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Realistic or Modern R e B o r n Characters


Dazed And Confused

In Character Link:



[ Insert Realistic Picture Here ]



Sexual Orientation:




Hair Color:

Eye Color:



Likes (3+):

Dislikes (3+):


Bio (3 + paragraphs):
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Name: Spencer Arabella Murphy


Age: 24

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Height: 1.7 m [5'6"]

Weight: 54 kg [119 lbs]

Hair Colour: Dark Brown

Eye Colour: Hazel; Light Brown

Personality: Spencer holds a "don't fuck with me" attitude.

She's sassy--or rather sarcastic and mean--and blunt. She's

not afraid to tell someone if they look like shit, or if they act

like shit. Spencer has no filter, and could talk on and on about

anything. Also, Spencer is very secretive--with her secrets--

but if someone told her a secret, she'd blab it out without a

care in the world. She's also judgemental, and doesn't give

a shit about making friends, however, she wouldn't mind a 

fling with a boy or two. Spencer can be very flirtatious, and it

makes her seem nice. Spencer also has ADD.

Likes: Football [Soccer], Home Decor, Photography,

Running, Cotton Candy, Boxing, Cars, and Alcohol

Dislikes: Classical Music, Loud Chewing, Fakers,

Homophobes, Spicy Food, Feeling Useless, and Death

Biography: If there was an award show, featuring people with the worst lives,

Spencer would win all the awards. Born in Haleiwa, Hawaii to Chip Murphy and

Stessi Tyler, Spencer was the cutest baby ever. Big brown eyes, porcelain-like

skin, and a petite figure. Her parents were merely teenagers when she was born.

She was the product of unprotected sex in a bar bathroom. Chip and Stessi were

financially-troubled. They made little money, and it wasn't enough for the three.

They lived in a small apartment. Chip worked all day, while Stessi stayed home,

caring for Spencer. The definition of caring for a child to Stessi was leaving

Spencer in a room all day, without food, while Stessi went out and about with

friends. It was the same process everyday. Spencer was unhealthy, and slowly

getting sick. One day, it all changed. Her father was fired from his job, which

had Stessi working all day.

Chip Murphy did not know how to raise a child. But, he tried. One year old Spencer

would be fed pieces of cheese and fruit, and drank rust-flavored water. There was

still no money coming in for the family. Things were getting worse. Stessi was

fired from her job, and a few months later, the family was homeless. They soon

found shelter with friends of the couple. Spencer was three. She became invisible.

Just another mouth to feed, another head living under the roof of many teenagers.

Her parents were introduced to drugs, all sorts of them. Spencer was forgotten

even further. A neighbor knew of the child living there, and reported to the cops

that Spencer was not in school. She was enrolled in a small public school, far

from the home. A bus would come early in the morning to take Spencer to school.

Spencer was very skinny. She wasn't fed correctly. Her voice was raspy, as she

hardly ever talked. When she started school, Spencer was seen as a freak. An

outcast. Her peers began teasing her. They were all wealthy with clean clothing,

while she wore the same uniform every day. It got even worse. The teasing turned

to bullying. Girls in her classes were beating her every year. Nobody noticed.

Spencer didn't dare tell. It'd be worse if she did. Her life at home was still the same.

No food, little water, little clothes, no attention. In 8th grade, Spencer told herself

she had to be strong. She began going to the gym, starting boxing, jogging around

her neighborhood. She learned comebacks, and stood up for herself. In the midst

of trying to seem stronger, she lost herself. The once shy girl, was louder, meaner.

When she was in 11th grade, her parents were arrested for illegal drug use. As

Spencer had no other relatives, she was placed into a foster home. The foster

home was no better than her original home. The only pro was, she got clothes.

Once Spencer turned 18, and was accepted into UCLA, she left. However, she had

to make money for herself, to buy her books and supplies. She spent months,

drifting from one job to another, trying to make money. When nothing was

working, Spencer dropped out of college. She now lives on the streets, trying

to live off of scraps. Then, the opportunity with a lot of money.
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Name: Wé Johnson


Age: 23

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Height: 5'3"

