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  1. bebopit

    ♡ true love café ♡ {closed until further notice} [Inactive]

    This role play has been marked "inactive". Inactive role plays are defined as "role plays showing 0 activity within a 30 day period". Please contact an @Rp Moderator if you feel this was a mistake or if you would like to have your role play reactivated. Thank you for your participation...
  2. bebopit

    ♡ true love café ♡ {ACCEPTING}

    sorry for the wait, guys! i know i haven't posted in quite a few days... this week has had me a bit out of sorts (i was sick nearly all last week and this was my first full week at school in awhile) so i haven't had much motivation to do anything... i hope you all are still interested in the RP...
  3. bebopit

    ♡ true love café ♡ {closed until further notice} [Inactive]

    Génévieve returned from the kitchen with Neal's hot chocolate, Trey's cappuccino, and Riley's espresso on a tray to find even more people crowding in front of the register. "Oh dear," she said. "Sorry to keep you waiting! I've got my hands full today..." She hurried around the café, setting...
  4. bebopit

    ♡ true love café ♡ - anyone interested?

    it's closed for now... we have over 10 people! if we end up needing more or a space opens i'll let you know. sorry!
  5. bebopit

    ♡ true love café ♡ {closed until further notice} [Inactive]

    “All righty then,” Génévieve. She couldn’t help but feel her heart beat a little faster when he teased her or whispered to her like he just did. “I’ll go make it once I’m finished with the other customers.” “All right, Neal,” she said, flashing another smile. She retrieved another of the small...
  6. bebopit


    mon petit ananaaaaaas
  7. bebopit

    ♡ true love café ♡ {ACCEPTING}

    sorry i didn't see these until now! it would make things a bit more interesting if your character were a barista, so sure! originally i was thinking of having the café in paris, but because of laziness [insert reasons] it's just in an unnamed seaside town, probably somewhere on the east coast...
  8. bebopit

    ♡ true love café ♡ {closed until further notice} [Inactive]

    Génévieve looked up as she heard the door open and smiled. Trey was one of her regular – and favorite – customers. Although she would never admit it, no matter how tired or busy she may be, her mood always lifted when she saw his tall frame at her door. “Trey!” Génévieve marked her place in...
  9. bebopit

    ♡ true love café ♡ {ACCEPTING}

    i think we have enough people to start... i'm going to go ahead and make the first post to get things rolling!i can't believe how many people have joined... i haven't RPed in such a long time, so i was worried my ideas might not be good enough... this makes me so happy! :eek:okay, i made the...
  10. bebopit

    ♡ true love café ♡ {closed until further notice} [Inactive]

    Early morning light filtered through the window in the kitchen as Génévieve LeBlanc pulled the last tray of pastries from her oven. She set them on cooling rack before wiping the sweat from her brow; it was the first day of summer, hot already at barely eight in the morning. Today marked the...
  11. bebopit

    1x1/Small-Group Wanted for "Mature"(ish) RP Ideas :)

    the first one sounds very interesting...
  12. bebopit

    ♡ true love café ♡ {ACCEPTING}

    of course!i said this in the recruitment thread but i forgot to include it here: all pairings are welcome (MxF, MxM, and FxF) in this RP so the gender ratio doesn't really matter as long as there's someone for everyone!
  13. bebopit

    ♡ true love café ♡ {ACCEPTING}

    you can use whatever you'd like.also, because it's a café setting, we can realistically start at any time with however many people and have more come in... if you get what i mean. for example, i open up the café in the morning, then the first customer comes in, followed by whoever is ready next.
  14. bebopit

    ♡ true love café ♡ {ACCEPTING}

    CAFÉ OWNER Name: Génévieve LeBlanc Age: 23 Personality: Warm and kind, but a bit guarded. Doesn't open up easily. Her favorite part of running the café is baking the bread and pastries. History: Inherited the café from her great-aunt. Génévieve worked as a waitress there before her aunt...
  15. bebopit

    ♡ true love café ♡ - anyone interested?

    sure!!! the more the merrier. either works.
  16. bebopit

    Looking for a 1x1 Fairy Tale/Adventure RP

    this sounds really fun! i've been playing a lot of skyrim lately so i know you feel... how about two travelers? or a prince and a thief... so many possibilities!!! :eek:
  17. bebopit

    ♡ true love café ♡ - anyone interested?

    you know they say RP is the best medicine... wait, that's not it...
  18. bebopit

    ♡ true love café ♡ - anyone interested?♡-true-love-café-♡-accepting.955/ here it is!!! hopefully i did everything right... sorry i took so long. i'm sick right now and i keep randomly falling asleep for like... 16 hours at a time. :oops:
  19. bebopit

    ♡ true love café ♡ {ACCEPTING}

    Please use this thread for all of your OOC needs! Read more about this role play...
  20. bebopit

    ♡ true love café ♡ {ACCEPTING}

    CHARACTER SHEET: Name: Age: Personality: History: Appearance: Read more about this role play...