A Visit to the Upper World - IC

Wow, and Blackbody is weird. Sulfur chuckled to himself. He observed that her dream was loneliness and her nervousness, this most likely meant she hated humans. Maybe she'd like demons? "Hey, so, I gots a question. I'm guessing you're not a big fan of humans, right? What about demons?" He knew this was risky, as the demon had said to be convert about being a demon. But, Sulfur had a good feeling that this was going to work out.
Shīre shook more at the mention of demons from hell and what-not. Her mother had always warned her about such creatures, and often feared that one might kill her in her sleep.

At that final thought, she took another step back and hesitated once more as she gathered the details of what he was saying.

"I-I've never m-met one..."
"Yeah you have, I mean, you know me." Checking his dream watch once again, he realized how fast time moves in the dream world. His smile faded into a neutral face, looking into Shīre's with his own, crimson ones. "Do humans have eyes like mine? I thought only some demons did."

KG woke up to the dischordant blaring of traffic. His eyes fluttered open, rolling to the side. A piece of paper was stuck to his chest. Groggily holding the note up to his face, it appeared to be form the other demon he'd met the previous day. Huh. At least the kid was going to a less populated area. Hopefully he'd just get pinned as the villiage kook. Demons like that would have a hard time staying off the radar. Or better yet, out of a mental institution. Sulfur Blackbody. That was a new name.

KG pushed himself up up using his hands, inhaling deeply.
"New day! Yea baby! Time to..." Well. For the first time in a long time, KG was at a loss. What was it time for? Shrugging, he swung his legs over the edge of the building, sliding down the gutter with the grace of a cat. Landing feet first, KG straightened himself, ran a hand through his hair, and stepped out into the street.

So many people! So many sights! So many sounds! The smells had a bit to be desired, but that was besides the point. Shaking his head, KG decided to find somewhere with more appeasing sensations. A bakery! Surely he'd find one here. Sticking his hands in his pockets and rolling down the street, a smirk on his face and a glint in his eye, KG ocated the nearest bakery.

The Pastry Place, a flashing neon sign out front read, proclaiming the shops presence to all. Perfect. Opening the door, a little bell rang. Strangely, the wafting atmosphere was not warm, not aromatic. Squinting his eyes a bit, he looked around. The bakery was not exactly up to par. The tables were dirty, and the windows were grimy at the edges. The person behind the counter looked sullen and dull. "Hello, how is your day, this is the pastry place, the place where pastries are great." She droned monotonely. KG stepped up to the counter, and then it hit him like a ton of bricks.

Not the counter. What it was time to do. KG's smirk returned.
"You don't look too happy." he observed. The woman rolled her eyes. "Are you gonna order something or what, I don't have time to deal with wise-cracks." This time KG rolled his eyes. "Allright, I'd like a bakers dozen doughnuts. Glazed." The woman turned to the stove and began rolling dough. "Come back in half an hour to fourty five minutes." KG waited until the woman had shaped the dough into his doughnuts, then snapped his fingers. Immediately, 13 glazed doughnuts were in their place. The woman's eyes widened, and she turned around. "You don't look to happy." KG repeated. The woman looked to the doughnuts, then to KG. "I'd bet you fell on tough times, huh?" The woman narrowed her eyes. "You some sort of magician?" She asked. KG shook his head. "Ahhhahah! No, no." KG laughed, "I'm not a magician. I... Well, you could say i'm a businessman." The woman raised her eyebrows. "Well looks like you could do alot more than make deals." "Funny you should mention it," KG said, leaning over the counter, "Because that's exactly what i've come to do."

With a flick of his wrist, an ornate piece of parchment materialized in his hand.
"I'd like to make your business whole again. You'd be pretty well off, pretty fortunate. And all you need to do, is sign here." The woman narrowed her eyes, snatching the contract out of the air. "This seems illegal... WHAT?!? If I die within ten days my soul is forfeit?!?" KG shook his head. "Relax, relax. I've just got a sense of humor. You don't really believe you'll die in ten days, do you?" The woman shook her head. "Well you were right, I am kind of a magician. It makes deals more entertaining, the glamor, the magic." The woman shook her head again. "But... This... You aren't lending me any money. How is this supposed to work?" Now it was KG's turn to shake his head. "Well if it doesn't happen, there's no risk to you. Really, if you don't believe anything's going to happen, what's the harm in sighning off? another flick of his wrist, and a pen appeared in KG's hand. The woman nodded and shrugged. "Call me a fool, but here's one to wishful thinking." Taking the pen, the woman scrawled her sig on the dotted line. KG smiled. "Thank you for your business," he grinned, stepping out the door. The woman kept going about her business.