Weight: 110 lbs

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Brown

Personality: Wé[COLOR= rgb(90, 90, 90)] has a very tell it as it is personality, never one to sugar coat anything.[/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(90, 90, 90)]She is unpredictable. And independent. She doesn't take kindly to people telling her what to do. [/COLOR]Wé[COLOR= rgb(90, 90, 90)] isn't one for loyalty though if someone is in need of help she is willing to help but not without a price.  Unseen to the public eye she can be quiet motherly but only to a select few she deems as worthy. Closed off to most its a struggle to get her to actually say a full sentence. It isn't that she thinks she is better than anyone she just doesn't see the point in talking if she doesn't have to.[/COLOR]

Likes (3+):[COLOR= rgb(90, 90, 90)]: Cursive writing, Homecooked meal, Order[/COLOR]

Dislikes (3+):[COLOR= rgb(90, 90, 90)] Capital Letters, Chinese takeout, Big Egos[/COLOR]

Bio (3 + paragraphs):Her parents were high school sweethearts, marrying right after high school and having Wé a year later. From what Wé could tell, they were happy. Her father opening up a sports bar just so he could watch baseball every day without disturbances. Her father manned the kitchen while her mother manned the front of the house. Her parents had been married for a good ten years before everything, in a lack of better words, went to hell.Turns out her mother and her father's best friend had a thing for each other and decided to marry, therefore divorcing her father and leaving Wé to care for a drunken man. Her father sold the restaurant and retired to living a life of in a drunken state. Overall her mother got a new family and Bibiana got the leftovers at only ten years old.With her parents, split Wé fell into the wrong crowd and at 16 Wé had gotten pregnant by her late boyfriend. When her father found out he was furious, demanding to know how she let this happen. He refused to let her child into their home, therefore, forcing Wé to put her child up for adoption or to move out. Wé not being able to part from her son decided to move in with her then boyfriend. Life seemed to be going well. They had a stable income from her boyfriend's job as a factory worker. They even were planning to get married in the near future when they could save enough money. Wé couldn't be any happier than she was at this point in her life. Then for lack of better words everything went to hell. Her boyfriend died of a work related incident, and three days after she found out she was pregnant yet again. She had to move in with his family as she tried to figure out what she was going to do financially. It wasn't long till she found herself in the wrong crowd yet again. Dealing drugs for a local gang who in return made sure her son was always dressed and fed. It wasn't until a bust from the local law.

 Wé found herself in prison. Both children being taken away from her and put into foster care. Wé always thought her lowest point was when her boyfriend died but she couldn't be more wrong. She found herself in a pit of depression when she was in prison, though she made it work and in 5 years she was out. Out on the streets she went back to what she knew until a new opportunity rose with less risk.
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Name: Kendra "Kenni" Belshaw



Age: 20

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual


Height: 5ft 4"

Weight: 64kg

Hair Color: Dark Brown/Red

Eye Color: Green


Personality: Kenni has a short temper and a tendency to try and guilt people into sympathising with her, but overall she isn't a bad person. What she is though is lazy. She hardly leaves the house, choosing instead to lock herself inside and act as a drain on her parent's financial resources. She talks a lot, about herself, tells you she understands, when she doesn't, and generally has a 'look at me I'm pretty great' attitude about her. For someone who has nothing but debts she is fairly confident and arrogant.

Likes (3+): Expensive shit she doesn't need, sleep, being right

Dislikes (3+): Other smartarses, cheap crap, hard work


Bio (3 + paragraphs)
Kenni is was an overachiever. She actually did pretty well in school... Until her substance abuse got the better of her and she had a breakdown in class. Since then she, for want of a better word, slobbed about indoors, spent her parents wealth, and did as little as she possibly could. To begin with excuses were made for her. She'd been through a lot, right? It'd taken it's toll on her... Right? ... She'll snap out of it.... Right?


The Belshaw's are not a poor family; Kenni's parents own a cosmetics business and live very comfortably, but they do have a work ethic which has been instilled in all 3 of their other children. Kenni turned out a disappointment to say the least. She was entitled and lazy. Everything her parents had tried to teach her not to be.


After one of Kenni's regular spending sprees her father snapped "Nobody needs an Apple Watch for every day of the week". She was kicked out. Not allowed within 50 yards of the house until she had earned some money and understood material worth...


In "Classic Kendra" style she has spent time looking at the easiest possible way to make money.

