!






Being part of a clan is genetic;if you were turned into a vampire (sired),then you are a vampire of that clan. No exceptions. There are no half-breeds.

Universal Weaknesses

You have ALL of these,unless a Clan Strength says otherwise. They are magnified in releation to your age and how high up the ladder you are (older Generation).

-Instantly lethal sunlight,UV lamps are extremely dangerous,tinted and stained glass windows are hazardous. Normal windows don't provide any protection.

-Naturally flowing water works like an extremely high concentration sulfuric acid.

-Culturaly blessed items (including cows,thanks to Hinduism,so steak gives indigestion at the best of times) melt vampiric flesh from bone in very short order. Holy ground is harmless,however.

-Holy water combines the effects of water and blessed items,making it particularly potent.

-Being impaled causes instant paralysis. If it's through the heart,you are put into an extremely vulnerable state of stasis until the offending object is removed. Recovery from stasis is often very slow.

-Decapitation. It's lethal. Sort of obvious.

-You must feed on fresh (or preserved) blood regularly. Failiure to do so will result in the vampire going into an extremely violent and feral state,incapable of reason and determining friend from foe.

-Vampires can only enter private property if invited. The first invitation is permanent. If they enter uninvited,after ignoring the extremely powerful compulsion to not enter,they enter an excruciatingly painful nauseas state,where they empty their digestive tract,including their recently consumed blood,and eventually die if they aren't evacuated. Quite the unpleasant experience.

These will be enforced very strictly.

Universal Strengths

All vampires have these,in varying degrees,unless a Clan Weakness says otherwise. Older the Generation,the more profound they are.

-Superhuman strength. You are stronger than any other human alive. Even a Generation Thirteen Daywalker can put up an even fight against a human elite soldier (who wear power armour) unarmed and unarmoured.

-Superhuman agility. Speed is covered by strength,but speed is worthless if you don't have the agility and co-ordination to put one foot in front of the other in time. This covers reflexes; all vampires are capable of reacting far more quickly than humans,with First Generation vampires being able to dodge gauss rounds if they know they're coming.

-Regeneration. All vampires can rgenerate wounds. This effect is more pronounced if you've fed recently. For younger vampires,it cannot be relied upon in pitched combat.

-Mystic powers. They aren't very flashy. Just raw magic discharge,telekinesis,and telepathy. No fire,no lightning,no rocks. Extremely weak in younger vampires,but ungodly powerful in ancient ones.

-Tireless. Vampires do not tire,nor exhaust themselves. They need to eat and drink normally to make sure their body doesn't run out of nutrients,but vampires do not experience the effects of fatigue.

Nosferatu Weaknesses

All Nosferatu have these.

-Hideously ugly. They CANNOT,under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES pass off as a refular human. They are perpetually bald,have three membered hands,have large fangs,even for a vampire.longer jaws,bat-like face,pointed ears,wings,and taloned fingers and toes. To top it all off,their skin is gray. Ugly. As. Sin.

-Their body cannot proccess normal food and drink. This forces them to rely on blood for survival more than other vampires. They must feed MUCH more frequently,and in much higher volumes to stay sane. Their feeding cycle averages about once a night.

-They are ESPECIALLY weaker to the universal weaknesses. As in a UV lamp will vaporize them near instantly,and brushing against a cow will instantly cause a very painful 2nd degree burn.

-Their sense of smell is ridiculously powerful,meaning strong scents have the capacity to cause a sensory overload.

Nosferatu Strengths

All Nosferatu have these.

-Nosferatu are the pinnacle of vampirism. Anything another vampire can do,they WILL do better. The universal strengths are intensely magnified for all Nosferatu.

-They have bat-like wings,allowing them to fly,and serve as an extra weapon in a pinch.

-Their fingers and toes end in talons,providing natural weapons.

-Their sense of smell is very powerful,allowing them to detect scents far more easily than others. However,it cuts both ways...Se above.