Continuing his walk down the street, KG snapped his fingers again, one of the doughnuts at the bakery appearing in his hand. Taking a bite, the fallen angel couldn't help but smirk. He knew what he was going to do, what it was time for, here in Kirnas. He was going to make deals.
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Shīre was now completely terrified at the idea that this boy was a demon, and she started to flip on the inside. This was just too freaky for her.

Finally, she awoke, screaming and falling out of the couch onto the ground with a loud thud. The blanket was barely covering her side which was red from the sudden pull from the letter from the furniture.

Shīre was holding the back of her head, for she just hit it as she fell, and small curse words could be heard uttered under her breath. She was scared of her dream, not sure whether to think it real or not.
Sulfur was shot out of Shire's dream head first into a wall. He slowly slid down, muttering something to himself about why Earth is obsessed with launching him to and fro. He brushed the dust off himself and stood, looking at her, again shoeless and green haired self, on the floor. Ah, so that part WASN'T a dream. He apologized frantically, and even offered to make her tea. He wanted to help her up... BUUUUT he was scared he was gonna get bashed on the head. And Satan knows he's been hit there way too much in the past few hours.
The city. Mitsue had only heard stories about them. There were tales of beautiful neon-lit buildings that stretched far across the horizon, the streets lined with black rock and white dust. But the bustling people, the blaring lights and the monotonous din were things that he hadn't been told about. Walking down the busy street, he followed a morphing line of others trying to go in the same direction as him, but the line seemingly melted away and the street became a sea of bodies, sweeping Mitsue onto a more clear road. He sighed in exhaustion, thinking irritably

Well, how am I gonna get anywhere when there's this huge mess!?

He stretched his arms out and shook them angrily in the direction he had just been ejected from. He was not enjoying the Overworld so far...


Tired and somewhat hungry, Mitsue began to search for a place to eat. Demons traditionally don't eat food (other than succubi and vampires, but their not technically demons), but Mitsue - being a disciple - had to eat to keep his energy up and heal his weakness. He found a small patisserie that he recognised for the pastry sign on the front of the building. He gently pushed the varnished wood door open, a small bell ringing as he stepped through the doorway. One of the patrons, a young girl, glanced away from the window for a moment to inspect him, raised a slight eyebrow at his attire, then returned to the glass. Mitsue - slightly unnerved by the girl - quickly walked to the counter. The vendor gave him a kind greeting and asked him what he would like. Mitsue tapped his foot while he thought, his decision-making rusty due to the aeons in Hell.

"Um... Can I get 5 sweet loaves?" He eventually asked. The vendor looked confused for a moment, then laughed softly and replied

"You mean the brioche? Coming right up. Take a seat."

Nodding awkwardly, Mitsue sat down on a chair next to the window, sighed and gazed out the glass. The cloud had turned stony and a light shower began to fall upon the concrete. The water droplets raced down the glass and blurred the window, soon making it impossible for Mitsue to see out. He gave up and relaxed for a moment, his eyes staring up at the cream-coloured ceiling. It had been thousands of years since he had walked on ground that wasn't on fire, but it wasn't what he expected. The looks on the people he passed on the street were stiff, almost statue-like. It worried him. Mitsue sighed once again at that thought, but before he could continue it, a bell rang. Not the door bell, but a bell he had seen on the counter.

"Excuse me sir, you're pastries are ready!"

The vendor beamed at him, which lightened his mood a little. He got up from his seat, took the bag of pastries, sat back down and began to eat. They were very sweet, a taste that Mitsue hadn't tasted for a long time. They only had stones and rocks to eat in Hell, so he hadn't eaten in a while.

