A Visit to the Upper World - IC

Sulfur Blackbody

The tears have finally stopped racing down the boy's cheeks. Purely because he ran out. Then, out of nowhere, Marilyn's voice popped into the train station. "I-is he going to be ok? I mean, I hardly know him or anything but... I dunno, I guess he's kinda like a friend to me. Don't you dare tell him I said that!" Sulfur perked his ears up. He looked around wildly for the source of the voice, but to no avail. "The thing that hurt Sulfur looked like an angel. However, it had black wings. This means it was most likely a spirit of balance. He was after the thing Sulfur made, therefore, it shouldn't exist yet. Or it's very, very important." KG's? "What the literal Hell?" In a moment of confusion as the two voices rolled by, having a conversation, Sulfur plopped down next to the rails. This did remind him, however. He looked furiously through his pockets, his device wasn't here. But, KG seemed to have put it in his actual pockets on his physical body. In conclusion, he could hear what his body could.

Listening to all the hilarious banter and tongue-in-cheek conversing between the two as they brought him to the hospital, Sulfur was smiling if not laughing a couple of times. Until KG had said
"I don't know if Sulfur will ever wake up, all magic comes with a price. Perhaps this is said price." His smile had reverted into a frown full of awe. His normal optimism had swiftly been perverted into great pessimism, believing he would just be a worthless body wasting the air on Earth. Infinitely trapped and cursed to listen to all he could be learning and laughing about. His head fell into his hands, his fingers becoming buried in his nightshade hair. "Please..." he said, increasing the grip on his hair, "...don't waste your energy on me if I won't be worth keeping!" His teeth gritting and lips quivering, the poor demon boy was on the verge of breaking down.

Ten Chronos years ago in Hell, Sulfurious X. Blackbody was tasked by Lucifer himself to kill and siphon the soul of a new upstart angel who was making Hell's life hard. This was a rare occurrence, as this was one Sulfur actually wanted to do. Why? Because he had never seen an angel's dreams before. Lucifer had snuck him into Heaven, where Sulfur had now looked like an extremely low-ranking angel. Man, this place is BRIGHT. Like, it's brighter than my brother naked. Okay, that's pretty insulting to Heaven. Sorry! He spent about a few days walking around and pretending to be an angel, until he found the alleged upstart. The name was unknown, however he seemed too powerful to only be a low-rank angel. He was almost on par with Sulfur's power, it seemed. Maybe that's a bit of a hyperbole, but it gets the point across. Watching in awe, Sulfur observed this angel completely destroy the targets without even touching them. Abusing the power of wind, apparently. He then listened to this angel's conversations and interactions, and he decided this was too good of a guy to kill. He assassinated another angel and brought it back to Lucifer. Blackbody got away with it, however soon after he was assigned to design machinery and other technologies for Hell.

This is something Sulfur thoroughly enjoyed doing. He developed trans-dimensional cellular devices, functional clocks, complex weaponry which only activated if a specific demon held it, among other things. Although lonely, his inventions and other contraptions were his friends. His family was never really there for him, Sulfur raised himself and taught himself most things he knew. Aside from inventions, the only thing close to family he ever had was a reaper demon named Kahn. Despite being rather weak, Kahn was infamous for never dying and always, ALWAYS completing his assignment a few days early. And damn, he was good at breaking whatever Sulfur made. Because of this, he constantly had to stop by Sulfur's to get repairs. They became short in a close amount of time, and even called each other "brother" because Kahn lacked a solid family as well.

One day in the demonic life of Blackbody, he was hearing talk that Kahn hadn't returned from his most recent task yet. Now, he still had two more days to complete it, but he should've been earlier. The optimistic Sulfur didn't mind the delay.

Four days later, Kahn still didn't return. With a twitch in his eye, Sulfur still said
"He'll come back soon! Don't you worry!"

Seven days.




Whenever asked about his brother, Sulfur would say with a smile
"He's on vacation!" Some demons could occasionally see Sulfur looking at a shrine in Kahn's honor. Who killed him, Sulfur wondered.

He had heard Shīre's voice. that's when he knew KG and Marilyn brought him into the right place. Wait... she called him her friend. I.... I thought you hated me, Shīre...
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Marilyn silently watched the goings on in the room, the rude one's words spiraling through her head. "I don't know if Sulfur will ever wake up, all magic comes with a price. Perhaps this is said price." What was the point of being able to heal someone if they might never wake up again? Wasn't healing supposed to make people better? No matter which way she looked at it, Marilyn could not help but think being trapped in your own body had to be worse than any death she could imagine. What if he was trapped in some eternal nightmare, being forced to relive his greatest fear over and over again, with no possible means of escape? Worse yet, what if he could hear them, and feel everything going on around him? What if poor Sulphur was trapped in that unconscious shell being forced to endure everything that was going on around him and was silently screaming to be let out, desperately trying to wake up and reach them somehow? No, that was a fate she would not wish upon her worst enemy, that was her idea of a living hell.

Her foot slides down off the wall to settle on the floor and she peers across the room at the stranger she still had no actual name for before dropping her eyes down to the zipper of her jacket and fiddling with it. She had not even thought about how worried he must be. Marilyn didn't have any siblings of her own, something her father had no issues with pointing out to her as she grew up. She had often imagined what it would be like to have one though, a younger sister or brother to look after and teach, it was one of her favorite imaginings as a child. Surely poor Keegan or whatever his name was must be torn apart inside, maybe she was judging him too harshly. Maybe he was just bristly because he was worried about his brother, who knew what could be going through his mind. His brother was attacked and almost killed right in front of him and then he has to deal with some strange woman snapping at him over and over again. No wonder he was being so hostile. Then again this is how it always was, she just was not good with people, and apparently she wasn't too good with demons either.

