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Fantasy M×M(maybe F×F) LONG TERM partner search, strictly for those who rp the 'top' in the rp


Bird & Horse lover
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Ignore post count <3

IF YOU'RE ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE THAT JUST WILL SUDDENLY DROP A RP AND IGNORE, DON'T EVEN MESSAGE ME. IT'S STARTING TO PISS ME OFF SO PLEASE, BE AS NICE AS TO LEAVE BEFORE EVEN READING FURTHER. Sorry if it seems mean or anything but seriously... or if you're busy, tell me and maybe how long you will be busy?

Looking for rp partners.. again.. well, all the time honestly lol

So, things to know if you'd like to rp with me:

• I rp ONLY ukes(bottoms), if you think I'll rp a seme(top) character, I probably won't unless it's simply occasional side character inside the rp

• I don't tend to Rp fandoms except maybe I'd be willing to rp a fandom based roleplay if.. IF, you come up with a really good plot and stuff.

I personally rp ONLY OCs, I don't mind if you rp a canon char or not (otherwise only really willing to roleplay in the Harry Potter universe, regarding fandoms)

  • I'll type it once just to make clear to any future rp partners; I rp androgynous characters mostly, or cute guys. I have no interest in making my characters look muscled and actual hot seme-like guys. I only use anime pictures and I appreciate if my rp partners use them too! (Or at least semi-realistic.. I rp to get away from reality, pictures included)

• I hate people who drop roleplays without giving me any notice because they don't like how it's going. Communication, please!

If you're picky about the age of your rp partner, please don't message me at all, I don't need people like that. Especially people that are SERIOUSLY nit picky about age. Just stay away, seriously.. (triggered rant over, thank you >.<' )

Themes I generally like to Rp:
- music/arts/dance
- servant × master
- non-human characters
- slice of life
- fantasy worlds(or just fantasy in general)
- DRAGONS ( ♡ )

- occasionally something like horror or psychological things? Up for debate in PMs(not currently interested) but I'm up for some F×F lately, wanna try a nice fantasy setting F×F roleplay!

- supernatural(vampires, werewolves, humans with powers, etc...)

  • Pairings I'd like to try: (I'll bold the role I'd like)

- tattoo artist x customer
(someone working in a bookstore or something)

- artist/photographer x new model

- new roommates
- bad boy x anime/manga fanboy/nerd/geek

- gamer x gamer inside a game
(like a dating game or something?)

  • Ok, so, forgot to add this in my last partner search..es. I will most likely ask you if you have ever done MPreg, it's not necessary, that's fine but I see it as a nice little addition to drama regarding the story.

  • Lately I've been interested in testing out odd pairings, and threesome roleplays. Either seme x seme x uke or seme x uke x uke. My char being uke xP I'm wiling to do this with anyone who's up to playing either two seme characters or a seme and a uke, or two separate people who are very active and are up to it.

• I'm quite open to plots and such so feel free to suggest a pairing (things like human x something etc) and we can come up with some sort of plot/world/setting

• My roleplay posts are usually from around 3 lines to a paragraph(6 lines) or more, I will try to match the length and style of my roleplay partner's posts. If you have any questions, feel free to ask, I don't bite most likely.. ^u^
But PLEASE be literate. I don't want to feel like I'm deciphering some sort of ancient extinct language and if your posts are shorter, I'll probably start to lose interest and feel shitty if I ask you if you can type more than 2 lines of text(I don't mind, it sometimes happens to me to but I have a hard time responding if I get a one-liner or two-liner.. ;-; )

I do hope any weirdos like me do PM me if you want to rp~

(I can rp over instant messengers like Skype, Discord, Facebook Messenger(I have a fake account for rping). Just message me in PMs)

To specify for the site's sake. I don't do maturethemes here, even if I do call it yaoi. Yaoi is just a generalized term for male x male, nothing else(for me at least).
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Meekly bumping this stuff. I just re-posted it to clean the clutter since deleting comments of other people isn't something you can do anymore -pout-
Bumping before heading off to bed
If anyone acknowledges my existence while I'm away, I'll reply ASAP <3
Hello!! I can't pm yet because I haven't posted 10 times yet. Trying ahh I just got an account yesterday.. but anyways this sounds awesome. I love the badboy, gamers, and model ones and I'd also be totally game with doing threesome stuff. I warn you I work full time so sometimes I can take up to like a day or two to get back, but that would be pretty rare. More only if I had a really crap day and fall asleep once I get home ahhaaa..
Anyway, as I said I can't pm, but you can pm me if you'd like and we can discuss more? :3
I'm totally interested in the GamerxGamer pairing or something SemexSemexUke. Both sound fun!

Thing is...I can't send PMs yet! Still trying to eke that tenth post out!

Okay but:

Makeup Artist/Designer x Model x Photographer: With Horror + Occult Elements (I can explain further if you game)

You play model.

I play a seme and a seke in the MA/FD and P.

You feelin' it?
Hey! I'd love to do a long term rp, I prefer darker things (kidnapper/victim, serial killers, that kinda stuff) If you'd like an rp like that, send a pm (I can't send them yet, I just joined)
Who knew boredom can cause so much stresssss? I feel tired from not doing anything. Come on people! Throw some roleplays at me -thumps chest- romance doesn't need to be the main focus of the rp, it can be like, a side thing that's happening while the characters are, idk, exploring or something
Am willing to do yuri/girl×girl if someone asks nicely
wowza hello
im interested in doing tattoo artist / customer
or like
seme x seme x uke ?
uhm you wanna do this on skype ?

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