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Fantasy MxMerman


Three Thousand Club
Roleplay Type(s)
S O I've recently (as in starting about an hour ago, if not less) been craving a Male x Male roleplay. I have a few pairings and a few requirements, but sadly no plots, as well as "plot candies".

> Requirements:​
  • Good Writing - It's pretty annoying to read a post without proper spelling, punctuation, or grammar. It gets really confusing sometimes and takes away from the 'immersion'. Mistakes, of course, are natural.
  • Writing Style - Third person. Past tense. I'm fine if you give me even one proper paragraph, as long as I have something to react/reply to; I'll try to give you something back as well.
  • Acceptable Reply Rate - The more the merrier! It's something we'll discuss in PM while setting up the roleplay, though.
> Things You Might Need To Know About Me:​
  • I'm not the best writer - I get the writer's block a lot and sometimes my posts will be of really bad quality, so don't expect anything grandiose. Ever.
  • I don't do PM roleplays - Ever.
  • I generally prefer younger people - That doesn't mean that I have anything against the older crowd, but I do tend to get along more with people of my own age group; I'm fifteen (pretty damn close to 16)
  • My romance is a little needy - When I do romance, then it's always between two young characters no older than mid-twenties and no younger than late-teens. I like it to be realistic but not too slow paced. Also, I'm not very experienced with romance so please bear with me.
  • I don't do realistic - I only do fantasy; at least for now, as I'm currently not feeling like doing a sci fi roleplay, except for steampunk.
  • I like cats
Now... For the good stuff!

Below I'll be listing my pairings. The underlined one is my character. All of these are MxM; I may be open for MxF later, but not now. We'll discuss the plot in PM. Characters in bold are not definite/changeable.

Demon x Human
Demon x Demon/Angel/Vampire/YC
Alchemist x YC
Werewolf x YC <---((Not very enthusiastic))
Merman x Human (changeable, but human preferred)
Mercenary x Victim (doesn't have to be human)
Bounty Hunter x Victim (doesn't have to be human)

Here are my 'plot candies'; they're not required, but they do make the stuff pretty damn good.

- Steampunk
- Giant animals (namely scorpions and bats)
- Guns (especially revolvers(I've been watching some Westerners lately))

Now, I have one final thing to say: I know that I seem very needy and demanding, but there are only a few things that I require from you. This post wasn't nearly as corny as I always am OOC (ey b0ss), so it makes me seem like an overly serious and boring person rather than the unoriginal joke-stealing bastard that I really am, but what matters is that we both enjoy it.

Also, if you decide to drop out for whatever reason or will be gone for a while, please inform me in advance... Otherwise, it'll haunt me because I'll think that I fucked up.

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