"Hm... What to do next?" He asked himself after finishing his meal. He wasn't entirely sure on what to actually do on Earth, since his master hadn't called upon him recently. "Oh!" He exclaimed, remembering something he had to do. Mitsue pulled his sleeve up and examined his arm. Large, swirling markings, which could be mistaken for tattoos, glowed and pulsed an alien green. He smiled contentedly: His body had healed. Unsure of what to do next, Mitsue pulled his sleeve back over his arm and sat back in his seat, relaxing quietly as he pondered on his next move.
GreenIV said:
Sulfur was shot out of Shire's dream head first into a wall. He slowly slid down, muttering something to himself about why Earth is obsessed with launching him to and fro. He brushed the dust off himself and stood, looking at her, again shoeless and green haired self, on the floor. Ah, so that part WASN'T a dream. He apologized frantically, and even offered to make her tea. He wanted to help her up... BUUUUT he was scared he was gonna get bashed on the head. And Satan knows he's been hit there way too much in the past few hours.
Shaking and muttering curse words to herself was the only thing she could do, but when she heard the same boy's voice from the dream, she shot up and jumped behind the couch with an audible sqeak of fear.

All of this that was happening made her want to go back home and ask her mother about the demon she encountered. Questions she would ask ran through her head, filling her with a bit of anger at the whole ordeal. Why is he even here?! What does he want with me?! Doesn't he have other souls to torture?!

Shīre had no idea what to do. Her mind was giving off the sense that self defense was a key thing if he came any closer to her, but she knew that would only make things worse. If I hurt him he might hurt me...just how these things work...

Now she wanted to be on the safe edge and peered around the left side of the couch to see the boy that was in her dream, which made her want to scream from absolute terror. All that she did was stutter and shake. "W-why are you here...!"

Sulfur then recalled how he even got into this world in the first place. He was walking around Hell, his hands in his pockets while whistling. Many of the demons there wanted to ridicule him for reaping no souls that month, but they were too afraid to. In Sulfur's mind, he didn't quite see a point in it. They're already dead, why couldn't they just be made demons and move on with our existence? He eventually landed in Hell's equivalent of a pub, everyone was with at least one other person except him. Sitting down on a crimson red chair made of who-knows-what, he took out a standard demon's watch. Since he had confirmed time moved different in dreams, he had to figure out a way to detect time while inside one. He spent about two hours, no one so much as breathing near him, making this watch what he called a dream watch. Now, to test it.

Sulfur scanned the room for any drunk pass-outs. It wasn't long before he saw one.
DREAM ENTER. Sulfur appeared in a room which didn't look demonic at all. Was it human? A soft couch sat in the middle of the room. A television was playing some irrelevant program, the visuals looked human-like as well. The walls were painted a periwinkle color, and there was oak wood doorways on both left and ride sides. However, Sulfur couldn't go through them for one reason or another; most likely because the dream didn't extend that far. The strange part was that there was no humans nor demons in this room. Sulfur checked his watch, and it had worked successfully. But this dream was too interesting to leave. Unfortunately, the demon woke up and Sulfur backflipped out of that dream back onto his feet.

Sulfur then swiftly walked out, hoping the demon didn't notice him. Was he a human or something? That was such a weird dream. For a few meters, Hell was normal. Then, the very fabric of the underworld began shaking. A massive portal had opened one meter in front of him. No way... Hell is being torn apart, so this portal to Earth opened... I promise you, drunk demon, I will find out what your dream means and will sate it. Sulfur jumped into the portal.

Looking at Shīre with a rather melancholy face, he said
"Not to torture you or anyone else." He grabbed her arm, suddenly a lot more serious. "Come with me. We're going to Kirnas. I can't dream hop or shadow walk, but I can at least walk you there. If you keep panicking, I can put you to sleep."

KG was having a good time, munching on his doughnut, familiarizing himself with the city of Kirnas. He passed the bakery once or twice, and sure enough, a couple of people had allready stopped in. KG narrowed his eyes at a hoded figure who entered, but decided to mind his own business.

"Still got it," KG smiled to himself. His little miracle had worked. The bakery had seen more business this afternoon than it had the past three months. There was, however, the problem of how he was to get the womans soul. Violent murder had never really been his thing, and that was the only way he could think of getting a return on his investment at the moment. Deep in thought, KG decided to stroll through the park.

