The Cards of the Gods [Inactive]

Alex lay there, completely unconcious.

Alex. Alex you need to get up! You need to fight!

Alex slid back in to consciousness for a moment long enough to see Elissa and Minna go flying.

That's right Alex, the dragon hurt her.

"Ignir. Help me"
Alex struggled to think even those words.

Alright. Ignir forced heat through Alex's body, and he tried to stand, only to fall on his face in the snow again.
Akihito updated The Cards of the Gods with a new update entry:

Review and Rate + Constant Activity + College

Hey guys and gals!
If you could do me a huge favor by reviewing and rating my roleplay, that would be awesome! Reviewing this will help me find better ways to progress my roleplay!

Also, having constant activity is needed for this roleplay and I am more than thrilled to see most of ya'll are already doing that. I really want this roleplay to get to it's end (Yes there is an end to this RP) and helping it moving along with constant activity is helping me out a lot.

I'll be starting my 2nd...
Read the rest of this update entry...
Elissa struggled again, Nesa cheering her on.

You can do it! Just hang on!

"...but I'm so cold..." Elissa shivered, closing her eyes. "I just...need to rest for...a few minutes..."

No! Elissa stay conscious! If you let yourself fall asleep you might never wake up! They're going to find you, Elissa, just give them some more time!

Elissa lazily opened an eye. She could feel warm waves washing over her body.


Elissa! Hold on! Just a few more minutes!


It just so happened that Alex had fallen into the same snowbank as Elissa, and his body heat, increased even further by Ignir, was melting the snow in large waves. The water hit Alex's face and his eyes snapped open, to see Elissa, her eyes closed, her lips blue. His entire body snapped rigid, and then he crawled over to her with the last of his energy and wrapped her up in his arms.

"Wake up Elissa," he whispered, barely a breath.

Alex, stay conscious this time. She needs you.

Alex fought the lack of energy, letting his warmth flow into her.

"Wake up."
Come on, Elissa...

The girl's eyes fluttered open. Alex. He was alright--he had...saved her.

She made a slight moan, then moved her hand over his.

"It's you..." she smiled, closing her eyes again. "I knew...I knew someone would...I...I'm so happy you're okay..."

She confusedly looked at her bare hands. She must of lost the gloves as she was thrown back.

"...I...I lost your gloves..."

She inhaled deeply, almost choking, and trailed off.

She lacked the energy to speak much, so she stopped talking. She needed to save that energy.

Ignir, you need to help me get them out of here.
Dios continuously reached out to Nesa, until finally he could sense her in one of the snow banks to their left. Minna went skidding toward the snow bank as soon as she felt Dios's sureness. She made it just in time to see the snow melting into a puddle, her eyes going wide as she attempted to assess what was going on.

I sense Ignir. She heard Dios's voice through her thoughts, and as he'd spoken, the snow bank melted down far enough for her to see Elissa unconscious in Alex's arms. He was speaking to the poor girl, trying to get her to wake up.

Minna slowly walked closer, until she could see Elissa had woken up, but she looked like she was struggling to stay awake. She was about to run over to the two of them, but heard Dios in her head again, warning her that the battle was still raging. She was so worried about the two of them, Alex who had been unconscious only moments ago, and Elissa who was barely holding on. It dawned on her that she cared for these other teens, and she bit her lip, stopping in her tracks.

She had to get back to the battle. She hoped Alex could take care of the both of them, and turned back to the monster before them, a furious look on her face. "Dios!" She called out.

Go to Aki... I sense he has a plan. He replied, and she was off, running in the boys direction.
Jansen, Talesyr said, his voice was hard like ice.

"I'm fine," but even as Jansen said those words, he could feel himself shaking. He was out of breath, and light-headed. The world around him had turned into swathes and swirls of colour; his vision unfocused.

"Hold on, I need a think. Just give me a second," Jansen said.

Jansen, we don't have a second. Focus.

"It might be easier, if you'd just shut up for a sec," Jansen said with a weak, humourless laugh.

I am not here to baby you. I am not here to hold your hand, Talesyr said coldly, mockingly. Now listen, Vandubad is undead. The dragon needs nothing a living person needs, except-

"A brain," Jansen finished, "so...we just need to go for the brain...except that that's a bit hard, don't you think?"

Eyes are the windows to one's soul, Talesyr murmured.

