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Fandom Fallout: Vegas Rollin'

"This Show is Terrible!" Mike Shouted. With that he stood up and Picked up his beer. I knew it was going to be terrible, A ghoul doing stand up? Ugh. Mike Drunk the last few drops of beer and walked out. He slowly walked down the street. Everyone is looking at me because I wear this Vault suit, When I get back I'm changing into the Followers Uniform.

Mike took a left instead of going back to the Fort. He was heading for Mick and Ralphs. He went threw the Collapsed Bus and he was Almost there. A king Member Waved at him. Mike Being nice waved back at him. He was right outside Mick And Ralphs. He Pushed the Door and He was inside. "Hey Ralph, Can I have Two boxes of 357 Ammo?"

"Sure Mike. 24 Caps." Mike Handed over the Caps and lifted the Ammo.
Now Back Home.
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After making his way out the door of the Atomic Wrangler Daniel yawned and stretched. Across the street he once again spotted the woman in vault suit again. Dismissing her as some drunk Daniel turned to his left and began walking, but stopped when he heard her say that she was the great great granddaughter of the Vault Dweller. Turning on his heel he took several steps until he was again in front of the Atomic Wrangler, now gawking at the drunken women a slow smile crept across his face. You've gotta be shitting me, some drunk is the vault dweller's great great grandkid, I've heard all the stories. I think I'm hearing things or somebody put something in that cola. From the stories the Vault Dweller was always getting into some nasty business, and supposedly he or she was one hell of a fighter. "Yo did you just say you're Vault Dweller's great great granddaughter or something, that's like the coolest thing I have ever heard," Daniel questioned while jogging across the street to the Silver Rush.

@NotTooBad @Dinocorn
Robyn stood, mouth agape

What in the hell? How... How could that be even an ounce true?

Before she could respond to this frankly unbelievable revelation some stranger approached. He was all-too-keen for the redhead's liking.

Ignoring the curious looks of recognition from Simon she turned and unsheathed her gun in one swift movement. She suddenly felt a loyalty to her client, whether it was because of who she was, or because she had been so goddamn polite in her introductions Robyn had no real idea. All she knew was that this woman had entrusted her with the task of protection, and Robyn was not about to let her down. "Lovely to meet you Lucia. Robyn's the name." She eyed Daniel and raised her lip in a snarl. "Who invited you to join the party? As far as I understand eavesdropping is an awful rude practise."

@NotTooBad @jole875
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"You heard me right, whoever you are. My grandfather kicked..." Lucia hesitated. Even in her drunken boast she recognised the symbol this man wore. "Can we go inside now Robyn?" She asked, stepping towards Simon quickly. "Don't let this guy in, please." She said, opening the door and falling through it. She beckoned Robyn over to her with a serious look on her face, hoping she'd move as quickly as possible. "We're in a rush, anyways..."

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Mike Walked away from Mick and Ralphs happy with what he bought. He walked threw Freeside Looking at the Poor People. To think what Happened here. To be Honest Mike Didn't really like Mr House. No one Liked him in Freeside. Mike was getting closer to the Mormon Fort. He started to load his gun incase he got mugged. He looked at his Pipboy.

"Wow These Vault suits are Terrible when it's cold." Mike Hurried Back to the Mormon fort. He got into his tent and took off his Vault Suit and put On the Followers Uniform. He Turned on the Radio and Big Iron was Playing. Apparently this song was written about the Courier. I don't think that's true.


Robyn glanced over her shoulder at Lucia and backed towards the door, gun trained on the stranger. She had obviously seen something she didn't like. Perhaps it was the bloody smug way he wore his only too perfect, branded, amour. "Sorry Sir. Looks like it's a no from us."

Once through she allowed it to swing shut and she holstered Ol' Reliable again, leaving her left hand to settle on her knife instead. The freelancer moved her goggles back onto her forehead and entered the shop, she placed a hand briefly on Lucia's shoulder as she passed "I won't let anyone bother you. Yeh?" The accompanying smile was kind.

"Hi, uhm..."
She scratched the back of her head and addressed the room in general. "We're here for... Cyanide?"

