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Fandom Fallout: Vegas Rollin'

"In all honesty, and without use of a better expression, it's a family reunion. It's my Father's birthday, and I need to go see him. It's not exactly common to see people live in the hellhole left of planet earth, and making it fifty-two years? He's a god-damn hero in my books." She explained, making a quick turn up towards Jacobstown and stopping at their entrance. She popped her head out of the window, and Keene smiled a little, letting her through. She drove up a little further and Marcus walked over to her with what looked to be a crate, filled with radioactive canisters. He put them in the back seat and Alise popped a couple Rad-Xs. "Are you stopping for long? We don't see you here often anymore." Marcus asked, looking at Lucia with a slight frown. Lucia reached out of the car and hugged him as best she could before sitting back down. "We'd love to, but me and my friend here have to be in Reno before sunrise tomorrow. Want me to check up on Broken Hills for you? Maybe pick something up at the golden globes?" She asked, the last part with a suggestive laugh. He shook his head with a responding laugh and patted her on the head, before Lucia started up the engine. She turned the car around, and left as quickly as they had arrived. "Sorry for that, we need them to get to Reno and back without ditching this beauty. I'd love to settle up there one day, and Alise likes it up there too. No discrimination, everything's calm and beautiful."

Robyn raised an eyebrow "It is impressive I gotta say. Should be.. Interesting, to say the least" She watched as the various inhabitants of the small town greeted Lucia and provided her with what she needed, impressed at the diplomacy and trust she seemed to inspire in those around her.

Robyn guessed she really
was something special. She was musing over this when she heard something which made her pause, not for the first time on this particularly strange day: "Friend" Lucia had called her a friend? Surely it was merely a turn of phrase, nothing more. She had known this woman for no more than a few hours... Nobody had called her that before. She ran a hand through her hair and looked straight ahead.

Raiders and Powder Gangers, Caesar's Legion, Enclave soldiers... Rouge Robots and horribly mutated creatures. Robyn could deal with all of these by the bucket and come out of the other side unscathed. But emotions.... Attachment...

She wasn't sure this was something she could deal with.

What if she let her down?

Coughing quietly, in a way that she hoped would dismiss the fact that she had been lost deep in her own personal strife, Robyn yanked herself back into the present.
"Live up there, eh? Just you and.. Alise? Wasn't it?" Why was she so interested in this client? Why did she care? "So.." The gun for hire turned slightly in her seat, now looking to Alise "You like Jacobstown huh?" She smiled - not unkindly "What'd you like about it lil' one?"

"I'm here for something else." Benedict mumbled, but the woman was gone before he finished his sentence. He shook his head and stood up. He was wasting his time here. Sure he should probably find and destroy that misuse of technology, but he had a greater mission at hand. He had to find the chapter. Walking outside he leaned against the wall and pulled out a cigarette. He thought about what his next move was while he smoked. @yuckeroni
Mike Continued on. Leaving the Pair who Actually seemed quite pleasant. He Had cool Armour. I'd kill to have that. Mike Walked down the Street Wondering where he had saw that Emblem before. "Probably Just over thinking it." Mike Mumbled. Maybe If I flunk off this call and Sell the Medicine. Mike Pulled out his Gun and Spun the Barrel. He took a left at the the Meat Vendor and went into the collapsed building Across from him, That was sort of a Relaxing Place for Mike. "Ahh A Nuka Cola, Still Cold." Mike Took a seat and closed his eyes. He started to think about Oregon and the Cannibals.
Lucia chuckled. "Little one? She's almost twelve." Aware of the upset that little one caused her. "Jacobstown is awesome! I play with the people there and they give me this awesome stuff!" Alise said with a smile. While she was, as Lucia said, a twelve year old, it was clear that Lucia had done her best to spoil her to make up for her initial upbringing."So, I ought to tell you that whole story, eh. The things I say when I'm drunk." She said, sighing slightly before slowing the car down, allowing her to focus on telling the story if Robyn was interested in hearing.


(Sorry I disappeared last night. I'm gonna have to go again though for about eight hours.
"Ah - Twelve she may be, but she is littler than both myself and you.. So little one she is" Robyn winked playfully at Alise and turned back in her seat. Kids would have been nice... If this wasn't the state of the world.