"Guys, I think we have a plan formulating..." Jansen cried out to the others.
DIE! I WANT MY REVENGE! I NEED MY REVENGE! Vandubad roared as he swiped at all of them.

His burnt face gave him constant pain. But nothing will deter him from his revenge. The gods brought this on themselves. They know what they did to him. Vandubad could still hear the roars. The howls of pain and terror.

He will kill them all.

Vandubad let loose another ice torrent, swiping his claws, and uses his wings to quicken the force of the torrent.

Die. Die! DIE!
Minna skidded at the last minute, sliding right in front of Aki and Jansen and holding a hand out in front of her as she faced the dragon. Dios... I don't know how much longer I can keep this up... She thought to her God. She moved her hand in a continuous circle out in front of her, as if she were tracing the shape in the air repeatedly. A tornado like gust of wind formed from the shape, spiraling toward the icicles that were headed toward the three of them. She winced as she felt herself starting to become faint, biting her lower lip hard enough to draw blood in an attempt to keep her focus. She had never worked this hard in her whole life, and they weren't even up against Nuanen yet!

The majority of the icicles veered off course at being hit by her wind tunnel, spinning out of the way of their intended target. She looked up, going wide eyed as one of the icicles she'd missed whizzed toward her, slicing through her left arm and sending her flying backwards onto the hard icy ground. She lay there, utterly exhausted, the icicle sticking straight through her arm, a pool of dark red blood forming underneath where is poked through to the other side.

Minna!! She heard Dios yell her name, but didn't answer right away, her brain trying to process the fact that there was a hole in her arm and blood was pouring out of it.

Minna screamed out in pain, tears forming in the corners of her eyes. Lucky for her, it had been a smaller one of the icicles that had hit her, but that didn't solve the problem of it still being stuck in her arm, and didn't make it hurt any less. D-Dios... What do I do...??! She cried out, panic seeping into her thoughts. Her eyes turned to Aki, who she realized was also injured, and then to Jansen, her own panic stricken eyes locking with his. She was at a loss for words.
Alex, your friends are dying, you need to get up.

"Ignir, Elissa needs me."

If you don't get up, more people will die than just her.

Alex struggled to his feet, and took a stumbling step towards the group, then another, and another. He got to where Aki, Jansen, and Minna were. He saw that Minna had an icicle through her arm. Ow. He turned and looked at the dragon.

Alex, what are you doing?

"Protecting my friends. I can hold him off, but I can't kill him, we both know that. Someone else needs to."
Jansen was frozen for a second, his ears filling with the sound of screaming, his eyes with the sight of blood.

Jansen, you need to move, Talesyr said harshly.

On impulse, Jansen moved towards Minna, and in one fluid motion, he ripped out the icicle from her arm. He stiffened when he realized what he had just done, as blood began to gush out profusely from the gaping hole.

'I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking, I forgot that you're supposed to leave it in.'

Calm down. There's no time to be sorry, you have to take cover, your puppet can't defend you much longer.

As Jansen listened to Talesyr's words, he looked up, and he saw a building that was buried in snow, but still intact. He returned his gaze to Minna, her eyes filled with panic. He glanced at Aki with his broken leg. They had little chance of continuing to fight. They had to build a plan.

"Okay. We're going into that building, cause then it might take the dragon longer to kill us all, and I personally would like to delay my death," Jansen said, trying to keep his tone light. "Think of it as a little game of hide and seek, and right now, we've got to MOVE."
((Guys. Serious problems have struck me and I won't be on much. Please just say Elissa is in a coma or something.))
Minna winced as she felt the icicle pulled quickly out of her arm. It didn't hurt nearly as bad as it had initially, thanks to it melting slightly from her body heat, but now that it was out and blood rushed out of the fresh wound quicker, she could feel herself starting to feel more faint. Her breath quickened, anxiety wrapping itself around her mind as she worriedly eyed Jansen. Dios... I'm scared... She admitted silently, the tears that stung the corners of her eyes slipping down her rosy cheeks.

She looked to Alex, who had left Elissa's side in an attempt to distract the dragon. "E-Elissa... someone needs to get Elissa!" She cried out, her eyes trailing to the small girl, who had incidentally passed out once again. She looked back to Jansen, reading his lips as he spoke, only catching every other word.