Daywalker Weaknesses

All Daywalkers have this.

-Daywalkers are the weakest of all vampires in all respects.

Daywalker Strengths

All Daywalkers have these.

-Universal Weakness resistance. Minor holy relics are mostly harmless to them,but major ones (like a crucifix) are still quite nasty,as an example.

-They look just like a human,allowing them to walk among humans effortlessly.

-As their clan name suggests,Daywalkers are immune to daylight and ultraviolet light,in the vampiric sense;they can still sunburn.

-They don't need to feed anywhere near as often as other vampires,averaging about twice a month.

Malkavian Weaknesses

All Malkavians have these.

-All Malkavians suffer from at least one serious mental instability.

-Physically,they are average for a vampire.

Malkavian Strengths

All Malkavians have these.

-All Malkavians have the gift of prophecy. They can see through time and space. This is the cause of their insanity. Particularly powerful/talented Malkavians can control this,but normal Malkavians have zero control.

-Malkavians are extremely powerful warlocks,only being topped by Nosferatu as far as magic is concerned.

Bruha Weaknesses

All Bruha have these.

-Limited magic. Bruha have extremely weak magic,if at all.

-Bruha have a near biological urge to resist or deny authority.

Bruha Strengths

All Bruha have these.

-Bruha are possess a near perfect physical state; Only Nosferatu outdo them physically.

-Bruha are extremely determined;once they make a decison,they will follow it through and stick to their guns on it.

Now...There is something else you can play as. However,I'd preffer only experienced roleplayers take this role.

Thralls and Ghouls.

Thralls are the servants to vampires. If a vampire gives them an order,they will follow it;it is genetic. They otherwise still have their free will,meaning they can snark at their masters at any time,or verbally protest the order,even as their body is carrying it out. Furthermore,they will instinctively protect nearby vampires. Finally,they are ageless and undying. If the vampire that made them a Thrall dies,then they become killable. Otherwise,they can recover from ANYTHING. Up to,including,and surpassing being at Ground Zero of a several gigaton nuke. Their parts just have to be reassembled.

A Ghoul is nearly identical,except they are masterless. They have all of the strengths of a Thrall,except they can be killed. They can't die of natural causes,but if they take a lethal injury,they die.

Now,enough expository banter! It's time we make signups of men! And ladies! And ladies who dress like men! For Riddle78...It is signup time!


Age: Make it old! At least a hundred! The only exceptions are Thralls. Ghouls have to be old,too.

Clan: You cannot be clanless,nor a half-breed. This is where you indicate if you're a Thrall/Ghoul.

Generation: There are thirteen Vampire Generations. Lower the number,higher the power. For roleplay reasons,only eigthth to thirteenth Generation are playable. Thralls and Ghouls can leave this blank.


Use spoiler tags. They can be achieved by putting,in [] SPOILER=Appearance. Following that,the image and/or description. After that,in [] you type /spoiler.

Personal Weaknesses: Pretty self-explanatory.

Personal Strengths: DO NOT GO OVERBOARD. Try to balance these out with two personal weaknesses per personal strength.

Background: Self explanitory.

As a note,our characters know eachother by name and we know that we're all vampires. Aside from that,we're all strangers to eachother,and want to find the Vampire Nation. I'll post my character later.
Name: Dimitri Kozlov

Age: 800

Clan: Nosferatu

Generation: Eigthth

Personality: Dimitri is a heavy reader,and often hides in libraries during the day,earning him the nickname "The Librarian". He is dignified,rarely resorting to profane language. He is haughty,and has a particular dislike of Daywalkers,which he calls "Pseudovampires"

View attachment 2921 Get rid of the hair,and add wings. No,he doesn't use a sword of that design.

Personal Strengths: He's left handed. He's very well read,even for a vampire of his age.

