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  1. Thanatos

    Fandom The Plague

    Jacob Lord Location: Janus Table Interacting with: @Koala @Graecus Scum @Emmadagood There was a split second where Jacob was worried. Everyone had a moment where they looked like he’d suggested streaking naked through the woods, and he was sure they’d tell him he was crazy, they were out...
  2. Thanatos

    Fandom The Plague OOC

    So everyone knows, Danidify has chosen to leave the roleplay due to a busy schedule, so if anyone is in a conversation with their characters(Lynne and Aaron, I think), go ahead and move on.
  3. Thanatos

    Fandom The Plague OOC

    Think of the potential injuries there will be on the quest.::
  4. Thanatos

    Fandom The Plague

    Jacob Lord Location: Janus table Mood: Ambitious Wearing: Camp shirt and jeans Tags: @Graecus Scum @Koala Jacob grinned when he had his audience, curious and demanding answers. Just how he liked them. "Patience, children, patience. Now, as we all know, I do love some good, old fashioned...
  5. Thanatos

    Fandom The Plague OOC

    Pretty sure it’s around seven or something.
  6. Thanatos

    Fandom The Plague OOC

    WAY too much.
  7. Thanatos

    Fandom The Plague OOC

    It is a co-GM thing. Had to have somebody to do the stuff I didn’t want to do.
  8. Thanatos

    Fandom The Plague OOC

    Here I was thinking that our incredible plotting skills, the amazing characters that have been submitted, and the other role players did it. But yea, the twins make more sense. You can just be in charge of that, because I’m too impatient. But yea, two-three days, we skip their response, after a...
  9. Thanatos

    Fandom The Plague OOC

    Yea, I did, I’ll send it to you. Took me for-freaking-ever. Let me know if you want to edit it or something, make it more... prophetic, I guess.
  10. Thanatos

    Fandom The Plague OOC

    I usually don't do a time limit, just when everyone that should has posted. I'm mostly waiting on Jordan, Lynne, and Violet, since they were part of the other conversation.
  11. Thanatos

    Fandom The Plague OOC

    Nah, I'll just start working on a prophecy, in case I decide to have them go the legit way. Haven't decided yet.
  12. Thanatos

    Fandom The Plague OOC

    “Your platinum blond hair proves that you were born during an eclipse of Saturn while the moons of Jupiter were lined up.” I don’t read enough magazines to accurately mimic one. I want to post a response, but I feel like I should wait.
  13. Thanatos

    Fandom The Plague OOC

    And that might’ve been why, but I have a feeling Kjell was the problem there.
  14. Thanatos

    Fandom The Plague OOC

    I’m still offended that Lynne said Jacob isn’t the most attractive. I take that as a personal insult.
  15. Thanatos

    Fandom The Plague OOC

    @Graecus Scum you're famous, baby
  16. Thanatos

    Fandom The Plague OOC

    No, she's the girl whose name he couldn't remember, since I figured they probably haven't interacted much.
  17. Thanatos

    Fandom The Plague OOC

    Sorry for the delay, drowning in school and work. @Graecus Scum is working on a response now.
  18. Thanatos

    Fandom The Plague

    Jacob Lord Location: Aphrodite Table -> Janus Table Wearing: Jeans and a camp shirt Mood: Planning Trouble Jacob grinned crookedly at Lynne, a girl he'd... paid some attention to for a while, not that he’d admit it. "Don’t act like you aren’t happy to see me, sweetheart, you know I’m your...
  19. Thanatos

    Fandom The Plague OOC

    Mine starts in two days, I get it. If you ever need a break or can't reply for a bit, just PM me and let me know, we can put your character basically in NPC mode until you're ready. Probably should've put that somewhere, but I forgot.
  20. Thanatos

    Fandom The Plague

    Jacob Lord Location: Aphrodite table Wearing: Jeans, combat boots, camp shirt Mood: Buzzed Tags: @Koala @Graecus Scum And just like that, Jacob had purpose. Not that dramatic, probably, but he was surrounded by his friends and admirers, a feeling which was beyond familiar to him. He barely...