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  1. To Never Love

    Falling in Love with a Beast

    Character Full Name: Oriana Vega Theron Age: 21 Gender: Female Race: Human Weapons: A sword of black steel with a decorative hilt and guard, and three throwing knives. Vega is adept in archery and she has various things to help her with her hunting in a backpack. Place of Birth: The...
  2. To Never Love

    Fantasy And We Go from Nothing to Something

    Questions arose in Alec from what Sin told him. He was more than a little surprised to hear about hunters, but because of the way the alpha spoke of them, he assumed that they probably weren't buddy-buddy with werewolves. The compromise that was pretty much established between him and Sin wasn't...
  3. To Never Love

    Fantasy And We Go from Nothing to Something

    Alec stiffened upon feeling a hand on his shoulder. His wolf was becoming unsettled by the chaotic emotions that were beginning to consume him. He struggled to maintain control of himself as the animal within him started to rise to the surface, wanting to fight off whatever was causing him...
  4. To Never Love

    Fandom X-Men: Next Generation

    I love X-Men so I'd be willing to try this out.
  5. To Never Love

    Fantasy And We Go from Nothing to Something

    "Wait, hold up a minute. Time out," Alec said holding his hands in front of him in a "T" shape. "I mean, I know you don't really want us to be around regular people, but we can't see our family? What kind of crap is that?" He stood beside Eyela practically bristling as anger steadily rose in him...
  6. To Never Love

    Fantasy And We Go from Nothing to Something

    Alec looked away from her, his eyes straying toward the treeline. He searched for an answer that he could give her without flat-out lying. "I haven't been here much longer than you. I haven't been taught much of anything, especially not how to fight, if that's what you're what you're wondering."...
  7. To Never Love

    And We Go from Nothing to Something

    No problem! I love this RP, too!
  8. To Never Love

    Fantasy And We Go from Nothing to Something

    Alec woke up in a cold sweat, clutching at his throat. His ragged breathing filled the empty silence that had previously encompassed his room. There was no personality to the room besides the dark aviator jacket draped over the end of the bed. The dim lighting of the room indicated that the sun...
  9. To Never Love

    Fantasy And We Go from Nothing to Something

    Alec nodded, signifying that he had heard the girl. Feeling her stiffen in his arms, he looked down at her and his jaw clenched as she leaned against his chest. He quickened his pace back to The Den, though careful not to jostle the weak girl. He didn't know what she went through or if she had...
  10. To Never Love

    And We Go from Nothing to Something

    I'm not sure if you've seen it or not, but I've replied to your post.
  11. To Never Love

    And We Go from Nothing to Something

    @Sh3w0lfSp1r1t The reply to your post is in my latest one.
  12. To Never Love

    Fandom Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Death

    Cerys listened intently to the Headmistress, but felt a shudder run through her at the mention of bowtruckles. 'I'm glad I don't have to deal with them,' she thought. When she was six she had a nasty run in with the tiny creatures. Her father had Wiggentrees planted around her house and, after...
  13. To Never Love

    Fantasy And We Go from Nothing to Something

    Alec looked back at Sin with a startled expression at his outburst. "Jeez, you don't have to bite my head off," he grumbled. He eyed the way the alpha moved away from Sarah and muttered under his breath, "Could have fooled me." He turned back to face the newcomer, but jumped up from his squatted...
  14. To Never Love

    Astraia Matlock

    Astraia Matlock A human turned werewolf found in Sin Clearwater's pack territory. Basics Name: Astraia Matlock Age: 19 Race: Werewolf Gender: Female Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Occupation: Was going to law school in Seattle. Appearance Height: 5'5" Weight...
  15. To Never Love

    Kyra Iris Nevect

    [tabs]Appearance: Hair: Long, slightly wavy, silver with streaks of black Eye Color: Violet Eye Shape: Round Height: 5'4" Birthmarks: None Piercings: None Tattoos: None Complexion: Fair Usual Clothing: Jeans and plaid shirt with sturdy boots Age: 20 Gender: Female Race...
  16. To Never Love

    Fantasy And We Go from Nothing to Something

    "Dangit," Alec muttered seeing what was happening to the girl. He squatted down and said, "Hey, don't fall asleep or close your eyes or anything like that, okay?" Panic had started to build in him, but he carefully pushed it down, knowing that him freaking out wouldn't help the girl. "Try...
  17. To Never Love

    Fantasy And We Go from Nothing to Something

    When introduced to the newcomer, Alec gave a slight head nod in her direction. He took a step toward her, but stopped and looked back at Sin and Sarah. "I'll help the girl," he said with a jerk of his head in her direction. "You and your girlfriend go on ahead because, truthfully Sin? You look...
  18. To Never Love

    Fandom Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Death

    At the sound of the chime, Cerys lifted her head off her folded arms and, leaning back in her seat, ran her fingers through her long, slightly curly hair. 'Time for the first task,' she thought as she stood and gathered her study materials into her arms. Images from what she witnessed from a few...
  19. To Never Love

    Fantasy And We Go from Nothing to Something

    Alec slightly stumbled backwards to avoid the older man as the alpha came barreling out of the small den. He scrowled when he regained his footing, shaking snow off his shoes since some had gotten in them. He crossed his arms and opened his mouth to ask questions he felt needed answering, but...
  20. To Never Love

    Fantasy And We Go from Nothing to Something

    Alec laid lazily in his bed. After the Alpha had dismissed his meeting, one of the nicer members of the pack showed him to an empty room in the west wing of the mansion like home. While he was grateful that Sin decided not to kick him and the others out of his pack, he still wanted to go home...