♡ true love café ♡ {ACCEPTING}


Name: Génévieve LeBlanc

Age: 23

Personality: Warm and kind, but a bit guarded. Doesn't open up easily. Her favorite part of running the café is baking the bread and pastries.

History: Inherited the café from her great-aunt. Génévieve worked as a waitress there before her aunt passed away. She never knew her parents; they died in a car crash when she was very little. According to her aunt, they met in the café. After they died, Génévieve was sent to live with her in the small apartment above it, where her aunt taught her everything she knows.

Appearance: Blonde hair and green eyes, about 5'9.


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Name: Hadley Thatcher

Age: 19

Personality: She generally has a curious expression and asks a lot of questions if she's interested in something.

History: Hadley is the youngest of 7 children. All of her older siblings being boys. She didn't grow up being a tomboy like most people think, although she isn't afraid to get dirty. She decided to go to college to major in communications and fashion. She's currently a sophomore and spends most of her time at True Love Cafe because it's close to her campus and not many students there know about it, so it lets her take a break from the college.

Appearance: Black hair and blue eyes, stands at 5'0"

you can use whatever you'd like. 
also, because it's a café setting, we can realistically start at any time with however many people and have more come in... if you get what i mean. for example, i open up the café in the morning, then the first customer comes in, followed by whoever is ready next.
Hey, this looks like it could be some relaxed fun. I love romance!

I'll join with a male character, if that would be alright.
of course! 
i said this in the recruitment thread but i forgot to include it here: all pairings are welcome (MxF, MxM, and FxF) in this RP so the gender ratio doesn't really matter as long as there's someone for everyone!
Name: Connor Layman

Age: 20

Personality: Connor is a really soft spoken person. Most people don't really know much about him but when he does choose to actually reveal things about himself they are actually quite insightful.

History: Connor is a man with the heart and mind of a kid. When his parents abandoned him at a young age he became quiet and kept to himself. Never the one to make connections, he has never had a girlfriend or even a bestfriend. He got a job at 15 and saved up enough money to go to the community college, but he dropped out of college when he realized that it simply just wasn't what he wanted to do. His number one goal is to overcome his shyness and meet some new people.

Appearance:Brown hair and green eyes. 5'10

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Treyton Everren




Treyton is a witty, charming fellow with the heart of a kid in the body of a young adult. He loves to poke fun with friends and always manages to get a smile out of those he interacts with. He has a general sense of comfort while with his friends, making sure to violate personal space with hugs, pokes, and teases in only the friendliest of ways, yet remains amiable and easy to talk to towards strangers. It's more of a hardship than anything to twist his temper, but I would highly advise you not to test how long it takes for him to snap. You won't want to face his wrath.


Born into a broken home, Trey never had a father figure to look up to, growing into the sweeter young man he is nowadays simply from how his wonderful mother raised him. Although, his father's genes are apparent in him - his height and his projections of anger are the characteristics that show he is of his father's blood, but Trey never had the chance to meet him while young, and most likely never will have that chance. He doesn't mind all that much, in all honesty, finding his father to be rather despicable for abandoning his family.

But, anyways, Trey's mother never pressured him to become something particularly great, so he never faced the phase of helicopter parenting, very fortunately for him. He was supported throughout his school career as much as possible. Though his home was lower-middle class and nothing to brag about, it was modest, and it was something to have.

Trey, at eighteen, graduated from high school without a clue of what he wanted to do. He felt like it was a burden to force his mother to continue supporting him, and so arranged something with a close friend of his so that he could share an apartment with him for the time being. Trey pitches in with rent as much as he can, working part-time at a local art supplies shop with a lot of business, and earning a fairly okay salary from the surprising flow of customers that enter daily. For one thing, the owner is a close friend with his mother {yes, he gets a slightly better pay raise from connections, but he never mentions that, so nobody knows}, and Trey's also been working at the place for a long time. He's moved from the stage of minimum wage and grown to be a veteran of the shop, paying for the necessities of the home he shares {water bills, electricity bills, rent, etcetera} as much as possible and managing to keep some money scraped to the side for extra little things. His friend is quite a life saver, going by the name of Alex, and they are good friends, even though Alex is a rather avid partier and isn't seen at home too often.

