[SIGNUPS] Bloodpurge

Name: Dominic Schovic

Age: 789

Clan: Nosferatu

Generation: 10th


Dominic is rather strange, his personality sharply contrasting his own appearance, as if he had not learned a thing in his century of living. He's more like a gentle giant, though towering over many and having the ability to out run those he pursues. But he has quite the habit of making his victims "go to sleep" before feeding. Even then, his gentleness extends. Dominic would, instead of sinking his fangs into the poor victim's neck, he'd use his claws to nick a cut, deep enough into the skin, to drink. Of course, such actions limit the amount of blood he is able to receive so he must repeat this a few times. Dominic took a strange liking to crafting objects for thin pieces of metal he'd warp and bend with his own hands, carving patterns with his own claws, which many find quite peculiar. Dominic also finds comfort in hiding his face, claiming his mug would melt anything and everything he would face, finding humor in making fun of himself.


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Personal Strength:

Dominic never was the one to cause conflicts, avoiding them rather than jumping in like a crazed animal like many vampire tend to do. He would rather mind his own hide, rather than thrust his neck out for anyone else, only due to the fact that he'd never really allowed himself to grow close to any one he'd met. He finds discomfort in getting too involved with those he cannot fully trust, which of course is everyone. He'd trained himself to run, to evade others as to escape attacks which he had no desire to counter, which is very useful. He claims this was why he had survived for this long, not being involved in petty fights, even if he had a considerable amount of strength.

Personal Weakness:

Because of his "cowardice," many dislike him and choose to attempt killing him, only because he "does not fit the role" of being Nosferatu. The strongest of their kind, yet one refuses to fight. Another is the need to move his location every now and then, because of said attacks he must evade. Which leaves him quite vulnerable, with him carrying about his possessions, which he hadn't the heart to leave behind. He's also very fond of children and women, disliking when he takes blood from either of those, which increases the difficulty of feeding himself.


Dominic was never the type to run until the recent two centuries. He'd always been rgwone to fight those stronger and larger than he is, had always been the one to outthink and or outdo his opponents. Always been the one to design his own weapons, fit for his hand and his hand only. Always had been one to go home bloodied and near dead. And for centuries he'd lived like that, many times murdering humans along the way, finding the most gruesome and creative ways ways to tear them apart and drain them of their blood. Having the utmost confidence in his ability to utterly obliterate his opponents... And yet, at this time, what used to be the strong Nosferatu who would undoubtedly be found out and about almost
looking for trouble is now what seems to be a coward, running away from his fights with his tail between his legs. Though he has reason to act this way.

Long ago, Dominic had a certain attachment, one that bound him to this one single person for what had been months, watching her, even though he wished to spend more of his nights hunting rather than waiting last minute to snatch a meal. The girl had always come out at night, as if she was almost as nocturnal as he was. He'd find her out and around with that little black sketch book, near parks, old buildings, spending her nights finishing one single picture before leaving for home. Though, at a clear night, he'd waited at the site, the other side of the tree in which she'd sit, sitting in silence, almost not breathing, only as to hear her own steady rhythm... But tonight, she hadn't come. He didn't hear the regular rustle of clothing when she'd arrive and sit. He didn't hear the familiar flip of the pages as she prepared herself to sketch. He didn't hear her heart beat. Later that night he'd found what had become of the girl, torn apart and drained, like how he'd done. Since then, he'd become the polar opposite of himself.


Name: Myra Layne

Age: 19

Clan: Thrall to Iiokl



Myra is always quiet, though not quite the shy type at all. Yet at times she'd find herself blushing if and when the wrong thing had been done, or if she'd done something out of the norm, though would always cover up and straighten her posture, as if everyone was watching her. Myra is obedient, most of the time, though she would often glare at the ground, lower her head or stare forward with eyes of green that lost their luster. It would make it seem as if she thought it was torture to be Iiokl's thrall. Though, she'd practically offered to be such a creature, being that her life was bad enough, even at the young age of 15, and she'd stayed her appearance, though she wasn't quite expecting her Sire to be that he was. Yet she didn't quite find it in herself to leave, being that she can't imagine a life without him, as strange as it sounds.


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Personal Weaknesses:

Myra would rather take beatings rather than to fight back, nor does she have the ability to do so. She's defiant to anyone else but Iiokl, glaring and snapping comments to their commands while doing them instead of quietly doing as she is asked like she does with Iiokl. And even though she'd pretty much decided to detach herself from the world and its problems, she had the same weakness as any human would. Emotion, the need to survive and keep living by any means, so of course she would willingly throw herself before her Sire, or allow him to push her in front of himself.

Personal Strengths:

Because of her detachment, she no longer cares for humans that become victims for vampires. Nor would she hesitate to drive her daggers, which she'd collected over the years, into their necks for those who command her to do so. She doesn't consider herself human anymore and is quite fine with sitting alone and waiting for her Sire, not much getting herself into trouble.


Myra growing up had never been happy, going home to a drunkard father without a mother to take care of her needs. She'd always come home to broken bottles and spilt beer, to which she was required to pick up and clean or she'd receive quite the beating. She had to cook, clean and wash, treated like absolute trash, to which she later formed a great hatred for the man who had created her, though this hate didn't quite carry on to other humans, but rather to men. But that was not the extent of her father's cruelness, though she never dared allowed her mind to wander back to that day. Afterwards, bruised and broken to the point of unfeeling, she'd met Iiokl while wandering the streets that very night.

(Pleaaaaase tell me if I did anything wrong. > <" Which I think I did, seeing as I really wanted to get this done, I'm REAAAAAALLY sorry for not waiting for you to come on...)


Eth Tenshi




Self Sustaining Ghoul



Creative, resourceful, and intellectually quick. Good at a broad range of things, but slow on the social side, as well as spacy.



Personal Strengths:

Blood Manipulation/ Mass production

Personal Weaknesses:

Head aches, a "sensitive" temper, and long periods of concentrated thought


Eth was born with only humanistic traits, after fifteen years of living a normal life he stumbled into a ritual that could only be held once a millennium and was chosen as the next and only "Blood Doll". Rejecting the notion and title he began calling himself the Blood Angel, a gift instead of a slave, he walked his own path never to return to his parents whom are long dead. Due mostly to his short burst of uncontrollable power, where any being that got near to him either turned to liquid or burst into flames. Its was a decade before he got close to any living thing learning that his powers were like and yet unlike a vampires. His abilities include being able to sustain off of his own blood and produce more, mind reading that only effects humans and their masters in turn, when blood is given willingly, his own type of entry myth, regeneration, and 'complete' control of his blood. The down side is how much strain it puts on his mind, and is always growing and being damaged, also when his emotions run awry he looses 'complete' control of his blood it seeming to have a mind of its own.
Particle Blade,rejected.

Ghouls and Thralls don't have powers. They are simply humans who don't die of natural causes. Personal strengths are things like an idetic memory,or being a master at arms. Otherwise,the character's good.
Ah, Gomenasai, sorry, I was only giving a classification for him since he isn't human any longer, but he was made by vampires. Like a blood bank type deal, initial powers were side effects of not being completely under control by the spell casters. Though I'm good on changing it, or should I expand on what I mean? I'm not always good at explaining things ^-^;

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