Personal Weaknesses: He is utterly inept with ranged weapons. He rejects most technologies,citing them as useless and frivolous. He is extremely confident in himself,which may cause him to realize just how screwed he is too late. He enjoys a challenge,and will often fight with a self-imposed handicap or other such contrivance to give his opponent a "sporting chance"

Background: Dimitri Kozlov was a Russian before the world government unified unter one banner. When he was thirty,a Nosferatu turned him,making Dimitri a member of the most powerful,yet smallest,vampire bloodline. Since then,he has witnessed the expansion of humanity,and their slow viral growth across the planet,slowly swallowing the oceans to provide space for the ever-growing population. He taken his transformation in stride,thinking the vampirism a gift,rather than a curse; He'll be able to consume all knowledge until the end of time.

In the early days of the vampiric resurgence,Dimitri's sire was killed,before being shown the hidden culture of the vampires. Since then,Dimitri has searched the metropolis,hoping to find at the very least clues that hint at the location of this culture; A united vampiric people will weather time,space,and humanity.
Name: Haratchia MotuskuAge: 190

Clan: daywalker

Generation: thirteenth

Personality: quiet and cautious, will avoid every a fight every chance he gets; he is wise and smart.


View attachment 2922

Personal Weakness: he can be very very clumsy at times. feeds as little as possible, but enough to prevent him going ferral, meaning he's quite weak.

Personal Strength: he has an IQ of 185, he last checked about 30 years ago though so he needs to check again when he gets the chance.

Background: Haratchia became a vampire so long ago he can't remember much of it anymore. He does know that, despite the name, he was Italian. His name is in fact an Alias which he uses for no apparent reason; his real full name was Bartoro M'iemo Da Sienna.

He spent a lot of his life learning, reading and generally absorbing knowladge. He never pinned himself to a certain subject, but if he had to name what he was best at he would say physics is a strong point. He fed as little as possible so he could learn as much as he could. In his mind knowladge was better than strength. Haratchia was intruiged by the advancing technology, but liked to stay away from it as much as he could.

He would be mocked for being so weak, even friends and family would call him a disgrace, but he ignored it as much as he could. Eventually he began to get annoyed by it, slowly he stopped showing up. It was rare to see him anywhere but a study or a library. Most people thought he had gone and died, even his family and friends began to forget about him. In truth he was just in his lonely house, learning.

Hope it's good enough =3
Name: Angel Levi

Age: 500

Clan: Daywalker


Personality: She's a calm person who tries to avoid conflict (which is obviously not always possible). Angel is also shy.


Wavy blonde hair and bright green eyes (not that red color). She fits in among Humans rather well, being a Daywalker. She dresses casually, usually sporting a black coat over her dark green blouse and blue pants with that black hat in the picture.
Personal Weaknesses: She's ridiculously clumsy. She could trip on air. This makes her a pretty poor companion if there's a need to fight. She's just bad at it.

Personal Strengths: She's a bookworm, loves reading old literature and old Vampire stories...not new ones.

Background: She doesn't remember much from her past life, before becoming a Vampire. It upsets her, but she doesn't bring it up often. All she knows is her connection with Vincent, who allows her to hang around him. She is appreciative to him for all he has done for her. She isn't fond of her Vampire life and goes as long as possible without feeding because it makes her feel bad.

Name: Vincent Summers

Age: 900

Clan: Bruha

Generation: 9

Personality: He's hot-headed when pushed too far, otherwise he's a bit quiet.

This is about right, except he doesn't carry a sword and his eyes are more of a purplish color.

Personal Weaknesses: He can be a bit hot-headed, especially with figures of authority...He's also not much of a reader and his clan makes him poor with magic. He also smokes...he considers this a weakness.

Personal Strengths: He's a very disciplined fighter.

Background: Before he was turned to Vampirism, he was a young Frenchman planning a career in medicine. That's when he was turned. The Vampire who sired him disappeared not long after and he hadn't heard from him again. Eventually, he came across his companion (Angel), though even he isn't entirely sure where she came from. He had found her just lying in an alley and focused on taking care of her after.
Prowlz,good fixes.

