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  1. Midnite

    Camilla Black

    im Sorry i Forgot all About her
  2. Midnite

    RP 1

    Malcolm was recording supermans lecture to review it later he didn't know much about Star City but he didn't mind learning. ...he saw Superboy ignoring the lecture for the most part. ... He was grinding his teeth in clear anger @Karcen @Evergreen98 @Flame Demon
  3. Midnite

    Naruto: From Enemies to Friends

    Zen sighed...."well Loreli i will just go somewhere and meditate for now" he walks past Sasori who is staring at Zen in anger.... Vera walks through the explosion her body look decayed a little bit...."ok you have some talent but lets see you deal with this she sends a wave of Kunai and some...
  4. Midnite

    Naruto: From Enemies to Friends

    Zen hugged Loreli tightly. .."i feel great. ..i should go back to training and work on some new Jutsu. ..wheres Hikari?" He asked  Vera punched winter...her strength was on par with Tsunade through a different method though....winter went through a tree...."still dont want to bring friends"...
  5. Midnite


    Sorry about his death i didn't want him to die but my mother just passed the same day so knowing that i just wanted to die so thats why i just basically killed Eric i don't usually open up but writing is an escape so as much as i enjoyed being part of a great story it really helped me deal with...
  6. Midnite


    Sucks... i guess if that happens let me know if you want to bring him back 
  7. Midnite


    What the forlorn hope mirror 
  8. Midnite


    Yea well i only had interest in playing Eric really unless you come up with some twist where he can come back just let me know
  9. Midnite


    Yea too late to back track now ☺ its ok
  10. Midnite


    @Nenma Takashi @QuirkyAngel @Sir Les Paul @Scrubnoppon Well have a good story guys I'll keep reading 
  11. Midnite


    Oh well didn't want that to happen but wanted him to stand by his conviction 
  12. Midnite


    Eric was ready to fire the gun his eyes white losing their luster ...he then saw Miyata. .. "Eric this is foolish. ..come on think you were always the smart one" he says  "Hey bro finally got to see you or your a figment of my imagination either way not turning back me stupid or...
  13. Midnite


    I know and he knows it to but hes not gonna back down just like when Yusuke almost killed himself fighting rando and suzaku and almost died taking genkai spirit orb its his way
  14. Midnite


    I was hoping you'd stop him before he got the shot off but if he dies then he dies... Hes smart but stubborn like Yusuke and heie. ..its his character can't go back on it but i will see if i can think of an alternative 
  15. Midnite


    Eric landed but rolled to his feet.... he spoke to them from the door "Yuto. ..i won't apologize for who i am and i won't roll over like some puppy. you can either train me or" he charges a spirit gun a significantly large one compared to the ones he practiced with. ...since it was his...
  16. Midnite


    Eric didn't falter...."your the one thinking your top shit... spouting off about your stats...i never said anything like that i tried speaking to Yuto...didnt he tell you he didn't answer me or Warren. your argument is irrelevant. ...Tokshi your going to have to kill me.." he says  as he...
  17. Midnite


    Eric stood his ground. .."ok you want a fight fine then ...but im not giving up so your going to have to kill me...." he  charges in and grabbed the chain off the ground and wrapped it around her neck pulling her in and hitting her in the stomach with the storm knuckles. ..." you thought i was...
  18. Midnite


    Eric saw Warren. .."Yea Yuto is being softer than a jigglypuff but i won't let him stop me... either I'll die or I'll get stronger. ...i read the book some more did you know some spirit powers humans can develop is things like a spirit sword or there was recorded of someone who's power resembled...
  19. Midnite


    ONE DAY TIME SKIP........ Eric called Warren the next day "Hey Warren meet me at the training warehouse... if Yuto won't train us doesn't mean we have to stop we will begin to attract spirits in time so come on" he says sending the same message to Tokshi ...Arimi told them she is...
  20. Midnite

    RP 1

    "Yea but you were raised in gotham right ....if you spoke with that righteous tone wonder woman has I'd understand but you clearly have Batman's demeanor" she says being quiet at Superman entered the room "Also i get that your strong but this is superman he's stronger than even your mom and...