What's easier than being a guinea pig? 
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[SIZE= 16px][FONT= 'Courier New']Name:"Maddox Jay Kirk. Call me Max."[/FONT][/SIZE]


[SIZE= 16px][FONT= 'Courier New']Age: "24"[/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px][FONT= 'Courier New']Gender: "Male[/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px][FONT= 'Courier New']Sexual Orientation: "Straighter than a rainbow. Hetro."[/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px][FONT= 'Courier New']Height:[/FONT][/SIZE][SIZE= 16px][FONT= 'Courier New']"6'2"[/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px][FONT= 'Courier New']Weight:"190lbs"[/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px][FONT= 'Courier New']Hair Color:"Dirty blonde."[/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px][FONT= 'Courier New']Eye Color: "One is milky white, no pupil. Other is icy blue."[/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px][FONT= 'Courier New']Personality:[/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px][FONT= 'Courier New']"Well I'd like to say I'm a pretty cool guy. I'm sarcastic, pretty curt too. But I'm fairly chill, and I'm good in quick-thinking situations, shout out to the streets for that. I'm smart, even though I don't like showing it, I hated nerds in high school."[/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px][FONT= 'Courier New']Likes (3+):[/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px][FONT= 'Courier New']"My cap and glasses. You touch your dead. I like adventure too, quite fun."[/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px][FONT= 'Courier New']Dislikes (3+):[/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px][FONT= 'Courier New']"I hate being judged for my flaw, I can't help I'm blind in a eye! I also hate any time period before the 1900s, they don't have newsboy hats and sunglasses."[/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px][FONT= 'Courier New']Bio (3 + paragraphs):[/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px][FONT= 'Courier New'](Gonna go 3rd person for this.)[/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px][FONT= 'Courier New']Maddox grew up in the streets of London, a cruel place for a young kid like himself. But he managed just fine. He was a bus boy at a local resturant for easy cash, since his mom worked 2 part time jobs just to keep them afloat. He doesn't like to go into details about other ways he made money, since it was very violent, and probably not the best thing for a 10 year old boy to do. But when he was 12, while doing one of his "dangerous jobs" he was jumped and brutally attacked, causing the blindness in his eye. They threatened to do the same to the other eye, and for the entirety of his life has been avoiding and running knowing they weren't fucking around. [/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px][FONT= 'Courier New']School was a breeze for him, which is why he developed intresting hobbies. Once high school rolled around though he didn't have time to worry about the social higharcy, which left him very low on it.[/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px][FONT= 'Courier New']But after his attack, he trained himself to handle a beating, and to not receive one. He trained in combat, and marksmanship making him qualified for this job. Once day he was strolling the streets, and a man approached him offering the job of a lifetime. To travel through time. He took it, seeing it could help him outrun the fate that will soon enough reach him.[/FONT][/SIZE]

Hat below. Glasses are in the pic above.

Name: Damien Weston Clarke


Age: 27

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Height: 1.82m [6'0"ft]

Weight: 70.7kg [156lbs.]

Hair Colour: Dark Brown; Black

Eye Colour: Grey; Green

Personality: Damien has two sides to him. If you met

him anytime of the day, you'd see that he's a chill guy. He

is laid-back and chill, with the funniest jokes and the friendliest

personality. If you met him when he was making music or

playing an instrument, you'd find that he's a perfectionist.

To Damien, music has to be taken seriously and perfectly.

He drives himself mad as he spends hours playing music. As

much as he plays music, he also spends time with girls.

He charms anyone with his looks, jokes, and music.

Likes: Cigarettes, Loud Clothing, Music,

Instruments, Classic Cars, and Girls

Dislikes: Terrible Covers of Songs, Tea,

Seafood, Quiet, Being Interrupted While 

Practicing, and Horrible Puns.

Biography: Damien Weston Clarke lead a quite simple life.

He lived in a two story home with his mother and father, whom

loved and supported him. Damien always loved music. His parents

would play old CD's of the music they listened to when they

were young, and Damien always sang it. His voice is beautiful.

It's melodic and addicting. That's what many people loved

about Damien. His voice, and his talent. He began playing the

piano at age 3. Then the organ at 4. Then the guitar, violin,

viola, cello, bass, keyboard, drums, tambourine, clarinet, oboe,

trumpet, trombone, and flute. Damien has competed in many

competitions all around America, and a few in Europe.

Damien had almost everyone and everything wrapped around

his finger. People loved him. And he loved everyone. However,

there was this one girl that Damien could never keep his eyes

off of. Her name was Fiorella. She was stunning, with long and

dark hair, the brightest blue eyes. Fiorella was a cunning girl.