Blue Roses,I like your characters,and I was worried that the Bruha were too "Normal" to be attractive to roleplayers...Glad I was proven wrong.

Name: Maribel

Age: 667

Clan: Malkavian

Generation: Ninth

Personality: Maribel is a nice person, sometimes. Maribel suffers from Intermittent Explosive Disorder and so at the slightly provocation or incredibly stressful situation she will lash out attacking people and objects around her in a fit of rage. Maribel is not a violent or aggressive person outside these "attacks" of hers and usually is remorseful and apologetic when she calms back down. Maribel tends to avoid people because of this. She tends to snap at people as well when she starts to get angry or stressed.



Personal Weaknesses: Maribel has IED and so she can cause damage without thinking to both people and objects. This makes it harder for her to be around humans. And to add to that incredibly indecisive. She can and will change her mind in mid-battle sometimes.

Personal Strengths: Maribel has a strong sense of magic, her prophecy extending to at least a week in advance. Her telekinesis is also strong.

Background: Maribel will tell you she doesn't remember her life before she became a vampire. Some might say that she was a prositute, others claim that she was just a housewife. Others say she was found on the streets, half-dead and freezing. Maribel will not say one way or the other about her previous life saying it is not important now who she use to be. Maribel has enjoyed her life as a vampire, excluding her IED attacks. Maribel usually shuts herself away from humans and sometimes other vampires, but she is close to some, her gift in prophecy useful to those with power.

Name: Karen Drigeman

Age: 26

Clan: Thrall to Vincent Summers


Personality: Karen is a submissive girl, always doing as she is told usually without a question asked. She can be seen as depressive or uncaring but Karen in truth is content with following orders saying it's all she is good for. Karen likes to serve and is a sweet, but shy girl. She is not good with compliments and is awkward in large groups. She is eager to please.


Personal Weaknesses: Karen will do anything she is told to do by her master and some things by those close to him. She will not defend herself in most situations.

Personal Strengths: She is incredibly loyal to Vincent

Background: Karen was born into a small family and lived a pretty normal life. She was a follower in most things and was content with following rules and other people. She went into human resources but was fired and eventually ended up as a janitor. Karen had a few boyfriends but none that stuck. Karen didn't mind her lonely life. She eventually ran into Vincent and ended up as his thrall. Karen has been his thrall for a few years now.
I like. Again,I was worried that the Thralls seemed too "Normal" to others...I am once again proven happily wrong.

Omgaga! So happy these sign-ups are still open! My phone refuses to let me submit posts, just sits there uselessly with me logged in all hours of the day because i forget to log out X3. <- was away over the weekend

So ANYWAY here's my character, finally got home an hour ago and after settling was finally able to start nipping and tucking him to perfection, before you read through though a side note: I wanted to try something more dark, a character who given half the chance would probably rob you in such a way that you wouldn't even notice until you're sucking the pennies from a drain pipe to survive, however because admittedly it'll be my first time attempting something like this (my characters are usually calm and distant but ultimately nice), i've toned it down and varied ALOT from the original base concept (It's somewhat obvious I started off with a Markavian in mind and even toyed around with abandonment issues/loneliness even after extensive alteration X3).

Normally I wouldn't bother mentioning any of this but i feel it only right that i inform you beforehand so if despite my confidence something did go wrong you can't stab me with a virtual pencil for not warning you ^^''. *natural pessimist here.*


: Iiokl ("ik-yol")

Age: Early 700's (exact age unknown, he stopped counting after 56)

Clan: Bruha

Generation: 9th


Timeless, Iiokl has developed the near unlimited patience required of a hunter awaiting it's prey due to his feeding habits and is unpredictable and creative; eccentric. He can be malicious in his charm and is cynical, his humour often dark and he enjoys witnessing others discomfort/pain; manipulating, teasing, tempting and generally pushing and testing others limits for his own amusement. Iiokl knows who not to betray, but for the rest, 'all is fair', and needless to say conformity from him is rare if possible at all.


