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Fantasy And We Go from Nothing to Something

"I don't assume. I know," she lowered her chin, eyes growing more curious than hateful now. Why did he persist that she open up to him. "You see, trust is kinda high priced at this age. I never thought about how simple my life was until now. Who knows how bad it can be letting in a stranger?"
Taboo shrugged. "Everything has a price", with that, he turned and shifted. The strange wolf turned away and continued to fallow the scent of the deer herd.
She shifted, stepping in front of him. "Why do you care? Just answer that and you can go," she spoke softer, voice open and eyes curious. Suddenly, the Wolf didn't seem like an intruder but someone she wanted around. Someone with patience like that would be easier to handle then being the nurse to another. She winced, remembering Sin. A small nudge of pain and almost love burst in her chest and she shuffled her paws, trying to rid herself of it.
Eyela hears voices and turns wolf slowly walking towards them. She listened to their conversation and her sudden change in feeling. 'Why? What do you see in him? Truly inside him?' She asked herself as she walked closer. Suddenly a twig snaps under her paw and she freezes. 'Crap!' She thinks to herself knowing that they are obviously gonna be suspicious. She walks forward acting like neither of them are there but knows that plenty of questions are about to burst into the air like a roaring flame.
Alec stiffened upon feeling a hand on his shoulder. His wolf was becoming unsettled by the chaotic emotions that were beginning to consume him. He struggled to maintain control of himself as the animal within him started to rise to the surface, wanting to fight off whatever was causing him distress. His head turned slightly in Eyela's direction, listening to her whisper. He took a deep breath and and ran his fingers through his hair, trying to calm both himself and his wolf. Once he had enough control, Alec looked back up at Sin as the alpha spoke.

While he understood why Sin didn't want him to see his family, he needed to see them. Even if they didn't know he was there. With that thought he was about to voice his thoughts when the older man's anger was unleashed. Alec took a step back and his head uncharacteristically lowered in submission. His lips pursed in slight irritation at what he had unconsciously done, but he immediately forgot it as he continued to listen to Sin's words. His tone was like a solidification of the that Alec was not allowed to leave the territory.

Swallowing back a mixture of pride and anxiety, Alec lifted his head without meeting Sin's gaze. "Please," he practically begged. "I-I need to see them, my mom and brother, to make sure they're okay. Could you teach me how to have control? After you feel like I'm ready and I've gone through a full moon, could I see them? They wouldn't have to see me. I just need to make sure that they're fine." Alec knew that it was a lot to ask, especially of the alpha, but he had to see them. 'Hopefully the bastard hasn't done anything to them,' he thought bitterly.
Sin stood back at the house. He used his mind to reach out to Sarah's, for the first time they returned from being trapped. 'It's about to snow again, please go find Eyela and return to the den'. It was a simple message that didn't particularly have any emotion behind it. But, at least it showed the Alpha cared. All around them, snow had already started to fall, a chill shifted the feeling of the air as the temperature seemed to just plummet.

"There are dangers that go beyond ones that you have seen. For example. If a hunter notices that your a werewolf, and he sees you stalking your family, they will take them captive and use them as bait, or worse, just kill them in order to lure them into attacking. But...I suppose just leaving isn't fair either....", the alpha turned around. "Let's get you under control, then we'll see. If you want, I can keep tabs on them when I and others of the pack go to town. I work at a cafe, Hank runs a tow company, Laura is a librarian, we hide all around town."


The loner blinked at her for a moment. He smiled and trotted past her, "Because things are more interesting that way.", he looked up at the snow. Just then he heard a snap, and he snarled. His fur stood on end as he turned and took off running, vanishing in a matter of moments through a pair of thick thorny bushes.
Sarah felt Sin slip into her mind, his voice, which she undoubtedly missed, and ask her to find Eyela. Eyela?! Why, so she can be his nurse?! No way, too bad he was Alpha! So Sarah turned and launched after Taboo, following at his tail, shoving Sin away, meeting him with a wave of anger and pain. "Where are you going?" she followed.
Eyela watched as they both ran off. 'Is she running off with him? They are at the border!' She thinks and begins walking towards them. "Sarah! Where are YOU going? If your leaving I will call everyone right here right now!" She says slightly snarling. 'She better not leave. Or I will be coming back with blood on my paws and fur in my mouth.' She snarls to herself.
Sin growled when he felt Sarah reject and disobey him. He looked at Alec, "The rest of our talk will have to wait.", the alpha turned and shifted. The large black wolf snarled loudly and took off like a shadow. His paws crossed the icy grass so quickly it looked like his paws bearly though he's the ground. 'Sarah. Where are you going?!'


