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  1. Liralli

    Fantasy Party of Adventurers (Closed)

    I'd be interested in the sniper ranger if you will have me.
  2. Liralli

    I know I am behind, posting soon. RL stuff and such and things.

    I know I am behind, posting soon. RL stuff and such and things.
  3. Liralli

    A Visit to the Upper World - IC

    Marilyn took a few steps back, her blue eyes wide with shock as the comatose boy suddenly sat up and ripped out the IV. Sulphur was emitting some form of red mist that whirled and coalesced about him forming some kind of shroud and suddenly the doctor drops to the floor out cold. She hastily...
  4. Liralli

    A Visit to the Upper World - Out of Character

    Ahhh no proof. Marilyn just didn't want the kid to die.
  5. Liralli

    Fight or Flight- A maiden's quandary. (Closed)

    She stares back him, her mouth agape and her cheeks flushed with embarrassment as he laughs at her. "H-have you gone completely mad sir?! You honestly expect me to swing this thing in your direction? What if you get hurt, I'm not a doctor, after all, I hunt game.", she sputters, her eyes wide...
  6. Liralli

    A Visit to the Upper World - Out of Character

    Aww, thanks!
  7. Liralli

    A Visit to the Upper World - Out of Character

    Uhh sorry, it's something I suppose.
  8. Liralli

    A Visit to the Upper World - IC

    Having searched every inch of the hospital room all Marilyn could come up with was a toilet plunger and so she stood at the side of Sulphur's bed with the brown wooden handle in her hand. Great job Mare. What you gonna do, plunge em to death?! Should just go like whatever his name is said, why...
  9. Liralli

    Fight or Flight- A maiden's quandary. (Closed)

    Ellie awkwardly holds the blade in front of her with both hands, the tip pointed toward the floor, as she stares at Micheal as if he has just grown a third head. Surely the man was joking, she wouldn't need lessons if she knew how to use the thing. Seeing him moving back out of harm's reach, she...
  10. Liralli

    Fight or Flight- A maiden's quandary. (Closed)

    Elinia blinks several times, her brow furrowed with confusion before her emerald eyes go wide and she replies in a thoughtful tone, "I-What? Oh of course! Hmm well, I suppose offensive and defensive measures with a blade. I don't know really, this is all quite new to me. Honestly I never thought...
  11. Liralli

    Amethyst Ire (Private)

    Amy beams with pride at the compliment and nods with enthusiasm. "Yes, of course sir, I will get started right away!" She hastily scoops up her plate and cleans it, putting it neatly back where she got it from, then returns to hastily down her tea. Sighing with contentment she repeats the same...
  12. Liralli

    One x One Fight or Flight- A maiden's quandary. (Private/full)

    Many apologies for the delay, been a bit ill.
  13. Liralli

    Fight or Flight- A maiden's quandary. (Closed)

    Ivan chuckles and swipes the pouch up in one bear like fist, testing the weight before he drops it into his over sized pocket. "Ahha! You're too generous lad, try to leave some for later!" he shouts after Micheal in a loud friendly tone, his burly chest shaking with laughter. Turning his...
  14. Liralli

    One x One Fight or Flight- A maiden's quandary. (Private/full)

    No worries at all, take your time.
  15. Liralli

    A Visit to the Upper World - Out of Character

    Thanks so much, long day in the heat took a lot out of me.
  16. Liralli

    A Visit to the Upper World - Out of Character

    Actually you guys mind skipping over me, not feeling too well.
  17. Liralli

    A Visit to the Upper World - Out of Character

    Huh? Oh sorry!
  18. Liralli

    A Visit to the Upper World - Out of Character

    Actually, depends on the room. Big city, so long term rooms tend to have all kinds of neat things. Was going to surprise everyone with a toilet plunger....
  19. Liralli

    A Visit to the Upper World - Out of Character

    Have a safe trip!
  20. Liralli

    A Visit to the Upper World - IC

    Almost as quickly as it had arrived, the smirk leaves Marilyn's face, replaced by a frown and narrowed eyes. Silently, she stands and watches Keegan kneel to talk to Shire, once again fighting that nagging feeling that something was terribly wrong. As if to confirm her fears the strange boy...