As far as the café goes, he's been visiting it for quite a while at this point - it's really the only extra place he goes to, mostly on mornings and evenings on weekdays. He tends to stay longer on weekends. He loves the shop, but has yet to find someone who he can have as his significant other. He's met many people who both come and go, and some who he sees frequently. With all the rumors of the shop, he has a secret curiosity about it, and holds hidden hopes of confirming these rumors someday and finding that special somebody.


Milky brown hair and pale blue eyes; stands a hair underneath 6'1.

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Name: Celestia Quarter

"Though, most people call me Celly or something. I don't really mind."

Age: 18 years old

"Pretty cute for one, no?"

Personality: If anything, Celestia is just a happy-go-lucky, but dense girl. She totally loves food, more than most things in this world. Those traits may not seem to match at all, but she tends to carry that pretty well. She is always curious about things, and sometimes would do anything seemingly-stupid just to answer her own questions. She rarely to never works hard to do things. That's because she always approaches tasks with a laid-back attitude. Outside, she may seem to be that innocent, stupid, cheerful girl who doesn't care about the world--and it might be true--but she's still that cocooned little thing with insecurities and wonders that would never cease to bother her.

History: Celestia was born and raised by a quite wealthy family who unconsciously spoiled her. She, in return, let the do so. She lived like a normal girl, and the money she and her family had was the only difference between others. Until she could attend a very prestigious academy for high school students, she was just home-schooled and trapped in her room with lots of teachers here and there. It was quite boring, and she was really grateful to be free in her high school days. Her social life emerged from that, but the more she talked and interacted with people, the more she wondered what exactly 'true love' was. Yes, she'd read books and perhaps watched movies, but the right answer didn't seem to get to her. She just recently graduated from high school, and as for now, she's living her life leisurely, just like how she does all the time. Although, with the combined power (persuasion and begging) of her parents, she plans on trying out to become some model for a worldwide famous company. Not that it means so much to her. Soon enough, she'd hear about this cafe that was really nearby (a walking distance, too) and she decided that it wouldn't hurt to visit. After all, she also heard about the pastries and other stuff being served there.

"I don't even know what true love is. They said I'd find the answer here, though."


Small blonde curls that fall perfectly at about waist-length, and gleaming, green eyes. The model-like build of her body sure attracts lots of males, and even agencies/ companies who want to hire her. She stands at 5'9 feet.

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Neal Qaurters




Neal likes to express himself, through art or through music. He is typically a big ball of energy and all around happiness, he bounces off the walls. Neal is the kind of person to project into the world that he loves everyone and has a classic, 'I don't care what people think about me' attitude. this is in fact to prevent people from getting to close, if Neal lets you in you, you must be special. You could also easily break him from the inside. It's rare and he doesn't let it happen. Neal very much likes to focus on what is going on right here and right now around him. He is normally more casual not to formal and not to informal, he gives everyone he meets a chance, never judging on a snap, he knows that he has a story so everyone else must. But be warned you only get one chance with him and he can be rather easily offended. Neal likes to move with the time and flow with whatever is happening around him. He is not the type of person to interrupt something that seems like a good thing, a perfect combination of 'go with the flow' and 'if it ain't broke don't fix it'. On the other hand if he sees something wrong with the 'flow' or general happenings he will by no means keep quiet about it. He is one who will speak his mind and not back down. Neal speaks his mind at all times and generally doesn't filter his thoughts feeling that if people can't handle him inside there is no reason to have them around him. He is kind and gentle, especially towards animals and children.


Neal's father died before he was born while overseas fighting in a war, his mother couldn't bare it and alone and pregnant adopted some very unhealthy habits; not eating well or getting any sun, sleeping too much or too little. This caused her to be far too weak for childbirth, and lo and behold, Neal was born into the world to be an orphan. His mother's practices when she was pregnant had negative aspects on his health, he catches colds easily due to a bad immune system . He can't walk normally due to a spinal condition and uses forearm crutches, he has heart and lung trouble and is more delicate than other boys (bones, skin, muscles etc.). Neal was not an orphan for very long and was taken in by one of his mother's very best friends, who has two children of her own, twin boys. He has lived with Mrs. Quarters and her husband for as long as he was alive, and loves them like family, there is nothing that he would not do for his family.