The park was nice. A bit quieter than the rest of the city, but there were some barking dogs, playing with eachother in the grass while their owners read magazines, or sipped coffee. Some chatted with eachother, seemingly negligent to their pets. A few people were jogging, pained expressions of physical exercize on their faces. There were some walkers amoungst them as well, simply following the paths that KG himself did. A strikingly beautiful girl sat under a tree on a bench, reading a book, the tip of her glasses between her lips.

It was picturesque, really. She had long hair pulled into a ponytail draped over her shoulder, a brunette. Couldn't have been a day older than 20. Upon closer observation from KG's keen demon eyes, the glasses were actually shades. She wore a pretty white blouse that ended in frills at her elbows, and a pink skirt that ended just above her knees. Her legs were crossed, a pair of black heels on her feet. As she chewed on the ends of her shades, she bounced one of her legs on top of the other, her beautiful brown eyes lulled back and forth as she read. KG stepped closer, thinking about sitting next to her, but then someone bumped into him, knocking him hard in the shoulder, then continuing past like nothing had happened.

"Bruh! Check yoursel-" KG's voice stopped, his eyes widened. The man had turned around, and as much as KG regretted it, he recognized him. The figure had short blonde hair that stuck up at an angle in the front, but was well cropped and stayed off his ears and back of his neck. His eyes were a warm blue, with a smile to them, even though his face was always straight, and usually free of emotion. His lips were pale, almost the same shade as his face. This man wore khakkis so light they were almost white, a white t-shirt, and a brown leather jacket with the collar turned up. His face was cleanshaven, but a slight bit of stubble shone where his sideburns would be. He looked well kept, as opposed to KG's dark jeans, black and red hoodie, and toussled white hair. The man stood with his feet apart, his legs making an upside down V, one hand in his back pocket, the other on his belt. KG knew this man. However, this was no man. This was Raguel, archangel of justice, fairness, harmony, and vengeance. KG's former commanding officer.

KG kept his cool, narrowing his eyes. He stepped forwards slightly with his foot, forming an 'L' stance, leaning back with his right shoulder. KG took his right hand out of his pocket up to his thumb, letting the other dangle at his side. KG said nothing. No words were needed. He was waiting for Raguel to make the first move.
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Shīre felt herself tense up and flipped on the inside. She felt sick with fear as the demon before her grabbed her arm and stared at her with such a...saddening expression...

At that note, she relaxed and softened her gaze, staring back in a bit of shock. Her mother had told her that Demons couldn't feel anything but anger and/or happiness. "With an evil twist in 'happy'" she remembered her mother saying. But, for whatever reason, this demonic creature was capable of more emotions and feelings than everyone had given them credit for.

Now she was almost completely calm, but not totally unguarded. She still wanted to see if she could trust him.

Wait...did he just say he wants me to go to Kirnas...?

Now she was not very pleased. She barely knew this guy and he already wanted to try and drag her places. She kept recalling different things that her mother has said about such beings, and the feeling of uneasiness washed over her again.

"I don't think so..."

With that she pulled her arm away with a bit of a struggle. She didn't trust him, especially because he was a demon. Maybe that was a bit rude of her to think, but she wanted to be safe. There was nothing more unsafe than having a person you never know want to drag you somewhere.

Sulfur understood why she said what she said and did what she did. Least she calmed down. A wide smile had returned to his boyish face, his crimson eyes returning to an ecstatic state. She can't be that much older than me. Meaning I know just the amount! "Listen, Shīre, I apologize." Sulfur's right arm began to dematerialize into crimson gas. He pointed his arm to her, and the gas made a ring around her head. "Forgive me, but I gotta go somewhere and I kinda feel that you're important. I'm not usually wrong with these types of things, and there's most likely more friendly humans and demons in a big city like Kirnas. In the name of friendship!" The gas flew into her nose and mouth, his arm materializing as it was happening. Within a few seconds, she was out cold. He grabbed her and put her on his shoulder. He knew that walking on Earth was way easier than walking on Hell, so theoretically it shouldn't be that hard to run there. Ten kilometers? Pfft, no biggy.