@NotTooBad @jole875

(Sorry I'm a little slow. I'm catching up with Scream and posting between episodes xD )
Daniel frowned as he was turned away by the vault suit wearing woman. "Oh cmon I'm just your biggest fan, plus I'm just some stupid wastelander, this plasma rifle is probably not even loaded. I can even bet that the hired gun could beat me up like I'm the average alley rat." Daniel ended his sarcastic plee with a chuckle as he sat on the curb. "I think I'm gonna wait, Simon, hope that's alright with you," Daniel said while he removed his plasma rifle from his back holster and placed it in his lap. "Pristine plasma rifle you got there, is it really not loaded?" Simon would ask with out moving an inch. Daniel only sighed while cocking it and replied,"Nope." "You gonna try and kill her?" Simon asked in a grey tone. "It isn't a matter of trying it's a matter of morals, I'd feel bad for killing her for something someone else did. It'd be like someone trying to kill my son for something I did, so I'll bide my time. Gotta think though, what're the odds?" Daniel ranted before looking down the sights of his rifle. "You're in New Vegas buddy, everything is a gamble, even history," Simon would say before taking a swig of water and popping his knuckles. Daniel only chuckled and rested his head on the stock of the rifle, History died over two hundred years ago.
Lucia watched as Jean-Baptiste approached Robyn, carrying her pistol in his hand. She stood up and looked at Jean, holding her head slightly. "Can you get us out from the back? There's an Enclave soldier outside and I'm not willing to be killed tonight." She asked, taking the pistol from Jean and looking at him with a beggars eyes. He rolled his eyes and ordered one of the guards to open the back entrance. "You remember where to go? Up the stairs, second door on the left." He asked, and she nodded. She grabbed Robyn's arm and pulled her in the direction they had to go, using the woman as a balance as well as security. "If we go back out through the front, you'll lose the money you just made. I may not be a bishop by choice, but I am a bishop, and after twenty-three years my Dad finally found out who I am. He knows and cares about me, and if I die, they'll kill you for not helping me."

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Someone Called into The Mormon Fort. Since Mike was the only doctor on Duty he Was Tasked With him.

"Hello,Mr Vargas. You are here for your dose of Addictol. What one Moment I will get it for you." Mike Walked out of his tent and into the Walls of The Mormon Fort. He then took the Addictol out of a locked Cabinet. Mike Locked the Cabinet And Walked to his Tent. He gave the Addictol to Mr Vargas. "You Will have to stay until it wears off." Mike Lead Mr.Vargas to an Empty Tent with a bed. So many Chem Addicts lately. Mike Went to his tent and got onto his Bed and Rested.
Robyn was growing more attached to this lass by the second.. Bar the unnecessary death threats. "I was never gonna not help you. I owe you; plus you paid in advance and I feel I have a decent customer here." She winked at the girl, supporting her better now, holding Cyanide uncertainly, clearly not comfortable with this breed of weapon.

"I don't know exactly where we're headed once we get out; is there an inconspicuous route or will I have to intimidate the general public?" The stairwell was tight and she had to turn slightly so they could climb it two-abreast.

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"Well this leads to sewer access. We can probably get all the way to the Mormon Fort if my markings are still here." She replied, turning on the dim light provided by her pip boy so they could see ahead, if only a little. Her body was processing everything fast now, the alcohol was losing effect. "Why an Enclave soldier though? It couldn't have been a Khan, a Viper, A fiend? Hell, a god damn Legionary would be better than that. When we get to the Fort and I've sobered up we're going on the job instantly. We'll talk to Julie, then we pick up my Alise, and we're off to visit my Father."


( @Deadkool you're a little late on that post. We're already gone from there.)
"Ohhh, so you're a robots kinda guy, huh? That damn little thing has been taking all my customers." Clara muttered the last sentence, watching the patrons who had come in starting to leave. "Shame. Well, I don't know where that fucker is. Sorry to disappoint." As the door to the Atomic Wrangler closed, she got up and stretched her arms, looking back at her new acquaintance. "Well, I gotta keep my eyes on the prize. Good luck with your kinks, sir." She saluted him, a chuckle escaping her lips. Hastily she left, only to find two other men standing outside a shop she knew as the Van Graffs.

