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Fantasy And We Go from Nothing to Something

"Oh shut up." She teases and punches him in the shoulder. "I'm able to walk now I'm not gonna pass out so calm your tail..." She says somewhat in an annoyed tone. "So d'ya wanna hang out or nah..." She nudges him again. In a week or two she would be off these stupid crutch like things and would be able to train. "Can't you start teaching me stuff early? I promise I will be careful." She says as she looks up at him.
Sin turned a corner and saw Sarah duck out the window, he sighed simply and walked the other way. If she chose to be a longer, who was he to stop her? Who was he to do anything anymore it seemed. He may be alpha, but emotional things he wanted no part of. Angrily, he snorted and walked up a nearby staircase and stepped out onto the balcony. He jumped up onto it, swinging his legs over and sitting on the edge. He looked down, a fall wouldn't kill him, much to his displeasure. It took more then a two story fall to kill a werewolf. He saw Alec and the new girl down below.

He was quiet for a moment, pulling out a cigarette and taking a long drag from it, letting the silvery white smoke blow from his lips. It was getting colder he noticed. Since Kuma's pack lived outside of human society, food would get scarcer on that side of the river, which meant more of them would attempt to steal from Sin's land. It happened every year, and usually ended in spilled blood. He wondered if this year would also end as all the others always did.

Without really meaning to, his listened in on Alec and her. More like, the cold air just flaunted their voices around and people inside could hear too. He let out a laugh when she asked Alec to train her. Alec hadn't even figured everything out, hell, he hadn't even been a wolf for more then a month. What could really be taught? Sin wondered. A cawing from above alerted him that Crest had returned, the Raven landed on his knee and stared at him with black eyes. "What do you want you bad boy?", he asked the bird. The bird tilted it's head to one side before it walked down Sin's leg to his foot, staring down at Alec and the newest addition to the pack.
Sarah had gone straight to the border, sniffing up, fur dull against the light. It used to be brighter but with the lack of real food it took a turn for the worst. But her muscles were on point and she didn't care. Sarah did this for Sin though. She owed him everything. So, with her nose to the ground, she went for a good round. Her back went stiff and her fur bristled. Turning, her nose once more caught scent of that traitorous smell; a Loner Wolf. Fresh.
Alec looked away from her, his eyes straying toward the treeline. He searched for an answer that he could give her without flat-out lying. "I haven't been here much longer than you. I haven't been taught much of anything, especially not how to fight, if that's what you're what you're wondering." It wasn't a lie, but it also wasn't exactly the truth either. Eyela's question just reminded him of the nightmare he had. Alec's jaw clenched in frustration before the sound of cawing dragged his attention upward.

Sin sat high above the ground on a the edge of a balcony, a raven perched on his knee. Alec knew that Sin didn't want the pack's new additions going back into the city, but he felt he needed to go check on his mom and brother. Just the thought of what might happen to them without him there to protect them made his chest tighten painfully. He couldn't just sneak off, though. He'd come to have a certain level of respect for the alpha and didn't want to cause unnecessary problems and rock the boat. "Hey! Sin! Can I head into town for a bit?" He knew it was a long shot, but Alec knew that it would be better to ask for his permission first than to just head off on his own as if he knew where he was going.
Eyela sighed looking away. "But... *sigh* never mind I get it..." She says. She sees him ask sin if he can go into town. "Can I come with you?" She asks happily. Looking back and forth between sin and Alec. "Please Alec???" She begged grabbing his arm and almost losing her balance which she quickly regains by letting go. "I'm soooo bored crammed up in here.. I need out!" She says as she sways.
Sin looked at them. "A werewolf has the ability to change their body. You can make your hair grow by just willing it. Change your muscle gone too. It's...all about finding balance without going wolf. Prove to me you can do it. It shows absolute control. We can't change age but long hair and a gotee usually throws people off. Besides. You can't visit your family either. And you.", he looked a her, "You can't leave until you can do it too. Master your body.", he jumped down.

He fell like a stone, but landed as a wolf. His fur glistened around him and he shifted back. This time, he looked very different. He had long hair, a long beard too. He looked like he stepped out of an old samari movie. He rubbed his face, and he had a small gotee. "See?"


The lone wolf was a dark grey color. It's eyes had thick bandages over them, bones of small animals and other wolves decorated it like a Indian cheif. It's fur had red stains on it that made strange shapes. It growled at her, and it hardly looked real at all.
Sarah snarled back, ready to take on any ugly looking creature. "What are you, some weird Indian ritual chief? Either way, you gotta leave, buddy. Don't make me rip off your ears and string them along with those bones. It wouldn't be as pretty but you need to take up some more space, you know?" she spat sarcastically.
"Wait, hold up a minute. Time out," Alec said holding his hands in front of him in a "T" shape. "I mean, I know you don't really want us to be around regular people, but we can't see our family? What kind of crap is that?" He stood beside Eyela practically bristling as anger steadily rose in him along with a deeply-seated fear. The look on his face was a mixture of fury and incredulity.
Eyela looked at him as he bristled and grabbed his shoulder. "Alec, don't..." She whispered her eyes showing a worried expression as she talked to him. "Please, I don't want you to get hurt.." She again whispered to him. She slowly looked at sin. "Sin please let him go see his family... I know you don't understand and neither do I but I can tell that he misses them. Please?" She says holding out her hand. She and her wolf know what this means to each other and work together as her hand and only her hand turns to a paw. It's still hard to turn from thing to thing but this has to work. Her paw turns back to her hand and she looks at sin hopefully.
Sin crossed his arms, his dark gaze keeping steady as he stared down Alec. "No. This rule exists for a reason. They'll want you to stay, or worse, ask where you've been. You haven't even gone through a full moon and you think your have your wolf under control enough to go into town? Absolutely not. You may love your family but your wolf does not. It's a primale creature that craves to be with other wolves. Who knows, maybe when your asleep it takes over and kills them. I've watched it happen before. Like it or not your live will never be the same again.", Sin was calm. That was...until Eyela said he didn't understand, then he snapped. "Dont understand!? Don't you EVER say that to me. You don't know what I've done or ANYTHING about me! Dont ever speak on behalf of someone until you know about them girl. Your damn lucky I'm not Kuna who would have ripped off your head just for sport. I think both of you better head back inside", he said with a growl. Any thought he might of had toward letting Alec go was now gone. The air around him seemed to bubble in his rage.