When Sulfur had finally arrived to Kirnas, he nearly passed out. It did only take him an hour, but the demon was extremely exhausted because of it. Gently putting his human on a bench, he fell to the ground panting like a mad-demon.
"FOOD!" His yell was loud enough to echo to all of Kirnas' corners, except this really only got people to look at him as if he was drunk and/or insane. He hadn't eaten since he left Hell, not to mention slept. He rolled over onto his back in the soft park grass, a gentle breeze causing the blades to flow and leaves to emit noise. The cloudless blue sky was a pleasantly new sight to him, and he thoroughly enjoyed lying there, despite being fatigued.
When she stared at the boy as his hand disappeared into nearly dust, her eyes had widened in shock. She didn't know what to do now as the fog surrounded her head in a ring that looked like a halo. Even worse that Sulfur was apologizing to her, and smiling...she knew nothing good was going to happen. 'In the name of friendship' he said.

The smoke-like substance floating around her guided itself to her nose and lips, causing her to go completely stiff in fear. This was horrible for her as she had never dealt with this in her entire exsistance. However, the gas soon took effect and blurred her vision, and all the saw was the same Sulfur before passing out.


It seemed like only a second that she was asleep before she awoke on a bench to the sound of someone shouting something, but the word was not understandable because she was too groggy and numb from the fog that she remembered Sulfur using.

Now she definitely wasn't a very happy camper. She rubbed her head to get rid of the feeling of someone crushing her skull, but never sat up. She looked around for a moment and noticed that there were other people around, most looking somewhat in her direction, but not actually at her.

Things were getting worse now, and she couldn't imagine her poor mother being so worried because she's not home yet...

A sigh escaped her and she closed her eyes and rested her forearm over them to block out the sun and to hide her emotions that we're starting to overwhelm and escape her.

KG didn't react as he heard a familiar voice. A voice from last night. God, damn it, it was the crazy-ass demon he'd pulled out of the grocery store. Sulfur. Sulfur Blackbody. KG might have been a fallen angel, but he could clearly tell where Sulfur was behind him due to his keen sense of hearing. Acting like a drunk. Jesus.

Raguel sighed, and took a step towards Sulfur, but of course, he'd have to step past KG. He took one step, not directly at his former charge, but KG stepped in his way. Raguel raised his eyebrows and replaced his foot where it had previously been.
"So. We're being unselfish? Self sacrificing? A 'Don't mess with my family' kinda thing?" Raguel said calmly. KG said nothing. His silence was something Raguel was familiar with, and knew to take very seriously. The archangel raised his hands, palms up. "Come on, Kilo. You don't have a weapon. You know dark magic can't hurt me. What you gonna do?" KG took his right hand out of his pocket, closing his fist, then opening it. The tips of his fingers had a blue-ish tint to them, and his eyes glowed dimly, the right one blue, the left one red. Now Raguel, who had helped fit KG with his armor, immediately recognized that KG's gauntlets had been bound with his flesh. It must have happened when he fell from heaven. This wasn't, however, dark magic, it was light. Raguel's eyebrows rose even higher, and KG stared at him defiantly.

Raguel realized that KG had the ability to do him physical harm, and may as well have intended to. So he tried to reason with him.
"Kilo, talk to me. Come on. You've fallen, and you can't get up. You couldn't beat me before, you can't beat me now. Has hell really made you this proud?" KG pulled back his lips in a viscious snarl. "Does Micah still have the scars? Is Luka still blind? Is Rihas still missing an arm?" KG replied. Raguel pushed his lip out in thoughtful poutyness, nodding. It was true, it had taken half a batallion to detain KG.

"Look man," Raguel said, "I came here to... Well, you know what I do." KG didn't react. Of course he knew. Raguel's job was to send unworthy souls to hell due to god's bidding. "You're at risk too. You're a fallen angel. More of my boys are all over the earth, mopping up after whatever happened." KG shrugged. "Thanks for the head's up," he said unceromoniously. He still showed no sign of backing down.

Seeing that he wouldn't be able to get past KG without a fight, Raguel ran a hand through his hair exasperatedly.
"Look Kilo, in all honesty, I could take you right now. But kiddo, you're on earth. That means you have another chance. You're on the right track, He saw what you did for that lady in the bakery earlier. God loves you, he'll take you back." KG gritted his teeth. "No thanks. I'm calling bullshit on that one. And even if I did believe it, I don't want to go back. It's boring upstairs. And you're too restricted. You are right, I'm on earth. That means I get to fly, doing whatever I want, wherever I want, however I want. With nobody to call me in for a worship session to someone who doesn't even deserve it." "Aww, kiddo..."