We need to make a break for it Minna.
She heard Dios reinforce, pushing her to stand. She kept thinking about how the battle had turned sour so quickly, starting to doubt herself as she felt like the helpless little girl hiding under her bed all over again. Pull it together Minna. You just need to hold out a little longer. The building isn't that far away. Dios continued.

Minna tried to push herself up, crying out in pain as she put pressure on her arm, and immediately letting the pressure off of it as she felt blood dripping down her arm inside of the coat sleeve. She pushed herself up with her good arm instead, her head spinning as she sat up too fast. She tried to slow her breathing in an attempt to keep from having a full blown panic attack. Her eyes flicked to her bad arm as she saw droplets of blood falling from her sleeve, looking away to meet Jansen's eyes quickly.

"I... I dont know if I can do this..." She admitted, feeling her mind start to wander as she lost more blood. She had to get the bleeding to stop, or she would be done for. She could barely sit up, let alone run from a dragon.
Pressure, Talesyr commanded.

Jansen got it. He quickly slid off his backpack, and rummaged through, until he found the roll of duct tape. When he packed it, he had never thought he would be using it in a situation like this. Jansen held out Minna’s arm. He hurriedly wrapped the tape on as tight as he could.

“Well, this will do for now, though we’ll have to unwrap it soon, since we don’t want to cut off blood flow and have your arm fall off, do we?” Jansen joked, trying to hide the nervousness in his voice.

Can you be a little more tactful? Talesyr said.

‘Okay, okay, I know.’

He shifted his gaze, so that his eyes were locked onto Minna’s, and he took a deep breath.

“Now, you’re going to have to breathe a little more slowly, okay? Count to three for each breath in. One..two..three, inhale; one…two…three, exhale. Still good? Okay, Minna, if you can’t get up, I need you to focus for a second, and use your wind to carry yourself to the building,”

Jansen said evenly, with a soft quality in his tone.

He was good at sounding reassuring. After all, he did have years of practice.
"Usere....just let me go and fight alongside them."

A beast as large as that, you would require my talents to fell it. And my talents, as much as they are yours, rely on patience. We're tricksters, not warriors. Let my siblings and their champions fight the dragon as they wish, it would be a glorious distraction. You, like me, are an invisible presence. See how your compatriots have not even once looked at your direction? See how they have not noticed you, so too shall the dragon not notice you until it is too late. We will weaken it, it will die, and we will not be recognized as the slayers. My siblings would endlessly praise their champions as is their proud nature, you know that I am not that kind of a deity. No, we work in the shadows, we don't get recognition. Now I have spoken long enough, get behind the beast. You have mountain to climb.

"Give me the hard job for people who don't rightly like or care about me and ignore my presence round the clock. Why does that sound so familiar?"

It is your life and mine after all. Hurry while it is distracted by the brave mice inside. I'll try to cover you as much as I can.

True enough, the wind and snow shifted under Usere's influence. Everyone had moved inside, Usere kept Raf concealed and restrained outside in the open. She made him watch the people who ignored him fight a desperate battle against something that, according to Usere, was a minor threat compared to the other demons Nuanen has up her sleeve. The dragon was preoccupied with trying to kill its meal that trapped themselves in a building. It was a good idea and he was thankful the dragon had ice for brains. Raf could see one very efficient way the dragon could murder the entire expedition, swatting down the supports and crushing the group under the weight of a building. Sure there'd be survivors, weak ones fit for crows.

Raf began carefully threading his way toward Vandubad. The large beast was hurling insults at the structure it seemed and was oblivious to the scent of another champion sneaking up behind him. In fact the dragon was so loud and relentless, Raf thought that he could drive a car up to it and it still wouldn't notice him. He decided to maintain mental contact with Usere so as not to give him away.

Do you have something to latch on to the beast?


Then climb the winds. Take another step forward, think as though you are climbing a set of stairs but do it quickly, the illusion and magic only ever holds for a moment.

Raf did as he was told and imagined a staircase that led him right unto the dragons back. He scaled the staircase and was surprised that Usere's power allowed him to momentarily solidify the winds. Momentarily, because he had initially failed to fabricate the next step. It was not long before he had reached the dragon's back and held on to the scales. The trick to the stairs was tricking yourself and the world around you.

Now what guarantee do I have that it won't notice me?

You don't.


