A Visit to the Upper World - IC

Shīre was rushing around the hallways like a scared little toddler, looking around frantically as people ran past her at the sounds of sirens. She was nervous that her father might not be here anymore, meaning that there was trouble.

Another couple corridors and she wasn't paying attention as she ran into a very familiar individual.

She looked up and grabbed the person's arm quickly.

"Dad! Come on! You have to go to Sulfur's room! NOW!!"

Her father was rather confused at her sudden anxiousness and quickly tried to get some information.

"Shīre, what's go-"

"Come on, Dad!!!"

There was no longer and questions, just quick movements through the hallways back to Sulfur's patient room.

Moloch sighed. This guy's an idiot. But, an idiot with a point. I don't care much about these souls, but I can't have the ethereal planes exposed. He gave a kind of "you're a nuisance" look before nodding in agreement. If anything went wrong, he was entirely capable of incinerating this entire floor, including this guy and the humans. Despite what one may think, Moloch was one of his word. He wasn't his target, anyways. Another opportunity will arise eventually. It was destined for him to kill Sulfurious, no matter what.

He spun his sword in a 360 before sticking it into the tile floor. He put his hood up and leaned on the night blade. Moloch observed the hospital in waiting for his sacrifice. Tile walls to match the floor, a shade of perrywinkle. The steel doors were a very prominent gunmetal, with a tiny blue glass window at the top. Stereotypical hospital setting, of course.

Now that he had thought about it, didn't God say he'd take some fallen back? It's not like he wanted to go back; he enjoyed his ability of hopping between all three planes at will. But shouldn't some want to? KG, where ever the bastard is, didn't. That was obvious because of how he treated Raguel. Moloch did wonder, however, how many archangels are trying to get the fallens back?
It's funny how it's always the strong ones who fall. The ones with strange powers, heaven-forged steel augmentations, the ones with ambition and the power to sate that ambition. Why does this universe seem to hate those who have this? Sulfur and KG both had passed into his mind. Then two humans he didn't recognize. Then... THAT thing. He wondered if it entered Earth yet. A real medal to the first death.
Shīre led her father to the room where Sulfur's body lay on the medical bed. She seemed very nervous and wanted to know what was going on.

Her father ran into the room and quickly rushed to the unconscious boy's side. He turned to Marilyn who was still there and wanted to know some things.

"He's pretty stable from what I can gather, but what's wrong? Did something happen?"

Shīre remained mostly silent as she looked down at the boy she knew to be her friend. She had no idea what to do. She mostly secluded herself because she was always too afraid to make friends, but now that she had one, it was hard to determine what to do.

KG shrugged at moloch. "Allrighty then. Well, here ya go." Dropping the person much like he had the scrub, KG used his powers to force their head down hard onto the floor. A sickening *smack* was heard as the persons skull split, and their brain began to bleed inside. Pulling the persons soul out of their body, KG inspected it for a moment. Souls were always a strange thing, and this one was no different. The silhouetted outline of the person they once were, floating forever in the air, apparently unconscious. In this state, they were either pulled to heaven, or dragged to hell.

But KG stopped both of those things from happening, shoving the soul at the dark angel.
"Moloch take you," he said plainly. Given that that was done, KG wiped his hands on his pants and put his hood back up, turning around and walking away. "Oh, by the way," KG threw over his shoulder, "Next time you see Lucy, tell him I've one-upped him, will you? It's one thing to have rebelled against God, but it's another to be able to hide from him. It's even better when you actually manage to pull it off." KG gave a little wave from behind, raising the volume of his voice as he got farther and farther away from the dark angel. "Soon, I'll be able to outmatch the devil himself, and go toe to toe with the big man." Turning around, KG's devilish grin could only be seen by the glint in his eyes. "Heh, tell him I'm up here, taking souls that belong to him. And tell him to make an appointment with me sometime. Because KG's here to stay. And he's got all the clouds he wants." With that, KG dissapeared down the stairwell. Unbeknowest to Moloch, he'd kept the hand of the soul he'd sacrificed.

Coming back downstairs, KG didn't take off his mask and hood untill he was at the bottom of the stairwell. Was Marilyn gone? Like he said, KG wouldn't blame her. Assuming the worst, he determined she probably was. KG decided that sulfur could spend a night by himself. He was in a coma. He wouldn't care. Getting out of the hospital, KG once again climbed a building in search of a cloud to sleep on. A nice, big, fluffy one.
Having searched every inch of the hospital room all Marilyn could come up with was a toilet plunger and so she stood at the side of Sulphur's bed with the brown wooden handle in her hand. Great job Mare. What you gonna do, plunge em to death?! Should just go like whatever his name is said, why are you even still here? This kid ain't gonna be any different just because he's a demon! Sighing, she shakes her head at her downcast thought patterns and kicks a toe against the tiled floor.

A sudden sound catches her attention and she jumps, dropping into a batting position and holding the plunger out and to the right. Seeing a familiar face, Marilyn drops the plunger to her side, her right hand holding the end and quietly watches the green haired girl and the doctor move to Sulphur's side. As much as she was hoping toshe would be ignored, it simply was not to be as the doctor turned and asked her what was going on. Marilyn shrugs her right shoulder and smirks, replying in what she hoped was a nonchalant tone, "Ah, I'm not sure, the toilet was stopped up and I heard yelling so I came to check on my friend. Why should something be wrong?" She raises her right eyebrow high and stares at the doctor as if to say, "Hey, you're the doctor!", her arms crossing her chest plunger and all.
Sulfur Blackbody

The will to live was all that flooded Sulfur's mind. He couldn't stay in this coma, his own mind was turning against him. Sulfur predicted that his body's pulse was probably wildly fluctuating. He had hoped no one was looking. It was time for his fears and weakness to turn to strength. Kahn, his parents, all the demons he had helped, Shire, KG, and hell even Marilyn pranced around his mind. We will live another day, friends. KG's deals can't work forever. Moloch will eventually slaughter us all, and this odd premonition of mine may become true.