"DON'T call me kiddo. Or Kilo." The veins in KG's hand stood out, glowing blue. "I'm KG. The fallen angel. And if you think you can take me on alone, 'friend of god,' then just go ahead and try."

Raguel wiped his face, sighing exasperatedly.
"Dude, you weigh like, two pounds, I've got you beat in size by miles." A low growl escaped KG's throat. You did NOT insult his size, and you did NOT insult KG's weight. "This kilogram is more than enough to send your angelic ass packing. Now I'm gonna give you thirty seconds before I start swinging. So turn around, walk away, and tell Jesus I said hello." KG flexed his ohter hand, claws visibly showing at the end of his fingertips. "And be sure to tell God I still want equal rights."

KG wasn't sure if it was his agressiveness, his show of pysical capabilities, or the venom dripping from his words, but Raguel did as he said, turning around and walking away, albeit after a moment of staring. KG lowered his hands, the blue light finally dimming, his eyes returning to their normal, murky brown. He turned his back as well, noticing that the girl he'd seen sitting under the tree had just got up and left, and was in the process of walking away. Turning his gaze to where Sulfur was panting on the ground, KG noticed he had brought someone who was currently on a bench next to him. Someone who was
not a fellow demon. A groan escaped his lips, and he facepalmed.
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Sitting up after a long thought about food, Sulfur noticed Shīre's wakening. Guessing she probably wasn't too happy with him, he kept his demonic big mouth shut. Much like a zombie, he got up and walked slowly to the nearest cafe. Entering the grey and black marble tiled floors, looking at the humans conversing happily and eating crumpets, he rushed to the counter. The girl there looked slightly terrified, but still asked what he wanted. "FOOD!" Reaching over the counter and alternating hands to grab food and eat it(occasionally putting some in his pockets), making a large mess of the place, and terrifying everyone there was his current project. For one reason or another, no one thought to call the cops or stop him. The power of a nightmare demon has finally been unleashed! Muhaha! Yes! Sulfur BlackBody is truly a great demon feared by God himself!

Thoughts of his demon friend were in the back of his gluttonous mind. He was a fallen angel kind, wasn't he? Seemed like he considered Sulfur a friend. Although this was in the very far back of the nightmare demon's mind, it still excited him he had a friend. Maybe two if Shīre forgives him for moving her unwillingly. But right now, restoring his energy was top priority. Mmm.... human food is so good... Hell's Pub serves okay food too, but it's not even half as amazing and awesome as this stuff.
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Shīre laid on the bench, not moving at all. She needed to calm herself before she even attempted walking home.

There was so much that has happened only in about a 16 hour period of time, and quite frankly, she hated it. Sure, there wasn't a whole lot going on at this point in time for anyone living in Giru, but taking a drastic step as to discuss the thing with the market with a security officer, find a demon scoping around in her dreams only to find out that he was actually a real freaking demon, then be knocked out by the same guy and be dragged to another city...

And her poor mother...she could stop thinking about her...

Shīre realized a while ago that her mother would know she's missing by now and start to flip.

To Shīre, the world has just become a monster.

Seeing that Sulfur had gone off in search of "FOOD" and left his human friend on the bench, KG looked over at her. What the hell was this guy doing? At least she was incapacitated... Oh no she wasn't. She was stirring. Squatting down, he observed the girl. Green hair, a youthful face. Was Sulfur an incubus? The initial "what the fuck" moment passed as the girls eyes flew open, then snapped shut and she threw her arm up to shield herself from the sun.

KG initially recoiled, but that would be a bad descision. This girl was lost, what was she going to do? Did she even know where she was? KG shook his head. It wasn't his problem, he didn't care. Standing up, he turned to go before the girl noticed him.

But something tugged him back. Curling his upper lip in an expression of distaste, he turned back. Maybe it was the thing with Raguel, maybe it was something else. But there was still that little bit of an angel left in him. How he hated that bit of angel left from his past. 'Kilo'. But hey, the demon side of him saw a necessity in talking to the girl. Who knew what Sulfur had shown/told her? He didn't want word spreading around that there was something supernatural about the kid. Or himself. The government would crack down on them both like a bear trap on an unwary hunters foot. Yea. Better make sure this girl either thought she was halucinating, drunk, or crazy.