Her gaze rested on Lucia again, heavy with concentration. "The more information you can provide me with, the better.. I don't hold anyone responsible for drunken comments or actions but you hired me drunk and now we're stuck together.. Reno would've been better placed information before we'd left. I have N-..." She paused, careful not to give away too much information just yet. The "F" word shouldn't mean she let her guard down. "-... Affiliations... and if by any stroke of particularly bad luck I was recognised.. I can't imagine it would be life-or-death but Jetted-up members of unlawful-..." She sighed. "It doesn't matter. Fill me in."


(No worries man :) I'm not really about during the day anyway :) Hope everything is okay )
"We're gonna go back to 2279 for this tale. All the way up in Arroyo, I lived with my Mother and my Grandfather, who you know as the chosen one. When I was 10 years old my Grandfather gave me the vault suit he wore when he kicked the Enclave's ass, and when my great great grandfather, the vault dweller, wore when he killed the master of all super mutants. When I turned twelve, I snuck out of the village, with nothing more than my suit, my pip-boy, and a switchblade, and headed to New Reno. I met my father, James Bishop, who at that time, didn't know me, thought I was lying about being his daughter. Disheartened, and creeped out by the flirting from those guys up at the globes, I decided to walk back to Arroyo. On the walk back, I heard something from a hut nearby, that was relatively quiet on the walk to Reno, and for some stupid reason, I thought it'd be safe to check." She explained, tearing up slightly as she continued. She stopped the car completely, turning to Robyn with a more serious gaze. "I found nothing in the hut, except a little bit of food that was desperately needed, seeing as the only sustenance I had on the way there was some dirty water. I ate it as quickly as possible, and got outside right after. When I got outside, I was greeted by three men wearing red and dark brown shirts and shorts. I said hello nervously, and they smiled at me. One of them walked up to me, and pulled me toward them by the arm. I tried to resist, but the drugs they had placed in the food they knew I needed during my journey started to take effect, and I lost conciousness. When I woke, I was in the slave pens down at this place called Cottonwood Cove. I was used for two years by them, and if I tried to stop them I got beatings and lashings." She said, pulling the back of her vault suit down partially, showing off deep scars and bruises that would never heal. "After around a year and a half, I saw this one legionary, about a couple years older, he was about fifteen, and for a legionary, he was a nice guy. He always came and spoke to me, and joked around, cheered me up. Well, one of the days I gave him a kiss through the bars, I had a crush on him, I guess. The next night, he took me out of the cell, and ended up just being like the rest. He did the same things they all did, did it worse even. A few weeks later, the man of Vegas, 'The Courier', showed his head and bought me out. He took the collar off, and I accompanied him for a few weeks." She continued to say, smiling and looking into space dreamily. "Anyways, he took me to the Old Mormon, and left after a few days, so he could go make the Mojave his own. He did so, as you know, and I was trained in medicine and science, as well some practical things, such as hacking and repair. After a few months, I gave birth to Alise, my beautiful little angel." She said, smiling and ruffling her daughter's hair. "The rest was really putting my training to use, learning more and saving lives, and you know the most recent turn of events, seeing as the most recent turn of events is you." She said, smiling a little bit, and leaning back in her chair. She opened the glove box and retrieved an inhaler of jet, taking it and smiling slightly. "Sorry, I've droned on, should we get going?"

Robyn was surprised. Of course there had already been the big reveal about the slavery and of course certain connotations and assumptions can be formed about what exactly was going on but... Damn. Suddenly Robyn felt more protective over both of those in her Charge. She swallowed hard and watched Lucia; the shit this girl had gone through. She had hardly noticed they had stopped moving. Images of a younger Lucia were haunting her imagination. The world was bad.. Terrible, even... And stuff like that happened, of course, stuff like that happened more often than not... But to be confronted, to be told this by a victim of those crimes.

Robyn suddenly felt incredibly fortunate that the NCR had taken care of her like they did.

"I am so sorry that you had to go through all of that." She realised she was saying this through gritted teeth. She meant it. "It isn't droning on. Thanks for.. I don't know.... Trusting me with this." Robyn placed a hand on Lucia's knee; meaning it to be a comfort. "I promise you - both of you -" she glanced at the 12 year old in the back " that I'll take care of you. You have my word."

"Thanks, there's a reason I took the time to find out about you." She responded, starting up the car again and sending them off again. She smiled a little as the car flew down the ruined roads of pre-war Vegas. they passed a small gap, that had originally been blocked by a bus that now lay torn in half from Lucia's previous trips to New Reno. "And we are officially out of Vegas!" She screamed with glee while looking at Robyn and Alise. "In all honesty, we're in worse territory now, there's the racists up at Vault City, the Khans up at V15, some other things we don't want to find." She said, checking the map on her Pip-Boy. "So we got some sights to see as we drive. In a few minutes we'll pass by what's left of the Necropolis, and we'll make one quick stop before we head to New Reno."