Marilyn had been so lost in her own thoughts that she had not even noticed someone else had come into the room and so found herself pleasantly surprised when a familiar voice cut through her thoughts. She was never one to believe in fate or other such superstitious things but she could not help but find herself wondering at how odd it was that the very same girl who had brought her into this crazy world she was now living in was standing right there in the room with them. She wanted to believe it was probably just a coincidence but Shīre seemed to be just as shocked as she was at the meeting. Offering a half smile, she waved and then turned her attention to the man who had joined her and was now looking over Sulphur. Finally, the doctor had come. Surely he would be able to fix her newfound friend. He would wake up and say something silly in his carefree manner and they would all laugh and it would be over. Yes, surely Sulphur would be just fine, she hoped.
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Shīre's father looked at Sulfur on the table and walked over, placing two fingers against the boy's neck. He turned to the boy who claims his name was Keegan. "And how long has he been experiencing seizures?"

Shīre looked at Marilyn and smiled at her before walking over to where Sulfur was laying, looking at him with a confused and sad expression. Since when to demons of any caliber start having seizures?

Shīre felt bad for Sulfur since she's only met him for a few days and he's already going to be hospitalized. Her gaze switched over to 'Keegan' and waited for his response.

KG watched the physician analyze Sulfur. Responding to his question, he gave a shrug. "Literally just two days ago. The first one was just him blanking out, he was just unresponsive. I didn't know it was a seizure until this most recent one, he just... KG gestured to the boy, raising his hands apologetically. "For lack of a better term, 'spazzed out.' Hasn't woken up since, so I carried him here." Sitting back down in his chair, KG rubbed the back of his neck. "I don't think he's dehydrated, it hasn't been hot the past few days."

KG's eagle gaze followed the doctor, analyzing, planning. This guy seemed allright, and the whole 'take your kid to work day' thing went along with it. KG made sure to mentally log everything the doctor did, just in case he found himself in a situation without one. He was sure what the doctor was doing now was just standard procedure, making sure the patient wasn't in any immediate danger. Setting his Jaw, KG backed up and let him do his thing.
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Shīre's father noted that on a piece of paper in the clipboard he was holding, then looked back at the boy and stood straight.

"He's stable, but we still need to make sure nothing is damaged within his cranium, so an MRI would be best. But if you don't approve that's fine."

Shīre looked at Sulfur, poking at his cheek lightly. She was worried for the poor boy.

Please wake up...

Timeskip - about 3 hours
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Sulfur Blackbody

Sulfur, shedding tears of both joy and utter sadness, was still trapped in the blank train station. After just reliving the death of Kahn, he truly wanted to wake up. After Shīre and her father helping his body become situated in fantastic medical equipment, he still wanted to wake up purely to hug them as well as KG and Marilyn. However, the doctor still didn't even tell Shīre he was in a coma, let alone the others. "Why am I the one cursed to this hell? They're just going to keep coming, the memories. And they're gonna keep trying to wake me up, the humans and KG. This is a new kind of torture, God..." A very humble looking man, wearing nothing but white robes a little darker than Sulfur's train station and a golden halo, appeared in front of him. "It is, isn't it? You've been crying your sulphuric tears which have given you your name the past six hours." Looking down at his hands, the yellow tears coated his hands.

Eighteen Kairos years ago in Hell, a new demon was scheduled to be created. Under the constellation Scorpio, which was seldom for demons. Most were born under Sagittarius or Ares, the other signs were far less common. But Scorpio demons were one in two million. Because of this, it was a huge deal for this child's birth. It was wondered what kind of demon, if he'd be taken in by Lucifer, if he'd become his successor, what he'd do for Hell. Now, demon child birth was a little different. The details won't be explained outright, however it was more about magic than not. At around midday, the dark and ominous clouds of Hell swirled outward away from the obsidian-forged plaza where the demon was to be born. It cleared a hole, which revealed the stars organized loosely into a scorpion. Suddenly, a massive bolt of crimson was shot from the constellation to the middle of the area. Massive plumes of black smoke and rings of the same gas shot out violently, knocking the weaker demons far back. The smoke was eventually cleared by a concise combustion, then a baby demon appeared.

Glossy crimson eyes, jet-black hair, and smaller than most other infants. This child then witnessed as his "parents" were taken and shoved into tight cells. Apparently, twenty demons were killed by this infant already. Watching as they were tortured before him, yellow tears shot out of these deep red eyes. These tears stopped everything happening. Every demon was in utter confusion and awe as to why this infant cried yellow. His parents were moved out of vision indefinitely, and then Lucifer named the child "Sulfurious X. Blackbody" due to not only his tears but also his black, or sinister, aura. X coming from Xysticus, or champion. Lucifer had believed this demon was going to be able to destroy all of Heaven and bring Earth's realm into his power, purely from the birth. All of this infant's life, he had been expected to do all of this. However, Sulfurious hated the thought of ruling Earth and unnecessarily killing. Of course, he never said this aloud.

One day, Sulfur did see his parents again. As skeletons. They were delivered while he was inventing the trans-dimensional phone, and he had to restart this inventions because sulphur ruined the mechanics of it. He never even knew their names nor surnames. But here they were, as charred skeletons. Why? What did they do that was so wrong? Sulfur took their skulls and put it in his first invention: a chest which couldn't be detected by even gods. He enabled it to be accessible by his new blueprint of the phone, so one day he could retrieve whatever he put into this chest if he needed it no matter where he was.