Squatting down again, he shook the girl gently by the shoulder. "Hey," he asked as gently as possible, "You allright?"
Shīre took her time before looking at the boy next to her, the one that shook her, between her fingers.

She was almost glaring, and was obviously not happy.

"I'm fine...just emotional right now..."

That wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the truth either. She indeed was emotional, but maybe not ok.

If anything, she was scared and worried. Scared because if one demon was here, then there were most likely more, and worried because she had a feeling that a demon might get to her mother...

(There is really not too much to write)

KG almost breathed a sigh of releif. That was good. Somebody with a messed up state of mind would be easier to convince that they were just imagining things. He'd seen some angles do this before, after the fall of the roman empire, back when people were still dressing up in tin cans and bashing eachothers skulls in with sharpened hunks of metal. It was time to use the 'it was all a dream' gag.

"Heh, well I'll say," KG chuckled, trying to give off a goodnatured impression, "You kept wimpering about broken grocery stores, nightmares, and demons." KG sat next to the girl on the bench, resting his hands on his knees. "Not sure what you had going on up in that head of yours, but about those nightmares, it looked like you were having a nasty one." He used his busines voice, the voice he spoke with when explaining a particularly shady contract to someone, the same voice he used with the owner of the pastry shop earlier that day. "And look," The fallen angel said, pointing at the sky, "The sun hasn't even begun to set yet, it's not even seven o'clock. But man, it never gets dark in the city. Standing up, KG stuck his hands in his pockets. "Look's like you've had a rough day though, I'd head home if I were you. Do you live around here? I could give you some money for a cab."
Marilyn, twisted her way through the park, silently fuming. She had spent months working on the new artwork for the company website and her father had just tossed it in the trash like it was so much useless paper. Sighing heavily, she runs a hand through her messy raven locks and kicks at a small rock, sending it skittering through the grass. Why did she even bother? No matter how hard she worked, it was never going to be good enough for her sour old man.

Her pace slows as she feels her feet hit the pavement and she takes the time to gather herself. Ah, here we go then, time to put that mask back on girlie. She mentally quips as she once again draws her bulletproof persona around her like a warm and familiar blanket. Continuing her stroll up the sidewalk, she slips on a smug grin as she passes the group by the bench. So intent on avoiding conversation that she doesn't even notice as her sunglasses drop from her pocket to clatter across the ground.
Shīre looked at the person in front of her that read she understood his bullshit.

"Listen, I was dreaming earlier..."

She stood up from the bench and glared at him, really not having it today.

"And most of what has been going on is true...there is no 'dream' crap going on...There is no way that I would be here, on a bench, and ran into a flipping demon...that doesn't happen..."

Shīre was about to snap at this point, but she heard something fall and looked over to see a pair of glasses, then a girl walking off just a bit ahead.

One last glare at the boy and she motioned that the conversation was done, for now at least; so, she rushed over and picked up the glasses and then goes over to the girl who had dropped them. Tapping her shoulder to get her attention, she waited for her to turn and look at her before handing her the glasses that had fallen to the ground.

"I believe these belong to you. Happen to see you drop them."

After essentially emptying the cafe, Sulfur ran back to the park. However, his adventure there was quite interesting. Since he didn't know Kirnas at all, he frequently went through dark alleys thinking they were shortcuts. Many were just dead ends, but a particular one is where a gang holes up. Since Sulfur looks rather puerile, they thought he'd be an easy target. "Hey, kid, you got any money on you? If you give it to us, we'll let you pass." Sulfur, completely unintimidated and ignorant, shook his head, saying if he had money he'd pay the cafe, because "human food is really good". The one who spoke to him summoned another pair and they all maliciously grinned, brandishing numerous weapons. Sulfur, still ignorant, put his fist on top of his open palm and said "Oh! I get it! You three want human food, too! Don't worry, I kept some instead of eating everything! Have some!" Giving the trio two crumpets each, they almost burst into tears of joy. Shocked by Sulfur's utter kindness and understanding, they escorted him back to the park.