Personal Weaknesses:

He cares little for humans and thralls (whom he views little more than, despite creating several himself in the past), viewing them as tools or 'walking juiceboxes' to serve and satiate hunger (both in appetite and/or flesh) which can draw attention in regards to the former.

He feeds sparingly; not for sentimental reason, but for the added high it provides him when he eventually does as he is never gentle, rather takes pleasure in the act; this reckless feeding however naturally reduces his healing rate and strength.

Personal Strengths:

Despite his mannerisms suggesting otherwise (and not to mention hypocritically), iiokl will punish the maker (and take his sweet time with it given opportunity) should they attack or hurt those he has become 'accustomed' to, revealing both an unwavering, somewhat disturbing loyalty (a 'how dare you try to break my toys' mindset) and his hidden capacity to care.

When he has fed he is fast, even for a member of the Bruha clan.


Born Alexander Wright, to a 'good' and wealthy household he nonetheless lacked the love, attention and postive reinforcement/support a child needs and deserves in favour of being spoilt and sidelined, and so rather than growing to be kind and considerate he learnt spite (the kick them when their down type) and envy, finding amusement in witnessing the discomfort and pain of others.

As he aged he began to indulge himself, both within and out of the law, and his human history (and indeed that as a vampire) is . . . colourful, and he developed a 'taste' for beautiful women (though even now he is certainly far from denying himself a handsome male as well). It was the scent of freshly spilled blood during an after hours mugging attempt resulting in the offender becoming the victim that caught the wrong (or very right depending on your view point) kind of attention that lead to his 'rebirth' at the age of twenty four.

He would claim that he does not remember much of these events, those leading up to or in fact most of his life both prior and after turning, all of it a blur.
Name: Devin Herdel

765 years old

Clan: Bruha

Generation: eighth

Personality: Devin is a warrior, and the stereotypical Bruha when it comes to authority. He never obeys anyone unless he believes it is in his best interest to do so. He also despises the human government that hunts his kind, and will go out of his way to kill members of their army, if he thinks he can get away with it. when dealing with other vampires he usually comes off as a brash and hasty. Of course, once they get to know him they realize that he plans his every move carefully, and skillfully executes those plans, as efficiently as possible. He is often hunting some hapless human, even though he only kills to feed about six times a month, to keep up his skills. during the day he can often be found in his lair, working with his weapons collection and exercising in his customized home gym.

Appearance: Devin looks to be 34 years old. He has the legendary formidable strength of a Bruha Clans-member and looks to be a warrior through and through. at 5'11" he is not overly tall, but his silvery hair and his cruel scowl makes him stand out in a crowd. He is well

Personal Weaknesses: He easily stands out in a crowd, and his magic is nonexistent, plus he doesn't get along with any one who tries to order him around.

Personal Strengths: Devin's biggest advantage is that he is strong, even compared to most Bruha clans-members, and has even proven to be stronger than some 12th and 13th Generation Nosferatu.

Background: Devin was a member of a pack of Bruha vampires. They were always moving, always hunting together as a group, and they all shared a sire. The brothers had all been renamed after they were turned, taking the name Herdel as a pack. their per-transformation lives weren't important, only the thrill of their new ones mattered. for 600 years they lived that way, until, one fateful day, they were attacked by the human military. The soldiers found their lair and fired upon it, destroying the roof of the building in mid-day. Devin's entire pack was destroyed.

Luckily, or not so much as he believes, h was near the pack's hidden sewer entrance, and he was able to escape from the sun's fiery wrath, albeit with some horrible burns. After a day of fleeing, and several spent resting and healing his wounds, He swore a vow of vengeance. Since then, he has been doing all he can to covertly and carefully subvert and sabotage his enemies.
Well,well Taters...Very interesting vampire you have there.