In the train station, Sulfur was on his knees. "Please, you guys, if you won't let me die or kill me, at least ensure that my phone never leaves my pocket. Please..." The fact he had just relived his birth had reminded him... it was his birthday, wasn't it?
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KG, had no objections to an MRI. Given that he'd spent the milennia and a half, he didn't know what an MRI was. He knew the basic things of society, traffic laws mostly, and inanimate objects, remotes, tv's, telephones, but being in hell since 500AD made him have the electronic and technical knowledge of an old man. Gesturing for the doctor to continue with whatever an MRI was, KG stepped back as Sulfur was wheeled to the MRI room.

Timeskip- about 3 hours

While KG racked his brains thinking of what MRI stood for (his favorite so far was Manditory Rectal Implosion) the specialist went about putting Sulfur into a strange machine, screens lighing up. They showed images of a brain, colors whirling around it like a lil digital map. It was at this moment KG realized that MRI stood for Magnetic Resonance Imaging. The machine was full of magnets, and they pinged signals back and forth to form pictures of things. As Sulfur was carted back towards his room, KG approached the doctor, saying nothing. Medical professionals would do their own thing at their own time, but he had a feeling this one would want to talk to him.
Shīre's father had finished with the MRI and looked at the 'Keegan' boy before speaking.

"He's in a coma, so he will need to stay here a while..."

Shīre was helping with getting Sulfur back onto the medical bed, but didn't touch the needle they used to place in his vein.

She knew about him being in a coma and was rather sad as she pulled up a chair and sat next to his bed, crossing her legs into the seat as she looked at the boy before her.

'Dr. Rolaf' as he was called, noticed his daughter's sadness as she sat down and sighed quietly to himself. However, he stayed focused on the task at hand and looked back at 'Keegan' again.

"If there is anything that happens," he motioned to a button on the wall that read "Nurse" underneath with tape. Obviously that was how to contact someone if they needed something. "Make sure to call."

He finished speaking and left the room, not calling to his daughter just so that she could stay with her 'friends.' He knew Sulfur was a friend but he didn't know about the other two.

Shīre turned to look at the other two and then focused on the boy.

"Keegan? Or is it something else..."

KG said nothing to the girl. Folding his arms and jerking his chin at the girl, KG was not in the mood to talk. "Mind your own business punk." he growled. Turning to Marilyn, he gestured to where Sulfur lay, unconscious. "Marilyn, I have to run some errands. Keep an eye on my brother while I'm gone, allright? Brushing past the kid to get to the door and turning around to make a small 'i'm watching you' gesture at Marylin, KG adjusted his jacket and walked down the hallway and out of the hospital.

Once outside, KG pulled out the suits wallet. He looked at the address for place of work, and made his way there. Sticking his hands in his pockets, KG continued to walk down the sidewalk, a light breeze whipping at his hair. As he stolled along, he couldn't help but notice a beautiful girl in front of him. She had long hair pulled into a ponytail draped over her shoulder, a brunette. Couldn't have been a day older than 20. KG noticed she wore shades, large aviator glasses. She wore a pretty white blouse that ended in frills at her elbows, and a pink skirt that ended just above her knees. His eyes narrowed, he'd seen this person before, at the park. For some reason or another, he felt drawn to this person. Like before, he continued in her direction, walking faster to try and catch up to her. Also like before, someone bumped into him.

Turning to glance at the offending person, KG recognized Raguel again. He was wearing the same thing he was before, the same blonde hair with the same cowlick, the same blue eyes, the same pale lips. Sighing like a teenager who'd just been told he couldn't go out later that night, KG turned to face him, cracking his knuckles threateningly. Raguel simply kept his straight face, standing with his legs apart like before. The people on the sidewalk stepped around the duo, but nobody dared bump into them.

"You looking for a fight bud?" KG said, venom practically dripping from his words. Raguel shook his head. "You bring backup?" Again, Raguel shook his head. KG sighed, shifting his weight to his right foot and popping a knee. Gesturing to the man, KG decided to get straight to the point. "Well what the hell do you want?" Raguel shrugged. "For you to make a choice," he said simply. KG waved dismissively. "Trust me, between being up in 'paradise' doing nothing all day and being fallen, and all the freedom that comes with it, I'd rather stay the way I am." Raguel held out a hand. "C'mon kiddo. He already saw you take a soul. Don't dig your hole deeper." KG waved dismissively. "I wanted equal rights. Just like Lucifer. Just like Baal. The only difference between me and them is that I'm on earth. And I'm not afraid of him." KG pointed at the sky, locking eyes with Raguel. "Also unlike Lucy, I know when I'm beat. And right now, I'm not." Turning his back to Raguel, KG delivered his final warning; "Next time you threaten me, make sure it it's in a public place. And make sure you have plenty of backup. Otherwise, I'll send you to the stars." Raguel's eyebrows raised a bit. When angels died, they became a star. So KG saying he'd send Raguel 'to the stars' was some pretty serious smack talk. KG began to walk away, and Raguel shook his head sadly and turned in the opposite direction.
Marilyn Looks at him and nods softly, walking over to stand by Sulphur's bedside. "Of course, do what you gotta do." She replies in a soft tone, her brow furrowing as she looks down at the comatose demon. "Don't mind him Shīre, he seems to be rude like that. Hard day maybe?" Sighing she runs her hand through her hair, her eyes focusing on the various medical equipment hooked up to the dark haired demon. How she despised hospitals, with their bright white walls, needles, and loud machinery. Why was she even here, it wasn't like she knew the two brothers or their friend, so why not just leave? It wasn't because she was afraid, she knew that much. She couldn't quite put her finger on what kept her there but somehow she knew it was important, she knew she had to stay with her new friend. Friend, how odd, she hardly knew him yet here she was calling him her friend. What an odd situation, it seems all logic and reason has fled in the face of these demons and Marilyn wasn't sure just how she was going to cope with that. Shrugging, she softly whispers, "You better wake up kid, you've made quite a mess of things and I expect you to help me clean it up."
Sulfur Blackbody