You have companions much more perceptive than a frozen lizard, yet have they acknowledged your presence thus far?

No. Well, that one guy, Jansen....

Then you have no need to worry, Vandubad would be numb to your presence as well. He may be the biggest and most powerful but he was never smart. See where I'm going? Fighting hard against something that fights hard is like hitting a wall. Fight smart against something that fights hard and you're like to turn them over to your side or bait them into a pitfall.

So now what?

Now we ride the dragon.
Minna bit her lower lip when Jansen pulled out the duck tape, eying him quietly as he taped up her arm. It barely hurt anymore, and was starting to go numb with the more blood she lost. She most likely would have passed out within a few more minutes if someone hadn't come up with something though, and the duck tape seemed to be holding as well as it could anyways. She felt herself panicing a bit more however, when he joked about her arm falling off, too faint to realize the comment for what it was.

Nonetheless, she attempted to heed his words anyways, counting after each breath she took. At first it was hard, but she could hear Dios in her head counting for her, his voice reassuring her that perhaps things would turn out alright. She looked dumbfounded when he suggested she use Dios's powers to carry herself to the building. She'd never even thought of doing something like that.

Dios...? She questioned, and she could feel his sureness, as he pushed power into her, making her sigh quietly in relief. She was still quite weak from using her powers in the first place, let alone the blood loss, but she had to get to that building. She knew there was more than one other person who would most likely have to be carried, and she didn't think she was strong enough to lift one of them as well as herself.

She looked at the dragon, than at Jansen. L-Lets go Dios! and just like that, she was lifted into the air, a seemingly invisible cloud carrying her in the direction of the building. She arched an eyebrow slightly as she looked back at the dragon, blinking a couple of times as she could have sworn she saw something... or someone climbing a set of stairs to the dragons backside. She shook her head quickly, pawning it off on the blood loss and looking back to the building.
Alex remained standing there, facing the dragon.

"Go without me, I'll distract him while you make a run for it."

He looked up at the dragon's head, and made eye contact with one of his companions. He almost laughed.

It's Usere and her partner. I should have expected as much. They need a distraction.

"Well fire is always a good distraction."

How are you feeling so strong all of a sudden?

"Not sure, but let's not let it pass." He immediately began lobbing fireballs at the dragon's feet, and running in the opposite direction of his companions who were breaking for the building.
Usere, why do my hands feel so hot all of the sudden?

That's because of me boy, I let loose bursts of heat as you climbed up the dragon's scales. If you're smart you know exactly what happens when a burst of heat is met with intense cold....

Things get brittle, generally.

Yes, now remember I said we're riding a dragon, you're steering.


Vandubad hates the us with a passion that rivals Ignis's flame even if my brother would deny it.

How does that help?

Plant me in his mind's eye. Make it solid, make it believable and simply steer that image wherever you want it. I am sure you know how I look like.

How could I not, you were harassing me so much when we first met.

Good boy. Let him gather speed, plenty of speed and make him crash land, it doesn't matter where as long as he gathers speed and lands abruptly. We're gambling on the fact that he'll shatter the severely weakened scales himself, neither you nor I have the strength to pry them off ourselves and bring it down.

The fact that the Ignis guy was shooting fireballs at the dragon proved to be a nice distraction for Raf. It would also deal with the scales that he couldn't reach. Heat was heat after all but an external force was required to shatter the scales, pure force. He began drawing up a mental image of Usere as he climbed the scales toward the head of Vandubad. One touch and he could transfer the mental image of Usere into Vandubad, it would be easy enough to make it fly fast. He had reached the head and laid a hand on one of the larger scales on Vandubad's head and tapped into the reptile's mind. True enough it was filled with more hate than an internet forum dedicated to trolls and haters.

It was easy enough to recreate Usere in Vandubad's head and just like that he recalled the harassment in his head when he began seeing Usere in his mind. It was enough to piss off the dragon, hopefully. With that he made the image take flight and zip upwards. Raf could liken sharing the reptile's mind and vision to a movie, a particularly interactive movie with him as the director. If he failed this attempt or the dragon doesn't take flight, then he could live with residing in a dragon's belly if the sharp teeth didn't tear him apart.

Josh pulled himself up from the ice and snow, he was still very fatigued but he had enough energy to drag himself to the building the rest of the group were heading to.

