1x1/Small-Group Wanted for "Mature"(ish) RP Ideas :)


One Thousand Club
Hello! Recently, I've had a lot of ideas that would be very interesting and different RPs. As for the title of this thread, no I'm not meaning 'mature' by detailed smut and unnecessary cussing, I mean that I am looking for people who aren't afraid to use any 'adult-themes' or depth to character decisions/the overall plot. This means, I don't want to shy away from the potential of roleplayers- I want us to be able to forge a wonderfully entwined story that we want to go back and read, to experiment and learn about our own writing styles and develop characters. That sounds incredibly cheesy, I am aware, but it seems every time I try to set up a group I end up with people who don't want to contribute more than short-term, fast-paced, needless drama. I want to create a story with people!


Some Basic Ideas (that people could PM me about if they were interested):

- Something surrounding intertwining stories sprouting off from a small group of childhood friends. The entire basis of this story would be love, and not in just a relationship/intimate sense. I mean, true love- The way you love family, your friends, acts of compassion, infatuation, and the extent to which people do to stay together (also the strange couples that do find themselves perfect for one another; whether they be friends or lovers.) You can take this story almost anywhere, but I would like to leave it open to whatever people want.

- A RP loosely based off of Breaking Bad (now, bear with me on this one!). By this I mean something that ends up snowballing into something larger than life, in a sense. A story based a lot on plot, with static characters that can go from good to evil (or vice-versa.) Again, this is left up to a lot of interpretation from anyone who wants to contribute to that idea. If anyone was interested in pursuing anything like this, I'd really strive to have some really dark themes (gore, manipulation, true evil of humans, trickery, etc.) A potential idea could be something where an unlikely duo partners up (as in many stories), and find themselves being sucked into some twisted crime underworld before rising to power. This could go as either a 'fall from grace' or a cycle of madness. We could use something like mobsters/gangs/drug kingdom/etc.

- Now, I know I could get a bad-rep for suggesting this one, but a 'zombie RP.' But no ordinary zombie story, I'd like something that mainly focuses on the PEOPLE dealing with the post-apocalyptic settings (not just the fight scenes or raids.) Literally, I have never seen a zombie RP go all the way to having their characters tell a high-intensity story that actually carries through to them trying to rebuild some sort of civilization. With zombie RPs (be warned), I am notorious for making a LOT of characters (since you know that not all of them will survive) and it's almost a constant game of bringing in new characters and killing off others (but maintaining a group still.) I think there's so much you could explore with an apocalypse, especially with the underlying extremes individuals would go to in order to save their lives. I just feel I could have a lot of fun with this one.

- Something that takes place in either late 1800s London (with some minor alterations, since I'm no historically-accurate nut about this stuff.) I think this would be fun, since in the last time I have done an RP with the basis of this (a long time ago), there was actually a story of vengeance and a Jack-the-Ripper like man (and his psychologically tortured son, who followed in his footsteps) who holds a twisted grudge against a noble family. However, circumstances have it that this widowed man is dying and has left almost his entire establishment to his (admittedly) young son. From there, things sprouted into a crazy story about the attempted kidnapping/aftermath of what crimes were committed. It was very dark, but had its lighthearted moments with the subplots (surrounded around quirky townspeople who become involved with the story too.) -- I know, this was hard to explain and comes off as horribly-organized... But, hey PM me if you're interested anyways!
I am quite interested in your first and last ideas and quite interested in partaking in this experiment of yours. I will send you a PM in a few moments.
I like the last idea and actually the zombie one too, I agree with you too I hate rp's with no story and an apocalyptic setting actually has potential.
Wow. I love all of these ideas. They're brief and to the point but I can tell there's been some thought put into them. I'd quite enjoy doing something with any one of these, though my favorite would probably be the Breaking Bad type one.
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Well, I am up for any of the ideas you mentioned, I just have a slight preference for the last one. It's your call though.
Sorry, everybody, I've been very busy this past week.

I think the easiest one(s) to start up when it's so hectic before winter vacation, would be eitherthe zombie or love one. The other's require too much of a prior plot.
Though I am very low on time myself, I'd like to vote for the zombie one out of those two. There's much more palpable tension there than in the love one. I like the idea that characters could turn on each other just to survive.
I think the zombie rp would be the better of the two options. The opportunities for more interesting situations that would further allow us to delve not only into our characters but basic human nature would be more prevalent, that and it would be more fun overall.
Okay, so let's brainstorm a zombieRP! Since, I'm feeling impatient (I'm temporarily snowed in from the storm) I'll just add us three to a conversation so we don't spam this page?

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