With the car moving again Robyn sat back in her seat. Using this as an opportunity to think about what was going on. She popped yet another Mentat and counted the remaining. She checked Reliable was loaded and ready to go.

She closed her eyes and tried to process all the information she had acquired.

She was in a car travelling to New Reno with a total stranger who, it seemed, trusted her implicitly. Strangers weren't a problem. Pretty much everyone was a stranger here. Hell - She'd woken up next to an extremely expensive stranger less than 12 hours ago. But the way Lucia dished out trust was a little suspicious. And she claimed (although the red-head was almost entirely sure this was the truth) to be a Bishop; only one of the most powerful families in their small world. On the bright side, though, there were worse (and probably better) families who could be interested in her.

This was going to be her-vs-the world if she wasn't careful. Lucia had a weapon but how much of owning that was for show, how well could she use that thing? And her employer had seemingly overlooked her request for more backup.

Of course the Enclave were a problem.. But why did the soldier they'd seen make her journey all that more urgent?

She wasn't being told everything. Not in the slightest.

Her mind whirring away she took little notice of what was being said to her as they moved. She nodded at Lucia's words when the tone indicated a response was required, but other than that remained silent.

The car started to slow down. They drove into a small cave and hid it as far back as possible. "Come on, I want to pick something up." She said, walking further into the tunnel. An old vault door was left open, and the numbers, while rusted over and difficult to read, were a moderately bright yellow. She walked through the hallway and watched an irritated mole rat run at her. She pulled out her pistol, and shot it in between the eyes. She giggled, her beautiful lips forming a gleeful smile. She pushed it out of the way and opened the door. She lifted a fake panel on the floor right beside the door, and grabbed three things: A bag of caps, a canteen with the number 13 written on it, and a small box. She replaced the panel and ran back out to Robyn. "It was still there! Let's go." She said, getting back in the car and looking at Alise.

"How are you sweetie?"

"good Mom!"

"What about you Robyn, you ready to heady to the real city of sex, drugs, and slavery?"

The silence had allowed Robyn to gather her thoughts, label them all up, and put them in their rightful little boxes.

A job is good. This job I cannot walk away from. I am invested in this not only emotionally but also physically. If I walked away from this woman I'd have the most powerful family this-side of the Dam on my back. Could do without. - Check. Worry dealt with. What next?

With all that she has told me, she probably isn't leaving out any details she doesn't have to... - Check. Done. Let it go Robyn.

Plus she's pretty cute.. And Reno could be interesting. - Check. New experiences an' all that... Dealt with.

But equally I'm not crazy. If things go south I'm outta there. Absolutely. - Check. Contingency plan in place.

So it was settled then. She smiled to herself and allowed her eyes to wander over Lucia as she drove, appreciating her maybe a little more than she had allowed herself to previously. She looked away quickly and closed her eyes. Wouldn't want her thinking anything untoward was going on... Business and then pleasure.

The car stopped in the depths of the cave and Robyn climbed out herself, making to follow Lucia. "Come on, I want to pick something up." The woman was too quick, however, and had vanished before Robyn had a chance to so-much as observe their surroundings. But, she figured, someone had to keep an eye on her daughter.

She climbed back into the car as Lucia reappeared and eyed her acquired items with interest.

"What about you Robyn, you ready to heady to the real city of sex, drugs, and slavery?"

Robyn smirked, winking at Lucia "Sex and drugs? Always ready."

Well, her impulse for stealing some stranger's caps certainly went fast. With every breath of Jet she took in, her recently inflamed nerves from the lack of chems went down, and it finally felt like she was at peace. However after a few minutes, her high fell drastically and Clara felt like absolute shit. Placing the now empty inhaler back in her bag, she pushed herself off the wall, and trudged for her small corner near Mick and Ralph's, hoping to make a few caps to make up for such a wasted day. As she walked, the faint sound of what seemed to be an engine intruded on her senses. "What the...?" She muttered, her head whipping from side to side to find where the source was. Eventually the noise had died down, leaving her only confused.

"This place only gets weirder everyday, I swear." Her slow trudge turned to a brisk walk, her hands reaching up to her neck to scratch an itch that wasn't there. Once she reached the home she made out of the abandoned building (or at least part of it) she waited for her next victim customer.
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