Good work Josh you're almost there.

"Good work? I don't think I done any damage. The best thing I've done so far is not die" Josh complained to Kxutom.

Well it's something Kxutom sighed.

((sorry for the short post but I'm really tired. I just wanted to get a post up)).
Jansen commanded his puppet to get Aki, and carry him to safety.

The weight of feeding life into his snowman, was beginning to be too heavy for him to take. As Jansen ran towards the building; his vision slid in and out of focus, and visuals around him merged together. All he could see was an abstract painting of a battle they were losing. The sound of his own breath, and the crunch of boots in snow, played like a symphony in his ears.

Jansen, Talesyr said. His voice had lost the brittle quality. It was back to sounding smooth and silky.

Jansen skidded the last two steps on the icy road. He fell back, crashing into the building. He could feel his bones crunching against the bricks, but he was sure nothing was broken. He was sure, until he tried to get up, and he felt an insurmountable pain in his right wrist.

The snowman instantly disintegrated down, back into powdery snow.

Using the other hand to support himself, Jansen got up. He stumbled inside the building. He cautiously felt his wrist, and was glad to find that it was just a sprain, and nothing serious. He took in a breath to find his voice.

"Haha...isn't this...funny? I think I've just joined...our little"

Jansen glanced back at the dragon, and found his gaze slowly sharpening back to normal. He swore he could see something strange on the dragon.

Usere, Talesyr said.

'Oh. And...Raphael.' Jansen paused for a second. 'Do you think-?'

Not a chance. Unless you want to be killed.


Not when your head is cluttered.


We wait for Raphael to fail.

'Or succeed.'
Minna managed to make it to the building alright, and even got inside of it before tumbling to the ground exhausted, holding on to the wound on her arm with her good hand. She bit her lip as a sharp pain jolted her nerves to attentiveness, her arm starting to ache all over again. She tried her best to keep her thoughts positive, but the situation seemed relatively grim. She sat up, putting her left hand in front of her face and sighing quietly at the dry blood caked onto her palm and trailing down her fingers.

She looked up when she heard Jansen's voice echoing in the lonely building. She felt the corner of her lips curl up into a small smile, a faint giggle escaping from her pinkish blue lips.

"Injury club... right..." She mumbled quietly, her eyes trailing down to the floor of the building. It was then she realized how cold she was getting. Her clothing soaked from falling in the snow so many times, and being up against the cold hard ground even in the building was becoming a tad too chilly for her liking. She said nothing, but Dios could tell something was up. Just as he was about to say something, she opened her mouth again. "So... Alex cant fight that dragon alone... and Elissa... She's still out there!"

The realization hit her so suddenly, she stood up fast, immediately struck by small white stars blurring her vision. She tried to steady herself, but instead her eyes fluttered and she found herself falling back onto the ground where she'd been sitting. It appeared she was still a bit too weak for sudden movements.

You need to keep calm Minna... No good will come of your panicked state. Dios chimed. Minna sighed in response, her eyes trailing to the ground again as she whimpered.

"But... Elissa and Alex..." She still had no idea that what she'd thought she'd seen on the Dragon's back was actually Raphael and Usere.
Slowly, his head stopped pounding, and Jansen found he could now hear himself think properly. As the dizziness and numbness subsided, he could also feel the pain from his wrist fully sneaking up on him. Jansen turned as he heard Minna exclaim, wincing at the loudness of her voice.

"Don't worry, Alex has got her," Jansen said reassuringly, "except for he could die in the next few minutes and everything," he added with a not-so-reassuring grin. "But, I think it'll be a good idea for you to just lie down, arm up. Don't concern yourself with things that you don't need to be concerned about," Jansen said, glancing at her hastily patched up arm.

'To be totally honest, Talesyr, I never had a 101 on how to close a hole in one's arm.'

I can imagine not.
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Minna found herself glaring at Jansen momentarily, disliking his negative outlook. She hoped he was joking, and pouted when he suggested she go lay down. She was all wound up with worrying, and didn't think now was the time to take a rest break, even if she was exhausted. Not with the way the battle was heading anyways. She watched Jansen's eyes, following them to her arm and blinking a few times. Her eyes quickly darted away from his.