Name: John Nightingale

Age: 438

Clan: Daywalker

Generation: Tenth

Personality: John is his current name, he's gone through so many by now. A natural born Con-man he lives among humans almost perfectly, other than the fact He's outlived most of the people he has met. He tends to be among everyone and everything. If something goes down he likes to be "in the know". Usually personable and always smooth. Although he prefers to sit in his lab learning about whatever catches his fancy.

Appearance: Usually looks richer than he is, except at night where he wears jeans and a black T-shirt and a bandana around his mouth. Blonde hair and greyish eyes, he looks fit but not buff

Personal Weaknesses: Other than the normal daywalker weaknesses he Prefers not to fight. Sometimes he tends to accidently switch a word to a different language ie: How is the weather looking today? he would say: How is the weather este dia?

Personal strengths: Strong hacker (he has been hacking city hall for the last 300 years) Knows quite a bit on medical science but not quite confident enough to do surgery.

Background: He has been helping weaker and younger vampires survive longer. He has a personal lab that keeps blood preserved far better than a fridge, it is essentially what they use to keep blood pumping during heart surgeries but modified to keep blood cells intact. John hunts almost every night but not to feed himself, but to harvest blood for other vampires that require it. He was a brilliant student before he became a vampire at age 15 he was already an accomplished hacker he was turned at 23. He then faked a suicide and faked records into a new identity. John is is Sixth name every 40 to 50 years he allows is current identity to "die" and he fakes records to his new self, essentially keeping the same house.
Good vamp,Zix! You're in!

Name: demit [de-mitt]

Age: 200

Clan: ghoul.


Personality: passive aggressive was tortured as child he has the scars to prove a general like of vampires and a general hatred of the human disease with sarcastic and comedic tendencies also has slight ADD and depression problems


physical long dark brown hair, blue eyes. strong jaw line, busted nose scar running length of face {from nasty knife fight} 5 foot 8 195 pounds muscular build {from 190 years of training and fighting} lean though but still B.A. but not tankish. clothing prefers dark levis 514 slims loose but baggy and NOT skin tight (>.<) red vans leather jackets dark or black with red silk linings. Weapons HE DOSENT LIKE GUNS way too loud and messy he uses twin daggers with 8" diameter blades he uses magnetic clasp sheaths to secure them {the sheathes are aligned along my lower back in a loose v and he has two 5" butterfly knives in built in sheaths in his levis which he carries at all times he also has three 4'' blade in each side of all his coats in leather sheathes also he uses carbon fiber nanite armor along with additional sheaths for special missions

Personal Weaknesses: depressionary problems that tend to grow in to homicidal rages small fear of older or more power vampires is slightly emo hates being truly alone

Personal Strengths: peak physical strength and speed and agility {but not at the levels of the vampires}knowage of blades and fighting {sambo,myai Thai assassination techniques}

background: he was born in 2877 in Portland Oregon to a loving mother and abusive father who he loathed like the black plague he was first thing he did as a thrall was kill him slowly and very violently there was next to nothing to identify just his DNA he was beat and tortured as a child and as a thrall sometimes he could swear my master f*cking hated him he would beat the living hell out of him on any given occasion he would throw him across rooms though walls or into them or make him go days without feeding the day he failed his master in battle by being overpowered by an old vampire and then he killing his master he felt ........ free and safe for the first time in 175 years his masters been dead for 5 years he also felt somewhat horrible about his dead abusive master being that he got him killed now he resides in new york city far away from his maters death he is living off the huge sum of money his master surmised in his 1800 years of life he lives modestly not lavishly but he does spend on his weapons and gear.
Okay lets try this before he remaining hours of my weekend are stolen away, he won't come into play until a bit later and i totally exercised the 'creative license' ^^'', hope he's alright:

Name: Orin

Age: 731

Clan: Malkavian

Generation: 9th


Prone to black and white thinking, unsympathetic and judge mental in his logic Orin's insanity manifests itself in his belief that his is the only 'real' existance (metaphysical solipsism), that this world and thus all those within it are creations of his mind that he has no control and thus, ultimately, do not exist, all delusions of no real substance. While this mentality is needless to say dangerous, making him particularly merciless toward his enemies and unfazed by bloodshed, it is not to say that he does not capable of enjoying the world he lives in or that he is distant from others. He feels therefore he cares and is not unsocial, a rather compassionate and considerate individual displaying child-like tendancies, (that is when it does not conflict with his own interests; at which point he will smile as he runs you through with a cold knife) and is patient, understanding of others.