Clara bit down on her tongue, drawing blood. One of the men she recognized was in the bar, the other was just guarding the door as usual.
"Shit.." She mumbled, moving so that her back could lean against the brick wall close to the door. Sighing, she took the Jet inhaler from her bag and closed her mouth on it's end.

@PenguinFox @jole875
"Woah woah calm down. We'll get out of here; I can't imagine we'll stir up much trouble in the sewers. Maybe the odd mole-rat or rad-roach.. Nothing I can't handle."

"Julie? Alise? Your-...?" She shook her head. Keep your mind in the task at hand Robyn. If we can survive this.. Then we worry about the next thing.

Robyn stopped in her tracks and placed the laser pistol under her arm carefully. She pulled a tin of Mentats from her pocket and popped open the lid, the little red tablets glinted in the light cast by the Pip-boy. "It'll help you sober up, if you'd like one? And it'll increase your concentration?" She shook the tin gently, they rattled "First one is free!"

Lucia took one of the pills, and popped it in her mouth. She slid down the ladder alone, and shone the light down the tunnel. Her markings still remained on the walls after what was close to a decade, and smiled at the memories that followed. "Y'know, I met the man that took over the Dam with Mr. House. He never told me his real name though, hell, I don't think he told anybody. He got me out of a legion slave pen, and brought me here. He had this beautiful smile, like everything working up a point was worth it. Julie Farkas took care of me over at the Fort, seeing as I now had a slight sense of claustrophobia and was traumatised by my two years under legion control. You know what it's like to have a slave collar round your neck for two years, and it's not taken off once? They kept it weak enough, so it didn't choke us, but strong enough that every time we spoke, or ate, or coughed we knew who we belonged to." She explained, realising that she started to ramble on. She turned a corner, a ladder in the distance with a large red X on the wall behind it. "That's the way out, over there."

Robyn took one herself and slid the tin back into her pocket before following Lucia down the ladder.

She followed a few paces behind the girl, watching her walk and listening to her speak, the whole time keeping an eye out for enemies. "That's... Tough." She said, and meant it. "Sorry to hear that." The words didn't seem to want to come.. How do you respond to something like that? She opened her mouth, trying to formulate a sentence that might be comforting or... something.. But this was as they rounded the corner and the way out came into view.

It was all Robyn could do not to sigh as the relief washed over her and she realised she no longer had to come up with an adequate response. "Would you like me to go first? Or.. Would that cause trouble? Would they panic if a stranger just happened to burst in?" The mentats were making her buzz slightly, and she realised she was speaking her thoughts out loud. She shushed herself and continued following Lucia towards the ladder.

Mike got up and moved over to the Table. He had a set of Lucky 38 Cards. He took them out of the Packet and Slid them across the Table.

"Let me see." He Picked up some Cards and set them in a Solitaire Fashion. I'm not really good with cards.I'm terrible with them. He got some Purified Water out of a container. Mike Gulped it. He glanced at his PipBoy Looking at the map of it. "Haven't been there or There. God I wish I could Travel other Places apart from Freeside. I heard of a town called GoodSprings and Apparently The Courier Got Shot in the Head there." Mike Continued to Mumble on and on.

(Last Reply of the Night)
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"We're the followers of the apocalypse, not the harbingers. We don't shoot on sight, especially if someone enters through the emergency tunnel." She replied, smiling back to the woman who she was glad she had asked to come with her. She could feel herself sobering up at that moment, her urge to vomit decreasing. She ascended the ladder, slightly struggling to push the grate up but managing to do so. As she got above ground, she rubbed her neck and back, which were in agony over her movements. A look at her from behind revealed the scars that she wore from whippings, beatings, and the general marks from the collar long gone. They were scars that could never heal, not even by Auto-Doc. Lucia saw Alise run towards her, and Lucia went down on one knee to hug her. Julie approached her as well, with a somewhat worried look on her face. "Hey. There's been a surprise issue, and I'm gonna need to go quicker than I thought. It should only take a couple days, so don't worry." She said, waving for Robyn to come over. In the old Mormon fort was a car that Lucia had managed to fix up with Julia's help, and they were going to use it to reach New Reno before noon tomorrow. Lucia pulled out the one wire required to start the engine, and took Alise over to it. She connected the wire to it's two connecting spots, and waved over at Robyn. "Time and money doesn't wait for anybody, hurry up!"