She was about to protest when Dios stepped in. "That sounds like an excellent idea Jansen." The simple statement, making Minna's jaw drop slightly. She couldn't believe he was taking Jansen's side. He was her chosen God after all. The pout formed back on her face soon enough, as she heard Dios sigh, sensing his annoyance. There was no winning for him.

"I guess you're right..." She mumbled under her breath. "But it's cold in here... What if I like fall asleep and don't wake up or something?!" She added, going a bit wide eyed at the thought. Dios shook his head, stifling a chuckle. A chuckle! Had he actually just chuckled at her?!

"You had an icicle go through your arm... It's not like the whole thing was tore off... As long as you keep some adequate pressure on it I think you're going to live." He stated smartly. She furrowed her eyebrows, wanting to fold her arms across her chest but not daring to move the hurt one again. She let out a quiet sigh, pulling her hands to her mouth and blowing warm air onto them. She had completely forgotten her gloves out on the ground in the rushed battle, not having had enough time to tuck them away safely in her pockets. Honestly though, they probably would have fallen out anyways in all of the panic.

Minna scooted over to the wall parallel to the door, using her good arm to propel herself. She wanted to at least be able to witness the battle if anything. She leaned back against a pile of old tattered books that was lying on the floor, wondering what had happened to this place. With her good hand she stacked some of them into a small tower, resting her arm on top of them in an attempt to keep it higher than her heart. It was starting to go numb again, but every now and then it would sting a little bit. After settling herself in, she resumed blowing warm air onto her hands. She shivered. Her coat was stiff from having been soaked and freezing from the cold.

"Does it feel colder?" She asked quietly, her eyes fluttering a bit as she fought to keep them open. This truly was, the most trying thing she'd ever experienced, and the battle and wound were catching up with her.
Nyx said:
Usere, why do my hands feel so hot all of the sudden?
That's because of me boy, I let loose bursts of heat as you climbed up the dragon's scales. If you're smart you know exactly what happens when a burst of heat is met with intense cold....

Things get brittle, generally.

Yes, now remember I said we're riding a dragon, you're steering.


Vandubad hates the us with a passion that rivals Ignis's flame even if my brother would deny it.

How does that help?

Plant me in his mind's eye. Make it solid, make it believable and simply steer that image wherever you want it. I am sure you know how I look like.

How could I not, you were harassing me so much when we first met.

Good boy. Let him gather speed, plenty of speed and make him crash land, it doesn't matter where as long as he gathers speed and lands abruptly. We're gambling on the fact that he'll shatter the severely weakened scales himself, neither you nor I have the strength to pry them off ourselves and bring it down.

The fact that the Ignis guy was shooting fireballs at the dragon proved to be a nice distraction for Raf. It would also deal with the scales that he couldn't reach. Heat was heat after all but an external force was required to shatter the scales, pure force. He began drawing up a mental image of Usere as he climbed the scales toward the head of Vandubad. One touch and he could transfer the mental image of Usere into Vandubad, it would be easy enough to make it fly fast. He had reached the head and laid a hand on one of the larger scales on Vandubad's head and tapped into the reptile's mind. True enough it was filled with more hate than an internet forum dedicated to trolls and haters.

It was easy enough to recreate Usere in Vandubad's head and just like that he recalled the harassment in his head when he began seeing Usere in his mind. It was enough to piss off the dragon, hopefully. With that he made the image take flight and zip upwards. Raf could liken sharing the reptile's mind and vision to a movie, a particularly interactive movie with him as the director. If he failed this attempt or the dragon doesn't take flight, then he could live with residing in a dragon's belly if the sharp teeth didn't tear him apart.

Vandubad shot a torrent at the flying god. His emotions were running in overdrive. His anger was making him slip up yet something in his mind was still asking a single question. How is Usere materialized?

Impossible. You and the other gods were sealed...

His anger grew again in an instant and immediately forgot the question. Vandubad roared so loud, the ice around him cracked. Opening his wings, he shot into the sky, flying after Usere.

Akihito updated The Cards of the Gods with a new update entry:

A Huge Thanks and Apology

I want to thank you all for reviewing and rating Cards of the Gods. Thanks to the four who did this, Cards is now the highest rated roleplay I've ever created! I am so happy about this and I cannot thank you all enough for participating!
I would also like to apologize for my lack of posting. College is starting up for me and I still do not know how my schedule will work. Please bear with me and I'll try my best!
Read the rest of this update entry...

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