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  1. Dinocorn

    Realistic or Modern R e B o r n

    Kenni opened her eyes and looked up at the white ceiling. Momentarily she wondered if the room looks bigger because everything is white, or if it is actually just a massive room. The brat sat up and looked around, Ugh, she thought to herself. Never had she been forced to associate with such a...
  2. Dinocorn

    Realistic or Modern R e B o r n Characters

    Name: Kendra "Kenni" Belshaw     Age: 20 Gender: Female Sexual Orientation: Bisexual   Height: 5ft 4" Weight: 64kg Hair Color: Dark Brown/Red Eye Color: Green   Personality: Kenni has a short temper and a tendency to try and guilt people into...
  3. Dinocorn

    Fantasy Genesis City OOC

    Name: Sylvie Devereux Nickname: Reux, Sylv Age: 17 Power: Silvie can conjure concentrated energy which manifests in the form of light. Think green lantern without the ring or the coloured crew. She can create small skateboard-like disks which can 'hover' at up to 20ft but these cannot...
  4. Dinocorn

    Fandom Fallout: Vegas Rollin'

    I'd like to, I feel bad it's gone that way though >< Sorry everyone
  5. Dinocorn

    Fandom Fallout: Vegas Rollin'

    Absolutely fine :)
  6. Dinocorn

    Fandom Fallout: Vegas Rollin'

    The silence had allowed Robyn to gather her thoughts, label them all up, and put them in their rightful little boxes. A job is good. This job I cannot walk away from. I am invested in this not only emotionally but also physically. If I walked away from this woman I'd have the most powerful...
  7. Dinocorn

    Fandom Fallout: Vegas Rollin'

    Sorry :S
  8. Dinocorn

    Realistic or Modern Summer.

    Hey hey wow I'm sorry I've had a whole load going on. Yeh @poutysunshine bedroom works :)
  9. Dinocorn

    Fandom Fallout: Vegas Rollin'

    With the car moving again Robyn sat back in her seat. Using this as an opportunity to think about what was going on. She popped yet another Mentat and counted the remaining. She checked Reliable was loaded and ready to go. She closed her eyes and tried to process all the information she had...
  10. Dinocorn

    Fandom Fallout: Vegas Rollin'

    Robyn was surprised. Of course there had already been the big reveal about the slavery and of course certain connotations and assumptions can be formed about what exactly was going on but... Damn. Suddenly Robyn felt more protective over both of those in her Charge. She swallowed hard and...
  11. Dinocorn

    Fandom Fallout: Vegas Rollin'

    "Ah - Twelve she may be, but she is littler than both myself and you.. So little one she is" Robyn winked playfully at Alise and turned back in her seat. Kids would have been nice... If this wasn't the state of the world. Her gaze rested on Lucia again, heavy with concentration. "The more...
  12. Dinocorn

    Fandom Fallout: Vegas Rollin'

    Yo.. Just throwing it out there I actually really sorta love your character :) Not sure that it counts for much but.. Yeh x
  13. Dinocorn

    Fandom Fallout: Vegas Rollin'

    Robyn raised an eyebrow "It is impressive I gotta say. Should be.. Interesting, to say the least" She watched as the various inhabitants of the small town greeted Lucia and provided her with what she needed, impressed at the diplomacy and trust she seemed to inspire in those around her. Robyn...
  14. Dinocorn

    Fandom Fallout: Vegas Rollin'

    Robyn was stunned. The speed of this thing! Once she had got over the initial shock and composed herself outwardly (not wanting her child-like glee at riding in a car betray her cool exterior) she raised the corner of her mouth in a smile. "A weekend trip to Reno? Starting to feel more like your...
  15. Dinocorn

    Fandom Fallout: Vegas Rollin'

    The brightness of the fort after the tunnel stung; Robyn was too busy rubbing her eyes and letting them adjust to spot the criss-cross of scars on her companion's back. She gave a quick, friendly wave to the pair who greeted them but considered it rude to interrupt the reunion. The Mormon Fort...
  16. Dinocorn

    Fandom Fallout: Vegas Rollin'

    Robyn took one herself and slid the tin back into her pocket before following Lucia down the ladder. She followed a few paces behind the girl, watching her walk and listening to her speak, the whole time keeping an eye out for enemies. "That's... Tough." She said, and meant it. "Sorry to hear...
  17. Dinocorn

    Fandom Fallout: Vegas Rollin'

    "Woah woah calm down. We'll get out of here; I can't imagine we'll stir up much trouble in the sewers. Maybe the odd mole-rat or rad-roach.. Nothing I can't handle." "Julie? Alise? Your-...?" She shook her head. Keep your mind in the task at hand Robyn. If we can survive this.. Then we worry...
  18. Dinocorn

    Fandom Fallout: Vegas Rollin'

    Robyn was growing more attached to this lass by the second.. Bar the unnecessary death threats. "I was never gonna not help you. I owe you; plus you paid in advance and I feel I have a decent customer here." She winked at the girl, supporting her better now, holding Cyanide uncertainly, clearly...
  19. Dinocorn

    Fandom Fallout: Vegas Rollin'

    Robyn glanced over her shoulder at Lucia and backed towards the door, gun trained on the stranger. She had obviously seen something she didn't like. Perhaps it was the bloody smug way he wore his only too perfect, branded, amour. "Sorry Sir. Looks like it's a no from us." Once through she...
  20. Dinocorn

    Fandom Fallout: Vegas Rollin'

    Robyn stood, mouth agape What in the hell? How... How could that be even an ounce true? Before she could respond to this frankly unbelievable revelation some stranger approached. He was all-too-keen for the redhead's liking. Ignoring the curious looks of recognition from Simon she turned...