(I'm going to bed. I'll respond in the morning.)
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"Hey Simon what was that Lucia woman doing here anyways, this her house or something?" Daniel questioned while repositioning the stock of the plasma rifle between each shoulder a few times. "You really are Enclave aren't you? This is the Silver Rush, owned by the VanGraffs, supposed to be the most technologically advanced besides the Brotherhood and well... you." Simon replied with a slight chuckle. "Why is she taking so long then?" Daniel asked as he stood to his feet. "Probably thought you were gonna kill her, probably ran off to old Mormon." Simon answered with a long smile forming on his face. "Shit," Daniel muttered before taking off in a sprint and taking a left at the Kings. Appearing at the gate of Mormon Fort; Daniel sighed at the sheer size of it and looked down at his rifle,I don't think I have enough ammo, even if I had to start shooting. With a huff he pushed the gate until he was able to slip through and began scanning the crowd of doctors and patients, I'm pretty sure Colonel Autumn wanted to do something like this, something too good for these savages. Too bad he got snuffed out by the Brotherhood.

@NotTooBad @Dinocorn
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Will was intrigued by the conversation behind him. It managed to distract him from his Bloody Mary. He'd been listening in on conversation all night. Some trouble with the Omertas, Some trouble with the Van Graffs, Some trouble with a chem dealer. That seemed to be the headline of Freeside: Trouble. Even so, Will wasn't complaining. Trouble suited his purposes just fine, but something pulled him from the bar. A real Enclave soldier. Hadn't they been wiped almost a century ago? The soldier left the bar and after a few minutes, Will followed. This might be a good start.

He wasn't sure the conversation the soldier had in there, but did his best to ghost the grunt all the way to Old Mormon Fort. Why on Earth would he be...

The soldier entered the castle. Well now his interest was piqued. He had no choice but to follow.

Will spoke fast in a way that communicated to everyone he spoke that Will knew all that answers, or at the very least, thought he did.

"Maybe not the best idea to charge into the West Coast's hub of crazies and chem addicts. Not my business, just might be bad practice. Not why I'm here though. Partially why I'm here actually. You're some kind of soldier boy? Name's William Wright, we should do lunch. I know this great place in The Tops..."

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Mike finished up his card game. He got a call with a H.A.M Radio. He grabbed his gun and Put it in the Holster. Just Incase I get mugged. Never can be to safe. Mike Made sure his gun was loaded and He had his Medical Supplies on him. "I just got a call. I'll be back in 10 Minutes max." He said to the Security Guard who Always sat in the same spot. Mike was doing a Mental Checklist

Gun. Medical Supplies. Water and PipBoy. Mike Spotted some People who had Slipped into the Castle. Mike Walked over to them While also Peering at them. "Hello Welcome to the Mormon Fort. How Can I help you?"

@jole875 @Deadkool

(Last Post for Tonight)
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The brightness of the fort after the tunnel stung; Robyn was too busy rubbing her eyes and letting them adjust to spot the criss-cross of scars on her companion's back. She gave a quick, friendly wave to the pair who greeted them but considered it rude to interrupt the reunion. The Mormon Fort fascinated Robyn; in fact any religious groups or structures did, and she found herself with plenty to look at while she waited to be addressed.

The first time Robyn took any notice of this.. car.. was when Lucia hopped in it and effectively told her to hurry up. Of course Robyn had seen cars in her time... But she'd never ridden in one. In fact the closest she'd ever gotten to a car was.. A car-t. Pulled by a ropey old Brahmin.

"Of course... I'm not questioning your intelligence." She muttered, speaking up for the first time since climbing out of the tunnel. She heaved herself into the car beside Lucia and watched her with both suspicion and interest "But.. Can you control this thing?"