Sulfur's eyes opened at the speed of light, he swiftly ripped off all medical equipment and jumped up. Smiling widely, his arms turned into a deep red gas. "Nighty-night, thanks for helping me! Get some rest, okay?" Sleep gas was shot into everyone's respiratory systems except for his human friends, in which he made a massive cloud of the stuff to mask his violent changing process. This was going to hurt.

Less than three minutes after being hidden within the gas, the red mist had dispersed and a more mature-looking Sulfur appeared. More physically built and taller(now six foot), his crimson eyes blinked rapidly for a moment. Adjusting to the change of catalyst, the demon scanned the area for threats. Nope, only- "SHIRE!" Sulfur tackled the green haired girl with a hug.


Moloch had since flown away since completing KG's deal, and was simply circling Giru. The dark skies with sprinkles of light like glitter was certainly enjoyable, no questions. He was soaring too high for humans to see him, obviously. What kind of idiot would expose himself to humans? He then remembered. Would Sulfurious eventually awaken? If he does, a ruined opportunity would mock Moloch. He then took note of the very slight shaking in the town. Not quite an earthquake, but not quite not one either. He crooked his hooded head to the assumed direction of the tremors. Oh...oh God and Lucifer...
GreenIV said:
Sulfur Blackbody

The will to live was all that flooded Sulfur's mind. He couldn't stay in this coma, his own mind was turning against him. Sulfur predicted that his body's pulse was probably wildly fluctuating. He had hoped no one was looking. It was time for his fears and weakness to turn to strength. Kahn, his parents, all the demons he had helped, Shire, KG, and hell even Marilyn pranced around his mind. We will live another day, friends. KG's deals can't work forever. Moloch will eventually slaughter us all, and this odd premonition of mine may become true.

Sulfur's eyes opened at the speed of light, he swiftly ripped off all medical equipment and jumped up. Smiling widely, his arms turned into a deep red gas. "Nighty-night, thanks for helping me! Get some rest, okay?" Sleep gas was shot into everyone's respiratory systems except for his human friends, in which he made a massive cloud of the stuff to mask his violent changing process. This was going to hurt.

Less than three minutes after being hidden within the gas, the red mist had dispersed and a more mature-looking Sulfur appeared. More physically built and taller(now six foot), his crimson eyes blinked rapidly for a moment. Adjusting to the change of catalyst, the demon scanned the area for threats. Nope, only- "SHIRE!" Sulfur tackled the green haired girl with a hug.

Marilyn took a few steps back, her blue eyes wide with shock as the comatose boy suddenly sat up and ripped out the IV. Sulphur was emitting some form of red mist that whirled and coalesced about him forming some kind of shroud and suddenly the doctor drops to the floor out cold. She hastily drops to his side only to find that the man was fast asleep on the cold tile floor. Looking up at the two, she takes in his new appearance and rubs the back of her neck, quietly processing how strange her life was becoming. She slowly shakes her head back and forth laughing softly before pasting on her best smirk and standing back up, her arms crossing in front of her. "Man and I thought I was tired. It's about time you woke up or we would all be sleeping on the floor kiddo. Your brother was worried but he ran off to check on something.", Marilyn quips emphasizing the cover Keegan had given her. Strolling toward the door she peers up and down the hall and quietly closes it before leaning against the stone wall and murmuring, "I wonder where he's gone off to. Hope the jerk's ok."
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Sulfur Blackbody

Sulfur stood up from Shire, looking down at his now very tight clothes. He frowned comically before responding to Shire's statement. "Yeah, thing is I was supposed to die a few minutes ago. I didn't really like the thought so I woke up." He turned his head to Marilyn and crooked his head at forty-five degrees in confusion. "Brother? Mine died back in Hell by an archangel or something. But you're right it does seem to be night. You two go to sleep." He took his device out of his pocket. which has been long since neglected. He grinned, knowing KG did it. "I have some unfinished business to attend to, not like I could sleep anyways. I'll be right here in the morning, I promise!" He twirled his device as if it was an oversized pen. Plopping down on the cold tile, Sulfur smiled widely at the two, waiting for them to leave and/or fall asleep.

His premonition was still faintly circling his mind. What was going to happen? Has it already happened? IS it happening? It's not like he could do anything, as he had no idea what it was. Maybe his comatose mind was hyperbolic to a not-so-bad situation. Like Sulfur dropping cotton candy or something. Okay, maybe that WAS pretty bad and worth this heavy premonition. Either way, once the humans went to sleep he would access his chest in Hell. His mouth watered at the possibilities with the materials he had stashed in there. Also he was still thinking of cotton candy, which he had been starved of for two years. He's only had it once, back when he was in a gang for an hour, but it was still the best thing he's ever done.
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Shīre starred at Sulfur as she walked off a little. He was waiting for them to go about there business, but she was too scared that something might happen to him. He's one of her only friends she's had in her entire life.

"Y-you promise..."

She wouldn't say anything to stop him, after all, he had things to do too. But she wasn't going to sleep until her father woke up. He needed to go home.

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