Sulfur grinned shakily when he had heard Marilyn's plea for him to awaken. You have no idea... if I could open an eye I would. The demon which informed Sulfur he was in a coma reappeared in front of him. "Why do they make me, Cthonic, do all this stuff with comas and dead people? Oh, Sulfurious. Apparently Raguel was sent down to Earth again. Who knows what for? Probably to try and berate KG. Anyways, enjoying yourself here?" Sulfur gave a sardonic grin. "Why am I being given this?" The nightmare demon truthfully had no idea what he did wrong. Cthonic sat next to him and leaned back. "Before Moloch came and shot cha, you were pretty close to getting something no one wants you to have. Especially Lucifer and God. You can use this time to master your power." Cthonic spit on the blinding sideline and walked back into nothingness. Master my power while I have no body?

Moloch soared over the hospital, wondering if he should break in and look for Sulfurious. Yet again, there was a large chance he wasn't in there. Exposing Heaven and Hell to humans wasn't a good idea in any sense. He then saw KG walk out of the hospital. Intrigued, he stealthily stalked the fallen angel. Until he met with an angel. Raguel? What's he doing here? Perching himself upon a higher building, he listened and watched with great analysis. They then went opposing directions, both seemed rather bitter. I guess he wasn't bluffing. However, it doesn't seem they're on that good of terms. Wait... if KG isn't with Sulfurious then... Moloch quickly confirmed Sulfurious was in that hospital and without protection. A fine opportunity.

KG had been walking a bit, and finally, he reached his destination. A bank, a large building. Scuffing his foot on the sidewalk, he tilted his head back, looking up to the top of it. This would be a piece of cake. Formulating what he'd do in the back of his brain, KG stepped past the automatic doors, scratching the back of his neck on the way.

Stepping up to the front desk, he rang the little bell. The lady at the counter was already in front of him, but he rang it anyways. *Ding*. "Can I help you?" She asked. KG nodded.
"Yea. Some guy dropped his wallet." KG rang the bell with the bottom of the wallet, and placed it on the desk. "A card in there said this was where the suit works. Where's his office, I could run it up to him." The woman took the wallet, looking at its contents. "That's thoughtful of you, but it won't be necessary. We have a person who does that here for us." KG nodded, ringing the bell again. This earned him a glare from the woman. "Sorry," KG said, dinging the bell twice more, "I've always liked these little things." Dinging the bell once more on his way out, KG smiled. He'd go to the man's office anyways, his keen eyes had picked out the reflection of the sign-in chart behind the counter from the lady's glasses.

Making his way into the nearest alley, KG lept up the side of the building, pumping his legs. The sun was setting, and the fallen angel was well hidden within the vast expance of darkness that was the building's shadow. Getting up to the thirteenth floor, KG grabbed the top of the windowsill, swinging his legs inward and cleanly busting the window inward with no broken glass.

The suit at the desk in the single-man office was suprised, to say the least, to have an unexpected visitor enter via window. After the initial moment of shock, the man's hand crept towards his desk phone to call security.
"Aww, no need for that, KG said with a wave of his hand, using his powers to blow the telephone off the table, "I'm not here to hurt you. I'm a... Well, what you could call a business client." The man looked at his phone, then to the demon, a look of suprise and awe on his face. "You... How did you... Whuh..." KG waved his hand again, spinning the man around in a chair. "Don't worry about it, I followed an ancient map, found an artifact that granted me magical powers, yada yada yada. Thing is, I'm here, because I need something, from you." KG pulled a chair closer of him with a strong gust of wind, sitting down, leaning back and crossing his legs. "Thing is," KG continued, "You probably want something too. So I need to find out what it is so I can give it to you." He had the mans interest now, he could tell. The suit rubbed his chin, thinking. "Well. I would love for my kids to live their lives debt free, but I don't know how I'm going to do that." KG laughed. Oh, that was classic. This would be easier than stealing candy from a baby.

"Heh! That's IT?!"KG chuckled, rocking back in his chair. "Ah, that's easy. Done." The suit raised his eyebrows. "Uhh... That's all and well but... Don't we need a contract?" KG nodded, standing up. With a roll of his hand, a contract appeared on the desk in front of the man. "You've got a pen? I brought mine, but, it's more of a personal thing." Putting on his reading glasses, the man skimmed over the contract. "Hey, what's this article about a veteran named Mick?" KG waved his hand. "OH, that, that's what I need from you. See, Mick's a friend of mine, and his banking account just happens to be right..." KG waved a hand, the keyboard of the computer clacking. ..."There. Naw all you need to do, is wipe his account, and put... I dunno, how's a 401K sound? Into his account. Do that, and you, my friend, will NEVER have to worry about money on this earth again." The suit nodded, then obloged. He was a banker, afterall. He didn't have any moral values. And he did believe, to an extent, in the supernatural. What this guy was doing, hey, it was legit. Signing the contract, the man pushed the paper to KG, leaning back expectantly. KG picked up the paper, nodding compliantly. "Well, we've got it. Now, as promised, you'll never have to worry about money on this earth ever again."

Stepping around the desk, KG placed his hand on the man's chest. Almost immediately, the man gasped. A blood vessel carrying an abnormal amount of oxygen, pumping right up through the middle of his heart, happened to burst, and the man went into cardiac arrest. Choking on the air around him, the suit couldn't seem to get any into his lungs. Simultaneously suffocating and having a heart attack, the man fell to the floor. He struggled to sit up, but fell back down, gasping for air. KG pressed a hand to the man's chest once again, absorbing his soul.
"Like I told you," KG smiled, "You'll never have to worry about money on this earth again." As the suit breathed his last, KG could feel himself strengthen, and the suit's soul took its place next to the doughnut lady. "Hey. I didn't lie." He said, placing the windowpane back where it belonged and opening the window. KG sat down, swinging his legs over towards the alleyway below. And with that, he was gone, closing the window and floating to the ground.

