The Cards of the Gods


I just wanted to clarify with you now about Josh's powers. Because he has electricity manipulation doesn't mean he can conjure electricity out of nothing right? So he could he only use his power if there was an electrical appliance nearby or something of the sort.
Flabbysaurus said:
I just wanted to clarify with you now about Josh's powers. Because he has electricity manipulation doesn't mean he can conjure electricity out of nothing right? So he could he only use his power if there was an electrical appliance nearby or something of the sort.
Due to him have the lightning god's power, he CAN conjure electricity out of nothing since that is what the god can do himself. ^^ 

Do you think now would be a good time to introduce the first trial? To get things moving quicker?

I have a few questions about Jansen's powers.

Can he control inanimate objects or can he control people, or both?

-We're looking for a cell tower

-We're going to Canada

-Some complicated Alden family stuff

-Alex and Elissa happened. (sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G...I'm immature.)

-We saw a dead body while we were walking!
No, definitely not. Alex would probably have died as well. Also, he will remain incapacitated for the remainder of the battle, and possibly another hour in the rp.
So I'm just going to put some reasoning why I chose choice one so early in the decision making process.

-We get a nice long story from Aki (hopefully. I mean important point right here man.)

-We get to hear just how Nuanen helped Vandubad before, if Vandubad isn't going to mention it, Raf/Usere will bring it up. I mean that sheds some light on Nuanen doesn't it?

-They could question him on what else may await them further down the road. It runs the chance of being a wasteful effort but at in an ice age against a powerful and pissed goddess any little bit of info could help.

-They could recruit him to their side (unlikely but hey still there.)

-The dragon would remember it. Their patrons may have turned a deaf ear to the plight of the dragons but do their champions have to do the same? (this here may just be an important point for Aki to remember, specifically if Vandubad makes an appearance later on, just saying)

-If the story proves to be a waste of time (which it wouldn't at least for Raf and Usere it wouldn't) they can always just kill Vandubad or something.

-Killing Vandubad could still be done even after the story telling, the dragon is weak after all. What's a few more well spent breaths in the pursuit of knowledge?

-Of course there runs the threat of MISINFORMATION UPON FURTHER QUESTIONING.

Yeah I can't seem to find any more points to justify my naive reasoning at least not yet.

*Of course this could all be trumped with the ever shallow because he hurt X, he needs to die. Wherein X is name of character injured in the fight.*

Anyway I vote for listening to his story then walking away. so 1 then 3 so let me go change my OOC comment.
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I'm leaning toward option 1 as well, simply because it would add more body/explanation to the role play and Nuanen. I love details~

Also, I'm not really a fan of the "He hurt X and needs to die" thing, because honestly if a bunch of teens make a conscious decision to go up against an evil ice goddess, I feel like they really have to know what they're getting themselves into and expect to get hurt at some point. Vandubad was just manipulated by Nuanen anyways, because he was already angry at the Gods and Goddesses for killing him the first time so it was easy for her to do so. I feel like any anger we have toward us getting hurt should be directed toward Nuanen herself and not ultimately toward all of her pawns.

I do worry about the misinformation upon questioning thing, but anything said by an evil ice dragon should definitely be taken with a grain of salt anyways. I think anything a dragon says would be interesting though. I'd like to hear his story :)

In short, I agree with Nyx, as all of the points she made match my line of thinking.

Outside of that, I feel like we should have a little recovery time and training time, because I dont know about the rest of your characters, but Minna doesn't have any actual training fighting D: It's hard trying to fight battles and stuff without getting hurt so much, when you're just kinda winging it >.>
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Thank you for agreeing with me panda though I also have a few points that would make it reasonable to kill him. All of them revolve around making sense, character-wise and on the side of caution.

-First and foremost would be eliminating a threat to the party later on.

They're teens amped up from a fight, I'm pretty sure one of them would try to kill it and wouldn't exactly vote for the decision either. You know how the human body and psychology works.

What reason do the gods have to tell their champion to not slay the dragon, when they were about to be frozen solid and shattered not a few minutes earlier. They would want their champions safe and all and what better way than to slay a major threat to them right then and there.

