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Fantasy Genesis City OOC


Memelord Chara
Here's the OOC, and also where you can submit character sheets.

I'll submit mine here, just to start off.

Name: Red Burkhardt

Nickname: Hardt, Red

Age: 15

Power: The power to access a pocket dimension, or a dimension the size of a room that can store anything, or anyone within the size confines, that can appear and disappear with a snap of a finger. 

Appearance: 4'11, Red Hair in a short cut. Black hoodie with the hood always up, with the astrological symbol for Neptune in dark red. Blue jeans and battered green converse. 


Lived in Stuttgart, Germany before being captured. She lived with her Mom and Dad, as well as her older brother, Jason. Her family was entirely composed of Empowereds. One fateful night when she was nine, Red's mother (Who had the power of invisibility) Was using it in the square when she got bumped into by someone. She fell over onto the ground, and her powers ceased, turning her visible again. The person freaked out, and a nearby guard spotted it. The guard kidnapped Red's mother, and she was killed, as this was a point in time when found Empowereds were euthanized. Red was away on a trip, but her father and Jason were still at the house. The sleeper agents snuck into their house that night, kidnapped and killed both. This was not before Jason could write a note to Red to say that the family had been found and that she had to hide. Red was in hiding in her dimension for six years, briefly popping in and out of places in order to get food. This was only until Red miscalculated where she would appear in the real world, and showed herself to a guard. The sleeper agents took her right there, and she was sent to Genesis City.

Other Notes:

Nothing really.
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Name: Anaheid Boshian

Nickname: Dust or Bosh

Age: 18

Power: Atmokinesis aka Weather Manipulation


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Anaheid chooses to cover herself to hide scarring and bruising from letting severe amounts of electricity rush through her body.

Backstory: (How they were captured, and what their life was like before being captured)

Anaheid grew up in the small town of Maralik Armenia. She was the daughter eldest among five of her siblings, her parents not displaying any powers she was aware of though her older brother Jivan did show signs of aerokinesis. They lived a simple life, two bedroom apartment her father selling news papers on the streets while her mother sold the jewelry she made at home. At times they would get money from the local toy factory if they helped finish sewing some of the stuffed animals. Anaheid knew of her powers and kept them under wraps, the only other knowing of her powers was her brother after he discovered her using the one day.  Her brother's powers was how he ended up getting in trouble and landing both Anaheid and himself being captured. 

The day they were kidnapped Jivan had unleashed a full on wind storm after getting in an argument with their father with his plans to move to America and to take Anaheid with him. Of course Anaheid was all for it but she knew her father would never allow it. This is when the guards came, they pointed their weapons at her brother and were going to kill him. Anaheid not thinking released an earthquake, which did not go in her favor. While being able to escape, her brother was caught. They threatened to harm him if she did not turn herself in so that is what she did. Going up to one of the guards the next morning and handing him a note, being arrested right afterward but not without a good beating. She still doesn't regret the words that she used in her note. Anaheid is unsure if her brother is still alive or not though she can only hope.

Other Notes: (Any other things that one would need to know)
Name: Sylvie Devereux

Nickname: Reux, Sylv

Age: 17

Power: Silvie can conjure concentrated energy which manifests in the form of light. Think green lantern without the ring or the coloured crew. She can create small skateboard-like disks which can 'hover' at up to 20ft but these cannot (yet) travel much distance or at any speed.

Appearance: 5ft 2" short and messy already silver-white hair; though this has only changed since her residency in Genesis city. She has deep, brown, eyes and lives in a pair of ripped, faded jeans and a Rush 2112 T-Shirt. Her face is fairly un-memorable and she doesn't look like anything particularly special.


Sylvie (British, but of French descent) lived on a run-down council estate in the South of England. Well.. Before she was sold-out by her parents and sent to Genesis... Or at least this is what she'd thought had happened... It made sense, too. There were always people coming to and from the house. Her parents were lazy slobs who sold questionable substances to other slobs. When their supply line went cold it was clear something had to be done. Sylvie was taken from her "hangout" - an abandoned container on the docks, and being caught energy-ball in-hand did nothing to help her protests that she was more than normal. At 15 she was taken to Genesis City and there was nowhere on earth she wanted to be less.

Other Notes:

Nothing really.
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Name: Denzel Nunes

Nickname: Nunes

Age: 19

Power: Is able to transform his body tissue into an organic, steel-like substance that grants him superhuman strength enabling him to lift/press up to 75 tons and makes him impervious to most injury. His armored form can withstand ballistic penetration as well as temperature extremes from 70º above absolute zero (-390º F) to approximately 9000º F. Colossus cannot become entirely converted into metal, only being able to convert parts at a time.  Through an act of will, Colossus can transform virtually instantaneously into his armored state, and can remain in that form for an as yet undetermined amount of time. 

Backstory: (How they were captured, and what their life was like before being captured)

Denzel grew up the son of a southern baptist minister in good ole Alabama.  His life filled with God, football, and keeping his little secret hidden. Denzel wasn't the best at hiding his little secret, mostly using his powers during football, most saying running into him was like running into a brick wall. When his parents found out the quickly kept it under locks, not letting anyone close enough to see. Never wanting to ruin their perfect family the had everyone believe they were. 

It wasn't until one of the sleepers caught hold of a videotaped by the local news of one of Denzel's games, naming him the man of steel. With their tech, they were able to zoom in far enough to see his skin turn from normal to steel. This was enough for them to break into the Nunes house late at night and take Denzel away, never to be seen again. 

Other Notes: (Any other things that one would need to know)

He has an awfully thick southern accent.
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