Moments later, the bank's letter runner knocked and opened the door, carrying the suits wallet. He decided to keep it when he found the suit dead behind his desk.
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Shīre was looking at Marilyn, then at Sulfur who was still laying on the table.

She felt sorrow for the boy, worried that he may be stuck like this for so long as never actually waking up.

She's only seen this once in her lifetime. Her father dealt with a patient who was in a coma, but died while in the 'slumber'.

It was horrible to think about, but she will always remember it.

The patient was female, with blonde hair and pale skin. She had arrived with her brother in a panic. She apparently had passed out while her brother was out, as he was her only guardian.

There was nothing more, but people don't know why she died in that coma, only that it was all a big accident...
The smell of rubbing alcohol and cheap air freshener mingle in the closed room, setting Marilyn's stomach to churning and the heat was not helping. Pushing away from the bed, she begins to pace back and forth across the white tile floor, her black boots leaving small scuffs in their wake. She had always hated hospitals and she desperately wanted to leave but she had promised Keegan she would look after Sulphur. Looking over to the pale demon, laying unconscious in the hospital bed she sighs and rakes her long fingers through her hair. Where was Keegan anyways? Shouldn't he be here with his brother? Frowning she moves to the window and peeks between the blinds, wincing at the bright sunlight beyond. Surely he would be back soon, wouldn't he?

Damnation was all Moloch could see for Sulfurious. This opportunity was a clear sign he was meant to die. Now, most didn't know why the dark angel's hatred for the demon was boisterous. It was a grand feast in Heaven, celebrating the multiple thorns they had shoved into the sides of Lucifer. Chatting and drinking happily, Moloch and other angels couldn't think pessimistically for a second. Until, a great friend of the dark angel crashed through the doors coated in his life energy. One name was all that was spoken before he fell to the ground: Sulfurious X. Blackbody. Apparently, the little demon was stealthily wrecking the lower level angels' quarter.

When Moloch and the other angels got to the level, immeasurable about of corpses coated the landscape. A note was left on one corpse, reading: "Sorry about all this! They wouldn't shut up that I was here! I just wanted some heaven-forged steel. I took a few kilos, hope y'all don't mind! Love, Sulfur." Oh, there wasn't a single way in the universes he was getting away.

Moloch broke through the window two levels above Sulfurious' room, emitting an aura strong enough to cause weak-willed humans to faint. He took his time getting to Sulfurious, there wasn't a rush for vengeance.

Sulfur Blackbody

The train station became tinted crimson. Sulfur was far too focused on his mental training to care, but he did notice. He knew he had to break himself out, but before that become stronger. Thankfully, Cthonic had previously explained time is a lot slower to Sulfur. This tint was eerie indeed, but Sulfur's will refused to break. I can never protect anyone unless I become strong. Strong enough to defeat Moloch. I'll even spit in Lucifer's face! The pain was immense from this training, which he planned to explain to his friends later. Sulfur knew he couldn't be the only strong one, his human friends and KG must train too. Although they're human, Sulfur was working on something great before emigrating from Hell. Once he wakes...

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KG, now feeling stronger with the new soul he had absorbed, realized that he probably had a privelage that even Lucifer didn't have at the moment: the ability to hunt humans, and take their souls. An ability that would continuously increase his magical capabilities. It dawned on him that eventually, he'd be able to simply make his own miracles happen without going through all the other contractual bullshit, 'running errands' as he had described to Marilyn. Someone wanted a stack of money? He could make it appear in front of them. Well not now, perhaps. He probably only had enough juice in him to summon a few stacks. But later. Why would he do that when he could just pick someones pocket anyways? Much easier.

Walking back to the hospital, KG held his head up, watching the sky. He'd have to sleep in a chair tonight, probably. Being a fallen angel, like any self respecting supernatural being, he never smelled bad, and bathing was more of a pastime than a purpose. The human however, Marilyn, especially since she was a woman, would have to use the hospital's shower, or at least the one in Sulphur's room. He sighed, recognizing the point that she was a woman. That meant that KG would probably have to get her feminine hygene products during her time of the month.
'Oh well,' he thought, 'at least she'll have some extra bargaining power if we get in trouble.'

As KG rode the elevator up and stepped out on Sulfur's level, he sensed something. Not only had his keen ears picked up screaming, but there was definetely some magic going on. It was nowhere near Sulfur, thankfully. But something was up. KG stood in the hallway in front of Sulfur's room, sticking his hands in his pockets, alert. A light blue glow emitted from his hands, his claws developing, not entirely noticable, but the veins on his wrists glowed blue. Something was coming for them. And that something would have to mess with KG, and if it came to it, a whole bunch of angels as well.
As Shīre began to relax, she heard something loud break and was startled at first. She thought it might have been a potted plant that had gotten smashed, but when she heard screaming she was frightened.

She stood straight and hurriedly rushed to the door and opened it, rushing out but only to bump into that boy who was in the room before.

She stumbled back a bit and shook her head, looking at him with a confused and annoyed expression.

"My bad...Keegan, right...?"

She wanted to make sure she wouldn't be on bad terms with this guy, since he claims he's Sulfur's "brother" and all.

"Uhmm...Didn't mean to bump into you...But, do you by any chance have an idea what's going on...?"

