Camilla Black



Name:  Camila Black

Alias: Black Hound

Age: 24

Personality: Cold and void of emotion besides duty

Pirate/Marines: Marine

Devil Fruit/Magic: Ink Ink fruit - she is an ink woman and is capable of manipulating tattoos either on her body or others she tags.

she can create living ink creatures

Ship: Marine

Weapons: herself

Friends: Marines

Family: Admiral Black (teacher/father), Melody Black (sister)

Crush: none yet

Extra She was and orphan who grew up in the marines she had no last name only her first name Camilla but Admiral black found her as her mother was a pirate and Camilla was lost at see after her mother was attacked by the Yonko big mom. Admiral black had fathered Camilla before melody but thought she died in the attack. It wasn't until he heard of a young upstart marine who would be given the Ink Ink fruit that he found out his oldest daughter was alive.
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hm... the admiral wouldn't just adopt someone, since he gets along with Melody a little better(they're not trying to kill each other anymore), I do however have no objection if Melody got an older sister she never knew of
hm... the admiral wouldn't just adopt someone, since he gets along with Melody a little better(they're not trying to kill each other anymore), I do however have no objection if Melody got an older sister she never knew of

ok edited that he thought she was died alongside her mother or do you want them to have the same mother
well their father is someone who loves messing around, so he can just tell Melody her older sister is dead and the other way around and see what they'll do when they meet
and before you post her, I didn't accept her yet

since I also didn't accept your other character yet
I asked how you could teleport with electricity, also you've been in my rps so you should know you're accepted when I like your post, I'm writing Melody's past now(forgot to add it when I remade the rp)
I asked how you could teleport with electricity, also you've been in my rps so you should know you're accepted when I like your post, I'm writing Melody's past now(forgot to add it when I remade the rp)

Oh similar to Kizaru and enel become energy and project himself over a long distance  he can't teleport  really just high speed movement that seems like telportation
Finished Melody's past, you can use the first part and then write it differently from the point where Melody left(who really was too young to remember clearly she has an older sister)
I didn't accept her yet, you need to edit her past and she and Melody don't look alike, also they're on a marine free island
@Midnite I told you what you need to change and because you won't reply without this character for some reason I suggest you go and fix the character

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