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Name: Jim Allock

Age: 19

Personality: He's a coward, he hates confrontation, a pushover, never one to take charge, fidgety. He kind of likes being told what to do, not in a masochist way, but he thinks its so much easier. If someone tells you what to do, you dont have to worry about doing the wrong thing, you just do what they told you to and thats it, everyones happy. You dont have to worry about doing the wrong things and making mistakes if you just follow orders, you know? He pretty much aquiesces to everything. He dosent like physical contact, but he'll probably just stiffen up and look hilariously unconfortable instead of having to tell you to go away of stop it, as i have sasid before, hes a total pushover and could never dream of confronting someone. He owns thousands of books about animals, he loves snails and jellysish, octopi and mermaids. He likes soft things and cute things and sweets, plus hes a helpless romantic at heart and he loves shoujo manga. Kind of a nerd, reads fanfiction and stuff. He loves helping people, and will often do things for people and do favors without being asked, he loves being helpful.

History: His parents are rich, owning the bset publishing company in the world. hes not on bad terms with them, but at the same time he dosent really spend much time with them, but when he does its pleasant. Good for them, he never went through the 'rebelious teenager' phase, always doing what they told him to do and being a goody two-shoes, easily kept happy and entertained with the new books they would bring him every friday. When he came out as Pansexual, they were shocked, but decided to put it to good use, using him as a way to say that their company supports the LGBT community. He didnt really mind, he was just glad they didnt kick him out or anything like a lot of unforgiving parents out there. But, and he would never admit this, hes kind of tired of it. Its boring at home. im tired of just doing what people say... yeah! ill go on an adventure! He grew a backbone for about five seconds and instead of jumping on the train home, jumped on the train going farthest away from home. keyword, a back bone for five seconds. He immediatley regretted it like nononono oh god what did i do im gonna throw up and had a little panic attack, but he calmed down and was like, no, no, im gonna do this. ill just have to... work it out. His parents didnt want this going public as the media might interpret it as him runing away because of something they did, so they pretend hes still at home but are looking for him in secret. He got a job and bought an apartment down the block from a little cafe downtown...

Name: Riley Shepard

Age: 22

Personality: She manages to be quite lazy and yet hardworking at the same time. She always has her laptop with her either doing school work or gaming. She doesn't sleep much and yet her hair is always in a bit of disarray. She's conversational when she wants to be but will ignore you if she's just woken up or is not in the mood. Her comments are always well-placed and she's very witty, and very clever and resourceful, a trait that likely explains why she's so good with technology and computers. She's a techie and loves to fiddle with new devices. She can get careless with her appearance at times, especially when her mind is occupied with something. She's the type of person who focuses on things so intensely she nearly forgets the world around her. She has no shame and is not one you can embarrass easily. The chances of her leaving her apartment without pants are more likely than her neighbors would care to admit. She's also very cheap since most of her money goes to her computer and education, she doesn't splurge much except on coffee and pastries (she has a huge sweet tooth), but she'll refuse to buy herself new shoes or clothes until the old ones are no longer wearable and would rather sleep on her couch than get a new mattress (even if the old has springs coming out of it jfc).

History: Riley was raised in a regular home with two older brothers and a younger sister but she has been living on her own since she was 18 and started attending college. Her house life was pretty average if only a little bit crowded so since she's been living on her own, she's learned to value privacy as much as possible and enjoys the alone time after years of sharing a house with five other people. She's in her senior year, but is going for her master's in Computer Science so she's constantly busy. She talks to her family occasionally here and there but is essentially living on her own for the most part. Most of her relationships have not lasted more than a few months and it's usually her boyfriend's who end things with her because they claim that she doesn't put forth enough effort for them and is "too busy for them" -- a claim that she has taken to heart. She hasn't dated in over a year and when concerned friends and family ask, she simply claims "I'm too busy for a relationship. I have too much work to do."


Name: Ben Lemont

Age: 22

Personality: Ben is a very mellow, down-to-earth guy. He enjoys the simple pleasures that life has to offer, such as a home-cooked meal or perfect motorcycle riding weather. It takes a lot to rile him up and pull him from his relaxed mentality. Some people think that he is detached from the world, but he thinks the opposite. He cares deeply for his close friends and family and would sacrifice himself for the people he loves any day. Ben loves to cook and has a light-hearted sense of humor. He doesn't realize how funny he is half the time, which is probably why he's so comical in the first place. Romantically, Ben will only settle down for somebody who he sees himself with long term. He isn't one to rush into relationships. Ben is very fond of reading books and listening to indie music, he has no idea what he would do without both of them.

