RP 1

Superman then entered the room after everyone else walked in. He looked around the room and sweatdropped at someo of the people here. ' this will be interesting' he thought to himself as he saw the new student just mind her own business and reading her book while the other students are talking.

Anise looked up as the bell rang again indicating class has started. She saw superman and put her book away before tsking out her book to take notes. " Alright class... we are going to go over the history of Star City today" he said to them.


@Flame Demon


"Yea but you were raised in gotham right ....if you spoke with that righteous tone wonder woman has I'd understand but you clearly have Batman's demeanor" she says being quiet at Superman entered the room

"Also i get that your strong but this is superman he's stronger than even your mom and thats when he's holding back. ...my uncle said they seen his real strength just one time" Artemis says 

@Flame Demon

"I'm still learning Artemis, mom often says the newer generation of heroes will most likely surpass the current Justice League, dad agreed after slarring with me a few times" Luna says and she adds "Mom still has to take me to her home island for yraining though", she remembered her mother saying that she hadn't gone home to tell them there "I just hope they accept me as an Amazon, which I technically am". She looks at Superman and gives him her best batglare before turning back to Artemis "And I spend more time with my dad then with my mom, that might have sometbing to do with it" she explains.
Claire was a bit surprised  that when superman, the heaviest hitter on the justice league started teaching they kept talking.  They really were taking it easy if she had tried to talk during her lessons with her dad she would get punched through the wall. It was just kind of funny that  Luna thought a batglare  would make superman do anything but chuckle when he honestly could take everyone  in this room with one hand behind his back without even going full power.  So unlike  others  when her dad started talking Claire was paying attention unlike the person who not long ago was berating her for not taking school seriously, the hypocrite. 
Anise quietly took notes as Superman went over the history of Star City,who was not really that effected by the batglare since Batman's is literally 10 times scarier. She alway found history interesting since you can learn how something began and ended. One city she found very i teresting is Gotham. The city is riddeles with criminals ans yet it was still standing and have many people living in it and it was the home of Wayne Tech ( or whatever that company is call @-@) the company has the best tech run by Bruce Wayne. She wondered if they will get to that topic. She hummed a little as she looked back at Superman and then back at her notebook.


@Flame Demon


Luna takes notes as well, but she already knew most of it, well what did you expect with Batman as father. She starts drawing in her notebook taking notes when she thinks is needed, she would be patience until Friday morning and then punch him for letting her fall down, which meant, asking her mother for training when she got home, she just hoped classes would go by fast so they could sign up for club activities and head to their rooms to decorate, she would need some distractions.
The lesson through Superman breezed theoigh and soon it was the end of the day and school was over. Anise stretched as she walked out of the school, ' todag went by smoothly..' she thougt as she looked at her phone to see a text from her mother asking about her first day at school. Anise smiled and texted back that she'll tell them at dinner time.


@Flame Demon


"Anise, aren't you going to join a club?" Luna asks running over to the girl, she already joined the Horseback riding club, on M'gann's request who wanted to know at least someone there, but since she wanted to join anyway she just agreed with the martian "And do you know what Batman meant with a week of tests?" she asks tilting her head "I just hope he won't try a test of courage, we're superheroes, if we're scared to do that then we probably shouldn't be here" she says as she starts thinking.



Anise looked back at Luna, " yes I am going to join a club. I was just getting some fresh air" she said to her as she looked at the girl. " and I am thinking of joing the cooking and gardening club." She said to her with a smile before shrugging a bit. " I am not sure what he meant by a weeks test honestly. This is my first day after all" she said. " and test of courage?.. what is that?"


@Flame Demon
 Clare actually didn't plan on joining a club, she didn't actually see much  of a point in them. In truth she didn't fully understand  why this  school had been set up instead of  providing them with a base and training them while a normal school was attended. The super hero teachers  now had to balance beings a hero having a civilian life and being a teacher, with at least one of them running one of the biggest companies around  which for normal humans was a full time job without the crime fighting. Her father could do it because he could circle the earth in seconds at max speed so  he could easily fight crime and write a report at almost the same time.  This made her want to waste less of their time  with things like after school clubs, not everyone could fly to other star systems under their own power. 

" Why are you joining a club really  seems kind of like a waste of time to me" Clare said  not really all that interested in a response.
"We're also learning how to live a double life, besides they choose to do this and they want us to learn normal things as well, and don't expect that this school doesn't get an inspection" Luna says while thinking "It is a school and if a school inspector would walk in on us sparring against each other then things won't end well" she says with a smile "Besides, we have combat training and flight lessons too, our base of operations is technically the mountain, here we learn the things we have to, with the extra training we have at home while also making sure we could get a good job later" she explains before turning to Anise "You do know you can pick two right? I picked horseback riding besides the other one"
" Being separated doesn't teach a double life , if we attended normal classes it would as really  i could fly all i want here  use super strength of  heat vision and i don't ave to worry about some villain  hunting me, my friends, or my family down" Clare said.

She could  argue about the training as really there was a difference between punching  super man and punching a simple criminal, heck there was a difference between punching batman and  punching some poor fool  that had to resort to crime to try to make a living.  The best reason she could think of  for having super hero teachers was honestly they all knew they were part of a repeating cycle  so they could take a break from fighting crime because there would always be crime and they were not solving it. 

" Well whatever you think  i'm going to go surfing "  She said with a shrug honestly giving up on  talks of morals and thought of life. 
Anise looked at Shadow, " Isnt Cooking and Gardening two different clubs? I remember seeing them in the school handbook" she said to the superhero before looking at Clara, " and this place is suppose to be a normal school in disguise. So it makes sense that they would have after school activities" she sais to the girl. " plus it would be a bit to have a building where people go in an out and no one knows anything about it" she added. " if villians find out about this, they will attack us in ine swoop. So it'safer to have this school be a normal school as wel...." she said and looked at Luna. "right?" She asked wondering if she got it right. 


@Flame Demon

Luna nods slightly "Yep" she says and adds "Plus, you might find this a waste of time, but if something comes up in the middle of the lesson, like a mission or a villain, we can instantly get into action, not make up an excuse or watch while we could have helped, happened to me once, couldn't do anything while I should have helped, but sure, waste your time", she looks at Anise and says "As long as the club activities don't clash you can have them both"

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