Let's face it, we may not like certain things but they would still surface on other and our characters based on behavior. For hypothetical example, Jansen he tended to Minna and she just got a hole in her arm courtesy of the dragon, would you really think he'd let it slide with a story and info? I think that the testosterone would have him trying to murder the dragon just so he could look cool to her or kill the dragon for the sake of it, again that provides some evidence to the whole He hurt X theory. Let's take into consideration Alex as well, a fiery prodigy for a fiery god, you can literally smell the passion coming off them, I think the dragon's a pound of hand/finger/whatever pressure away from being incinerated.

Everyone one of them has a reason to kill the dragon, it may or may not be shallow. What I'm saying here is how I see it. Raf holds a different POV and so does Usere. I take those into consideration. Of course they'd have some ulterior motive as to why they want the dragon alive, this case being information, they are both well aware of the risks but deem the information a benefit that outweighs the risk. They aren't physical fighters that would willingly go toe to toe but cerebral gladiators who think outside the box due to their skillset, which are illusions, mind games and very minor control of every element, I doubt that minor control could help much in a direct fight. They thrive on knowing more and controlling the battlefield. Unlike most of the other characters here who could fill in the brawler Archetype.

Another reason was that Raf is still kinda butthurt he was ignored all that time and only one person ever spoke to him for just a moment. A societal factor comes into play. He'd hide the dissatisfaction and hint of it by choosing to spare a dragon that could kill them in a heartbeat, it's like he wants them to die or suffer much for a something as little as being ignored for an extended period of time. I know people who're like that.

Many things to consider really.

o Again these are all how I see things, feel free to correct me and I do apologize if I sound like an ass. o
I do understand that more than one will probably be amped up to kill the dragon, as most were injured and I expect the Gods and Goddesses will be trying to convince anyone opposed to this as well. My point of view on the route we should take, will most likely vary from the route that Minna and Dios will wish to take, because Minna is 14 years old, was already wounded by the dragon, and witnessed a bunch of her new friends being wounded. I want to hear the dragon out, but at the same time it wouldn't make sense for the younger less mature characters, because they more than likely wouldn't be so patient realistically.

The initial set-up I'd had in my mind would have been Dios trying to convince Minna that the dragon would only spew lies and deceit and needed to be slayed rather than pardoned, with Minna wanting to spare the dragon's life in the hopes that they would gain insight. Minna however, is only 14 and I agree she probably wouldn't see all of the reasons to listen to the dragon as clearly as one of the older teens. Perhaps she could be persuaded by one of the other characters, but as you said, the majority of them were hurt as well and will probably be rather hot headed.
I can kinda tell just where it is this'll all be going but hey, I'll try to make Raf explain the points of keeping the dragon alive. He'd get outcasted again and you would likely not see him until the next encounter....either that or be encounter free until the next big boss because Raf. Either way I do not think they'd interact with him at all...again.
I'm sorry ;.; Minna is kind of oblivious D: And I think she was mostly in a conversation with other people whenever you'd posted and I must've not thought it would have made much sense to start talking to someone else in the middle of a conversation ;.; -huggles-
(yeah this is my main and it just feels like too much of hassle to go switch out to Nyx for this, since I'm gonna go sleep now.)

It's alright, I think I got used to it. Either way I have made my case Panda, I wonder if anyone would contest it or counter or something. I guess I'll find out when I wake up. And hey, you're sticking to character don't be sorreh, The Syx (Sol+Nyx) understands all!
Okay. This is tough choice.

Jansen is not the sort of person to just walk away, but he's not the sort of person to just kill the dragon either.

He's the kind of person that would throw a rock at your head, and then claim innocently that it was the wind. (ha.)

Jansen would love to play around a bit with Vandubad, before deciding anything.

I mean he's pished off, but he never loses his temper, he never lets it control him.

After living seventeen years of his life with his whacked dad, he has good control over his emotions.

Talesyr would...walk away, since he has dealt with Vandubad before. But he can't make Jansen do anything. They understand each other to the point where they only need to speak one word to convey a message, but they aren't very...nice to each other.

Also earlier in the role play, Jansen says, "[...]we don't understand our enemy. Or if she's even the enemy at all."

...So, to conclude: Jansen would listen to Vandubad.

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