History: Ben was born and raised in London, England with his older brother, David. After spending several years of his childhood wanting to be a pirate when he grew up, Ben's talent of observation became more profound, as did his Asperger's. His parents were determined to treat him like a normal child and thus, he was sent to public school and encouraged to interact with his peers. Neither went terribly well and Ben was deemed a nuisance and troublemaker by his teachers and other children, with whom he gave up on trying to interact with. By the time he reached University, Ben was quite anti-social, keeping to himself yet staying out of trouble. He excelled at all of his classes that interested him, though just barely passed those he thought unnecessary to his education.

Books became his best friends, mostly in the way of textbooks and the classics. Ben's great talents and intelligence helped him to rocket through University and graduate a year early. He seemed to be quite happy with the pending accomplishment, until both his parents perished in a car accident. Even with David at his graduation ceremony, finishing school didn't seem to mean much to Ben. He made no effort to secure a career, even with his older brother working for the British government. After all of his thinking, he just decided to settle down a bit.

Appearance: Dirty blond hair with emerald green eyes

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Mykko Jhesire




  • Affectionate

  • Quiet

  • Adorable

  • Sometimes insecure other times secure

  • Confident

  • Considerate

  • Great to be around!

  • Giggly

  • Crazy about sweets


Mykko wasn't the biggest person in the family in fact,when he was born he weight exactly five ounces,which is so small that it's dangerous for newborns so yes,he is lucky that

he is alive!Growing up,Mykko had always had a problem eating because he would get full way to fast and he wasn't getting the nutrients that he needed only taking a few bites

out of food before getting full.Because of this he had to have full forced inside of him so he could get all the nutrients that he needed and didn't have to worry about getting deadly

skinny.Despite having to have a doctor watch over him basically his whole life,Mykko never acted like he was in need of help to survive.He was always known as the person who

would cheer someone up and laugh the pain away.When Mykko was five years old,he won a certificate for being green(Which means helping/Saving the planet from anything that

would make it dirty and such.),which his still hanging up in his room at his current age.He grew up with a mother and father as well as an older sister who would always dress

him up in the most girly things but,Mykko didn't mind at all,he even loved it when she did!Sadly,Mykko's father passed away when he was seven years old and he had the

honor of taking the american flag,since his father was a marine.He didn't want to at first but,he also didn't understand what was going on because of his age.When he heard that

is father passed away that day,he stepped up and took the flag but,he burst out in tears running away with it.Since that day he's been a little more...confident in himself and

actually holds his head up but,of course sometimes it does still hurt a lot.(Enough of this!Ish making me cry :<)


When Mykko first went middle school,it was rough for him because he was so small and basically everyone was taller than him.He knew not to worry to much about it but,he

couldn't forget that he was the smallest of everyone.He would constantly be pushed in the hallways but,he didn't blame anyone...they probably didn't even see him.He was constantly

bullies and getting beat up,which hurt a lot because of a size.Even the smallest punches would hurt him.Names got thrown at him everyday but,he still didn't lose his smile and always

showed that he had confident despite the people that wanted to tear it apart.He gained a small group of friends who were like him and he stuck with them seeing that they were the only

people in the school that really cared.Soon,Mykko graduated from middle school and high school with the same friends who stuck with him in sixth grade but,they saw that it was time to

split up when college came around.It was a long and emotional for all of them but,they knew that they would someday see each other again.Now Mykko is twenty two years old and goes

to a scholar university and constantly has straight A's never going below a B.He still gets names thrown at him and gets beat up from time to time but,it hasn't changed his attitude nor will

it ever.

"Words hurt...I got to admit but,at the end of the day..I just think to myself and say that...Maybe i'm living for a reason...."

Name: Luna Nikolov

Age: 21

Personality: Luna first appears to be a sweet ignorant young girl with no real depth, yet when given the opportunity to express her colorfully painted personality some may just be surprised.

