And We Go from Nothing to Something

Yeah, sorta just wander the woods, as Sin just took all the Runaways for a run in the territory. Read a little back on it to get a feel for it though
I added more details on my character and how she grew up. I also sort of made another character that can come in later during the role play (the CS is under Other/Misc). I was thinking that to add more to the plot of the story, we could have a focus on the runaways' families and and also the acceptance of the runaways into the pack. The runaways had lives before their transformations so their families would probably be worried. I was thinking that they could see their families on the news. You know, like a news report on the people because they're missing. What do you guys think?

@Guardia @Endless Love @DarkEko13 @LittleWolfie
No thanks. I was just thinking about it before I went to bed last night/this morning and I wanted to share it with everyone. I really like this RP so I want it to last for a while.
For the extra character that I made, should I just put his CS on here? Even if I would use him later on in the RP?
I may make another character. I don't usually use have more than one character, but I think having another male would be good.
If anyone wants to join another wolf rp I have one in fantasy called FrØztbĪttĘn lol advertising... I'm so ashamed xD
Wild Born]Gotta link to that? [/QUOTE] Yup [URL="ØztbĪttĘn.86825/#post-2458401 said:ØztbĪttĘn.86825/#post-2458401[/URL]
Hey, is this rp still accepting? Sounds like an interesting story and I think I may have a duo that could fit into this quite nicely.~ c: Though I am looking for a literate rp, so hoping there's at least a couple here who post at least a couple paragraphs per reply like I do, lol.
I have yet to post for this, but I usually post a few paragraphs per character. Does someone want to fill me in so I can post without having to spend forever trying to catch up?

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Guys we need to be more active! I know I've been gone for a bit and that was because I was moving. I apologize but we need to get this RP back up and running! :)

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