Taboo looked at her and laughed. "I'm going to fallow the herd. They'll either cross the river or go to the meadow"
Questions arose in Alec from what Sin told him. He was more than a little surprised to hear about hunters, but because of the way the alpha spoke of them, he assumed that they probably weren't buddy-buddy with werewolves. The compromise that was pretty much established between him and Sin wasn't what he initially wanted, but Alec was more than a little relieved that they came to agree on it. Before he could express his gratitude, the alpha shifted and ran off into the woods, leaving behind the echo of a snarl.

The dark haired boy stuffed his hands into the pockets of his jeans, his dark eyes following Sin's wolf until his shape disappeared amongst the snow covered trees and foliage. 'What an exciting day and it isn't even twelve o'clock yet,' he thought ruefully as he headed inside the house. His lack of restful sleep was catching up with him causing him to feel like he spent the whole day babysitting six wayward younger cousins at the same time.

As Alec headed to his room he received some not so nice looks from a few members of the pack. The two weeks he'd spent among them had done little to nothing concerning the venom-filled looks he got from a good majority of them. He ignored them though, holding himself with almost a haughty air about him.
Sarah flinched but snarled back, it close to looking like a challenge, standing in front of Taboo. Not because she thought he needed protection. But to disobey. She needed it. Maybe now he'd see what he's done to her, both physically and emotionally. "Why the hell do you care?! So what if I leave?! You don't care!" she stepped forward defiantly.
She snarls back. 'how dare she!' She also steps forward. "Maybe I do care! If sun finds out he will hit you down! I don't want to have to tell him where you went!" She says angrily a large furrow and a deep snarl. "Don't make me do this..." She says and begins tilting her head to the sky. "Stay or leave? Choice is yours."
Taboo stopped at Eyela yelled at Sarah. An eyebrow raised from the wolf, looking between the girls. He want part of the pack so he wasn't hearing Sin tell her to return
"Sin doesn't care and neither do you! So what if I leave? So what if this Taboo Wolf turns around right as we leave the border and rips my throat out? Who cares?!" she laughed, marching up to Eyela with frustration burning in her eyes. "Back off, sweetheart. Just let me go and you can go back to pretending to be Sin's new girlfriend."
"Is that really what you think and feel?", came a deep voice from the forest. Stepping from the shadows, the alpha looked at them with sadness on his eyes. The ears on him flattened but he didn't move.
I snarl viciously but stop as sin walks out of the forest. "Sin..." I say and back away ears pinned to my skull and body close to the ground. I had rejected the alphas order and he had all the right to punish me. I whimpered softly.
Sarah faltered slightly but took a step at him then made a pretend scared face backing away. "Oh, I'm sorry! Please don't snap at me! Eyela, please don't call me his girlfriend or else he might bite my ear off!" she laughed bitterly but her eyes fell to her paws sadness filling her chest.
Eyela just huffs angrily 'yea sure...' She bitterly thinks. "Sin please I didn't mean to disobey I was just upset." She says ignoring Sarah completely. 'Oh god I hope this ends well...'
DarkEko13 said:
"Is that really what you think and feel?", came a deep voice from the forest. Stepping from the shadows, the alpha looked at them with sadness on his eyes. The ears on him flattened but he didn't move.
Sarah faltered slightly but took a step at him then made a pretend scared face backing away. "Oh, I'm sorry! Please don't snap at me! Eyela, please don't call me his girlfriend or else he might bite my ear off!" she laughed bitterly but her eyes fell to her paws sadness filling her chest.


Sh3w0lfSp1r1t said:
Eyela just huffs angrily 'yea sure...' She bitterly thinks. "Sin please I didn't mean to disobey I was just upset." She says ignoring Sarah completely. 'Oh god I hope this ends well...'
Sarah faltered slightly but took a step at him then made a pretend scared face backing away. "Oh, I'm sorry! Please don't snap at me! Eyela, please don't call me his girlfriend or else he might bite my ear off!" she laughed bitterly but her eyes fell to her paws sadness filling her chest.

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