Marilyn turns from the window, blinking slowly to readjust to the soft uv lights in the hospital room. The hairs stand up on the back of her neck and her bright blue eyes narrow as she watches Shīre dart for the door. Something was terribly wrong, she could feel it, like a heavy pressure threatening to drive her down through the floor. Shoving down her unease, she walks over to stand prospectively in front of the hospital bed, determination in her eyes.

Much to her surprise, she spies a glimpse of a familiar face beyond the doorway and she sighs with relief. Perhaps it was all her imagination, she had been quite worried about her new friend after all. Relaxing against the metal bed frame, she pushes her raven hair behind her ears and grins. "Well, nice to see you found your way back."

Taking the energy out of his hands so he could pull them out of his pockets without arousing suspiscion, KG didn't respond to the green haired girl. Of course, he was knocked off balance for a minute from being bumped into, he was light to begin with, a strong breeze could have knocked him over. Stumbling, then regaining composure, KG heard Marilyn remark about him being back. "Quiet." KG said simply, holding up a finger and still listening for the impending danger. Once he had auditorially located the thing that was causing so much chaos upstaris, he turned back to the girl. Kneeling down so he could look up at her, KG spoke calmly and deliberately: "Go find your father. Once you've done that, send him upstairs. If we're lucky, he wont have to put a tag on anyone." He was trying to say that there wouldn't be a need to send anyone to the mourge. 'If we're lucky,' he thought.

Turning to Marilyn, KG glanced at the unconscious Sulfur. Formulating a way to talk to her without the other girl hearing, KG reluctantly stepped up to her and put his arms around the woman, leaning forward to whisper in her ear:
"It is moderately unlikely I'll be back. But if I do, and I find you gone, I won't blame you. I haven't told you the exact extent of earth's situation, but if you're still here, I promise, I'll explain it to you." With that, KG backed out of the room, a bit awkwardly, maintaining eye contact with Marilyn untill he made it back out the door. Then turning down the hall, he broke into a sprint, slight bits of air currents carrying him towards the stairwell.

KG realized he'd need to hide his face. Taking off one of his handwraps, KG put it over his chin like a scarf, pulling it up to cover his mouth and nose. He tossed his hood over his head, only his eyes, and a hit of his forehead visible. Would the other demon be able to tell who it was? No matter. Hopefully he could tell who it was by his eyes, the right one blue, the other red. That was something unique about KG. Most demons had red eyes, and most angels were aryan. KG had kept some angelic characteristics, for instance, his right eye. When he fell, the other turned red. His hair too, didn't turn a fitful black like Lucifers had, instead it had bleached white, like the clouds his heart longed for so vehemently. As KG ran up the steps, his hands once again glowed their neon blue, claws forming at the tips of his fingers. Coming out of the stairwell, he lept over passing carts, brushing past people hurrying in the opposite direction, in a mad dash to get downstairs. He even ran across the walls for a few meters before turning a corner, and there, strolling down the middle of the hallway, was the dark angel, wings spread. KG planted his feet apart, his eyes burning.
"Demon! Foul one of hell! Go back from whence you came!" KG said loudly, his voice slightly muffled by his makeshift mask. "God is not pleased with your being on this earth! Leave, or you shall be smite by his hand, if not mine!" He held one claw at the ready behind him, the other pointed accusingly at the demon. "State thine title! Only a coward fights without his opponent knowing who he is!" A bit flashy? Perhaps. A but religious? Definetely. But KG's connections with the archangel and the big man was his trump card here. And he made sure it was out on the table.
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Moloch scanned the area, ensuring all humans were out cold. If any of them came running, he'd kill them just for safety reasons. Averting his attention to the non-human down the hall, he glared at the claw. It'd hurt horribly if that got to him, but nothing too major. This couldn't have been an archangel, right? They're all in Heaven to discuss KG and Sulfurious, aren't they? Pretty normal to have an angel in a hospital, but doesn't he know who I am? Know that I'm here for a reason? Moloch cleared his throat. Folding his pitch-black wings with a quiet as well as eerie tone chiming, he slid off his dark hood. Blue eyes, pale skin a shade darker than Sulfurious' , and chocolate colored hair. A black tatto of a bull covered his right cheek.

The extremely serious mug which he displayed entirely opposed Sulfurious'.
"Moloch. I am in fact here within God's likings. Also, your speak is... obsolete. You drunk off of ambrosia or something?"

Sulfur Blackbody

The train station had stopped shaking but retained the faintly crimson tint. Not like Sulfur cared either way. The demon was bleeding from four cuts on his inner left forearm, and three on his right. Since he was comatose, this didn't hurt his physical body. However, his mind was still being trained with the pain. This, although a lot, wasn't the centerpiece of increasing his mental strength. He summoned an ingot of heaven-forged steel in front of him. Sulfur ran up to it and clinged to it. The pain was immense. The normal demon would have at least passed out by now. Sulfur did this for about an hour in coma time.

He then switched to training his abilities. Summoning a fake but effective Moloch, Sulfur essentially got his demon ass whooped uncountable times. However, he was learning more and more about his capabilities. For example, he learned how to use swify motion to generate a ton of heat in seconds, igniting various parts of his body. In more detail, the heat would cause him to sweat sulphuric drops which would then ignite from the amount of heat.

All of this training was Hell, which was once again a lot coming from a demon. Sulfur couldn't stop no matter how much he wanted to, though. He couldn't lose anyone else. After Kahn, after his parents, he won't let anyone else die unless he does it himself. This was a silent vow to the demon boy, one he intended to keep.
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KG was stunned. Bloody hell, Moloch was one of the first fallen angels, thrown out of heaven along with Lucifer. There was no way KG would last against this guy for an extended period of time. His odds had improved aftter absorbing two souls, so now he could focus on more than one trick at once. His conscious was keeping his hands alight at the moment. Doughnut lady and Suit could do something else. Perhaps put some more force behind his blows, float around a bit and see if Moloch could wear himself out.

