Search results for query: *

  1. Killing_Me_Softly

    Anime & Manga What anime character do you think resembles your likeness?

    I'm Shinji from Evangelion. Same hair color, same eye color, same style of dress, always has headphones in.. yeah
  2. Killing_Me_Softly

    Make an anime sound really bad in 1 sentence.

    Depressed boy doesn't want to get into a robot but then does, then doesn't want to get in the robot anymore, but then gets in again -Evangelion
  3. Killing_Me_Softly

    Anime & Manga What was the first anime that you ever watched?

    Dragon Ball Z! A show I now realize is not... Great, but still love, because, nostalgia.
  4. Killing_Me_Softly

    Anime & Manga What two Animes would make a Cool Hybrid RP?

    Evangelion and Miraculous Ladybug (okay, not an anime, but I have always wanted a crossover of those two)
  5. Killing_Me_Softly

    Fantasy MxMerman

    I'm totally up for a merman plot, if you're still looking for a partner for that one. Pm me if you are ^.^
  6. Killing_Me_Softly

    Fandom ..

    Below I've put all of the things I'm interested in too. Personally, kidnapper/kidnapped is my favorite, but if you already have a partner for that or fele like one of the other pairings, feel free to chose whatever you want, I love all of them. Pm me please, I just joined so I can't send any...
  7. Killing_Me_Softly

    Realistic or Modern Game of tag.

    I'm all about dark rps ^.^ I don't have any full ideas either, but I'm sure if you pm'd me, we could think of something suitably dark and interesting together. I would send one myself, but I only just joined.
  8. Killing_Me_Softly

    Fantasy M×M(maybe F×F) LONG TERM partner search, strictly for those who rp the 'top' in the rp

    Hey! I'd love to do a long term rp, I prefer darker things (kidnapper/victim, serial killers, that kinda stuff) If you'd like an rp like that, send a pm (I can't send them yet, I just joined)
  9. Killing_Me_Softly

    Realistic or Modern ah old

    Hey! If you're still looking for a partner, I love darker rps, send a pm my way. (I'm new, so I can't send pms yet)
  10. Killing_Me_Softly

    Fantasy † † [detailed][please read cravings!!]

    I love dark rp's! I prefer MxM, if you're okay with that, feel free to pm (I'm new so I can't pm yet ^.^;)
  11. Killing_Me_Softly

    Fandom Undertale Genocide RP

    Hello! I'm new to this website, but not to roleplay, so I think I'll be a good partner ^.^ If you haven't found a partner already, feel free to pm me.
  12. Killing_Me_Softly

    Other What's your most hated fan ship?

    People are probably gonna hate me for this, but Yuri/Otabek from Yuri on Ice. I don't know why, but I just see them as good friends.