Personal Weaknesses:

DID; While Orin discards reality, his alter thrives off it, his being overtaken by repressed anger, fear and isolation, inflicting hurt and revenge upon the general world as a result of emotional, intellectual and physical neglect during childhood. In the last three hundred years or so Orin has become aware of this other presence concluding that being a part, an extension, of him, his mind, it must be real (no matter how 'deluded') and he is highly defensive of the only other true existence in a world of fabrication even while he does not always agree with it. He has come to take a backseat to this 'tantrum throwing' personality as it seems to enjoy the imaginary world they live in, primarily acting as a balancing force in way of a conscience when it can to limit the chaos, intervening when things go to far or it is struggling to maintain control.

Believes the world is a creation of his mind.

Personal Strengths:

Orin's mentality allows him the luxury of being fearless and he possesses extraordinary willpower which combined with his natural magic provides him with the unconcious and latent ability to enhance physical attributes on whim because it is what he 'wants', naturally he does not view this ability as a use of magic, unaware he is doing it.


Orin remembers very little of his past and cares little for it, for the world is a dreamscape of his own making anyway, and his accent, though no where near as thick as it once was, still possesses the gentle melody of Ireland, his origin. He currently exists within the background, not one for the limelight and was sired during his early twenties by a seemingly harmless young women and he spent a long time by her side. As his own insanity set in, a reaction to malkavian 'sight', developing into something more, seeing her tutoring role as fulfilled after several centuries he left her to decay in her own madness.
C17,your roleplay talent is suspect. You only have one other post as of this writing,and,although lengthy,your aversion to using capitol letters,and spelling and grammatical errors is making me leery. I stated before that Ghouls and Thralls were for experienced roleplayers only. Also,your appearance spoiler tage isn't working. Use the method I described for your next character,please. Sorry,but...


Gemini,awesomesauce! I needed an interpreter for the disorder,since I'm derp like that,but you're good.


AGProject,make sure that your character has to CONSTANTLY fight the urge to steal anything that isn't bolted down,and your sensing isn't an exact science;you get vague images and disjointed thoughts,that is all.


I feel like an asshat,now...
Well,well,the clans are even,now!


More Nosferatu would be nice,though. Not forcing it,though.
Name: James McCloud

Age: 35

Clan: Thrall

Generation: 13th generation thrall

Personality: James is one of the special cases to where no matter what he feels, if he is told to do something, he must do it. If James is not under a direct order from his boss or others like her, then he is a naturally emotion filled person. He has all the emotions of a normal person and they do over run him sometimes. But once he is told what to do, his emotions take a back seat and he completes his task with 100% accuracy. When he is not around his boss, he likes to hit on the ladies and he loves to be in a bar getting drunk. One of the greatest things that he loves to do, is drink people under the table since his regeneration keeps him alive. At times, he feels the sensation of sadness since he can no longer die.



Personal Weaknesses: Human emotion, thought of all life is special.

Personal Strengths: Advanced training in killing. Using his arsenal of weapons, he can kill anything or he can torture anything for information.