But the notion that the big man was happy with where he was, nuh-uh. God was not happy any of them were here. If he was continually hounding Sulfur and what he had, it was for his own benefit, and his own initiative. No way would he do some bounty work for the big man, especially after being tossed out after the great rebellion. Moloch used to be the pagan god of might, fire and sacrifice. Now wether or not both the big men wanted Sulfur dead, that was questionable. But Sulfur was messing with some crazy shit. And that crazy shit just might be KG's chance of staying on earth, unbothered, and untroubled, for the rest of eternity. So he reasoned protecting them both with a passion was a worthwile investment.

"Nahh, that was ah... Forget about it." KG began, dropping his stance, putting a hand on the back of his head, the other held out in a 'ya see' gesture, "Now bud, that there's a lie. Not only would you not work with the big man, but he wouldn't work with you. That's ahh... That wouldn't work. There's a twist of your words there, somewhere. And he's sure as sugar not happy you're here, risking exposure. You should've stayed downstairs man, cuz someone's gonna come and kick your ass back there sooner or later." Raising an eyebrow, not really noticable under his hood, KG shrugged. "I ah, I'm still going to ask you to leave. Backup's gonna be here soon. And you don't wanna be here for that." KG was trying to use an uncertain authority stance to maybe keep Moloch off his guard. If he could be underestimated, he and his two extra souls could do some damage. Hopefully.
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Shīre was extreme confused, but didn't let that keep her back. She got up and looked down where 'Keegan' had gone.

Get my dad...? I don't even know where he is! He was attending to another patient...

She glared at the hallway before bolting down a second corridor in search of her father.


Crawling out of the depths of hell itself, a creature that was too grotesque for any living creature's eyes squinted and growled at the light of the sun. It had only been outside the darkness once in its lifetime before this, and it emerged during the night, not the day.

It sniffed the air in hopes of picking up a scent of other demons, but only faint scents were the only things left because it's been a while since the demons had left the darkness of Hell. The creature listened for anything before it got a message from another demonic creature from within the depths.

Find the others that have left...I will take care of a select few...however, if you encounter those select few...bring them here immediately...

With that the creature curled it's lips back in a large snarling smirk before running off down the mountain towards the small town of Giru.
Almost as quickly as it had arrived, the smirk leaves Marilyn's face, replaced by a frown and narrowed eyes. Silently, she stands and watches Keegan kneel to talk to Shire, once again fighting that nagging feeling that something was terribly wrong. As if to confirm her fears the strange boy rises and looks toward Sulphur and a pit forms deep in her stomach, her gaze moving down to the pale and helpless demon beside her.

Hearing Keegans footsteps approach she looks back, her mouth opening to speak only to find herself silently staring over his shoulder in shock as his arms wrap around her. Not a word escapes her as she silently panics inside at this sudden intrusion into her personal space. Her mind barely registers the fact that he is saying something important and she fights back the urge to violently lash out at the boy, struggling to make sense of what he was saying. She could tell by his rambling he was either about to do something really stupid or he had gone completely mad, which wouldn't really surprise her considering recent events. Who knows, perhaps she was the one who was mad and none of this was really happening at all.

Marilyn watches Keegan back toward the door, her expression still one of mingled shock and confusion. As his form disappears out into the hall she swallows the lump that had formed in the back of her throat and turns to sit on the stark white bedsheets, staring down with concern at Sulphur's still form, she sighs softly, knowing there was no way she was going to leave the boy like this. She reaches over and tucks the sheet under his side, quietly talking to the only person left in the room to talk to, "Hey, don't listen to him, I'm not going anywhere. I'm worried about your brother though, he doesn't seem too confident that he will be back. Sulphur, if you are in there somewhere and you do make it through today, don't blame yourself for anything that happens. I don't think any of us would be too happy if you did, friends take care of each other, that's just how it works." Squeezing his hand gently, Marilyn gets up and goes to search the room for anything that can be used as a weapon.

Moloch's eyes widened slightly. Nobody aside from the bosses and archangels knew that, and the archangels explicitly said they didn't care what he did as long as he wasn't killing angels. Lucifer's peachy keen on destruction. God, well, he's kept quiet about Moloch's existence. The angel was most likely right in the sense he sure as hell wasn't happy about this. Who was this guy?

Re-examining the claws, Moloch noted it's familiar structure and styling. Flashing back to the fallen angel who had saved Sulfurious' life yesterday, he also was able to faintly see two different colored eyes beneath the hood and scarf the opposition bore.
"Hey, d'ya mind taking your hood and scarf off for a second? You got to see me, after all." Moloch prepared a highly defensive stance and foresaw a counter attack. Who knows when this high tension could explode with pure will and sparks?

Sulfur Blackbody

Something's changing. The station's crimson tint had darkened evermore, this sickened Sulfur. He would ignore it nevermore. He healed all of his burns and cuts and stood up(since this is his world, after all). The ceiling began to drip itself, the grotesque deep red with the viscosity of sap dripped onto the train station's equally hued floor. The entire area was melting. Reminding him of lava, Sulfur casually dipped his hand under one point of drippage. Thick, gross, and confusing. A drop descended upon his jet-black hair and it immediately evaporated. It hurt.

Something was changing out there, and Sulfur didn't know what or why, but he needed to get out of this hell. Not only was he constantly bombarded by his worst memories, his training being one of the most intense things possible, this liquid pain was filling the room. Although a slow pace, the demon would eventually drown in pure pain. Was this symbolic of something only the doctors can detect? Was his body dying? Or was it something no one could stop, such as this could be his time. A more preferable option would be something is close to his body and it's bad, real bad. He Sulfur put his faith in KG and moved from spot to spot to stay away from the pain as much as possible.