However, on their way there he ran into another group of criminals. Yet again being threatened, Sulfur put on sunglasses and snapped his fingers, his three buds walking up behind him snapping every other step. "You picked on the wrong kid... I'm the leader of... THE BLACKBODY FOOD GIVERS!" Sulfur and his friends, in short, kicked the shit out of the other criminals. Once the quartet made it to the edge of the park, all four of them were hugging and crying. "I'M SORRY I MUST DEPART MY DEAREST FRIENDS, CONTINUE TO DO GOOD IN MY PLACE!" The three gave heartfelt promises to Sulfur, and walked off. Wiping his tears, he ran towards the center of the park, yelling and waving, "Hey demon-bro! Shīre! Other human girl I don't know! I'm back!"
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She turns with surprise as someone touches her shoulder, mouth wide and arm raised in preparation to give someone a good and proper tongue lashing. Seeing the green haired girl holding her glasses out to her, she snaps her mouth shut and reaches to accept them. "Mm, thanks." She says curtly, the edge of her mouth curling into a self satisfied smirk as she reaches into her black, leather jacket and pulls out a twenty, offering it over to the girl.

Putting the glasses away, she raises a brow and studies the strange girl in front of her. Is her hair...green?! Snickering softly she smirks and rubs the back of her head. "Ah, nice hair kid, I really dig it! Where'd-" Her words trail off as yet another new face enters the picture in a loud manner. Demon? Other human? What drugs is this dude on? She quietly muses as her gaze lazily rolls between the green haired girl and the loud, dark haired boy coming toward them. Well if nothing else, this should be interesting. Who knows, maybe they're in a band or something. Cocking her hip to the side and turning her head with feigned indifference, she quietly waits for the boy to catch up and appease her curiosity.

KG was shocked, to say the least, but didn't show it. The girls outburst was warrented, but KG made it seem like it wasn't. With a puff of laughter, KG waved her off. "Pshh. Sorry, I didn't realize you were nuts, as well as depressed." At that moment, she seemed to be done with him too, as she picked up some sunglasses for someone else. Hmm. Well, at least she didn't think he was anything special. That could have changed when Sulfur showed up. "Demon-bro". What the actual hell. Either way, it was time to split. slinking off into the distance, KG stepped onto the sidewalk at the edge of the park, melding into the crowd.

Now. Raguel had found him. Now God probably knew that KG'd survived hell. In a manner of speaking. Raguel had told him there were more angels here on earth, no doubt looking for the other demons. But the fact that an archangel was here in Kirnas, damn. That must've meant there were some high value targets in the city. Aside from a rebellious fallen angel such as himself. KG'd have to watch out for those too. And where was the big man in all of this? Not the big man, the other big man. Satan, Lucifer, The Devil, Red Dude, all those names, call it what you want. Wherever he was, he certainly wouldnt be happy about all his underlings being captured by angels and taken to heaven only to be violently cast down. KG didn't know the guy personally, but when he put a bounty on a certain succubi who'd tried to seduce him and get benefits from it, the amount of fakes turned in to him for the reward he offered were astronomical. The first few times it happened, Lucifer found it mildly amusing, but then his throne room smelled like blood and saliva for the next few weeks. Needless to say, he wasn't happy. KG could only imagine what would happen next.

So this brought up the problem of getting more power. KG could hold his own, sure. Even Raguel swerved out of the way to avoid a fight with him. He was only happy he hadn't run into Gabriel, now
THAT would have ended badly. So how would KG get mor power? He'd make more contracts. Take more souls. Speaking of which, he had nine more days to collect on the woman in the pastry shop. Snapping his fingers, a metaphorical lightbulb going off in his head, KG knew just how he'd do it, and add to his soul count here on earth at the same time.
Shīre noticed the 20 and only looked back at the girl in front of her. She made a gesture for her to keep it, and then thought about the next comment the girl made.

"My hair...?"

Shīre, pulled a lock of hair from the side and looked at it. Then she remembered how everyone's always noticing her hair first, and her shoeless feet.

"Eh...it's not that special. Just a little, uh...different."

Shīre turned as she heard her name being called by a familiar voice, and she knew exactly who it was. As her eyes laid upon the boy from before, Sulfur, she couldn't help put place her thumb and index finger on the sides to the bridge of her nose and close them.

Too much going on today...I have to find a way to get home or contact mum...

She pulled her hand away from her face and looked directly at Sulfur a bit seriously.

"Hey, Sulfur."

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