Background: Servant to Fatale Bourget. Since the dawn of the first McCloud, they were bred and raised for the Bourget security. With all logic pointing to the strongest being used for security, this is not the way it is used. The strongest are used for breeding for the next generation. Since his birth, he has always been the smallest of his siblings. From his birth, he was chosen, or cursed, however you look at it. Since his youth, James was trained in every art of combat, even in weapon handling. Throughout his years, he excelled in his studies and his training far above the others of his generations, and some before him. Through his teen years, James had researched new weapon tactics, methodology of torture and and even combat tactics. In his late twenties, James and finally perfected his hand to hand fighting and came close to perfecting his uses in all forms of weapons. Upon his thirtieth birthday, he was claimed by the Bourget family for the purpose of security.
Remember,as a Thrall,you must take orders from all vampires,not just your sire. Also,your action or inaction cannot bring harm to a vampire,prioritizing your sire. Pretty much? Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics,just replace "Human" with "Vampire" and "Robot" with "Thrall"

i know, xD .

Im going to be AWESOME!

cant wait to get the order to torture someone for information lol.
Name: Fatale Bourget

Age: 525

Clan: Malkavian

Generation: Tenth

Personality: Fatale is a die-hard feminist who is also very cunning and cynical. She is also a perfectionist that tends to have small "episodes" when things don't turn out the way she planned. She can act quite sadistic, especially towards her thrall, James.

http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs48/i/2009/232/3/b/The_vampire_by_Loulise.jpg since it's in black and white, she has long black hair and light violet eyes.
Personal Weakness(es): Has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. She gets paranoid when she sees exposed blood (she finds it messy.) When she drinks, she must drink the body whole, no matter how satiated her hunger may be, and cannot spill any blood in the process (prefers not to drink James as a result.) Considering she is a feminist, she can never drink females. She must be invited into someone else's private property EVERY TIME before she enters, instead of the permanent first time. Her OCD "quirks" may affect and have affected her in battle.

Personal Strength(s): Gift of prophecy and highly powerful magic user (as other Malkavians have,) especially in manipulation. Has the ability to use a special "baiting" mechanism, where she is able to "charm" her next meal into an ambush, rather than chasing them down.

Background: While Fatale was still human, she was 18 and a bookstore clerk who was typically shy and quiet. Her mother had died of cancer at age 8, and her father had decided to cope with drinking, became an alcoholic, and was hardly sober. He began to abuse and ridicule Fatale as a result.

One day, Fatale had been abused to the point where she had enough. She ran away, but was only able to go far enough to another alley down the street. After a couple days, a female Malkavian, Rita, had found, saved, and sired her. Fatale looked up to Rita as a mother she had once lost. Rita trained her on how to use her new power, and how to deal the weakness that went along with it. James had been given to Fatale by Rita. One of his purposes is to help Fatale accomplish tasks that her OCD otherwise prevents.
Name: Strike

Age: 400

Clan: Day Walker

Generation: Eighth

Personality: Quiet reserved, a fighter with arrogance.

Appearance: A red suit with a red drench coat with a red hat and white gloves and yellow sunglasses.

Personal Weaknesses: Using family members, friends or old memories to bring down strike. Also Strike has a friend who developed a serum for strike, this serum keeps him strong without having to feed. Since Strike doesn't feed on blood he becomes weak if he doesnt take the serum.

Personal Strengths: Strikes strength comes from his memories, it comes from most of his family being taken and killed by vampires, that memory lingers in his mind keeping him strong and pushing him forwards.

Background: Four hundred years ago there was a man named john,he and his family were attacked by a vampire clan of day walkers. In the middle of the day the vampires attacked him and his family which lived in a log cabin in the woods. A few members of his family survived becoming vampires. Together they learned to survive but after years his family seperated, his brother becoming a blood addict and his other brother becoming a merc for a vampire clan. Once he left his brothers left his side he began to hate what became of his family, from that moment he became a vampire slayer changing his name to Strike. Strike later met a man by the name sentinal. This man helped strike create a serum that kept strike strong without feeding.

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[MENTION=2339]Vulcan Xanthis[/MENTION] Approved,but try to wait for a message of approval or denial before posting in the RP,just in case I had a problem. Also,we have a chatroom on the main page,if you feel like chatting,you know...It's where everyone is,usually.

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