Sorry about his death i didn't want him to die but my mother just passed the same day so knowing that i just wanted to die so thats why i just basically killed Eric i don't usually open up but writing is an escape so as much as i enjoyed being part of a great story it really helped me deal with what was going on im still hurt im still angry and sad and i do regret killing him because i had big plans for character development but its how i felt getting that phone call made me feel like dying ....

Just saying cherish your moments with family and loved ones she was only 58 and average life span is in the 80s

I wasn't bored with the story or wanted out i actually enjoy each and everyone of you in all honesty and just had to let it be known why i did that so much appreciated for helping me vent and not do anything as stupid as my character 



@Nenma Takashi

@Sir Les Paul
Sorry about his death i didn't want him to die but my mother just passed the same day so knowing that i just wanted to die so thats why i just basically killed Eric i don't usually open up but writing is an escape so as much as i enjoyed being part of a great story it really helped me deal with what was going on im still hurt im still angry and sad and i do regret killing him because i had big plans for character development but its how i felt getting that phone call made me feel like dying ....

Just saying cherish your moments with family and loved ones she was only 58 and average life span is in the 80s

I wasn't bored with the story or wanted out i actually enjoy each and everyone of you in all honesty and just had to let it be known why i did that so much appreciated for helping me vent and not do anything as stupid as my character 



@Nenma Takashi

@Sir Les Paul

Nah bro it's totally okay. It's tough going through a loss like that. If you need anything just ask, yeah? 
If you consider it from his perspective, though, it makes sense. Based around the character I have built for him, the fact he just lost a student, his already-growing disdain of Warren and his speeches... that reaction makes perfect sense. I mean, he literally just told the group he'd shoot Warren before Hitler or Stalin due to his speeches, and what does Warren do again? Spout off a speech. 
If you consider it from his perspective, though, it makes sense. Based around the character I have built for him, the fact he just lost a student, his already-growing disdain of Warren and his speeches... that reaction makes perfect sense. I mean, he literally just told the group he'd shoot Warren before Hitler or Stalin due to his speeches, and what does Warren do again? Spout off a speech. 

The he'd shoot Warren twice thing made me laugh so hard when I saw it. 
I really like dialogue. I think it brings a character to life. Most of the time, I actually watch my dialogue closer than my actions and I'll go over it again before a post to see if that's really how I think the character would say it. 

For big posts, like ones with Yuto, Botan and Koenma, I'll go over it like that once per character to get a feel for it.
For the sake of clarifying canon, Warren would have been knocked to the ground long before he finished his speech. Like, a single sentence into it, actually, So while we as readers can see what he would have said, none of the characters know much past that first sentence.

Happy Thanksgiving, guise!
Well, the entire team has had a listening problem since... ever. And, Yuto needs to get it out of them, or realistically, they'll get themselves killed. SEE: Eric Dawes.
My goodness. I come home from work just to find so much has happened story-wise. 


Warren makes me lol xD

Warren just about fucked up as bad as Eric - that's what he did. 

On the bright side, he's not yet dead. Just a broken arm that healed fairly quickly. 

Man this team is kinda awful we've done more damage to each other than we have to any demons or evil spirits! 

This team is very funny to me. Warren and Arimi are completely different, but they do share one thing in common. They both like Tokshi :x
@Scrubnoppon I have one idea for how to turn this around, and it requires a timeskip. Probably about a month long, and it will leave Warren significantly behind in training. Yuto isn't going to take him back and the more he tries, the worse it'll get for him. But, as he was told, Spirits will eventually come to him. However, there are actually, y'know, Spirit Detectives around to help. So, Arimi and/or Tokshi could save Warren from the Spirits he was attracting, tell Yuto and Yuto might allow the idiot to come back under the pretenses, especially since Yuto has had time to cool down and Warren has displayed at least some understanding of how he was endangering everyone. This might work even better if Warren tried to go and live on his own, so in this time, Warren could be working a job after school to pay for a tiny ass flat so that when the Spirits did come, he wouldn't endanger his family, either. If you wanted to go into emo-depressive territory, you could likely even have an element about how Warren slept with the gun Eric bought and considered using it, but never did. 

As for Arimi and Tokshi, I intend on doing one training scene with them today to give them a taste of what real training is like, then do a timeskip training montage for the "month" to get their new stats and for them to understand their training. After that, each one of you can reply individually to it.

@QuirkyAngel @Nenma Takashi What do you think about the plan?
My goodness. I come home from work just to find so much has happened story-wise. 


Warren makes me lol xD

On the bright side, he's not yet dead. Just a broken arm that healed fairly quickly. 

This team is very funny to me. Warren and Arimi are completely different, but they do share one thing in common. They both like Tokshi :x

Oh Tokshi she's hear to punch ya face and steal ya heart
@Sir Les Paul

I do have Arimi's thoughts and responses to all the current events, but I'm not in a position to reply until later today. I'd like a chance to get that in...otherwise, I'll be retro posting again T_T

I'm fine with a month's timeskip. What happens to Scrubs character, a month after being haunted by evil spirits, is up to Scrub. Whether he changes drastically, does not, trains on his own(however effective that is), or even wants Yuto's training, etc. I don't really think I have a say in that. Warren is Scrub's character. Time is probably a good way to calm Yuto's anger towards Warren, but their ideologies are so different that I don't know if Warren will ever get around to fully accepting it. It all depends on what type of character Scrub wants Warren to become. If Warren's life is in danger, Arimi is most likely to help him in someway, regardless of what Yuto says--so that works out fine. 

I understand Yuto's logic, but really, he's quite melodramatic^^
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Warren will definitely change, but don't worry, he'll still be the womanizing, joke making, idiot you guys love tolerate. 
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