"Can I control this thing? The better question would be who else can?" Lucia replied with a chuckle. She whistled to Julia, who sent four followers to open the large gate. Once the door was fully open she started it up, revving the engine with a smug smile, and launching them forward with astonishing speed. She drifted round the corner, the old patched up tyres barely staying on the ground. They drove towards the freeside gate, and watched as two worried guards shoved the door open for them. She looked back at Alise quickly to make sure she was okay before sending them north as quickly as possible. "Before we make our weekend trip to New Reno, we need to head to a town to pick something up." She stated, marking Jacobstown on her Pip-Boy map. "Before we head to Reno, you should probably tell me if you need to pick something up."

Robyn was stunned. The speed of this thing! Once she had got over the initial shock and composed herself outwardly (not wanting her child-like glee at riding in a car betray her cool exterior) she raised the corner of her mouth in a smile. "A weekend trip to Reno? Starting to feel more like your classic hooker than a gun-for-hire, here. You could've just asked, y'know I don't need payment up front to agree to go on a date." She winked and sat back in her seat, still trying to contain her amazement at the speed they were moving. Robyn slipped the tin out of her pocket again and popped another Mentat.

Seriously though. Reno.
The city of vice... Shit. "I'm gonna need a hell'uv a lot more ammo. Perhaps a sidearm, if we can pick one up, something smaller than Reliable -" She tapped her rifle to illustrate who exactly she meant " - more discrete.. Some more Mentats to keep me sharp - Reno prices are a rip off.." She took a deep breath "You realise just how dangerous Reno can be, right? I mean... I wouldn't want to lecture a Bishop of all people... But... As much as I'm enjoying your company and having that to myself.. We might need more than just me to protect you if whatever you're planning goes south."

She paused. She had her work-head on now. Robyn massaged her temples, thinking. "Do you mind me asking what exactly you are planning?"


Daniel peered over at what seemed to be a car,Oh you've gotta be kidding me. Before he could get close to it two people caught his attention, a doctor and some wastelander wearing a suit. "Well first off," Daniel would pause as he turned on a heel to the man wearing the suit,"I can assure you a bunch of savages high on chems wouldn't be able to take me down. Other than that, nice to make your acquaintance Mr. Wright but at this point in time I don't have time to talk to you, plus extorting me won't work or whatever your angle is." Turning to the doctor, Daniel smiled and took a step forward,"Don't need your help doctor but I respect the work you are doing here. If I ever need to stop in again I will make sure to give a large donation on your behalf, I'm sure you'll need it if you're helping the entire Mojave," Daniel would end his statements with a smile and a pat on the shoulder of the doctor before turning his attention to where the car used to be. With a smile Daniel began scanning the area until he realized that Lucia and her hired friend already left while he was preoccupied. Sneaky fucking wastelanders. Daniel let out a long drawn sigh and began his walk back to the Atomic Wrangler to fetch Picket. After making his way out of the New Vegas gate he pushed his tool box out of the way on the cart so he could sit back and relax. "Picket, our best bet is to go north west to New Reno, if she isn't there then we're just gonna try and make it to the nearest abandoned radio station to call home, now start moving" Daniel announced while picking up and dusting off his leather cowboy hat then placing it on his face to keep off the sun. After a second of Picket analyzing the order he turned his body and started mechanically marching ever so slowly.
Unfortunate, but not catastrophic. This was, like most things, an opportunity. Someone as well outfitted as that had friends, more importantly, had enemies. After Daniel left the Old Mormon Fort, Will did his best to tail him back to The Atomic Wrangler, hanging outside while he got somebody else. They were going somewhere. The Strip? No, no reason for that. After a few minutes of waiting, Will began to pass a few caps to local drifters and beggars handing around Freeside.

40 caps later, Will happened upon a kid that's been outside of the gate, chasing a rat. For a price, she told him everything she had heard. Admittedly, it wasn't much. Something about a girl and where they were going, but for his purposes, the information would be invaluable.

Will had it figured out. New Reno. A long smile crept across Will's face. The destination couldn't be better. If he could tie them up in New Reno somehow, The Van Graffs would take notice. And they're looking for someone, a girl. Even better; The more chips on the board, the bigger the payout.

He paid a local office 5 caps for a radio transmission to New Reno. Will informed some of the Wright grunts to be on the lookout for someone matching Daniel's description and contact him when they heard anything.

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