The wolf seemed to not hear her warning, or not care. It trotted on, stopping now and again to sniff at a stick or something. It was an odd creature and one that sent uneasiness through Sarah. Like seeing a creepy doll, something about it just seemed....off.
Sarah leapt at him, her front paws connecting with his shoulder. Before, she'd barely make him budge but with her kind of strength now, she was able to shove him pretty far. "Didn't you hear me, freak?! Screw off!" she snarled, eyes burning.
Eyelas eyes widened in horror as he snapped at her. Her head bowed as he moved closer shouting at her. Once he told them to go inside she turned and limped as fast as she could in the other direction a single tear escaping her eye. "Ugh I hate these stupid crutches!" She yelled as she threw them to the ground. He walked on using trees for support as he slightly wobbled. She turned and sat in a small cave near the tip of there border. She curled up in a ball and places her head on her knees as she whimpered softly.
The wolf turned it's head as she knocked her down, he yelped softly as he stumbled away. He limped a little as he landed painfully on paw. He shifted into a shockingly handsome man. His eyes were as grey as his wolf fur an his hair was a wild colored chestnut. He was dressed in a deer-skin set of pants and tribal markings. He looked like a wild man who walked out of a modeling magazine. "Stop", he said softly.


Sin kept his eyes stern and unwavering. "If you want to talk about it later then fine. But I refuse to have someone act like they know about things they don't.", he crossed his arms. He shouted at Eyela, "if you leave the grounds I won't let you return"
Sarah shifted as well, eyes dull but hair wild, looking ready to fight. "Stop? You're gonna have to give a good reason, buddy, on why you're on my land," she snarled, realizing she was starting to sound like Kuma. Whatever. It's not like she was impressing anyone now...
"I was chasing a deer herd. I've fallowed them all the way through the mountains for weeks. I'm not here to cause promise, honest", he said softly, he flashed a smile. He was attractive, and had the mysterious air around him like Sin. He didn't have the soothing scent that Sin did, but he had a different sort of scent.
She marched up to him, surely shorter but the pain and anger that has been in her eyes for weeks now would scare anyone. "Find some other herd. It's ours now," Sarah snarled up at him, ready to fight. She had no one else to live for anyways.
He kept his soft smile. "Ours? Are you apart of a bigger pack?", he circled her in a non-threatening way. "Your such a beauty", he cooed softly. He kept alert and cautious as he watched her.
Her eyes were lit aflame, knowing this route. The guy leads you on, gets what he wants then leaves you with a broken heart. So, Sin and this new stranger had something in common. "Thanks but no thanks. My heart isn't for sale. Yeah, I'm part of a huge Pack, so please, leave or else I'll be forced to ask for a bit of...assistance," Sarah spat.
"For sale? Your speak so bitterly. The loss of a love is not the end of the world beautiful. I'm just a loner. An outcast. I mean no harm by my travels. Why to you fight so hard against me? I am a fly against a pack", he said. He did have a point, a loner would easily be killed by Sin or any number of pack members. "Don't shut everything out because of a bad love. I see the broken heart in your eyes."
"See what you want to, I don't care. This isn't about me, it's about you. You have thirty seconds to get your feather ridden butt of my Pack's territory or I'll shift right now and call in some back-up," she stepped towards him, hoping to force him back.
He gave a gentle smile at her. "If I leave this territory would you accompany me on neautral territory? Maybe run out of this hate? A beautiful female such as yourself shouldn't be so angry. Are you the alpha female?", he asked with a raised brow. She smelled strange. She smelled of pack, but heavily like an alpha. But it wasn't HER scent, it was Sin's from her time spent so close to him. "I haven't given you a single reason to fight me"
She let out a bitter laugh, the idea of her being Alpha Female flitted away along with the idea of keeping Sin around. "Runaway with some tribal boy in the sunset? I don't know your name, your age, you're not a Pack Wolf and I'm kinda new at this, so please, leave before this gets bloody," Sarah growled.
"My name is Taboo. I wasn't always an outcast. I'm known as a blooming werewolf, which means I didn't change tell I was 18, even though I was born a werewolf. I lived in Washington all my life, and lived in an orphanage. Then just started to change. Joined a nomadic pack. They tried to sacrifice me to a cloud or something, I ran away. Now I'm here", he shrugged.
"Sorry, Taboo. Sounds rough. I lived a normal life. A Human you'd overlook everyday. Then one night, one night , I forget and I wake up in the woods, a monster! I'm taken into custody, locked in a cell for a week like a damn prisoner. I start to care about the man who locked me up and then he turns around, sells me out. So what? I don't care. So we both have rough pasts. So what? You learn to live," Sarah shoved him.
He let her shove him. He keeps his docile deminer. "Exactly. So why keep such a bitter present? I'm not saying run away with me, I'm just saying look in your heart and try to remember what it feels like to

Not hate me just because I'm a male you assume is ganna break your heart."

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