Luna finds ignorance the best way to get a well set advantage on someone. She wants people to underestimate her because when the time comes for her to stand up and prove herself, they will not be prepared. Lowering the standards is something she has become skilled at and uses this often, sometimes she forgets that she can be strong and smart and it’s times like those she feels pretty low about herself.Under her layer of ignorance is a cultured, strong and smart woman. With all the time she has to live she used it to gain knowledge. She traveled the world and admired the people, the food, the art. Oh the art. Music, films, sculpture, drawing, paintings, she loves them all. She finds it an awfully good distraction and will usually vent towards it when feeling down.Upon the bringing of a problem or divided issue she is most likely the middle man. She is rather passive and will usually refuse the offer to make alliances or chose teams. You have to be on extremely good terms with her or have caught her attention for her to side with you completely, and that is very rare. The reason for her standoffish mind set on problems is because she believes in peace, and choosing sides will just give people more reason to kill each other.Her passiveness is also a way of shutting others out. She feels this decision is smart, even though she feels utterly alone. Thinking too hard about this causes spiraling on her part and when she spirals she doesn't feel like herself, or better yet, she doesn't feel like the person she wants to be. Things weren’t as exciting so she just stopped and became the softer person she is today, but every once in awhile there are the flares of her past self.

History: Luna was given up for adoption nearly immediately after she was born, and has never met her parents. She was adopted by a single woman, and has lived with her since. Luna learned to play the guitar at a young age, and moved on to playing the bass and electric guitar at about age 12. She spends much of her time inside, reading books, practicing on her guitar, listening to music, or drinking warm tea. She got average grades in high school, mostly due to the fact that she doesn't do her homework. Now, she isn't very sure what to do with her life and most of it is all jumbled around.

Appearance: Has lighter brown hair and crystal blue eyes

i think we have enough people to start... i'm going to go ahead and make the first post to get things rolling! 
i can't believe how many people have joined... i haven't RPed in such a long time, so i was worried my ideas might not be good enough... this makes me so happy! :eek: 
okay, i made the first post! join whenever you'd like.



Sui Sykku

:o Not sign..sigh...S-high..)




Sui is barely mean to anyone and has a big heart for anyone he feels that deserves it.He doesn't play with people and is very serious when it comes to loving someone.He's been cheated and lied to numerous times before so,he also has trust issues as well and has a very hard time befriending someone completely new to him.Although Sui came from a very rich family,doesn't mean he acts stuck up and full of himself and to be honest,you wouldn't even know that he is rich because of the way he acts.Bullies come and go his way because he couldn't care less about what they say to him.They try to bring him down but,he doesn't let them at all.When people ask about his mom,he shakes it off because he gets very uncomfortable when discussing his mother with someone other than his dad.He's smart and a straight A student as well but,doesn't brag about it at all in fact,he even sometimes hang with the barely passing group and tries to help the ones that are failing.He loves art and has his own art studio at home that he goes to everyday to draw what the day was like or something that he has on is mind.He also loves hip-hop dancing,which he practices with a group down at the community center or at their own little place.He gives money to people he sees on the streets,friends who are low on budget,and charities as well as campaigns but,he also knows when someone is taking advantage of him and quickly takes them out of his life.


Will Be Reveal In The Rp.

Name: Mandy Farkas

Age: 20

Personality: She’s not shy, but she prefers to keep to herself. She is fascinated by people and often spends her time observing them from a distance. She's a little detached from society but as she grows more accustomed to a certain environment she warms up.

History: She was born into a wealthy family, the middle child of 9. Her parents both being workaholics never paid her much mind. She was more out of school than she was in school and preferred to spend her school days out wandering the city. One day when she was ditching class she found the True Love Cafe. It was not the legends that drew her into its doors, but rather the people.

Appearance: 5'7, straight brown hair and brown eyes

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Name: Saturn

Age: 20

Personality: Shy and skittish, but will surprise with her loyalty. She loves to play rock songs on her guitar. She is also very smart, and willing to take the time to understand.

History: Only child, living on a ranch, loving horses. Shooting guns and practicing with a bow is a great pastime

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/alone-girl-guitar.jpg.b1d2066e964ab366ece8f6f482e870d4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12770" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/alone-girl-guitar.jpg.b1d2066e964ab366ece8f6f482e870d4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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