Although he didn't believe he would let himself die, he pondered the thought of what would happen if he did. His chest in Hell would remain hidden forever, and what he had planned to do with it would never be realized. Nobody else knows how to work that phone, and even if they did they didn't know what or how to do Sulfur's plan. That chest would never be found. That heaven-forged steel will remind hidden forever. His parents' skulls would never see Earth's light. Kahn's sword would rust and corrode. Changing the subject, he also went on and wondered why the dark angel was chasing him. Archangel? Sensible. Lucifer? Probably. Moloch? Nope. This lead to him thinking why the other three want him alive so bad. It's not like he did anything for them yet.

Rumbling. Cracking. An earthquake had spawned in the train station. This caused the pain to splash and swirl violently, greatly increasing the difficulty and chance of dodging.
Spooky. All Sulfur really could do was wait this out. So, to get his mind off of all the pain he couldn't dodge, he thought of how he was gonna wake up. Cthonic had arrived earlier to tell him his body and mind are two years older, despite not even physically being in a coma for two days. His mind already experienced the change, apparently, and when he wakes up his body will catch up very fast. This didn't worry Sulfur, it just meant he had to wake up with an explosion or sleep gas cloud. Probably both. As to why this is? Cthonic explained Moloch had cursed Sulfur with that arrow, and, despite saving his life, KG's magic enforced that curse. Angel stuff doesn't go with demon stuff, apparently. This didn't deter Sulfur's greatfulness even slightly, of course. Can't wait until I can show you what I've become, KG.
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KG stared down Moloch. His eyes burned brightly, and so did his claws. He wasn't going to win a fight with this guy. He couldn't. And this guy wouldn't leave. Not with sulfur still here. KG's keen sense of hearing picked out sirens, but they were very faint. That meant they were pretty far away. No doubt they were coming to the hospital to see what the commotion was. Could he stall? Yes, he could stall. Did he want to stall? Hell no. But it was his best bet. Seeing that Moloch had readied his sword, KG reasoned that as soon as he reached up to take off his hood, the dark angel would lunge. Gritting his teeth, KG's mind raced. And then, it stuck on the one thing that worked. The one thing that always worked. KG would make a deal.

Holding out both his hands in front of him for Moloch to see, KG's claws shrank, returning to normal hands. He took a gamble, and reached up to pull back his hood. He expected some sort of attack, but none came. KG tossed his hood back, but keep his mask covering his nose and mouth (the dark angel could tell who he was now, and KG didn't have the time to put it back on to keep himself hidden from civilians). His white shaggy hair was smoothed when he ran his hand through it.
"The hidden ID wasn't for you, it was for others. But jesus mary and joseph, even for one of the pagan gods, you sure are dumb." Wiggling his fingers and holding up his hands again, KG wiggled a finger at Moloch. "Now don't get all excited on me, I'm not going to do anything stupid. Lets face it, you'd maul me." Taking a couple of steps back, KG bent his knees, slowly sinking to the ground to where a body lay. He turned his back on Moloch, clicking his tounge. "Tisk tisk, what a shame. So many sleeping humans, so many... Souls! Souls, yes." He stood back up, his trademark devilish smirk on, hidden by his mask, but still visible in his eyes. "So many human souls here, and yet you, one of the most powerful fallen angels of all time, my respects by the way, I happen to be one, and MOLOCH, the GOD of sacrifice..." KG knew he had the angels interest now, "And yet, you have taken none of them. Dude, I mean, that is sad. Damn.

Pity practically dripping from his voice, KG strode back and forth, one hand behind his back, the other on his chin.
"Now of course, the big man, the one the both of us (and many more) hate, he's got to know where you are. I mean, I know where you are. Sees all, knows all, you know." KG was just chatting the demon up, making his deal even more tasteful, nice and juicy. "Now I can only assume, that this is the reason you haven't killed anybody. I mean, these are just humans! They're livestock! Little baby sheep! Baaa baaa." KG picked an unconscious body of a scrub off of the floor, holding him up by the collar. "Look at how cute he is. But hey, no blood. That's not how I'd do it. As a matter of fact, I bet it took an immense amount of self control not to just whip your fancy toothpick there all over the place and slaughter all of them. Because I'd bet, that as soon as you do, le Jesús would send some pretty strong people after you. And like most of us, I mean, you wanna stay here. Cuz it's great!"

KG dropped the scrub with a thump, using his powers to drive his head into the floor. Hard. His head split, and KG knew that this person was dying now.
"Whoops," he said, not apologetic at all. Placing his hand on the scrubs back, he absorbed their soul. Now he had three. "Ah. That felt nice. When was the last time you had a fresh soul? I mean, the friggin god of sacrifice, when was the last time somebody sacrificed anything? Now my friend, you, can't kill anyone. Unlike you, I can. And I could be persuaded to say... ritualisticlymurderoneoftheseluckyindividualsinyourname *COUGH* Faking something in his throat, KG waved it off. "Sorry, allergies. What I meant to say was that I'd give you a little bit of something you haven't had in a long time. Now. In this deal, you get yourself your sacrifice, which i'm sure your mouth is just watering over." KG shrugged, pointing to himself with his thumbs, "And I get to walk away from this alive. With no bodily and/or mental injury. You also get to leave the premisies as soon as I've held up my end of the bargain."

Randomly selecting another person from the floor, this one was a middle aged woman who just looked like a visitor, KG hoisted her up bu the collar like he did the scrub. Raising his eyebrows knowingly at Moloch, he nodded slowly.
"I'd make up your mind fast me boyo, because I heard sirens a bit ago, and people are going to be here in about five minutes."

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