Search results for query: *

  1. Pandanonymous

    The Cards of the Gods [Inactive]

    Minna grew impatient quickly, folding her arms across her chest. She had a slight pout on her lips, her brows furrowing. "This is rediculous! Why even bother giving a dragon that tried to kill innocent teenagers a chance to explain himself? He could just turn around and try to kill us again...
  2. Pandanonymous

    The Cards of the Gods [Inactive]

    Minna groaned quietly, moving her hand up to her eye and rubbing her eye with it. She looked around the abandoned building, blinking a few times and realizing she had passed out. She looked around the building from her seat on the floor, not seeing anyone. A moment of panic crossed her mind, at...
  3. Pandanonymous

    The Cards of the Gods

    This site is so random when it decides to tell me someone's posted in this rp >< It like doesn't say anyone's posted, so I just assume no one has, and then I fall behind D:
  4. Pandanonymous

    The Cards of the Gods

    -giggles at the nickname Syx-
  5. Pandanonymous

    The Cards of the Gods

    I'm sorry ;.; Minna is kind of oblivious D: And I think she was mostly in a conversation with other people whenever you'd posted and I must've not thought it would have made much sense to start talking to someone else in the middle of a conversation ;.; -huggles-
  6. Pandanonymous

    The Cards of the Gods

    I do understand that more than one will probably be amped up to kill the dragon, as most were injured and I expect the Gods and Goddesses will be trying to convince anyone opposed to this as well. My point of view on the route we should take, will most likely vary from the route that Minna and...
  7. Pandanonymous

    The Cards of the Gods

    I'm leaning toward option 1 as well, simply because it would add more body/explanation to the role play and Nuanen. I love details~ Also, I'm not really a fan of the "He hurt X and needs to die" thing, because honestly if a bunch of teens make a conscious decision to go up against an evil ice...
  8. Pandanonymous

    The Cards of the Gods [Inactive]

    Minna found herself glaring at Jansen momentarily, disliking his negative outlook. She hoped he was joking, and pouted when he suggested she go lay down. She was all wound up with worrying, and didn't think now was the time to take a rest break, even if she was exhausted. Not with the way the...
  9. Pandanonymous

    The Cards of the Gods [Inactive]

    Minna managed to make it to the building alright, and even got inside of it before tumbling to the ground exhausted, holding on to the wound on her arm with her good hand. She bit her lip as a sharp pain jolted her nerves to attentiveness, her arm starting to ache all over again. She tried her...
  10. Pandanonymous

    The Cards of the Gods [Inactive]

    Minna bit her lower lip when Jansen pulled out the duck tape, eying him quietly as he taped up her arm. It barely hurt anymore, and was starting to go numb with the more blood she lost. She most likely would have passed out within a few more minutes if someone hadn't come up with something...
  11. Pandanonymous

    The Cards of the Gods [Inactive]

    Minna winced as she felt the icicle pulled quickly out of her arm. It didn't hurt nearly as bad as it had initially, thanks to it melting slightly from her body heat, but now that it was out and blood rushed out of the fresh wound quicker, she could feel herself starting to feel more faint. Her...
  12. Pandanonymous

    The Cards of the Gods [Inactive]

    Minna skidded at the last minute, sliding right in front of Aki and Jansen and holding a hand out in front of her as she faced the dragon. Dios... I don't know how much longer I can keep this up... She thought to her God. She moved her hand in a continuous circle out in front of her, as if she...
  13. Pandanonymous

    The Cards of the Gods [Inactive]

    Dios continuously reached out to Nesa, until finally he could sense her in one of the snow banks to their left. Minna went skidding toward the snow bank as soon as she felt Dios's sureness. She made it just in time to see the snow melting into a puddle, her eyes going wide as she attempted to...
  14. Pandanonymous

    The Cards of the Gods [Inactive]

    Minna froze at what she thought was a piercing scream coming from far away. She gasped when she realized it was actually Elissa, buried in a pile of snow. She looked around, trying to locate the girl. She couldn't see anything! She started to panic, frantically searching for the girl buried in...
  15. Pandanonymous

    The Cards of the Gods [Inactive]

    Minna felt Elissa grab her hand, and was a bit surprised, but only for a split second. The wind tunnel that surrounded the dragon subsided, as it was mostly just a means to distract the dragon and couldn't cause any real damage. She giggled quietly, taking the hand that wasn't held by Elissa and...
  16. Pandanonymous

    The Cards of the Gods

    Woot kick butt! -runs off to fight dragon!- lets do this!!
  17. Pandanonymous

    The Cards of the Gods [Inactive]

    Minna watched as the powerful blast came from Alex and Ignir. Her eyes went a bit wide, as she realized the extent of his powers of fire thanks to Elissa and Nesa. Before she knew it a quiet, "Wow..." had escaped her lips, and she was off running toward them, skidding and standing before the two...
  18. Pandanonymous

    The Cards of the Gods

    Just wondering if that fire blast killed the dragon? O.o
  19. Pandanonymous

    The Cards of the Gods [Inactive]

    Minna watched enviously as Alex worked, cremating the corpse. She clasped her hands together in front of her chest, dropping her head slightly as her eyes closed, and she said a short prayer. Moments after finishing, she looked up to hear Aki yelling about something. Her head turned when he...
  20. Pandanonymous

    The Cards of the Gods [Inactive]

    Minna looked up from the ground to see Elissa's hand extended toward her. She grabbed it thankfully, sniffling quietly and rubbing at her eyes before any tears fell. Now that she was standing again, she was more focused on the cold seeping through her wet coat. A shiver ran up her spine and she...