She always got what she wanted, and she played boys like toys.

One day, Damien had the courage to ask her out. She said yes.

The date was simple. Dinner then a movie. After that day, the

two went out together more often. Soon, they were in a

relationship. They'd hold hands, kiss and hug, all that jazz.

Everything was good between them. They were happy.

Terror struck one day though. When Damien was at band

practice, his parents stayed home, doing god knows what.

When Damien got home, his house was in ashes, and his

parents were nowhere to be seen. A firefighter told Damien

that the stove in the kitchen caught fire. His parents were

in their bedrooms, and the fire had spread rapidly. His

parents had died. As Damien was only 16, he was placed

into a foster home. Fiorella had broken up with him a 

week later, claiming he wasn't her type anymore, and

that she fell out of their love. That crushed Damien. He

battled depression for a long time. Still does. At 18, he

went to college at NYU. His dream was to go to Juiliard,

but that dream burnt to ashes with his house and parents.

After 4 years of studying in NYU, Damien graduated with

an Associates Degree in Music. With little money, Damien

is struggling to find a home and a job. When a letter comes

in the mailbox of his apartment one day, regarding a job

as a test monkey, Damien accepts.
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Name: Zephyr C. Reed


Age: Twenty-three

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual


Height: 5'8

Weight: 144 lbs.

Hair Color: Dirty Blond

Eye Color: Grey


Personality: Impatient little dirt bag would be one way to describe Zeph in four simple words. He is honest by nature. Also, clever and very talkative. He's always on his toes and moving around due to his restless personality. Suffering from insomnia, his mind is in a constant cycle of anxious thoughts that he does especially well to keep to himself. He isn't afraid of speaking his mind, however, and takes pride in himself for not giving a shit about what other people think.

Despite his untrusting self, he's quite friendly and sarcastic as all hell. He takes enjoyment out of laughter therefor does all he can to make another laugh, even at the expense of his humiliation (which is rare). Even though he'll come off as an ass to some, he's actually a sweet kid who just wants to help his mother get better.

Likes (3+): + Spreading smiles among people + Barbecue pizza + His mom +

Dislikes (3+): - Violence - Losing - Silence - His insomnia


Bio (3 + paragraphs): A homeless mother gives birth to a sickly baby boy with little to no hopes of living. That's the beginning to the very sticky story of Zephyr Reed. She takes him to the hospital, leaving him as to not be responsible for any money issues then vanishes from the boy's life forever. Not like that's all too bad. Luckily, however, there was a kindly nurse working the night of Zephyr's abandoning. She could quite easily be described as his guardian angel due to her presence changing his ill-fated destiny. She was young, about twenty or so, and quickly set to work trying to save Zephyr from the sexually transmitted disease passed down from his mother's body into his. It was hell. But! After a few weeks of being monitored and cared for, the same nurse who had saved him chose to adopt the slowly growing baby. She claims that she had no hopes of ever conceiving because of unspoken disabilities therefor Zephyr became her charge.

Over the years Zeph grew stronger and eventually beat the disease carried through his blood stream. The once sick baby turned into an outgoing heathen with big dreams, an active imagination and a loud mouth. None of those things ever got him in trouble, though *sarcasm*. He was put into detention most of his high school life before finally being suspended for destruction of personal belongings when he 'accidentally' set Miss Stewart's science lab on fire by combining two opposing chemicals. He didn't return to school after that, instead, his mom chose to homeschool the teen for the next year (he was a junior). Everything seemed to be going just fine at the time.

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right? Not necessarily. Without knowing it cancer had begun eating at his adoptive mom's insides. Her brain slowly shutting itself down piece by piece. This realization nearly killed Zephyr. He went into a state of pure denial and watched as the only woman he ever loved begin to slip away. She relied heavily on him most days and though it may be draining, he never complains about it. As her health worsened he began having to steal for what they needed before soon getting a job even if it was pretty shady, itself. Toting around a sack full of illegal substances, he generally sneaks about at night making deals and such. 

Thinking he was just going to make another deal, Zeph was instead given a once in a life offer that gives him a chance to help his mother get well with extra treatments out of sheer hope of her surviving all that's been going on. He holds to hope and is doing this for her. His pain for hers.
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This will probably start soon - like tomorrow- or later tonight if I feel up to it. Also everyones accepted

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